The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 591: Find someone

"What's the situation?" Li Aibin asked hurriedly.

"It's not good." The security hurriedly said: "Captain Li, look at them, these people are coming in alive and dead!"

"****." Li Aibin gritted his teeth, and then said: "Who dares to come here to be wild!"

While speaking, Li Aibin walked to the gate. When he saw the figure of Dark Iron, his voice stopped abruptly. He stunned and said: "Hei Tie, why are you?"

"Do you know me?" Hei Tie frowned.

"Of course I do." Li Aibin nodded hurriedly and said: " are the black iron. Why did you come to our Mizuki University!"

"It's easy to know me." Hei Tie snorted coldly and said, "Open the door now, I won't trouble you."

"That won't work!" Li Aibin shook his head, and said, "What's the matter with you coming to Shuimu University? You brought so many people with you in the middle of the night. Didn't you find the wrong place? This is the school, but not your society. On the site!"

"Today I came to Shuimu University to find someone!" Hei Tie squinted his eyes, his face pale.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Aibin asked in surprise.

"Look for Xiao Han!" Hei Tie almost exploded his muscles when he said the name.

"Oh my god, what are you looking for Xiao Han for?" Li Aibin asked in surprise.

Without waiting for Hei Tie to curse, someone said: "Xiao Han, this **** killed our military master Liu Ergou!"


Li Aibin suddenly took a breath and said: "Impossible. This is impossible. How could Xiao Han go out and kill people!"

"Give you ten seconds to open the door, otherwise, I will violently break in, and you all must die!" Black Iron roared.

"No!" Li Aibin shook his head and said: "We, as the school guard of Shuimu University, must ensure the safety of the school. If you find Xiao Han to settle the account, you will wait for him to leave the school, then you will find him. You It’s impossible for me to open the door!"

"Fuck, you're looking for death!" The violent aura in Black Iron suddenly exploded.

The people around clearly felt the violent air in the dark iron body, everyone took a few steps back, for fear that the dark iron holding the crowbar would sprinkle this violent air on themselves, That would be miserable for myself.

"You guys, stop them!" Li Aibin urged hurriedly, and he whispered to his deputy captain: "If you can't stop it, let them run quickly. This matter, absolutely can't resist them!"

"Yes!" The deputy captain shivered.

"In addition, immediately notify the students of the Department of Physical Education." Li Aibin said hurriedly: "Let them get ready to go quickly, it means that the school is at a critical moment and they need their help!"

"Okay!" The deputy captain nodded, and immediately mobilized a few security guards to the sports dormitory.

The physical fitness of the students in the physical education department is quite good, much better than those in the society. At this time, the students of the Department of Physical Education were mobilized, and the students of the Department of Physical Education were basically sleeping in the dormitory, which was able to call on almost everyone.

Li Aibin swiftly headed towards the first building of the boys' dormitory.


There was a violent knock on the door.

In the dormitory, the four of them slept like pigs. Xiao Han was the first to open his eyes. He hurriedly asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Li Aibin, captain of the school guard!" Li Aibin hurriedly yelled, "Xiao Han, open the door soon, something happened."

Xiao Han was shocked. Li Aibin was able to find him in the middle of the night. Maybe something happened, otherwise he would never come to find himself in the middle of the night. Xiao Han hurriedly opened the door, he looked at Li Aibin coldly, and then said, "What's the matter?"

"Hei Tie brought hundreds of people to come to you to settle the account." Li Aibin said hurriedly: "He said you killed his military master Liu Ergou. Did you do this?"

"Absolutely not!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Since there is not, then you can quickly find a place to hide." Li Aibin said hurriedly: "If he finds it, then it will be troublesome."

"I'm walking upright, sitting upright, what are you afraid of?" Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said, "Since he is coming, let him come. Besides, why should he say that I kill and let him show evidence? !"

"Since he dares to come, it means he does have evidence!" Li Aibin said hurriedly.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Then I am not afraid of him anymore. I will expose his evidence on the spot!"

Li Aibin frowned and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then go to the gate with me to confront you!"

Xiao Han just got ready to leave. Several people in the dormitory jumped up and said, "Let's go together!"

"Are you all awake?" Xiao Han looked at several people in surprise.

"Fuck, I can't hear such a loud knock on the door?" Li Aibin snorted coldly.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "Good brother, let's go together!"

Subsequently, the four quickly dispatched. Zhang Feng took the metal stick with him when he left. Since there is a fight, how can you not bring the guy. Zhang Feng shouted: "Xiao Han, take it!"

Zhang Feng lost it.

Xiao Han took it in his hand, smiled, and said, "It seems that today is going to be a fight!"

Several people hurried to the school gate. At the gate of the school, many people have gathered. Hundreds of people from the physical education department came one after another. These students who were just drifting freely in their sleep are already full of energy at this time.

"Are you going to fight?"

"Fuck, it's been a long time since a fight."

"It's time for the event."

A group of physical education students seemed very excited. The students in the physical education department are energetic and have nowhere to vent, so they have always been keen on fighting and fighting. This is especially true of the Department of Physical Education of Mizuki University. There will be a fight and a fight every other time. Moreover, the school cannot stop it. The school can only watch this happen.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a sneer, he smiled, and then said: "Oh, so many people?"

"Xiao Han, are you here too?" Tao Jun and a group of people even came with metal baseball bats.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "They are here to find me."

"It doesn't matter who he looks for, it looks like there was a fight today." Tao Jun smiled.

The physical education students all brought weapons, either baseball bats or iron bats, and some even ran out with javelins.

"****, Li Changshan, did your kid take out all the javelins??" Zhang Dagu said in astonishment.

"The javelin is good." Li Changshan smiled and said: "This thing is much better than an iron rod, and it has a sharp section that can stab the opponent from a long distance. It prevents the opponent from getting close."

"Yeah!" Zhang Dagu nodded and said, "Good idea, shit, why didn't I bring the shot. One hit is accurate!"

"Haha..." everyone burst into laughter.

Hei Tie was busy with people outside, seeing that the door was about to pry open.

"Brother, they have come so many people!" the younger brother on the side asked.

"What are you afraid of!" Hei Tie replied with disdain, "It's just a group of students, we are afraid of what they are doing!"

"Brother, because they are students, we are not easy to provoke!" The younger brother said embarrassingly: "If they are hacked to death, there will be huge public opinion in society. Looking back, if the government holds accountability, we are sure It's going to be troublesome."

"What are you afraid of?" Hei Tie snorted coldly, and then said, "I'm afraid of this. In order to avenge Liu Ergou, even if the government is held accountable afterwards, I don't care!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

The corner of Hei Tie's mouth raised a sneer, he snorted softly, and then said: "The door is open, charge me!"

Kuang Dang...

The huge lock of the door was pryed open, and the black iron flicked his arms, and Liangshan's heavy door was pushed open.

"Charge!" everyone shouted.


Everyone quickly rushed in frantically towards the door. A group of people seemed very excited, but also very intense.

Everyone rushed forward.

Hei Tie raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "A bitch. Kill me!"

In the school, Xiao Han rushed out of the crowd, and he stood at the forefront.

"Hei Tie, aren't you looking for me?" Xiao coldly laughed.

"**** Tie was surprised, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to block the rushing little brother. He looked at Xiao Han coldly, and said: "You kid dare to stand up? "

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Han gave him a glance.

Hei Tie snorted coldly and said, "Also, since you dare to stand up, then I will kill you today!"

"Wait!" Xiao Han frowned, and said, "You have to give a reason to kill, right? If you say you kill, you kill? How can there be such a simple thing in this world?"

"Huh!" Hei Tie snorted coldly, and then said: "I ask you, did you kill Liu Ergou, our army master, Hei Tie!"

"I don't know Liu Ergou, and I didn't kill people either." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Xiu needs to be sophistry!" Black Iron roared.

"Well, since you said it was me who killed, then you can come up with evidence." Xiao Lengren snorted.

Hei Tie hesitated for a moment, and said, "Okay, do you want evidence?"

After speaking, Black Iron immediately threw the student card in his pocket.


The student card with blood was thrown on the ground.

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, he walked over slowly, and then picked up the student card with blood. Xiao Han glanced at this student card, it was indeed his student card. There was a whisper in his mind, how could his student card fall into the opponent's hand?

"Where did it come from?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"It was found on the scene of Liu Ergou's death." Hei Tie snorted coldly, and said, "Xiao Han, don't pretend, it's useless. It's already been discovered."

"What if I told you that this student card was stolen?" Xiao Han smiled, and said, "From a general perspective, it should be someone who is falsely framing me!"

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