The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 527: Sleepless night

The two hugged each other, and there was a burst of cloud and rain.


Xiao Han let out a suffocating breath, and the two fell heavily on the bed.

Li Xiaoya's face flushed, she lay weakly on the head of the bed, then looked at Xiao Han out of breath, and said, "Xiaohan, you are amazing!"

"Really?" Xiao Han opened his eyes, sweating all over his body.

After so long, Xiao Han also felt a little tired. Men are all made of meat, and no man is beaten by iron. Although Xiao Han's body is very strong, this does not mean that Xiao Han's body is made of iron.

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya cupped Xiao Han's cheeks in both hands, and said, "You are the best man. You can satisfy me."

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled, not knowing what to say. He simply asked back: "I am the best in your mind just because I can satisfy you? What is the difference between me and a duck?"


Li Xiaoya suddenly smiled.

"You misunderstood." Li Xiaoya shook her head and said, "I just said that you are great in this aspect. You are the best in my mind, not only because of this, but also because you are good to me. You understand. ?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han felt more comfortable when he heard it. If you really describe yourself as being able to satisfy her, wouldn't you have become a breeding bull?

Li Xiaoya smiled, she threw herself on Xiao Han, listening to Xiao Han's heartbeat.

"Your heartbeat is fast." Li Xiaoya smiled.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded and said, "I exercised too much just now, so that's why it's like this, otherwise it won't be like this."

"So, blame me?" Li Xiaoya smiled.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Why would I blame you?"

The two lay on the head of the bed and kissed me and me. It's completely like a newly married couple.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Take a rest and fight again later!"

"Don't..." When Li Xiaoya heard this, she was dumbfounded, and hurriedly shook her head, saying: "I don't want it, I... I can't help it!"

"How can it work?" Xiao Han smiled.

Li Xiaoya hurriedly covered her body with a quilt, completely not wanting to stir up Xiao Han's fire. Therefore, she hurriedly covered her body. Xiao Han didn't care about that much, and began to touch Li Xiaoya with both hands.

"Don't, can't you let me rest for a while?" Li Xiaoya said hurriedly.

"That's fine!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I will let you rest for a while, rest for an hour."

" are simply a stallion." Li Xiaoya's face flushed.

"Don't you like it?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

"I..." Li Xiaoya hurriedly said: "I like it!"

"That's all right?" Xiao Han laughed.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night. And because Li Xiaoya opened the door to a new world, she tried new poses for almost all night, always trying to get herself to try new poses, and constantly letting herself enter one after another and crazy.

This evening, the two people actually came four times, each time basically for about half an hour.

Li Xiaoya was almost tortured to death by Xiao Han. Although painful, but extremely enjoyable. Moreover, this kind of enjoyment is unmatched. Only Xiao Han can give himself this kind of pleasure. Although there are men in this world who are as capable as Xiao Han, there are not many men who can make Li Xiaoya like it so much, but feel so distressed.

Women, **** because of love. Only if you fall in love with a man will you take the initiative to have a relationship with him. If you don't love a man, she cannot have a relationship with this man. Fall in love with someone and sleep with that person. This is a supreme enjoyment.

Li Xiaoya likes this feeling.


Early the next morning.

Birds rang out the window, and waves of bird calls awakened Xiao Han from his sleep. Xiao Han opened his eyes, and he could feel the brightness outside through the curtain. The sun was very big, Xiao Han looked down at the phone, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning at this moment.

"In my arms, I'm late." Xiao Han said in astonishment.

At this moment, Li Xiaoya on the side rolled over, asking for it crazy and endlessly last night. She was really tired, and she was too tired. The whole person almost collapsed. She has been sleeping until now but has not woken up.

The bedding was half covered, revealing the two plump and alluring stunners.

However, Xiao Han had no thoughts at the moment. He was so crazy last night and he had indeed received unprecedented satisfaction. At least today he won't want it anymore. Although the woman in front of her was enough to make herself squirt a nosebleed.

Xiao Han got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to rinse.

"Are you up?" When she came out of the bathroom, Li Xiaoya was already lying on the bedside, already wearing her nightgown.

"Did I wake you up?" Xiao Han asked.

"Of course!" Li Xiaoya nodded and said: "Why do you have to get up so early?"

"Because..." Xiao Han hesitated, then said, "I'm going to be late."

"Fool, this Saturday." Li Xiaoya smiled.

"Ah?!" Xiao Han was taken aback, and hurriedly turned on the phone. As expected, below the date were three eye-catching words for Saturday. Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief immediately. It is no wonder that it is Saturday. If it is normal, if you dare to be late, it is estimated that Lan Yudie's phone call will be like a serial chase. Xiao Han smiled and said, "No wonder sister, you can't get up in bed all the time."

"Hehe..." Li Xiaoya chuckled, then said: "Come up and lie down for a while, I know you were tired last night."

"Sister, it's not as easy as I lie down for a while when I came up." Xiao Han raised a weird smile.

"Uh..." Li Xiaoya was taken aback, and shook her head hurriedly: "Forget it, you...go down for breakfast."

"How about you?" Xiao Han asked.

"I want to wash, it will be slower." Li Xiaoya smiled: "I'm afraid you will be hungry and can't wait."

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "I'll go for a walk in the garden."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

Xiao Han came out of the room, and when he walked out of the room and went downstairs, his legs were a little soft. This was the first time Xiao Han felt this way. Sure enough, she was right. The woman was like a boning knife and slashed a man.

"Hello, sir!" Seeing Xiao Han come down, the maid said hurriedly: "Do you need breakfast?"

"Wait for you misses." Xiao Han replied.

After speaking, Xiao Han walked towards the back garden.

The garden at the back is not big, only about two hundred square meters. The huge garden is planted with a lot of flowers and all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits, which were planted by Li Xiaoya herself. The back garden is surrounded by a white fence. There was a chair in the garden, Xiao Han walked over slowly, and then sat down on the chair.

Sitting in this garden, it is already the season of spring flowers, the garden is full of flowers, and bees and butterflies chase each other in the garden. Birds also ran down to join in the fun from time to time.

Looking at such a wonderful place, Xiao Han felt that he should buy a villa as well.

If life can live in a place where it is, then it can be regarded as a truly successful life.

Not far from the garden is an artificial lake. The man-made lake was built by the developer. As a major selling point of this villa area. The villa of Li Xiaoya is the closest to the lake, and the lake is very powerful.

There are a few small boats in the middle of the lake. People who live in this area of ​​villas can get a boat to row in the lake. This is a very interesting thing. Especially in such a sunny weather and spring season, it makes people feel extremely comfortable and comfortable.

"Xiao Han..." Just as Xiao Han was in a daze, suddenly, Li Xiaoya's voice came.

"Huh?" Xiao Han replied.

"Come here for breakfast." Li Xiaoya changed into a long skirt. The floral dress is as charming as the spring scenery.

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