"There is another folder here." Liu Bin said in surprise.

"This folder seems to be hidden." Zhang Dagu said.

"Yeah!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "Open it!"

There are a lot of folders hidden in the folder. The first folder is a folder named District Chief Li. When you open it, you can see a video and some files in picture format.

Opening the video, it turned out to be a middle-aged uncle, Mediterranean, bald, with a delicate girl underneath, and he was sprinting hard. From the point of view of this video, this is a candid video. Moreover, the girl seemed to be unconscious, she didn't seem to be very old, she was only fourteen or five years old.

"Fuck, it turned out to be a minor." Zhang Dagu said in astonishment.

"It looks like it is indeed a minor." Xiao Han nodded and said, "I've been drugged."

"Damn, this beast." Zhang Feng cursed.

"Hey, don't you know?" Liu Bin showed a weird smile and said: "This man is the head of our Wanglong District. I didn't expect that Ye Shisan would use this thing to control him. Gee..."

"It's no wonder that Ye Shisan has opened so many clubs in the provincial capital without fear." Xiao Han suddenly realized, "I am afraid that I would have been killed by the anti-prostitution and non-professionals long ago. Lovers have long established a background. Up."

"There is still..." Liu Bin said hurriedly.

What District Chief Li, Director Liu, Vice President Zhang...

These people are some officials in the provincial capital, and with the protection of these people, it is no wonder that Ye Shisan is so confident. Among the provincial capitals, Ye Shisan can be said to be a day's advancement. It all depends on a bunch of girls under her hand to help her make money.

"These people are really good public servants of the people." Zhang Feng's expression was cold.

"There are not many good people in official positions." Liu Bin replied disdainfully, and said, "If you are you, who can be honest and upright? Who can be unique? Don't follow the trend?"

Several people were stunned.

Indeed, if you think about it in another way, if you are yourself, it is impossible to manage yourself well. If you become an official, make money, and play with women, which one is not easy?

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Playing with underage girls, is this too much?"

"This is other people's hobby." Liu Bin sneered and said: "Would you not use your power to satisfy your inner selfish desires?"

"That's not going to be a drug, right?" Zhang Feng said angrily.

"I still said that, this is a hobby of others." Liu Bin sneered.

"Forget it, everything is hobbies anyway." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Killing and setting fire, wouldn't you also call it hobbies?"

"When your official position reaches a certain level, it is indeed a hobby." Liu Bin smiled.

Zhang Feng was a little dumbfounded.

"He has drugged the drug and is already breaking the law." Zhang Feng cursed.

"The law is also made by this group of people." Liu Bin smiled slightly and said: "You forgot what is not rape? Have you forgotten what is illegal sex? Aren't these lawsuits sentenced by this group of people? ?"

Zhang Feng was speechless for a while.

"Forget it, don't argue." Xiao Han smiled and said: "We don't rule out that our country has corrupt officials, but we can't deny it completely. After all, our country also has good officials, and there are good officials who are honest and upright. Right?"

"Then you name an upright and honest official!" Liu Bin smiled slightly and said, "I lose if I say it."

"..." The three people looked at each other.

"It's just that we haven't found it yet!" Zhang Dagu smiled awkwardly.

"Sleep!" Liu Bin fell down.

There is no point in continuing to argue. The good or bad of this country is in the hearts of the people. As the saying goes, the eyes of the masses are discerning. Everyone is not a fool, and it is not an ancient society now. You can use feudal superstition to fool everyone's IQ. The current national education is almost a brainwashing MLM education.

Sleepless all night.


On the other side, the Monkey King returned to the Knife League with a group of people and returned to the Big Rich Entertainment Club.

This group of people went back carrying a safe of several hundred kilograms. The heavy safe seemed very dead. This group of people went back carrying a huge safe. Liu Sandao looked at these people curiously.

"What is this?" Liu Sandao asked curiously.

"Master Dao, we brought back Ye Shisan's safe." The Monkey King smiled and said, "I don't know what secrets are hidden inside. So, I got it back and gave it to Master Dao."

"Really?" Liu Sandao listened and said: "I have heard that Ye Shisan is capable of enduring, and there are many people behind him. Hehe... this time we can open this safe and see if it is hidden here. What kind of data."

In Liu Sandao's view, there should be a lot of Ye Shisan's secret hidden in it. There should be the secret of the collusion between Nightingale and various officials, as well as the secret of Nightingale.

"Master Dao, this thing is too heavy." The Monkey King said awkwardly: "This...how should I open it?"

"Use an oxygen welding cutting machine." Liu Sandao grinned and said: "I don't believe it, this thing can be stronger than oxygen flux."

Soon, Monkey King transferred an oxygen welding cutting machine.

Under the action of huge oxygen welding cutting, this cutting machine took nearly half an hour to be cut. Soon it was cut completely. It was cut in minutes.


With a loud noise, the door of the safe was cut open.

The oxygen welding cutting machine only cuts around the position of the lock. Just this, it took more than half an hour. This shows how strong this safe is.

"It's on!" The Monkey King was overjoyed, and he ran over impatiently.

When he opened the door, he was immediately dumbfounded, and there was nothing inside.

"How is it?" Liu Sandao asked hurriedly.

"Master Dao, I..." The Monkey King was immediately stunned.

"What's the matter?" Liu Sandao hurried forward a few steps.

"Inside... there is nothing in it." Monkey King looked dumbfounded.

"How could this be?" Liu Sandao frowned.

"I...I don't know." The Monkey King shook his head.

Liu Sandao personally checked the safe, and it was indeed empty inside, with nothing. Not even a dime. Not to mention any information, there are all kinds of shady evidence. Seeing this, Liu Sandao raised his head and sighed, "It seems that Ye Shisan should not be underestimated."

"It's really a woman from the Three Caves of the Rabbit." The Monkey King gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity to let her run away."

"Why did you run away?" Liu Sandao asked.

"Xiao Han let go." The Monkey King said.

"Xiao Han actually let her go?" Liu Sandao frowned, and then said: "Why is this? Logically speaking, shouldn't he hate her deeply?"

"It seems that Xiao Han is also very complicated in his heart." The Monkey King hurriedly said: "It is estimated that if you are afraid of killing Ye Shisan, our sword alliance will expand. If this is the case, then Xiao Han, this kid is too terrible. Of course, there is another possibility that Ye Shisan spent money to buy his own life."

"I would rather believe the latter." Liu Sandao said helplessly.

"Me too!" The Monkey King nodded hurriedly.

The white tiger on the side took a deep breath, and then said: "Master Dao, now the Golden Island is no longer empty, so let's take it in one fell swoop."

"Okay!" Liu Sandao nodded and said, "Baihu, you take people to take down the site of Golden Island. Also, don't let the surrounding bars pass."

"Yes!" Bai Hu nodded.

In the evening, the people of the Sword League were dispatched, and the Golden Island soon fell into the hands of the Sword League. Four or five bars around it were also annexed by the Sword League. That night, blood ran into a river. The people in several bars are resisting, but it is a pity that the white tiger is dispatched, where will they give them any chance? Kill them to the group in minutes.


In the office of Black Iron.

Ye Shisan was sitting upright across from the black iron.

Hei Tie's face was dark, he was a little bit angry when he watched the woman he was sheltering was almost killed by someone. He glanced at Ye Shisan and said, "Why are you so careless?"

"Oh..." Ye Shisan sighed, and then said, "I don't know the other party is so powerful."

"This Xiao Han really shouldn't be underestimated. However, the Dao League relied on it to have Xiao Han to do whatever it wanted. It was too rampant." Black Iron gritted his teeth and said, "Now that the Golden Island has been taken by the Dao League people, you will temporarily shelter. With me, when I look back, I will reorganize the people and help you take back the scene!"

"Yeah!" Ye Shisan nodded. It seems that there is no other way except this.

There are many people in Black Iron, but an elite force of Black Iron is performing missions in the field. Therefore, I won't be back for a while. This unit was trained by Black Iron himself, and this unit is very tough.

This time, Hei Tie returned from the border of Myanmar to get a batch of weapons. Unexpectedly, something happened halfway and was pitted by Huang Xiaobo's kid. Therefore, he could only return this batch of goods, but this delayed the time of his group.

Where to return from, it takes a lot of time.

"Hei Tie, you must take revenge for me this time." Ye Shisan touched her arm where the steel plate had just been implanted. She gritted her teeth and said, "Xiao Han, and that knife league, I must crush them to pieces. "

"Don't worry about this." Hei Tie nodded, and he said: "By the way, those women in Golden Island, you should arrange them to work in my clubhouse. Don't let them run away!"

"They have already run away." Ye Shisan bit his red lips and said, "These people were let go by Xiao Han and others. It might not be easy to get them back."

"Damn it." Hei Tie said when he heard it, "Those people are all money printing machines. How can they let them run away like this?"

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