The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 627: Road to wealth

She knew exactly how much money Li Ruobing owed the other party. As soon as she heard that the money she paid for doing summer work was not enough even the interest, she suddenly became anxious.

"I only owe you fifty thousand yuan." Li Ruobing defended loudly.


Suddenly, the other party slapped her face with a slap, and then said: "Bitch, you dare to yell, I tell you, from now on, you will pay us 100,000 yuan with interest. If you pay it back today No, just wait."

"Why so many." Li Ruobing was obviously reluctant to admit such a huge debt.

"It's all said with interest!" The other party sneered.

"That's too exaggerated. In less than a month, you actually rose so much!" Li Ruobing was anxious.

"This is loan shark!" The other party sneered and said, "Do you understand what is meant by loan shark?"

"I don't know what a loan shark is. I only know that according to the agreement between us, even if the interest is only five thousand yuan in one month, how can you count it as fifty thousand yuan?" Li Ruobing asked the other party.

"Hey, your algorithm is five thousand, but our algorithm is fifty thousand!" The tattooed man sneered, and said: "Our algorithm is called compound interest, which is the legendary benefit. So, see for yourself. Let's do it."

"If you want to do this, then I won't pay it back." Li Ruobing refused to admit the other party's algorithm.

Unexpectedly, the other party was not in a hurry at all, but smiled: "You don't have to pay it back. We will take you to the nightclub to sell meat. Believe it or not?"

"You!" Li Ruobing became anxious when he heard: "I will call the police!"

"Haha..." Hearing this, the tattooed man suddenly raised his head and laughed, and then said: "Call the police? Yes, you can call the police at any time. It is best to call the police now so that we have a sense of accomplishment. Go ahead. , Call the police!"

When Li Ruobing heard this, his whole body was dumbfounded.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that the other party is a gangster, how could he be afraid of calling the police? Therefore, Li Ruobing has a kind of despair in his heart, a kind of despair that makes the sky fail and the earth should not.

She hurriedly said: "Even if you want me to pay back the money, then you should let me go out to raise money? You won't let me raise money, how can I pay you back?"

"We have given you a long time." The man sneered and said: "You will pay us back a month ago, but this month, if you ignore it, you will ignore us at all. You Say... what do you think?"

Li Ruobing frowned, then said: "I'm at school, where do you want me to go to raise money!"

"Then I will tell you a good way now, do you want to listen?" The tattooed man smiled.

"What do you want to do?" Li Ruobing looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't want to do anything!" The tattooed man smiled, and then said: "I just provide you with a way to make money!"

"How to get rich?" Li Ruobing asked in confusion.

"It's very simple, it's selling meat!" The tattooed man smiled and said, "In this way, I will take you to a place to sell. I count you one thousand yuan at a time. How? As long as you are honest and obedient, it will not be a month , The 100,000 yuan will be paid off soon."

Li Ruobing hesitated, she still shook her head and said, "!"

"No?" The tattooed man looked at each other suspiciously, and then said, "How dare you refuse me?"

"I don't want to sell meat!" Li Ruobing shook his head and said, "You can give me other jobs. It doesn't matter no matter how hard or tired I am!"

"Other than that, there is no other way!" The tattooed man sneered, and said: "This kind of work comes in fast, and it can allow you to pay off the money in a month. Why don't you want it? ?"

"I don't want to do this kind of thing." Li Ruobing shook his head.

"Hmph!" The tattooed man sneered, and said: "You don't want to pretend to be a Virgin's watch here. You don't sell yourself? Haha, don't you do it with your boyfriend? Who do you do or not, it's the same anyway. Why bother What?"

"Can that be the same?" Li Ruobing frowned.


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked.

"Who?" the tattooed man asked.

"Brother, the monkey king is here!" A younger brother's voice came from the door.

The tattooed man was taken aback for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll be here soon."

After finishing speaking, the tattooed man stood up and said to Li Ruobing: "You'd better think about it. Either pay the money quickly or sell meat. Otherwise, I will make you look good!"

The tattooed man dropped such a sentence, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of the tattooed man, Li Ruobing felt sad and sad.

She never expected that she would be scammed again. Last time, I was almost in danger because of naked loans. If it weren't for Xiao Han, I'm afraid that those people would take me to a nightclub to sell meat. But this time, I ran into trouble and borrowed from them again. I didn't expect that I was cheated by my boyfriend, and I couldn't pay 50,000 yuan. The opponent pointed the finger at him again.

Li Ruobing was very sad inside.

In fact, this time I asked the other party for a loan of 50,000 yuan, all because of the needs of my boyfriend.

Li Ruobing's boyfriend is Liu Yanping. Is a senior student. There are two main reasons why he wants a loan. One is because the other party has graduated from the senior year and has not found a suitable job, so he can only find a way to start a business. Second, because the other party knew that Li Ruobing had always liked Xiao Han. And Li Ruobing also told himself that Xiao Han opened the Hanmen restaurant in the university town.

In the absence of a job, he can only find a way to start a business. He believes that what Xiao Han can do, why can't he do it? Therefore, he asked Li Ruobing to borrow 50,000 yuan to start a business.

However, when Liu Yanping entered society, he discovered the cruelty of this world. The investment of 50,000 yuan not only did not have a slight return, but it also suffered a mess. Not only did he lose the 50,000 yuan loaned by Li Ruobing, but he also lost the 100,000 yuan that he asked his family for, even the underwear.

Liu Yanping knew that he was not good at explaining to Li Ruobing, so he simply bought a ticket to go south and went to work in Shenzhen. He only hoped that he could quickly earn 50,000 yuan and hand it to Li Ruobing and begged her to forgive him.

Liu Yanping's trip brought endless troubles to Li Ruobing. It is precisely because of this that Li Ruobing was taken away from the dormitory.


In the night bar.

The Monkey King sat on the sofa, and Xiao Han and the Monkey King sat together. Business in the bar is pretty good. There were crowds of people, and some drug dealers were cautiously asking customers in need. Of course, their drugs are not the kind of deadly drugs, but drugs that people can enjoy spiritually. For example, the kind of laughing gas, and all kinds of morphine and ****.

The tattooed man walked out of the room, and he saw the Monkey King from a distance.

"Yo, Brother Hou." The man smiled.

"Your kid has a good business here." Monkey King smiled.

"That is!" The tattooed man nodded and said, "Isn't that the blessing of you and Master Dao?"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" The Monkey King gave him a glance, and then said, "Did you bring a female student from Mizuki University?"

"Ah..." The tattooed man hesitated and said, "Yes, it is."

"Why?" The Monkey King asked suspiciously.

"This..." The tattooed man froze for a moment, and said embarrassingly: "Isn't that because the other party owes me money? She asked me a few months ago that I borrowed a sum of money. I ran away in the summer, so I went to school and brought her over."

"Oh?" The Monkey King glanced at him suspiciously, and then said: "Then what are you going to do with it?"

"I plan to get her to sell meat in a nightclub." The tattooed man smiled and said, "Then Nizi is very beautiful and she has a good figure. I think she should be able to charge a good price, what do you think?"

The Monkey King froze for a moment, and then said, "No!"

"Huh?" The tattooed man froze for a moment, and said: "Why not? I think it's good. With her, we can support our place. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has the title of a female college student. The price starts at three thousand."

"I came to you today just to let you go!" Monkey King said.

"Brother Hou, this..." The tattooed man looked at him awkwardly, and said: "This woman is not related to you, why should you let them go? Of course, if Brother Hou let me let them go, then I will let them go, but, What you said is a bit baffling for me!"

"Although she is not close to me, but she and Xiao Han are classmates and friends." The Monkey King glanced at Xiao Han and continued: "Xiao Han has a good relationship with our Dao League, especially Dao. The Lord spoke, and you said...Do you want to let people go?"

"I want it!" The tattooed man nodded immediately, and then said: "Since Master Dao has spoken, where would I dare not let anyone go?"

"Then why are you still hesitating?" Monkey King glanced at him.

"Yes!" The tattooed man nodded hurriedly and said, "I'll go and bring her here!"

The tattooed man breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't do anything to Li Ruobing, let alone **** her directly. Otherwise, the consequences would be very serious. He has heard of Xiao Han's fame. He has heard that Xiao Han defeated the three war gods of the Sword League. After defeating King Kong, the tattooed man had to obey this point.

He hastily wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then hurriedly walked towards the room.

Li Ruobing was in the room, guarded.

"Brother, this woman is so stubborn!" The younger brother in charge of the guard just got a little frustrated. Frozen was kicked by Li Ruobing.

"Okay, get out of here!" The tattooed man glared at his younger brother, and then said, "Let her go!"

"Huh?" Not only the little brother, even Li Ruobing was a little surprised.

"Big brother, isn't it? Just let her go like this?" The younger brother was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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