The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 593: Jiang Xiaoqing

"When will Xiao Han come back?"

"do not know!"

"I heard it's coming soon!"

At the school gate, the team that greeted the heroes grew stronger and stronger. From more than 100 people at the beginning, it gradually grew to more than 500 people, and the team is still expanding. People like to join in the fun, especially when everyone saw so many people gathered at the door, they all came over curiously, and when they heard that Xiao Han was greeted, they immediately stayed at the scene.

Soon, the bus returned slowly.

Everyone cheered, and the car carrying the honor of Mizuki University finally arrived. They appeared extremely excited, and also extremely excited.

"Xiao Han, Xiao Han!"

"Hero, hero!"

The sound of cheering, the sound of shouting.

In the car, everyone was silent, and everyone looked at Xiao Han lonely. Indeed, when the time is right, shouldn't this kind of returned glory belong to oneself? Once upon a time, shouldn't this returning glory belong to the sports department? But now, such a great honor has been taken away by a person from the Department of Finance. How painful is this for students in the Department of Physical Education?

"Oh..." Tao Jun sighed. He lost his chance in the final in the 100-meter race, but he regained his chance in the 200-meter race. Xiao Han's success greatly stimulated him, so this made him feel the desire for success even more. Even so, it is difficult for him to feel the hope of regaining success.

"Don't sigh." The classmate on the side smiled slightly and said: "This is the glory of others!"

"Yes!" Tao Jun nodded and said, "I just think..."

Having said that, he actually didn't know how to continue.

"Okay, we should congratulate Xiao Han!" The boy smiled.

"Yes!" Tao Jun nodded. He turned his head to look at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, congratulations. At the same time, thank you too!"

"Thank me for what?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Thank you for winning such a great honor for us." Tao Jun said seriously.

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "This is what I should do, isn't it?"

"I hope you can win the championship in the 200m final tomorrow!" Tao Jun sincerely blessed Xiao Han.

"You too!" Xiao Han smiled: "I hope you can win a good result in the 200m race tomorrow!"

"I will work hard!" Tao Jun looked at Xiao Han seriously.

There was a sincere smile between the two of them. Sometimes, whether they are sincere or not can be seen through one's eyes. After so much, the two have already understood each other, and have melted the grudges and contradictions. Today, they are considered comrades-in-arms on the same front.

"Let's go, let's get off the car and welcome the honor that belongs to us!" Xiao Han shouted.

Ho Ho Ho...

Everyone shouted.

Looking at Xiao Han's generosity and curiosity, the blue rain butterfly sitting in the back of the car looked very happy. She looked at Xiao Han seriously, with a touch of relief in her eyes. In other words, it's hard to take the last breath because others have bullied yourself like this. But Xiao Han didn't have any grudges. When Tao Jun sincerely apologized, Xiao Han also stretched out his hand of friendship.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and got out of the car first.

Seeing Xiao Han come down.

Everyone cheered.

Reporters and media who have heard the news have also stopped at the gate of Shuimu University.

Xiao Han became the first person from Shuimu University to win the championship in a major event like this in the country. Therefore, it caused a sensation in the entire provincial capital. The Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and the Provincial Party Committee Sports Bureau personally issued the order, this matter must be reported and praised. Because this thing is not easy, not simple.

Therefore, many media have heard the news.

Xiao Han was the first one. Facing reporters and media, he is very sophisticated.

"Xiao Han, I heard that you are not a student of physical education, are you?"

"Xiao Han, I heard that you were the No. 1 in science in the National College Entrance Examination last year, right?"

Faced with questions from the media, Xiao Han smiled and answered one by one.

The cheers were loud, and the physical education students who got out of the car in the back also enjoyed the cheers. That is a supreme honor, that is a voice from the heart.

The school security received Chen Aiguo's order.

The security team headed by Li Aibin quickly dispatched to **** Xiao Han and others into the school. Chen Aiguo was quickly hit by phone bombing. In order to prevent things from being affected, he decisively instructed several more influential media to enter the school's conference room, and then asked the students in the Propaganda Department to prepare for reception.

"Boy, I didn't even support the wall when I fell down, but this time I will serve you!" Li Aibin looked at Xiao Han with a smile, and said, "You kid win honor for our school."

Xiao Han didn't bother to pay attention to this guy.

Go straight to school.

Upon arriving at school, Lan Yudie hurriedly chased up from behind.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie stopped Xiao Han.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Principal Chen wants you to go to the conference room!" Lan Yudie grinned.

"What are you going to do in the meeting room?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"It's probably a press conference." Lan Yudie smiled.

"Press conference? What do you want me to do?" Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie puzzledly, and said, "I'm not a reporter, right?"

"But, you are the hero of Mizuki University." Lan Yudie smiled and said: "Of course the target of the press conference is you. You are going to speak on it. If you don't go, how will this press conference be held? "

Afterwards, Lan Yudie took Xiao Han's hand and walked slowly towards the meeting room.

In the conference room, more than a dozen reporters from five or six media have gathered there. Several ** lenses have been aimed at Xiao Han. Among these strange reporters, Xiao Han unexpectedly saw a familiar face. That face is Jiang Xiaoqing.

There is an unknown story between Xiao Han and Jiang Xiaoqing. This time Jiang Xiaoqing came to the provincial capital to work as a frontline reporter. She came by petitioning herself. I heard that Xiao Han has won glory for Province Z. As the media in Xiao Han's hometown, naturally, they can't fall behind, so they quickly dispatched and immediately went to the gymnasium to interview Xiao Han. However, Jiang Xiaoqing did not see Xiao Han himself.

Because Xiao Han was very disgusted with facing reporters and the media, he found a place to hide after the game. In order to be able to interview Xiao Han himself, Jiang Xiaoqing simply squatted at the gate of Shuimu University. I just didn't expect to meet such a big greeter team and interview team. Fortunately, I finally found a relationship and entered the meeting room of Mizuki University for interviews.

The corner of Jiang Xiaoqing's mouth raised slightly when she saw Xiao Han.

"Jiang Xiaoqing!" Xiao Han greeted her. After all, it was the Linjiang City TV Station. When he saw those words, he seemed especially kind and excited.

"Xiao Han, hello!" Jiang Xiaoqing is knowledgeable, and also appears very rational.

Chen Aiguo hurriedly greeted him, smiled at Xiao Han, and said, "Boy, this time you can be said to have lived up to the expectations and didn't disappoint me."

"How dare I let you down!" Xiao Han said embarrassingly.

"Are you afraid that you and Li Changjun's one hundred thousand bet will go missing?" Chen Aiguo laughed.

Xiao Han frowned, and then said: "Haha, where can I?"

"Well, don't talk nonsense with you, I know you don't like interviews, but give me a face." Chen Aiguo clung to Xiao Han's ear and said, "How about finishing this interview?"

"You have spoken, what can I do?" Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Haha..." Chen Aiguo laughed openly.

Soon, the press conference began.

The so-called press conference is nothing more than Chen Aiguo's first remarks. Such remarks are nothing more than thanks to the leadership of the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and the leaders of all parties.

Then there was Xiao Han's speech, followed by the free questioning session.

All media reporters are most concerned about the free questioning session, because in this session they can ask for the information they want.

"Xiao Han, I heard that your major is not a sports department?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "My major is finance. However, no one can say that a barber can't be a good cook, right?"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene. Jiang Xiaoqing also covered her red lips.

"Xiao Han, your sprint performance is so good, will you develop towards the national team in the future?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "The purpose of sports is to keep fit, and I don't regard it as my career."

"But, your grades are so good, if you don't develop well, wouldn't it be a waste of talent?"

"In our country's sports system, are there still fewer talents buried? Therefore, there is no more for one more, and a lot less for one!

Everyone was silent for a while.

Indeed, China's sports system is not perfect. All sports undertakings are managed by the State General Administration. Under such a high degree of centralization, it is easy to breed violence and breed all kinds of unclean and even dirty things. So, some good, some excellent athletes are easily buried.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoqing stood up and asked with a smile: "Xiao Han, as the top science champion in the college entrance examination last year, you are now the champion of the 100-meter event in the National University Games. Are you proud?"

"Proud!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I am even more proud that I can go to school in such a self-owned, equal, and fraternal university. I do not regret my choice at the beginning. Shuimu University is a very good school."


There was applause at the scene.

There was a bright smile on Xiao Han's face.

Jiang Xiaoqing asked again: "Xiao Han, you are proud to come out of Linjiang No. 1 Middle School. Do you have anything to say to your younger brothers and girls?"

"Life must have hope and pursuit." Xiao Han said earnestly: "If there is no hope, what is the difference between a person and a salted fish?"

[Ps: Recommended, "My Stunner Boss"]

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