The reporter was shocked, and the guy before him seemed confident. He even said that it depends on what kind of results he runs in the finals. Doesn't this mean that he will be able to make it to the finals? I immediately concluded that this guy is an ambitious guy.

Xiao Han was already standing on the runway, in the middle of the runway, and also a very advantageous runway.

Standing on the runway, Xiao Han moved a little, and immediately began to prepare for the challenge.

Because it was Xiao Han's words before, so this time the game was particularly noticeable, and also particularly concerned. Almost 10,000 people at the scene stared at the 100-meter track, and no one paid attention to the game on the field.

Everyone seemed very excited.

"Fuck, whether this kid can make the finals is a question!"

"I also think so!"

"If you can't make it to the finals, Mizuki University will be ashamed!"

Many people on the scene were talking, and they seemed very excited and exciting. This group of people was very excited and excited. They seem to be waiting to see the school flowers of Mizuki University.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The game started immediately, and the starter had already called for preparation.


There was a muffled sound. The gunfire sounded. Xiao Han kicked his right leg on the starting block, and he rushed out quickly.

Everyone rushed out at a very fast speed like an arrow from the string.

Xiao Han's group is basically of average strength, and the strong people are distributed in the first group and the next few groups. There is no master at all. Xiao Han controlled his speed, not fast, but definitely not slow.

In the end, Xiao Han easily won the first place in the group with a time of ten seconds, 43, and entered the final.

"Fuck, I really do because he is great."

"Ten seconds, four or three? Haha, shameful, Li Changjun is ten seconds and thirty seconds, and Zhao Sibao is also ten seconds and thirty-two. He wants to win the first place in ten seconds, four and three. I really dare to dream."

After passing the finish line, many people looked at Xiao Han with weird eyes.

Although Xiao Han entered the finals, his results were there. In the first two groups, more than three people had higher results than him. Moreover, neither Li Changjun nor Zhao Sibao started the match.

"You kid can really brag!" A tall man looked at Xiao Han and said disdainfully: "The cowhide is almost blown by you."

Xiao Han glanced at him and asked, "What is your name?"

"You don't deserve to know my name!" The tall guy looked at Xiao Han disdainfully, and then said: "Your grades are not as good as mine."

"Dare you bet with me!" Xiao Lian laughed.

"What are you betting on?" The tall guy looked at Xiao Han with contempt.

"Betting on the final result." Xiao Lian laughed.

"Tell me, how to bet?" The tall man sneered.

"If your score is not as good as mine in the finals, give me your number plate." Xiao Han pointed to the number plate on the opponent's chest.

Every athlete has a number plate on his chest and back. The number plate is the honor of the athlete and the glory of the athlete. If the number plate is taken away, it is definitely a shame. Not to mention being taken away in this way?

"Okay!" Da Gao nodded.

"I'll bet with you too!" Another man also walked over, shaking his handsome hair, and said, "Dare you take it?"

"Take it, why don't you dare!" Xiao Han smiled disdainfully.

The gambling game spread, and several people suddenly appeared to gamble with Xiao Han. Xiao Han is naturally always willing to come.

At this time, Li Changjun finished the game. After hearing about such a gambling game, he also came over with interest. Li Changjun is 1.83 meters tall and has long legs. The muscles on his legs are very full, but they are tough. He was wearing a sprint suit and stepped on nail shoes and walked over.

"Your name is Xiao Han?" Li Changjun glanced at Xiao Han.

"Who are you?" Xiao Han asked back.

"Blind your dog's eyes?" The athlete on the side mocked: "You don't even know Li Changjun? Haha, dare you to call yourself an athlete?"

"I never put people weaker than me in my eyes." Xiao Han glanced at them indifferently and said, "Unless you beat me."

"I want to bet with you too!" Li Changjun smiled, and said: "However, I don't want to bet with you on the numbers."

"Then what do you want to bet on?" Xiao Han glanced at him and said, "Don't you want to bet a little bit of money?"

"Yes!" Li Changjun smiled at Xiao Han and said, "How much do you plan to bet!"

"Speak up." Xiao Han glanced at him. When it comes to money, Xiao Han doesn't put the other person in his eyes at all, because the last thing Xiao Han lacks is money. Therefore, he completely ignored the other party. Instead, he glanced at the other person very indifferently.

"Betting more, can you afford it?" Li Changjun asked with a smile.

"How much is more?" Xiao Han looked into his eyes with confidence, completely not paying attention to him.

"Twenty thousand yuan!" Li Changjun smiled.

"Twenty thousand?" Xiao Han was surprised for a while.

Obviously, when the other party said 20,000 yuan, Xiao Han was really dumbfounded. After going around for a long time, he thought the other party was going to bet how big, but he didn't expect the other party to open up for only 20,000 yuan. Xiao Han almost didn't faint, thinking that the other party was asking for 200,000 yuan, but he didn't expect it to be only 20,000 yuan. It really made Xiao Han look down on each other.

"How is it? Can't you get so much?" Li Changjun gave Xiao Han a very disdainful look.

The people around also looked at Xiao Han with a smile, and seemed to be watching Xiao Han's jokes.

For them, 20,000 yuan is a lot. After all, they are all students, and no one is a wealthy family. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a wealthy family to let their children practice sports. Moreover, the sports quality of the official second generation and the rich second generation is obviously not good. Not to mention the hard-working spirit. Their money is dependent on family subsidies. Even if some people earn some subsidies by their own efforts, it is only a little bit.

Suddenly speaking 20,000, it is indeed a lot for them.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Twenty thousand is too little. Let's just bet one hundred thousand. Anyway, if you think I will definitely lose, then I will simply give you some money, how about?"


Everyone around took a breath. One by one turned to look at Li Changjun.

Li Changjun was also stunned at once, he didn't react, and the other party turned himself into an army. Li Changjun was relieved immediately, he sneered and said, "Can you come up with one hundred thousand yuan?"

"Yes, who do you think you are?"

"One hundred thousand yuan is a lot, do you have one?"

Around, many people were obviously admirers of Li Changjun, or because Xiao Han's arrogant remarks made them very upset, they naturally stood on Li Changjun's side. Deliberately attack Xiao Han.

"I'll just ask if you would like to gamble." Xiao Lengren snorted.

"Bet, why not bet?" Li Changjun laughed and said, "Since someone wants to give me money, why should I not do it?"

"Tell me, when will you collect the money?" Xiao Han replied.

"If it's not just 100,000 yuan, I will have someone call my account immediately." Li Changjun smiled.

"In that case, let's find an authoritative person to be the notary. What do you think?" Xiao Han glanced at him, and then said: "We handed over the money to his hands. It is clear that he will give the money to one of us at that time."

"No problem!" Li Changjun nodded and said, "Just, who is this middleman looking for?"

"Let's find someone from the organizing committee." Xiao Han replied.

"You are crazy!" Li Changjun stunned for a moment, and said: "This is a competition, this is a national competition. You actually made this kind of unspoken rules public. People in the organizing committee will definitely not agree. "

"I think there is no problem at all." Xiao Han replied, and then said: "They will definitely agree."

"Why are you so sure?" Li Changjun asked.

"Because we can talk to them clearly." Xiao Han smiled and said: "We can push ourselves to play our potential in the competition in turn. Because money is the motivation. As long as we can produce good results, I believe the organizing committee People will agree."

"That's OK, I'll go talk to them." Li Changjun nodded.

Afterwards, Li Changjun went to the organizing committee for consultation in person. At the beginning, the organizing committee sternly refused. However, after hearing about Li Changjun's reasons, the people in the organizing committee immediately hesitated. Finally, after a round of discussions, they even agreed to Li Changjun's proposal.

The organizing committee believes that as long as Li Changjun can make a new record, what's the harm in making an exception? Therefore, they are determined to guarantee this matter immediately.

"Your kid is going to pick up another hundred thousand yuan for nothing."

"Tsk tsk, such a big bargain, it's really cheap for you."

A group of students surrounded Li Changjun.

"Haha, I'll invite everyone to drink!" Li Changjun laughed.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

Li Changjun hurriedly called several classmates, and it took a lot of effort to collect 100,000 yuan. Among them, 50,000 yuan was returned to others with interest. Because Li Changjun had already thought about it, he felt that he had no problems at all, and he could easily get the lottery tomorrow.

"You go back and take the money to the organizing committee!" Li Changjun replied, "The organizing committee will give you a receipt."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

"In addition..." Li Changjun smiled at Xiao Han and said, "If you lose, you must give me your number plate."

"Then what if you lose?" Xiao Han asked back.

"Are you crazy?" Li Changjun snorted, and then said: "How could I lose?"

"People stumble, horses stumble." Xiao Han smiled lightly and said: "No one can be 100% sure that he will not lose. Right?"

Li Changjun frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If I lose, I will stand on the podium and give you my number plate myself."

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