The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 615: Will definitely save you

Xiao Han can understand, after all, the other party is just a volunteer. It is the other party's business whether or not the other party donates bone marrow. This is the freedom of the other person. Xiao Han hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Have you negotiated terms with the other party?"

"No!" Liu Yiyi shook his head, and then said: "The other party is just a volunteer. This kind of thing does not allow us to have direct contact with them. My dad is now negotiating with the hospital to see if he can talk to the other party. Make a condition. Then reach an agreement."

"How is the result?" Xiao Han asked.

"The hospital seems to have been reluctant!" Liu Yiyi shook his head, and then said: "The doctor said, this is against medical ethics, so you can't tell us the volunteers' information. Moreover, he said, the volunteers also require confidentiality."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "Can you tell me which doctor in which hospital?"

"Director Zhu from the People's Hospital." Liu Yiyi replied.

"Leave this to me." Xiao Han squinted and said: "I will definitely save you."

Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "Well, even if you can't get the bone marrow that matches, it doesn't matter!"

After Liu Yiyi and Xiao Han cried, their mood suddenly improved a lot.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Han felt very heavy. I thought it was good news, but it turned out to be bad news. This really made Xiao Han's heart very depressed and heavy. It also made him feel very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Nothing!" Xiao Han shook his head sadly.

"Did you just call the other Yiyi?" Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Han suspiciously.

"Well, a friend!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I got leukemia and found a pair of bone marrow, but the other party regrets it now and is unwilling to donate bone marrow. She is in a very depressed mood now. So call me! "

"Ah!" Zhang Feng looked surprised and said, "So miserable?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "It's just so desperate."

"Oh!" Zhang Feng sighed, and then said: "In life, some people do bad things, but they can live to ninety-nine. Some people eat fast and do good things all their lives, but they can only live fifty years old. This is fate. !"

After Xiao Han had breakfast, he immediately called Li Dafang.

"Oh, Xiao Han, are you still free to call me?" Da Pang Li yelled on the phone, "I'm so busy now."

"Stop talking nonsense, and immediately bring a few people to the provincial capital." Xiao Han replied.

"Ang?" Da Pang Li was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What happened to...what happened?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "If you let you come, you can come quickly and stop talking nonsense. I must have something for you to do!"

"Sure!" Li Da Pang nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Da Pang Li immediately picked a few good players from the Leopard Gate, and then hurried to the provincial capital.

At noon.

Xiao Han met Li Dapang at the Hanmen restaurant. Da Pang Li brought a total of four people, and all four of them were murderous. It can be seen that these four people should be some of the good people in the Leopard Gate.

"Sect master!" Several people knew Xiao Han, and they also knew that Xiao Han was the new sect master of Leopard Sect.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Xiao Han, what do you have to do today?" Li Da Pang said excitedly: "Damn, I've been injured in Linjiang City. If I don't take any action, I think my bones will rust out."

"I came to you today because I want you to kidnap someone!" Xiao Han said.

"Oh..." When Li Dafang heard this, he took a breath and said: "Don't scare me. When did we start a new business, why don't I know?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "This action is not included in our business scope. It is just a temporary action."

"Who kidnapped?" Li Da Pang asked.

"An attending doctor at the People's Hospital." Xiao Han replied, "How is it? No problem, right?"

"Huh?" Da Pang Li was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why do you tie up a person like this? Besides, although the doctor makes money, it won't be enough for us to kidnap, right?"

"I have my purpose." Xiao Han replied.

Several people looked surprised.

"Yes!" The little brothers at Leopard Gate nodded immediately.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'll give you a copy of the information. You can read it for yourself. After reading it, I need to see someone at night."

"No problem!" Big Fatty Li nodded.

Although Li Dapang is fat and doesn't work for reading, his brain is very active. Especially in the smart, there are a lot of ghost ideas.

Therefore, it should not be a big problem to hand over the task of kidnapping Director Zhu to Da Pang Li.

Da Pang Li took a deep breath, and then said: "At ten o'clock in the evening, I will definitely let you see this person."


People's Hospital.

Director Zhu is a surgical operation. He used to work in Stanford Hospital in the United States for several years. He brought back some advanced foreign technology. In the provincial capital, Director Zhu is the life-saving doctor of some dignitaries. Therefore, Director Zhu has a very high reputation in the provincial capital.

"Director Zhu, please, save my daughter!" Although Father Liu is a jerk, he still cares about Liu Yiyi's daughter.

"I can't help you." Director Zhu took off his glasses, and then said: "This is the rule, and it is also the discipline for our doctor. If I leak the other party's information to you, others will hold me accountable, I What can I do?"

"I will never tell anyone." Father Liu said hurriedly.

"The problem is, only I know the information." Director Zhu looked at him helplessly and said: "People are born, old, sick, and die. You should look a little bit more open."

"I'm just such a daughter!" Father Liu tears down.

"Don't you have two sons?" Director Zhu smiled bitterly.

"I..." Father Liu wanted to say, that was the child of my step-wife, but he still couldn't say it.

In the end, Father Liu left Director Zhu's office with a look of loss.

Director Zhu looked at Father Liu's back and sighed, then put on his glasses and continued to work. He has seen many scenes of parting between life and death. Liu Yiyi is just one of countless people. Moreover, Liu Yiyi has not reached the point of leaving immediately, and she still has some time to wait. Maybe that volunteer suddenly changed his mind? Or found another pair of bone marrow?

In short, as long as you don't give up, then there must be hope.

Director Zhu has been busy, and there will be an operation in the afternoon. The other party was a cadre of the provincial party committee, and his family members looked for a lot of relationship management. Originally, it was not the operation that he took over, but in the end he could only let himself go into battle. But an operation tomorrow morning turned into someone else.

Sometimes fate is so unfair.

This cadre's operation was originally a very simple operation, even if it was an operation that an intern could perform, the other party tried every possible means to find a relationship and let him perform the operation. The operation tomorrow morning is a very difficult and complicated operation. Originally, there was 80% hope of surgery by myself. However, there is only 50% hope of changing to another doctor.

Director Zhu sighs the injustice of this society, and sighs the world that belongs to the human society. However, I have to accept reality and all of this.

The operation in the afternoon was completed easily.

The family members of the other side thanked them for a great deal of gratitude and gave themselves a red envelope. Director Zhu also let it go, put the red envelope in his pocket, and then returned to the office.

It is estimated that the other party spent tens of thousands of dollars for a small operation. Finally, I wrapped myself a five thousand red envelope. This shows that the other party's worth should not be low.

After the operation was completed, it was almost time to get off work.

Director Zhu cleared the table and got off work on time.

The daily work content is very substantial. For him, this kind of work is exhausting, but it is very meaningful.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Director Zhu drove home from the hospital.

As soon as the car came out of the hospital, a black Kia car immediately followed from behind. Follow the BMW 5 Series of Director Zhu along the way. Director Zhu is forty-two years old this year. He is young and promising. He not only bought a BMW car, but also bought a commercial house in the most high-end district in the city. I also bought two stores under his name. The worth is more than five million.

Director Zhu is physically and mentally happy, and the car is filled with his favorite foreign songs. It sounds very comfortable. Recalling the previous work abroad, I was tired. Although my income was high, I was not familiar with the place where I was born. I couldn't find the current sense of vanity at all.

Nowadays, returning to China, various relatives come to build relationships and tout themselves. Let Director Zhu's vanity have unprecedented satisfaction.

Da Pang Li drove the black Kia car behind.

"The other party appeared right away. Ready to act." Li Da Pang contacted his comrades through the low-frequency communicator.

"Yes!" The companion's voice appeared in the headset.

There was a man in the back seat of the car that Li Da Pang drove, and the man kept his eyes on Director Zhu's car.

"I'll be here soon," the man said.

"Yeah!" Da Pang Li nodded, and then said: "I hope I can succeed this time."

Director Zhu drove the tune sideways.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

At the turning point, a speeding car ran into it quickly.

Wiped directly from the front of Director Zhu.


Director Zhu stopped the car immediately and cursed, "Asshole, how did you drive?"

After speaking, he hurriedly put on the parking gear, then opened the door and got out of the car to check the situation.

When Director Zhu got out of the car, suddenly, a black Kia car from behind rushed over. When rushing over, the person in the car suddenly opened the door. The moment the car stopped, he suddenly jumped off. Then he pushed Director Zhu into the back seat. The person also got in quickly, then closed the door and left quickly.

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