The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 536: Canteen Disturbance

"Fuck, you guys are blind." The two brawny men couldn't be proud of it, but they didn't expect the other to take their place. This annoyed them. The two took a step forward and then threatened coldly: "Get out of here, or don't blame us for being polite. If you annoy us, Master Qin, you will have good fruit."

"Yiyi, I said don't eat in this kind of place, you don't believe it." Qin Xiaotian smiled and said, "Look, there are many people in this place, and the sanitation is poor. What is the difference with the pigsty?"

Qin Xiaotian's words immediately made many boys around dared not speak.

"Don't say that!" Liu Yiyi smiled faintly, and then said: "This is the school cafeteria. As a student of Mizuki University, isn't it normal for me to come to the cafeteria to eat? Besides, you said this is a pigsty, then am I? I was scolded by you too?"

"Uh..." Qin Xiaotian was taken aback, and said awkwardly: "Yes, yes, I was wrong, I took back the sentence just now."

"Yeah." Liu Yiyi nodded lightly.

Xiao looked at the two strong men coldly and said, "What if I don't leave today?"

"Then you are looking for death!" A strong man immediately stretched out his hand to take Xiao Han's arm and fall out.


Unexpectedly, a white shadow flashed by, and Xiao Han's hand was very fast, hitting the opponent's arm with a backhand at a speed that could not cover his ears. Before the opponent screamed, Xiao Han already rushed towards the opponent.


One fell over the shoulder. Beautiful reversal, wonderful reversal.

"Ouch..." The strong Han suddenly screamed.


There was a sudden uproar around, everyone was dumbfounded, Xiao Hansheng actually threw a strong man weighing 180 kilograms out of the opponent, and he almost couldn't move him, lying on the ground screaming, painful Endless. It's unbelievable.

Qin Xiaotian also saw that something was wrong here.

"It's you?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"Classmate Yiyi." Xiao cold smiled and said, "As a student of Shuimu University, don't you know the order of the cafeteria? Don't think you can do whatever you want with a little money and a little background at home."

"I..." Liu Yiyi was dumbfounded, she didn't expect Xiao Han to misunderstand herself.

In fact, Liu Yiyi still has a good impression of Xiao Han. The first time I saw Xiao Han was in the piano store, she didn't expect a boy to learn Guzheng? Generally speaking, boys learn Guzheng with a bit of a virgin temperament, but Xiao Han does not, Xiao Han appears very masculine instead. The second meeting was on the school stage. At that college party, Liu Yiyi was deeply impressed by Xiao Han. I have always wanted to talk to him about the fun of guzheng, but I have never contacted him.

However, when they met again, the two seemed to be enemies, facing each other.

"I didn't!" Liu Yiyi shook his head and said, "I didn't want to jump in the queue."

"I want to jump in the line, how?" Qin Xiaotian looked at Liu Yiyi with a sneer, and then said: "Liu Yiyi is my fiancee. I asked her to eat. She has to come to the cafeteria to eat. This ghost place, if not she wants to come. , Do you think I like to come?"

Qin Xiaotian would go home to eat almost every day, and the food standard at home was much better. He was never willing to squeeze a few broken canteens with thousands of good students. Especially this first canteen. He didn't even want to look at the food in the first cafeteria. However, Liu Yiyi asked to come to the cafeteria to eat. Qin Xiaotian assumed that Liu Yiyi had tested himself.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said disdainfully: "You are not welcome in the cafeteria either."

"What do you mean?" Qin Xiaotian glared at Xiao Han.

"What I mean is obvious!" Xiao Han smiled faintly, and then said: "You are not welcome here. Especially people who jump in the line like you are not welcome."

"Hit him for me." Qin Xiaotian immediately said to a few doglegs: "Damn, someone at Shuimu University would dare to fight against me. I think your kid is tired of life. Don't think you are a college entrance examination champion. I tell you, for people like you, I don’t know how many lessons I have to teach each year."

Qin Xiaotian never allowed his dignity to be trampled on. Especially in front of people you like. Therefore, he was furious. This guy Xiao Han taught himself and humiliated himself in front of so many people in front of Liu Yiyi. How could he bear this bad breath.

"Yes!" Several strong men nodded at the time and rushed up quickly.

Xiao Han grabbed his lunch box and threw it violently.

The hot rice that had just been punched out of the lunch box immediately spilled these people's faces. The three strong men hurriedly covered their eyes.


Xiao Han's left foot was lightly on the ground. Randomly, both legs kicked towards the opponent immediately.

Bang bang bang!

Foshan Wuying's legs are fast, and they kicked three or four times in one second. Such a fast speed is unbelievable for ordinary people. The three strong men of the opposing team were kicked into the air by Xiao Han. The three fell heavily to the ground.

"Qin Xiaotian, your dog legs are nothing but that." Xiao Han gave Qin Xiaotian a disdainful look.

Qin Xiaotian sneered and said, "Xiao Han, you are so bold and courageous. Don't you really know who I am?"

"I know!" Xiao Han replied disdainfully, and said: "The second son of the Qin Group is useless. Your eldest brother, Qin Jun, is much better than you. Moreover, the head of the Qin Group will also be in the future. There is only Qin Jun. As for you...hehehe, you can only be a **** who is idle in this life. Don't be the heir of the Qin Group in your life!"

"You!" Qin Xiaotian almost vomited blood when he heard it.

This is what Qin Xiaotian feels most grieving about. Qin Jun is his elder brother, several years older than himself. He not only inherited the excellent genes of his mother, he is handsome, but also easy to learn. Graduated from the University of Cambridge with a major in financial management and holds a doctorate degree in management and finance. After returning to China, he directly took over the position of general manager of the Qin Group. Although the head of the Qin family was still the chairman of the board, he basically left the work to Qin Jun.

After Qin Jun took control of the Qin Group, the wealth of the Qin Group doubled in four years. Directly reach RMB 5 billion. And it is in the top fifty of the Chinese Forbes rankings. It is precisely because of this that Qin Jun has always been loved and supported by the Qin family. Even the head of the Qin Group, that is, Qin Xiaotian's father, has repeatedly stated at family meetings that the position of the head of the Qin family will be given to Qin Jun.

Qin Xiaotian has been out of anger, but his abilities are here. Although he wanted to compete with his eldest brother many times, he never had this opportunity. Now, the deepest wound in my heart has been opened. Qin Xiaotian's eyes were red.

"What?" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "Do you think you are a rabbit? You have red eyes with me?"

"Fuck, your uncle!" Qin Xiaotian suddenly became furious. He gritted his teeth, raised his fist and rushed towards Xiao Han.

This is Qin Xiaotian's first confrontation with Xiao Han.

Qin Xiaotian can be regarded as the fourth stage of taekwondo black belt. Going out at this level, it's no problem to beat a few ordinary people. However, he met Xiao Han today, and he met a freak, a freak with a powerful brain and mutant genes in his body.


Qin Xiaotian jumped up, cheating with a standard.

It's a pity that when he descended from the sky, Xiao Han rushed over, pinched Qin Xiaotian's leg with one hand, and threw it out fiercely.


Qin Xiaotian slammed into the dining table, and then fell off.

"Master Qin." A strong man hurriedly helped him up and asked: "Are you all right?"

"Fuck, it hurts me so much." Qin Xiaotian had never suffered such a crime. Moreover, Xiao Han was defeated in front of so many people. His face is a little bit difficult.

"Xiao Han, you are enough." At this moment, Liu Yiyi hurriedly stood up.

"Why? Do you want to intercede for him?" Xiao Han turned to look at the beautiful Liu Yiyi, who has always been the goddess deep in his heart. How many times he hoped to meet Liu Yiyi by chance, but he didn't expect it. The way he met Liu Yiyi was so unique.

"No, I am not pleading for him!" Liu Yiyi shook his head.

"Then what do you mean?" Xiao Han asked.

"I'm begging for you!" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han seriously, and said: "If you want to continue to stay in Shuimu University, if you want to continue to live in this world. Then, put away your pride, put away Your self-esteem. The Qin family is not something you can provoke."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "The Qin family is indeed not something I can provoke. It is as if your beauty can only remain in my mind and engraved in my heart. I finally understand a sentence now, some People are naturally beautiful, but their hearts are like snakes and scorpions."

"You!" Liu Yiyi's face suddenly paled, and his body fell back stiffly.

Fortunately, a man behind her hurriedly supported her and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I..." Liu Yiyi's face was pale, and sweat was gushing out from his body.

"Forget it, I'm not arguing with you." Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "Since you want to show off your distinguished family and background here, then I won't be with you."

After speaking, Xiao Han turned around and left, and the lunch boxes on the ground were also gone.

"Walk!" Zhang Feng hurriedly pulled Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu.

The three of them left without cooking.

Seeing Xiao Han's back, Liu Yiyi felt her heart aching. In fact, she really did it for Xiao Han's sake just now, but the way she spoke was a little wrong, which caused Xiao Han to misunderstand herself, but she was unable to defend herself. Who made himself Qin Xiaotian's fiancee?

Thinking of this, Liu Yiyi felt desperate in her heart.


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