The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 617: Go to Guangxi

Unexpectedly, he was successfully paired with Liu Yiyi's bone marrow from Z Province. This news immediately gave the Chinese bone marrow bank people hope. Everyone was excited. Everyone seemed extremely enthusiastic and excited. They soon notified Director Zhu of Z Province of the news and informed them that volunteers were willing to donate bone marrow.

In fact, Wang Jinxi was also willing to donate under the passion of propaganda.

Later, when I went home and talked to my family members, I immediately objected. The family members objected and said that donating bone marrow would shorten the life span and would be harmful to my health. And so on. Soon, Wang Jinxi gave up his willingness to donate bone marrow. Therefore, the comedy fell through.

After reading these materials, Xiao Han smiled.

Dealing with such a person is much simpler, and I am afraid that the other party has money and power, and the background is very big.

But think about it seriously, if the other party has money and rights, how can he go to the streets to donate blood? But those who have money and power are probably not interested in donating blood. After all, donating blood is harmful to a person.

Didi di...

Suddenly, the cell phone rang again, Li Da Pang called.

"Xiao Han, what do you say?" Li Da Pang asked curiously.

"I plan to go to Guangxi today!" Xiao Han said.

"Really?" Da Pang Li was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Take me there, and I will go too!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded immediately and said, "Whether you go together, you will have a companion along the way!"

"Yeah!" Da Pang Li nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Han immediately began to act, and he decisively began to pack things.

Zhang Feng on the side hurriedly asked, "Xiao Han, are you packing up your things?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, then said, "Go home!"

"Aren't you going home?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously: "Why are you leaving now?"

"Oh, it's something to go back temporarily." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Aren't you going to work at the Hanmen restaurant? The Hanmen restaurant on Zhonghuan Road has already opened. After you go there, you can directly find Manager Li Fangrui and talk to him. Said it was introduced by me."

"Good!" Zhang Feng nodded.

After Xiao Han packed up his things, he quickly left the dormitory.

Seeing Xiao Han leaving behind, the few people in the dormitory were a little surprised.

"What's wrong with this kid?" Zhang Dagu looked at Xiao Han suspiciously.

"Who knows!" Zhang Feng smiled, and then said: "Maybe someone really has something to do. Look at him in a hurry, it seems that something is really urgent."

"Hey..." Zhang Dagu sighed. He glanced at Liu Bin who was playing the game, and then said: "There is no harmony in the dormitory now!"

"Haha..." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Make them angry, they must be reconciled in the end. They are all good brothers."

"Yeah!" Zhang Dagu nodded.

Liu Bin sneered and said, "Brother, I don't know there is a saying called brother's wife, can't you be deceived?"

"Didn't people know it at the time?" Zhang Dagu advised.

"I don't know what's wrong?" Liu Bin snorted coldly, and said, "I really didn't expect that he was such a person, playing nightclubs and women outside. Playing in that kind of place. Just think about it and let people Feel disgusting!"

"Don't say that." Zhang Dagu smiled, and said: "If it is you, I am afraid you will do that too. I am afraid you will not be polite."

"Cut, am I such a person?" Liu Bin replied with disdain, and then said: "I'm a gentleman!"

In the dormitory, Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu were persuading Liu Bin. And I hope Liu Bin will not care about this matter.


After Xiao Han got out of the dormitory, he went straight to the faculty parking lot and drove out quickly.

The speed was very fast, and he rushed out in the blink of an eye.

Da Pang Li and others were waiting at the door of the Hanmen restaurant.

Seeing Xiao Han, Da Pang Li rushed over immediately. There are three strong men behind.

"Is there another person?" Xiao Han asked.

"I can't sit in the car, I told him to drive back." Li Dafang replied.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "Then let's go."

After speaking, Xiao Han drove to Guangxi immediately.

From Z province to Guangxi Liuzhou, it is about 700 kilometers away. Driving is about seven or eight hours. If you take turns driving along the way, you might be faster without taking a break. The mountain speeds all the way,

Big Fat Li and the three people behind got together and began to fuck. A person onlookers. Talking and laughing along the way is quite fun.

After four hours, the car quickly entered the territory of Guangxi. According to the address of the navigation, the car went straight along the highway. At this time, Da Pang Li was already driving, and Da Pang Li was familiar with the handling of this car, and he was a smooth ride along the way.

The BMW got off the highway from the Liuzhou highway intersection. Then all the way along the highway, head straight towards the destination.

Xiao Han already has the address of Wang Jinxi's house. From the time of departure, Xiao Han had already set Wang Jinxi's home address as the navigation address. After coming down from the highway, following the instructions on the navigation, it was only about 30 kilometers away from Wang Jinxi's home.

Wang Jinxi's family is in a county in Liuzhou.

After coming out of Liuzhou city, the speed is fast along the county road. However, after coming out of Liuzhou city, the road along the way is not smooth, even a bit muddy, and the road is very dilapidated.

"Fuck, this road is really hard to walk." Li Da Pang complained while driving.

"No!" The men playing cards behind nodded and said, "The **** is going to be broken all the way."

"Haha..." When Li Dafang heard this, he suddenly laughed: "You guys played cards all the way, who won?"

"The third child has won!" The black-clothed man yelled, "This kid has won us more than ten thousand."

"Fuck, how can there be so many!" the third child defended.

There was a sneer at the corner of Li Da Pang's mouth. He chuckled, and then said: "When we reach the destination, the youngest has to invite us to dinner."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Along the way, everyone was relatively happy.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "I'm almost at my destination, right?"

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

"There are still fifteen kilometers!" Li Da Pang said.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Da Pang's mouth. He smiled, and then said: "When we arrive, what shall we do?"

"Preliminaries first, then soldiers!" Xiao Han said, "Talk to the other party first and see what kind of conditions the other party wants!"

"What if the other lion speaks loudly?" Da Pang Li asked.

"If he dares to speak loudly, then let him go to see Marx!" Xiao Lengren snorted and said, "Besides, we have so many people here, and are you worried that the other lion will speak loudly?"

"Of course!" Li Da Pang nodded.

Xiao Han frowned, then said: "You people, one by one..."

"What's the matter?" Big Fatty Li asked.

"If the other party dares to speak loudly, then we will just kidnap him away!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Why do so many people come to eat?"

The car reached its destination soon.

The car stopped in a residential area on the scene.

A few people were so tired that they got out of the car to breathe. Da Pang Li took a cigarette in his mouth and glanced around.

This is a very old community. A few old men and old ladies outside the community are walking and chatting. Upon seeing this, Xiao Han walked over immediately, and then smiled and asked, "Auntie, do you know a person named Wang Jinxi in the community?"

"Wang Jinxi?" Several uncles and aunts were taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I don't know each other!"

Several people shook their heads.

Seeing these people look confused, Xiao Han immediately realized that these people might really not know them. After all, Wang Jinxi is only in his twenties. Maybe they don’t know the name, but if they say their nickname or nickname, they might know it.

"Who are you looking for?" At this time, a woman came over curiously.

"Wang Jinxi!" Xiao Han hurriedly repeated.

The woman was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why are you looking for Wang Jinxi for?"

"Oh, I want to thank him!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Isn't he a volunteer? He helped us a little bit, so we came to thank him specially."

"That's it!" The woman nodded immediately, and the slight vigilance on her face was immediately relaxed. He smiled and said, "Wang Jinxi is my cousin. However, he doesn't live in this community anymore, so you can't find him here."

"Then...Where can we find him?" Xiao Han hurriedly asked.

"You come with me!" The woman smiled.

Looking at the woman's courteous smile, Xiao Han and the others felt a little embarrassed. Several people looked embarrassed, Li Dafang and a few men in black turned to look at Xiao Han. On the contrary, Xiao Han felt that it didn't matter, he continued to follow the woman.

Following the woman, she walked forward and soon came to a plate factory.

Xiao Han suddenly remembered that Wang Jinxi was indeed working in a plate factory. At the door of this board factory, piles of wood were placed, and sawdust piled up into mountains. There was a roar of machines inside.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. After going through the mountains and rivers, he could be regarded as finding this Wang Jinxi.

"Wang Jinxi works here!" the woman said hurriedly.

At this time, Xiao Han took out a one-hundred-yuan bill and handed it to the woman, saying, "Sister, thank you."

"Don''re welcome!" The woman's eyes lit up when she saw this.

To show people a way, there was a one-hundred dollar benefit fee, which really made her feel excited. She took the banknote from the other party with excitement, and said, "Little brother, if you have time, come back with Wang Jinxi. I eat at home."

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