The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 491: think about it

"Ah?!" Xiao Han was startled and said, "This...what the **** is going on?"

Xiao Han felt a little surprised, when will university professors be unemployed? This is too surprising, right? Chen Zihan's father was a professor at Linjiang University, a professor in the national organization, and this job must be of iron rice bowl type. Now, such an iron rice bowl has also broken, which is really shocking.

Xiao Han hurriedly said, "Why is this happening?"

"It should have been reported." Chen Zihan replied.

"Corruption and bribery?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded hurriedly.

"Hey..." Xiao Han sighed. Apart from such a crime, I'm afraid there is nothing else. Chen Zihan's father was an honest person, so Xiao Han would not think about other aspects at all, but he didn't expect that a good university professor would end up in this way.

"That... doesn't it affect you!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded and said, "My dad has no income, and my family has basically cut off the source of income. My mom's money is only enough for family expenses. Therefore, my dad is under a lot of pressure. Relying on family reserves to survive is enough for me to spend a semester. If my dad’s condition is not good in the next year, my studies will probably be suspended!"

"What to do then?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly, he suddenly wanted to help Chen Zihan. In fact, he should help Chen Zihan.

"It's okay!" Chen Zihan shook his head and said, "After arriving in the United States next semester, I will find a part-time job. I will be able to help the family share the burden in the future."

"This..." Xiao Han felt distressed after hearing this.

A girl in a foreign country wanted to help her family reduce the burden. The most important thing is that Chen Zihan is so beautiful. If she goes out to work part-time at night, no one knows what will happen. Although the law and order in the United States is good, racial discrimination in the United States is very serious. A girl with yellow skin walking on the street may come up with people at any time. This is beyond doubt.

Xiao Han was very worried inside.

"Zihan, it's better..." Xiao Han said hurriedly, "I still have some scholarships here. If you want to use them, you can take them. But you can't go out part-time!"

"I can't use your money!" Chen Zihan hurriedly shook his head, and said: "I have used you 80,000 to buy a mink, how can I still use your money!"

"You have already used me 80,000, do you still care about using more?" Xiao Han said immediately.

"But..." Chen Zihan frowned, and then said: "This is not very good."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "When you leave, I will give you the money, and you can use it. Who makes you my woman?"

"Who is your woman?!" Chen Zihan flushed with shame, pursing his mouth, and said, "I am not!"

"Haha..." When Xiao Han heard it, he laughed and said, "Your first time was given to me. Therefore, I am responsible for you."

"I don't want you to be responsible for me!" Chen Zihan shook his head.

"How can it work?" Xiao Han said hurriedly, "I must be responsible to you!"

Chen Zihan did not refuse, she was silent for a moment, and said: "Xiao Han, I will really figure out my own money matters. I can't use your money!"

However, Xiao Han has decided to help Chen Zihan. The reason why he did this was not because he wanted to help the people of the Chen family to lighten the burden, but mainly because he wanted to help Chen Zihan, a girl, alone in a foreign country. If he were to do part-time jobs again, it would definitely be a dangerous thing. . Xiao Han didn't want Chen Zihan to risk himself.

"Zihan, listen to me!" Xiao Han said seriously: "The money is just as you ask me to borrow it, and you can return it to me in the future. Moreover, now your family is suddenly in trouble, you need money. . You can’t refuse my money, besides, you are my woman, I don’t help you, who will help you?"

Chen Zihan thought for a long time, and finally she nodded and agreed: "Okay. I...I promise you!"

"That's right!" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

After hanging up the phone, Da Pang Li's call came in again.

"Fatty, happy new year." Xiao Han replied.

"Happy new year." Li Da Pang replied.

"Why don't you call for New Year's greetings tomorrow?" Xiao Han replied.

"Hey, I don't have time to pay you New Year's greetings tomorrow on the first day of the New Year. I guess there will be many guests in my house tomorrow." Li Da Pang smiled: "So, I will pay you New Year's greetings in advance, but this is not too early. "

"That's OK. I received your thoughts." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I hope that next year our career will be improved."

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to say." Da Pang Li nodded.

I hung up the phone, and the phone was wave after wave. Yang Lu, and Brother Zhao from the company. Brother Zhao helped him a lot. After all, the Hanmen Restaurant was his credit. If it weren't for his advice, if it wasn't for his efforts, I'm afraid he wouldn't be where he is today. Therefore, when Yang Lu asked herself the year-end bonus this year, Xiao Han asked him to double her name.

If the company has made money, it must not be stingy. Brother Zhao's contribution is indispensable, and it is only natural that he won hundreds of thousands of year-end awards.

"Xiaohan, thank you for considering me so much!" Brother Zhao said excitedly.

"Brother Zhao, it should be." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Without you, there would be no poor restaurant today, and there would be no mine today. Therefore, the money is also due. Next year, I hope you can help our poor company. Double the catering industry of the poor family."

"I work hard." Brother Zhao was full of energy, and he won nearly 300,000 year-end awards at once, twice as fat as Yang Lu and Li Dafa. It did make him feel the company's generosity, and Xiao Han's generosity.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded.

On the phone, Xiao Han has not received the call from the person he most looks forward to. She was serious and serious when she was working; she was a spoof in private, a ghost girl. I once remembered that Liu Xiaolei teased herself many times in private, so that her heart was like a small deer. It seemed as if he was possessed by his demon. People feel very nostalgic.

As everyone knows, Liu Xiaolei is eating New Year's Eve dinner at home at this time.

Liu's New Year's Eve dinner is very late. Because they are waiting for Liu Xiaolei.

Big brother Liu Dajun, as well as Old Man Liu, this time, Grandma Liu also don't support her, everyone gathered for the New Year's Eve dinner. Liu Dajun personally cooks and rewards his sister. If it wasn't for my sister this time, I'm afraid I couldn't even afford a house.

"Big brother, the company just issued a year-end bonus this time!" Liu Xiaolei said, "I will call your account back and try to reduce some of the burden. Now the house hasn't printed the contract yet? Hurry up and make the down payment. Pay some and you will be easier in the future."

"Little sister, thank you!" Liu Dajun said excitedly.

"It's nothing." Liu Xiaolei smiled, smiling like a flower: "I am your sister, I won't help you, who will help you?"

"Hurry up and eat." Liu Dajun said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

Liu Dajun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said, "Little sister, thank you very much."

"Xiao Lei!" Uncle Liu knocked on the table with the dry tobacco in his hand, and then said: "What do you think of the thing I told you last time?"

"What's the matter?" Liu Xiaolei put down her chopsticks.

"It's a blind date!" Uncle Liu said hurriedly.

When Liu Xiaolei heard this, a look of boredom appeared in her eyes, and said: "Dad, I told you everything, I am still young and don't want to talk about these things. Besides, my brother is not married yet, what am I worried about?"

"Your brother was married a long time ago. Now it's just a second marriage!" Uncle Liu was anxious: "Now we have you as a girl in the Liu family."

"Uh..." Liu Xiaolei heard it and said, "Dad, do you want to drive me out sooner!"

"That's not what I mean!" Uncle Liu hurriedly shook his head and said, "I just...I just hope you can marry a good family. I think Xiao family is pretty good. Although Xiao Han's child is still in college, other people are the focus. The university is the top student in the college entrance examination. I saw that the kid grew up. There is absolutely no evil, and he is also a good person. The most important thing is that people do not think you are older than him."

Liu Xiaolei's eyes were round when she heard it.


That's right, Liu Xiaolei was indeed dumbfounded, and she was stunned at once.

"Little girl, you...what's wrong with you?" Liu Dajun asked hurriedly. Seeing his sister looked dull, he was anxious.

"I...I'm fine!" Liu Xiaolei hurriedly reacted, and she hurriedly asked: "Dad, you...what did you just say?"

"I said someone is going to have a blind date with you!" Uncle Liu repeated.

"Behind... Later!" Liu Xiaolei said excitedly.

"Behind..." Uncle Liu hesitated and said hurriedly: "It's the child of Xiao Han... This child has good character and good character. Moreover, this child is also very capable. He studies well and is still a key university... …"

Liu Xiaolei's face blushed when she heard Xiao Han's name. As for what her father said behind her, she couldn't understand everything. My heart is like a deer. His face flushed suddenly.

"Xiao Lei, think about it," Uncle Liu said.

"Oh!" Liu Xiaolei lowered her head.

Liu Dajun on the side clearly saw something wrong. The little girl's expression has changed a lot. From the beginning she was very resistant, but now she is a little shy. What does this mean? It shows that his little sister has a favorable impression of Xiao Han.

Liu Dajun was overjoyed and said, "Little sister, if you like Xiao Han, we can tell them, and then you two can try to get in touch. Although Xiao Han is younger than you, I think women are bigger than men. Together It's more able to break in, isn't it?"

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