The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 625: Successful operation

"Xiao Han, how is Liu Yiyi?" Wang Jinxi asked hurriedly.

"Why did you come out?" Xiao Han looked at Wang Jinxi.

"Yes!" Wang Jinxi said hurriedly: "The bone marrow has been taken out."

"I just said, taking bone marrow won't die!" Xiao Han gave him an angry glance.

Wang Jinxi hesitated, he looked at Xiao Han awkwardly, he looked a little bit hesitant, he smiled, and then said: "I didn't expect it, it seems there is nothing wrong with the body. Anyway, I don't feel any uncomfortable. !"

"That's all right!" Xiao Han glared at him, then said: "You bastard, look scared you. It seems like something."

"Hehehe..." Wang Jinxi smiled, and then said: "By the way, do you have a cigarette?"

"I don't smoke!" Xiao Han glanced at him, and then said: "He has, you ask him for it!"

Xiao Han pointed to Li Dafang.

Da Pang Li was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Get out!"

Wang Jin shrank his neck in joy, but he did not dare to speak. He hesitated, then said, "Then I will buy it myself!"

After speaking, Wang Jinxi turned and left.

Da Pang Li didn't bother to care about him, let him go out. Da Pang Li hated Wang Jinxi very much. The image left before is already preconceived. There is simply no way to change.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then asked, "You hate him?"

"Yes!" Li Da Pang nodded.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "In fact, he is not bad, but he is afraid of death."

"This guy is disgusting!" Li Da Pang snorted coldly, and said, "It's disgusting to be such a big man. So scared of death!"

"Actually, who is not afraid of death?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "You and me are the same. Both are afraid of death. It's just that we forced him to be on the operating table."

"Yeah!" When Li Dafat heard it, he seemed to feel something reasonable. However, he never wanted to change his mind, saying: "Anyway, this kid doesn't look like a good person, I don't like this kid!"

"He has already donated bone marrow, his tone should be better." Xiao Han exhorted: "Don't embarrass others too much!"

"I didn't embarrass him!" Li Da Pang shook his head, and then said: "What kind of thing is he, how can I embarrass him!"

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed.

Time passed by minute and second, quickly, and the speed passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the door of the operating room opened.

The red light went out and the green light came on.

Seeing the door of the operating room opened, Xiao Han hurriedly greeted him. Liu Yiyi's father also hurriedly stood up.

Several doctors, Professor Liu and Director Zhu, came out from inside.

"Director Zhu, how is it? How is the operation?" Liu Yiyi's father asked excitedly.

"The operation was very successful!" Director Zhu said: "However, what is more important for us now is to observe. Although the bone marrow has been transplanted successfully, the rejection reaction and some complications in the later stage are the most important."

"Yeah!" Father Liu nodded, and then said, "I see."

Director Zhu nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, let's go back to the office and discuss it carefully and see how things are going!"

"Okay, OK!" Father Liu nodded.

At this time, the surgical cart was pushed out from inside. Liu Yiyi is still under anesthetics. She lay quietly, as if she was asleep. She was lying there quietly as if she were a porcelain doll.

Father Liu ran over quickly, and then holding the surgical cart in his hand, he looked at Liu Yiyi excitedly, and then said, "Daughter, daughter..."

However, Liu Yiyi still had no way to wake up.

"Sir, his anesthetic has not disappeared!" the nurse hurriedly persuaded.

"Uh, uh!" Father Liu nodded hurriedly.

The nurse immediately pushed Liu Yiyi back to the ward.

Liu Yiyi was sent to the VIP ward. The room was big enough, there was only Liu Yiyi in it, and there was an **** bed on the side. Father Liu looked very excited on the side, watching his daughter successfully complete the operation, he was very happy and also very excited.

Xiao Han stood quietly by the bed and looked at Liu Yiyi seriously.

Liu Yiyi lay quietly.

"About how long will he be able to wake up?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Almost." The nurse replied, and then said, "Because of the operation, you still don't want to talk to her for too long. This is not good for his condition."

"I see." Xiao Han nodded.

Sure enough, the nurse was right.

More than ten minutes after returning to the ward, Liu Yiyi woke up from a coma. She opened her eyes, her eyes were a little confused, and a voice came from her ear: "Yiyi, Yiyi!"

Liu Yiyi followed the voice and looked at her curiously. It was a familiar face with a slightly gray hair. It was her father. Seeing her father's worries, she asked: "Dad, Why are you here?"

"Yeah!" Father Liu nodded, and then said: "I have been waiting for you to come out!"

"Yiyi, is there anything uncomfortable?" Xiao Han asked.

Liu Yiyi smiled, and then said: "There is no discomfort, it's good. It's just that the body feels very weak."

"I just finished the operation, this is a normal phenomenon!" Xiao Han smiled at Liu Yiyi, and then said: "You have a good rest, this time the operation was successful. So, you don't have to worry too much."

"Really?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Of course it is true!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded, then said: "Xiao Han, thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I won't be able to live."

"Silly girl, what do you tell me about this?" Xiao Han shook her hand, and then said: "Get a good rest and try to be discharged early!"

"Right!" Liu Yiyi suddenly said, "Where is the person who donated my bone marrow?"

"He?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "He is okay, he went to buy cigarettes, and I will arrange for him to go home tomorrow."

"Xiao Han, I want to thank him in person!" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han seriously.

"There is no need for this!" Xiao Han replied, and then said, "Why is this kind of thing necessary? He received the money, shouldn't it be right?"

"That also needs to thank him!" Liu Yiyi sighed and said: "Otherwise, who would like to donate bone marrow?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Liu Yiyi smiled, and then said: "So, please don't send him away first, and wait for me to get better. I thank him in person!"

"That's OK!" Xiao Han nodded.

With the persuasion of the nurse, Father Liu and Xiao Han both walked out of the ward.

At this time, Wang Jinxi, who ran out to buy cigarettes, hurried over.

"How is it, how is it?" Wang Jinxi asked hurriedly.

"You don't have to worry about this." Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "The operation was successful, so you can go back!"

"Don't go!" Wang Jinxi shook his head hurriedly, and said, "I haven't said goodbye to Girl Liu Yiyi yet. Why should I see her before leaving?"

Xiao Han looked at Wang Jinxi, and there seemed to be a suspicion in his eyes.

"Don't stare at me!" Wang Jinxi shook his head hurriedly, and then said: "I don't mean anything else, just want to be alone with her. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in this world, with a kind heart It’s like an angel. If I had known her this way, I wouldn’t have come to donate bone marrow."

"Are you afraid of death?" Xiao Han asked back.

"I must be afraid of death!" Wang Jinxi looked embarrassed, and then said, "If I wasn't afraid of death, how could I be like this? Right?"

"I understand you!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "After all, no one is afraid of death, no one wants to die. If it is me, I am afraid I will make the same choice as you. However, I will investigate myself. The truth, not superstition about what others say. Understand?"

Wang Jin looked at Xiao Han with a smile and said, "Yes, I was wrong. I shouldn't listen to others' nonsense."

"That's right!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "You really shouldn't listen to other people's nonsense."

"Oh..." Wang Jinxi sighed and said, "Yes, I was wrong."

"Since you want to say goodbye to Yiyi, don't leave!" Xiao Han glanced at him, and then said, "I will arrange a hotel for you. You can stay in the hotel first. In addition, you should contact your family first. Now, let the family members not worry!"

"I have just made a phone call when I went out!" Wang Jinxi smiled.

"How is it?" Xiao Han asked.

"The family has already called the police." Wang Jinxi said helplessly: "However, you can rest assured that I have asked them to close the case. So, there is no problem. I told them that I have donated bone marrow, but people are fine."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and smiled: "Then your family should be very happy, right?"

"Of course!" Wang Jinxi nodded, and then said: "After all, they didn't lose their lives, and they also made three million. Of course they are happy!"

"That's good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Later, Xiao Han arranged a hotel for him, let him stay in the hotel temporarily, and then contact him again.

Liu Yiyi's operation was very successful, which made Xiao Han let out a sigh of relief. I was relaxed all over. Moreover, the whole person seemed extremely relaxed. After all, everything he has been busy these days is for this thing. If this thing fails, does it mean that his busyness is wasted. Fortunately, God has eyes, and his busyness is not in vain. Liu Yiyi's operation was successful.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Liu Yiyi's condition within 24 hours after the operation was not bad, and the rejection did not occur.

Early the next morning.

Xiao Han rushed to the hospital with Wang Jinxi. After waking up, Liu Yiyi ate a lot of liquid food, including white rice porridge and some noodles. The mental condition is also good. Liu Yiyi, who was in a great mood, looked extremely happy.

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