The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 541: Illegal possession of a gun

The gun thing is used by the gangster. Huang Xiaobo is just a small mess, not qualified and unable to get a gun.

Just as Liu Bin and the others were extremely anxious, suddenly a voice came from among the bushes: "Team Zhang, found it!"

"Oh!" Captain Zhang was taken aback, and his face immediately showed a smile. Said: "Okay, get evidence immediately!"

Afterwards, the police officer immediately put on white gloves, and then put the pistol into a transparent plastic bag. Captain Zhang took a look, and said, "Good fellow, it's a fake Liu Er."

"Well, there are still eight bullets in the magazine!" the young policeman said hurriedly.

Captain Zhang took the pistol from the police officer's hand, and his face seemed to have a crime-solving smile. I solved this case today, and I can write a note on my resume. I brave my own superb ability to solve the case, bringing peace to the provincial capital and protecting the people in the provincial city from gun damage.

"Okay, very good." Captain Zhang smiled and said, "Whose gun is this?"

"It's his!" Xiao Han pointed to Huang Xiaobo.

"No... it's not mine!" Huang Xiaobo shook his head vigorously when he saw it. At this moment, his head was shaking like a rattle.

"Huh?" Captain Zhang was taken aback, and he grinned: "Sophistry is useless. Go back and check your fingerprints."

When Huang Xiaobo heard it, he immediately wilted.

"Now there is still a chance to surrender." Captain Zhang sneered and said: "If I find it out when I go back, hum, it will inevitably be a good fight."

"I...I admit it, admit it is mine." Huang Xiaobo was young after all. When he was fooled by these old fritters, he immediately jumped out. Of course, he himself knew very well that if he didn't admit it, the result might be even worse. It's better to admit it honestly. Anyway, it's just holding a gun illegally, and I don't know what will happen.

"Humph." Captain Zhang glanced at Huang Xiaobo and said, "Bring me all of them."

"Why take Xiao Han away?" Guan Xiaotong asked hurriedly, "He came to save me."

"Don't worry, you can just go back and make a transcript." Captain Zhang said that the temperature became much milder. Xiao Han did a great favor to himself. Not only did he not kill anyone in this case, he did a good job. I picked up a ready-made one as soon as I went up the mountain. It stands to reason that Xiao Han should be awarded a reward for bravery and a bonus of five thousand yuan. However, Xiao Han has no background and no influence, and he probably doesn't understand this himself. Therefore, Captain Zhang didn't bother to mention it. He went back to the police station, opened the bonus item, looked for financial reimbursement, and took five thousand yuan to go to the police station.

Thinking of this, Captain Zhang couldn't help but raise his mouth.

"That's OK!" Guan Xiaotong nodded.

Afterwards, several police officers handcuffed those guys immediately. Holding a gun illegally is a felony. Must be handcuffed. More than a dozen people were handcuffed into a string. Connected to each other, handcuffed together. It seems very funny.

When descending the mountain, more than a dozen people clustered together, and the scene was particularly funny.

The two police cars couldn't fit so many people. Captain Zhang could only call the police station to drive a small minibus. Only after more than ten people were installed. These people were in the police station's special car to **** the suspects. And Xiao Han and the others sat in the business car driven by Captain Zhang.

The car quickly arrived at the police station.

Because an illegal gun possession and kidnapping case was cracked. Therefore, many people in the police station are in place, brightly lit. It looks very hot.

Upon arriving at the scene, there were many police officers at the door preparing to **** the suspects.

"So many people?" When the dozen or so people got out of the car, the group was stunned.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I caught so many people." Captain Zhang smiled and said, "Look what this is?"

"Oh, six-two style!" the police officer said in surprise.

"No!" Captain Zhang smiled slightly, and then said: "The current students are bold, even dare to do this stuff."

"What's not to be bold now!" The police snorted coldly, and then said, "You don't want to think about it. Nowadays, students dare to kill people in fights. What else can they dare not?"

"Uh..." Captain Zhang nodded, and said, "Yes, the current students are indeed messing up."

Xiao Han and Guan Xiaotong recorded confessions at the police station and let them go. Huang Xiaobo and the others were detained in several detention rooms. Then interrogate one by one. Soon, the identity of Huang Xiaobo's principal criminal was confirmed.

"Boy, you honestly confess, where did this gun come from?" Captain Zhang planned to follow the vine to crack an organization that illegally manufactures guns. He has a very powerful ambition in his heart. If this smuggling and firearms organization is caught today, his future will probably be more than that. Thinking of this, Captain Zhang couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face.

"This..." Huang Xiaobo's arm had been bandaged and he was also treated for pain relief.

"If you don't say it, don't even think about going to the hospital." Captain Zhang sneered: "In addition, if your arm doesn't go to the hospital, hehe, just stare at it and be scrapped."

"I..." Huang Xiaobo's face suddenly became cold, and he hurriedly said: "I said, I said!"

Huang Xiaobo was full of fear in his heart. He had never seen such a battle before. He was locked in a room alone and sat on an interrogation chair with his hands and feet handcuffed. Then an interrogating police officer sat in front of him, and there was a gun facing him in the room. Such battles have never been seen only on TV, and they have never been seen. I never thought that such a thing would happen to me.

Everything that was conceived at the time seems to have changed. Huang Xiaobo was caught off guard, and even more at a loss.

"It's good for you to be honest," the police officer said.

"I..." Huang Xiaobo swallowed and said, "Actually, I don't know the gun seller. I also met through my elder brother Zhang Dakai. Therefore, if you want to find that person, you have to find Zhang Dakai. Just ask. As for the others, I really don’t know."

The police officer is a master of interrogation, and the interrogation of a rookie like Huang Xiaobo is not at all difficult, and the interrogation is over in minutes. All the interrogators are proficient in psychology. The police kept staring at him, and through his expression, he could tell whether he was lying.

"Old Zhang, it's done." The interrogator came out of the interrogation room.

"So fast?" Captain Zhang was stunned.

"How long does it take to deal with this kind of rookie?" The interrogator smiled and said: "It may be accidental that he bought a gun, but you are going to arrest Zhang Dakai and bring him to justice, and then you may be able to interrogate him from his mouth. Give some other clues."

Captain Zhang hesitated and said, "Okay, now is the best time to catch people in the middle of the night."

Captain Zhang smoked a cigarette, then turned and walked out of the interrogation room.

After walking out of the interrogation room, Captain Zhang immediately greeted a group of people and swiftly rushed towards Zhang Dakai's bar.

Captain Zhang knows the ground snake in this area. Zhang Dakai is a ground snake near the university town. As for Huang Xiaobo, this kid is just one of his little brothers. Therefore, Captain Zhang hurried to the bar.

At the entrance of the bar, five or six police officers got out of the car.

There were many lying dead bodies at the entrance of the bar, and several young men fell on the ground, motionless. Not far away, a man was throwing up while leaning on the wall. After vomiting for a while, he sat down slowly, then lay down along the wall. There was a young and beautiful girl sitting on the ground at the door, seemingly still awake.

"It's stinking." A police officer who had not been in business for a while pinched his nose.

"Hey, what's this!" The old fritters on the side sneered, and then said: "I see a lot of places like this, and you will slowly experience it in the future. There are even more **** places waiting for you. The scene of the corpse must be broken... …"

"Don't... stop talking." The young police officer shook his head hurriedly.

"Go, go in and catch people!" Captain Zhang said.

Afterwards, five or six people immediately walked towards the bar.

The service staff in the bar were cleaning the sanitation there. Seeing the police came, they immediately stopped their work. Several people greeted him.

"What are you doing?" The lead boy blocked the police's way.

Captain Zhang is not nonsense, his neck is thick, and he sneered: "The police handle the case and walk away for me."

"Uh..." A group of people looked at each other, but the leader sneered: "It's really strange, why haven't the police been so proud these days? When did it start?"

Captain Zhang frowned, then said, "What do you mean?"

"There's nothing wrong with us, why are you breaking into the private turf?" The leader replied with disdain. In order to show his prestige in front of the boys, he could be said to have tried so hard and deliberately so rude and unreasonable.


Suddenly, the old Youtiao police officer on the side stepped forward and slammed over the shoulder at the man. The little brother in the lead fell down and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ouch..." the man screamed.

"Fuck." The younger brothers behind him were anxious: "The police are great, can the police beat people?"

A group of people seemed very excited.

At this time, Lao You Tiao immediately took out his pistol and raised it up. He was smoking a cigarette and said, "Don't talk nonsense, get out of here, or don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite!"


Excited just now, a group of people filled with righteous indignation ran away in an instant, and the guy who was still screaming on the ground screamed.

"A bunch of rubbish!" Old You Tiao put away his gun, and then said: "Team Zhang, let's go up."

"Go!" Captain Zhang nodded immediately.

Afterwards, several people went upstairs immediately.

This guy Zhang Dakai sang songs every night, and a few beautiful girls came to the bar today. He tricked the girls with a free drink. At the moment, the two were fighting in the room upstairs. Zhang Dakai did a good job in bed, and the girl was softened all over. Holding Zhang Dakai's neck with both hands, he shouted: "Hurry up...hurry up!"

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