When Xiao Han heard it, it was still worth it? He said at the time: "Wait for me, I'll come over right away!"

After speaking, Xiao Han hurried to the faculty apartment building.

There is no security guard in the teacher's apartment building, because all adults live here. Unlike the male dormitory and female dormitory. The establishment of dormitory management in the male dormitory is not only to facilitate the solution of various problems in the male dormitory, but also to prevent boys from taking girls overnight in the dormitory. The dormitory for girls is set up with dormitory, naturally to prevent boys from breaking into the girls’ dormitory. But the teacher's apartment building is different. They are all adults, so private life can no longer be interfered.

Xiao Han easily entered the teacher's apartment building and knocked on the door of Lan Yudie's room.

Lan Yudie saw Xiao Han through the cat's eyes, and opened the door. She blushed and said, "In the middle of the night, what are you running for?"

"Am I worried about you?" Xiao Han frowned, and closed the door smoothly after entering.

"I said it's okay, you have to come." Lan Yudie said helplessly: "Moreover, everyone has already left."

"Who is this person?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"A colleague in the same grade." Lan Yudie replied.

"I ran to you in the middle of the night to confess, and he still moved around. What are these people doing to tolerate him?" Xiao Han frowned.

But Lan Yudie snorted coldly, and then said, "What about it? Call the police? Send him to the detention center?"

"That's how it should be!" Xiao Han replied.

"It's cruel." Lan Yudie shook his head and said: "Furthermore, he was just drunk, he is not like this usually. So, don't mind too much."

Xiao Han took a look at Lan Yudie, and said, "And you, it's no wonder that people are upset when you wear them so exposed."

"Yes, I was wrong." Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han helplessly, and then said: "I shouldn't open the door to him in the middle of the night, nor should I wear such revealing pajamas. You go quickly, I am wearing this way now Expose, if you don't leave, will you still be upset?"

"Hehe..." When Xiao Han heard it, he laughed. He looked at Lan Yudie with interest and said, "You are my girlfriend. Is it okay to expose in front of me?"

"Go!" Blue Yudie snorted, then said: "Who is going to be exposed in front of you?"

Xiao Han hesitated, looking a little embarrassed.

Lan Yudie turned his head and walked in, then sat down on the bed.

The area of ​​the teacher’s apartment is small, only more than ten square meters, but it has a separate bathroom and kitchen, and a small balcony. Although the size of the room is not large, the sparrow is small and well equipped. A 1.5-meter bed, a wardrobe, a small sofa and an exquisite coffee table.

The room has been carefully decorated by Blue Yudie, and it looks very warm. Even the curtains in the room are pink, very warm colors.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Lan Yudie sits on the head of the bed, steps on the bed with her feet, her legs curled up, her hands hugging her knees. A pair of delicate eyes looked at Xiao Han.

From Xiao Han's perspective, those well-proportioned long legs can see the roots of the thighs at a glance. They are very white and as white as jade, which makes people dreamy. The most important thing is that the pants of the Lan Yudie pajamas are very short. Sitting like this, the pants almost fell into the gap of the Pythagorean. The most mysterious part of the girl is clearly outlined.

Although Xiao Han watched Lan Yudie completely and even touched it once, he never got the body of Lan Yudie.


Alluring things can always make people have a desire for something. Seeing such a beautiful and delicious beauty, Xiao Han couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Blue Yudie's figure is perfect, not only her face is exquisite and delicate, but her long legs are also very attractive, which makes people look pretty.

"Xiao Yu..." Xiao Han smiled.

"What's the matter?" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han suspiciously.

"You are so beautiful!" Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie.

"Go!" Lan Yudie replied in an angry voice, and then said: "Stop flattering in front of me, this set doesn't work."

"I didn't flatter, I was telling the truth." Xiao Han smiled.

Lan Yudie was stunned for a moment, her face flushed, and said: "Aren't you going back to sleep?"

"Can I sleep here?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Are you crazy?" Blue Yudie frowned, and then said: "This is the teacher's apartment. If a man walks out of my room tomorrow morning, the school can't tell the story?"

"Go your own way and let others talk." Xiao Han replied.

"Then I have to take into account the impact." Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han and said, "Besides, it is not easy for us to be together. It is because President Chen Aiguo helped us withstand the pressure, if not He, I’m afraid we’ve been beaten by someone a long time ago. Do you still want to be so relaxed? We can’t get the handle for others, let alone put more pressure on Principal Chen. Understand?”

"When you say that, it seems that I owe Chen Aiguo a lot." Xiao Han sighed.

"You..." Lan Yudie smiled.

"I don't want to go." Xiao Han simply lay on the sofa.

"Hey..." Lan Yudie was at a loss. She hurriedly stood up, then walked towards Xiao Han, and said, "Or else, I will give you a hug. If you are satisfied, go back to sleep. , I have to go to class tomorrow!"

"Good." Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han immediately hugged Lan Yudie in his arms. And kissed it very well. The tip of his tongue pried open the blue rain butterfly's shell teeth, and easily got into her mouth, capturing her clove powder tongue.

Blue Yudie wanted to refuse at first, after all, a man and a woman kissed so passionately in the room, it was easy to sparkle. However, thinking that once he rejected Xiao Han, he estimated that he would refuse to leave again. Therefore, Blue Raindie could only cooperate and kissed her actively.

Xiao Han frantically asked for a kiss from the blue rain butterfly. He had the pink tongue of the blue rain butterfly, soaking up sweet saliva. The Blue Yudie that Xiao Han kissed was a little numb, as if his body reacted a little.

Not only did Blue Yudie's body react, Xiao Han's body also reacted.

The temperature in the room seemed to rise several degrees. Both felt very hot. Xiao Han held Lan Yudie in both hands, and constantly stroked Lan Yudie crazily through the thin pajamas. The thin pajamas couldn't stop Xiao Han's hand at all. This guy's hand moved from Lan Yudie's waist to the straight butt.

Lan Yudie's pants were very short, and Xiao Han's hand moved from bottom to top, from the thigh to the smooth and delicate butt.


Lan Yudie snorted softly, and her muscles seemed to be stiff. She hugged Xiao Han tightly, with her feet on tiptoes, trying hard to make herself cater to Xiao Han's kiss. Between the two people seemed extremely excited and hot.

Under the soft light, the blue rain butterfly's skin glowed with a delicate pink. That's the pink that girls only have when they are pregnant.

Xiao Han's salty pig hands kept kneading Lan Yudie's ass. His hands have penetrated into his pants, and he kneaded wildly without restraint. Blue Yudie was trembling even more by his rubbing, and she looked very excited.

"Xiao Han, don't..." Lan Yudie felt that Xiao Han's hand was even more unscrupulous, as if she was about to wear those pants and hit the mysterious area.

At this moment, Xiao Han could not resist the temptation. Seeing that the mysterious Peach Blossom Pond was right in front of him, he couldn't wait to capture it in one fell swoop. Then enjoy the feeling of the wine pond meat forest.

Just when Xiao Han was about to take it down in one fell swoop, Lan Yudie suddenly woke up, and she instantly pushed Xiao Han away.

Because the reaction was fierce and the force was very strong. Xiao Han staggered and fell down unexpectedly.

"Ouch..." Xiao Han was suddenly in'pain'.

When he fell, a thought flashed through Xiao Han's mind, and he decided to fall to the ground and not get up.

Seeing Xiao Han fall, Lan Yudie suddenly exclaimed: "Xiao Han..."

She ran over in a hurry, trying to support Xiao Han, but Xiao Han fell on the ground and groaned, with a painful expression on her expression. This frightened the Blue Rain Butterfly. Xiao Han is his boyfriend. Although he said that he can bully at will, if the bullying goes wrong... the consequences would be disastrous.

Lan Yudie started crying anxiously: "Xiao Han, are you okay? Don't scare me... Get up quickly."

Blue Yudie was a little overwhelmed with anxiety. She hurriedly picked up the phone to call the police.

Seeing that things were about to become serious, Xiao Han didn't dare to continue to pretend, he hurriedly hugged Lan Yudie and then pushed her down on the bed, kissing frantically.

The blue rain butterfly was caught off guard by the sudden invasion. However, seeing Xiao Han suddenly get up, he immediately understood what was going on. She woke up from the state of confusion. The inner anger burned immediately.

At this time, Xiao Han's hands had passed through Lan Yudie's clothes, and he climbed up the two trembling mountains.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Xiao Han felt a sharp pain on the tip of his tongue.

Lan Yudie's inner anger caused her to bite Xiao Han's tongue fiercely. Xiao Han felt a tremor all over, and he fell to the side. In his mouth, bursts of sweet blood filled his mouth.

Xiao Han immediately realized that her tongue had been bitten by her.

"It hurts me to death." Xiao Han screamed, "Bleeding."

In order to verify that he did not deceive her, Xiao Han immediately stuck out his tongue. Although bloody, Blue Yudie ignored them and asked instead: "Who told you to lie to me just now? This is just a lesson for you. That's it."

Soon, Xiao Han eased from the pain, he took a deep breath, and then said: "Xiao Yu, you are too cruel, my tongue is almost broken by you."

After all, a woman is a woman, and she will feel soft when facing the man she likes. Especially Xiao Han's **** tongue. Lan Yudie soon knew that she was wrong. She took a deep breath and said, "What should I do? Do you want to go to the hospital? Alas... I was too angry just now, that's why."

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