The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 581: Liu Yiyi's request

Panda blood is hard enough to find. However, it is even more difficult to find the bone marrow that matches Liu Yiyi from the panda blood type. It is no wonder that the Liu family is not short of money. Although leukemia is difficult to treat, it is easier if you have money. As long as bone marrow transplantation can be completely cured. However, Liu Yiyi has been ill for several years, but still hasn't done well, which is really worrying.

"Trust me, you can definitely do it!" Xiao Han said seriously.

"Yeah." Liu Yiyi nodded and said: "Since you say yes, then I believe it will be possible."

Xiao Han is constantly encouraging Liu Yiyi, hoping that Liu Yiyi can keep hope in his heart and not give up treatment.

In fact, Xiao Han is still desperate inside. Why does a good girl have to have such a terminal illness? How Xiao Han hopes that Liu Yiyi is just a common cold, and he can recover after a week.

However, this is not a cold after all, but a severe illness. It is even terminally ill for many people. Because of a disease like this, many families simply cannot afford it. Even if the treatment goes smoothly, the treatment fee is at least 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, not including the cost of later and lifelong medication. And if the treatment is not smooth, the bone marrow is paired twice or even many times, I am afraid this disease is astronomical.

What Xiao Han can do is to encourage her, comfort her, and let her feel the beauty of this world again.

Not long after, the maid called and said that dinner was ready.

"Let's go, let's go back." Liu Yiyi smiled.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The two walked slowly towards the villa. Liu Yiyi took the initiative to take Xiao Han's arm and snuggle on his shoulder, with a bright smile on his face.

The restaurant in the villa is very big, the table is very long, there are a lot of dishes on it.

"Let's eat!" Liu Yiyi greeted Xiao Han.

At this time, the maid brought disinfectant to wash her hands. The two washed their hands carefully and carefully.

"By the way, where are your parents?" Xiao Han asked, "Aren't they coming back to eat?"

"No need to wait." Liu Yiyi replied, and then said: "They won't come back to eat."

"Yeah." Xiao Han knew Liu Yiyi's father's marital status, and also knew that Liu Yiyi's father had married a woman much younger than him and had two children. This villa was bought by the Liu family in the early years. The name is also Liu Yiyi's name. Therefore, Liu Yiyi's stepmother is resolutely reluctant to live here because she feels unlucky.

When Liu Yiyi was a child, her mother was seriously ill and left. He didn't expect to have leukemia when Liu Yiyi was eighteen. Where does her stepmother who is afraid of death dare to live here? Asked Liu Yiyi's father to buy a villa elsewhere, and Liu Yiyi's father also lived there all the year round, but he would often come back to see his distressed daughter.

Liu Yiyi never hated her father.

Xiao Han has been cooperating with dinner, Liu Yiyi's appetite is not very good, he eats less, half a bowl of rice, and some minced meat soup.

However, Xiao Han had a big appetite, and he ate food.

Liu Yiyi on the side looked very surprised. The first time she saw someone eating food at such a fast speed, she was truly shocked. This is the first time in her life that someone has seen someone eat so fast and can eat so quickly.

Seeing Xiao Han's appetite so good, Liu Yiyi actually ate half a bowl of rice.

After the meal, Liu Yiyi touched his belly and said, "So full."

"How much do you eat?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "You should eat more."

"Enough." Liu Yiyi pursed his lips and said: "You are just a straw bag, so you can eat it."

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed.

After the meal, Xiao Han took a short break and then said goodbye.

"Are you leaving now?" Liu Yiyi was a little bit sad.

"It's time to go back!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "There are still things in school, and the sports meeting is about to come. I will do some preparations."

"Yeah, it's less than a week." Liu Yiyi nodded and said: "When the time comes, I will definitely come and cheer for you."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han got up and left. Liu Yiyi sent Xiao Han to the door of the villa and watched Xiao Han's car leave the villa.

Seeing Xiao Han leave, Liu Yiyi leaned against the goalpost with loss. She is like a bird waiting in the nest, looking forward to the return of the mother bird.

As soon as Xiao Han left, Liu Yiyi's father drove over.

"Yiyi..." Father Liu got out of the car and said: "Look what I brought you."

Father Liu held a box in his hand.

Liu Yiyi smiled lightly and said, "Dad, are you here?"

"Well, the Apple set that just came out." Father Liu said hurriedly: "I asked someone to order the product from within this year, and spent thousands of dollars to get it. Do you like it?"

"Thank you!" Liu Yiyi smiled slightly.

Father Liu took his daughter into the house. He has been particularly doting on this daughter since childhood. Later, she married a young and charming wife, who was unwilling to live with Liu Yiyi alive, and even imposed financial restrictions on Liu Yiyi, not allowing her husband to spend money on this daughter. Therefore, Father Liu could only visit his daughter secretly.

After entering the house, Liu Yiyi looked at her father and said, "Dad, I'm going to the gym to watch the sports meet in a few days."

"Why?" Father Liu was stunned.

"Our school has classmates participating, I want to cheer for them." Liu Yiyi said.

"There are many people and bacteria there." Father Liu shook his head and said, "You still don't go. What if the germs make you catch a cold? It's fatal to you, you know?"

"I know." Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "But, I want to go."

"Hey..." Father Liu was a little embarrassed, he loved this daughter too much, and she was seriously ill now, and no one knew how long she could live. After thinking about it for a long time, he nodded and said, "That's it, I'll drive you there at that time, and I'll get an isolation gown later!"

"No, I don't want others to know me..." Liu Yiyi lowered his head.

Whenever she goes to school, Liu Yiyi never wears isolation gowns and is unwilling to go out. Because she didn't want others to know that she was special, and she didn't want to let others know her unfortunate life experience.

Father Liu couldn't screw his daughter, so he could only say helplessly: "That's fine. But you have to listen to me that day."

"Good!" Liu Yiyi nodded.

Father Liu knew about that sports meeting, and the province was hyped recently. After all, it is a national event. Especially for the home court in Z province, publicity must not lag behind. How can I be left out of the activities held on my own territory?

Father Liu decided to get a VIP ticket. In this way, you can sit down in a place with few people, so that your daughter does not have to mix with a group of people. Reduce the chance of your daughter being infected by germs.


After returning from Liu's house, Xiao Han drove all the way back to school.

Just parked the car in the faculty parking space. Immediately met the blue rain butterfly.

"Xiao Han?" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"Xiao Yu?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Smelly boy, where did you go this afternoon?" Lan Yudie frowned.

"I have something to go out." Xiao Han said with a smile: "Isn't it all right and the National University Games is about to go? I have to prepare something, so I went shopping this afternoon."

"What is it?" Lan Yudie said coldly, she obviously didn't believe it.

"Clothes for sprinting, as well as nail shoes..." Xiao Han is like a few treasures.

Lan Yudie seemed to understand but Xiao Han was quite professional, so Lan Yudie took that thing too. She pursed her mouth and said, "I have to buy it during class time? Can't we go there after class time?"

"It's not good to choose in a half-time." Xiao Han explained hurriedly, "It must be time to choose, to suit yourself."

"Okay." Lan Yudie nodded.

After all, she doesn't know much about this aspect. I just knew that Xiao Han was going to participate in the National University Games. Moreover, it seems to have been busy with these things recently. The school also paid special attention. From the school, it can be seen that this should be a very grand event.

Seeing that he was about to escape, Xiao Han's mouth was filled with joy.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "Xiao Yu, where are you?"

"Out for a meal." Lan Yudie pursed her mouth.

"With whom?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"The teachers in our group have dinner together!" Lan Yudie smiled and said: "I went to the Hanmen restaurant."

"Haha..." When Xiao Han heard this, he burst into laughter and said, "It's pretty good. The taste of Hanmen restaurant is not bad, right?"

"I think it's good." Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "I also think it's good. Now the Hanmen restaurant has become a place for school teachers to eat together. Moreover, they all think what is good. Xiao Han, If we let them know that this big restaurant was run by our school’s students, they would probably drop their jaws."

"When Fang Haokai met the restaurant before, why didn't anyone start to drop his jaw?" Xiao Han asked hehe.

"Fang Hao is a rich second generation. It is nothing to be surprised to use the family's funds to open a restaurant." Lan Yudie shook her head and said, "But you are different. , You have worked hard to this day by your own efforts. Therefore, if you let the school teachers know, you will probably be shocked."

"It's okay." Xiao Han smiled and said: "China is so big, I believe many people are better than me."

"But there is no second Xiao Han, right?" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han with a smile.


On May 15, the National University Games.

Today is the day of the opening ceremony of the National University Games. This is a grand and grand meeting for college students across the country. Similarly, for Province Z, it is the largest and most grand conference held in recent years. Therefore, this time the meeting decided not to allow any problems. Once there is a problem, the image of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, and the municipal party committee and city government will be affected.

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