The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 482: Tell the truth

"Director Zhou, this is the process!" Director Zhao sneered, and then said: "Understood? We are a country under the rule of law, and everything must be acted in accordance with the law. This time, you violated the relevant administrative regulations of the city and municipal administration. A rectification notice is issued. If you don’t remove the street lights within three days, then...I will send someone to forcibly dismantle these street lights. I’m afraid it won’t be that simple then.”

After speaking, Director Zhao turned around with two people and left.

Looking at the other person's back, Aunt Zhou was dumbfounded. At first he thought that those people were not from the municipal engineering office, but when she saw the army-green jeep, she believed it, because the jeep was the engineering office car, and it was the leader of the engineering office. Car.

"Sister, what can we do?" Xiaohong asked awkwardly from the side.

"This bunch of bastards!" Aunt Zhou scolded angrily: "A bunch of officials, in order to highlight their authority, they really do nothing. We spent 130,000 yuan to update all these street lights, but I didn't expect... …It’s really shameful that they want me to take it down again."

"It's really crushing to death at the senior level." Xiaohong cursed.

"Then what should I do now?" Aunt Zhou asked hurriedly.

"I don't know either!" Xiao Hong shook his head, and then said: "Or, discuss it with everyone?"

"Okay!" Aunt Zhou nodded, and when she turned around, she hurriedly said: "Yes, go and find the child Xiao Han. He also has a part in this matter. He is the investor. We should listen to his opinions and see. How did he say!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hong nodded, and hurried back to the office to call Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was at home at this time and suddenly received a call from the neighborhood committee. Xiao Han immediately got up and walked toward the neighborhood committee. In the office of the neighborhood committee, when Xiao Han entered, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"Aunt Zhou, what's the matter?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously, "Everyone is so silent. Is something wrong?"

"Xiaohan, come sit down." Aunt Zhou hurriedly greeted.

Everyone was silent.

Without waiting for Xiao Han to sit down, Lao Li from the Family Planning Office held a cigarette and said, "Sister, in fact, our biggest mistake is that we shouldn't publish the list of our expenses this time."

"Oh?" Aunt Zhou said when he heard it, "Why? This should be a normal practice. When we took Xiao Han's money, we should give everyone an explanation, shouldn't it? And, I think this list is very It's normal, no problem."

"That's the problem." Old Li sighed.

"This..." Aunt Zhou hurriedly asked: "What the **** is going on?"

"Have you forgotten what I told you in the morning?" Old Li smiled and said, "The municipal people buy a street lamp bulb, which may cost 1,000 yuan, but they asked the boss to give them 2,000 yuan. Invoices. And what about us? I pierced my mouth and cut a price of two hundred. The bulb model is the same as them, but the price is only one-tenth of theirs. Do you think...can the municipal people still sit down?"

He said nothing.


Everyone was in an uproar, and everyone immediately understood what was going on.

Aunt Zhou was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. She finally reacted at this time. Was it because of this? No wonder they are so nervous. If someone finds out, there will definitely be people who question whether people in the municipal government are suspected of corruption. Moreover, this exaggerated bill makes people feel horrified. Ten times the market price. How many moths should eat taxpayers' money behind their backs?

Xiao Han has been sitting around. Through their exchanges, he probably knows what the situation is now. However, he did not interrupt. After all, this is a matter for the municipal unit and the Fuxing Community Neighborhood Committee. How could he as a student manage so many things, besides, he couldn't trouble Mo Shaocong because of such things. Mo Shaocong is now in Beijing, and he is probably mingling with the three young masters in Beijing. Mo Shaocong urgently needs to integrate into the upper circles of Beijing, and urgently need to get some connections.

"This...what can I do about this?" Aunt Zhou also realized the problem.

"That's their problem too!" At this time, Xiaohong sneered: "They are corrupt, who can blame it?"

"But, they have the right!" Old Li smiled: "The management right of Fuxing Road is indeed ours. However, the municipal management is the project of the entire city. In theory, we need to find roads to replace street lights and repair street light poles. Note. However, it’s not a big problem if you don’t open it. As long as you don’t touch their interests, they will never say anything. After all, this is a matter of benefiting the country and the people. But now we touch their interests. Even if we With the permit, they will also find a problem and let us rework."

"Uh..." Aunt Zhou choked, as if there was a fishbone stuck in her heart.

Obviously, he did a good deed to benefit the country and the people, but he was asked for trouble. Aunt Zhou was very uncomfortable. I don't have any good feelings about these officials. In fact, Aunt Zhou has a lot of dealings with people from the government, and she has a good impression of them. Some government leaders and Aunt Zhou have no interest in dealings, so they are more polite. Even if the community asks for them, they will agree without hesitation.

However, this time the municipal leadership made Aunt Zhou chill.

"No." Aunt Zhou said suddenly: "I definitely can't let them take down our street lights like this."

"What should I do?" Xiao Han asked aside.

"I'm going to the municipal party committee to find someone." Aunt Zhou gritted her teeth and said, "How can we let them dismantle the street light poles that were finally repaired? I am definitely not happy."

"I'm not happy either!" Xiao Hong said.

"We are not happy!" everyone said one after another.

A group of people seemed outraged.

Xiao Han looked at them on the sidelines. This incident did touch on the interests of the municipality, and even if it was a little careless, the leaders of the municipality could easily be double-regulated. If someone finds it out, write another report and send it to the provincial party committee. Not only will there be problems with the municipal leadership, but even the leadership of the municipal party committee will be implicated. Therefore, this incident also allows them to understand the problem and the crux of the problem.

"Aunt Zhou, can I help you?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Never mind you!" Aunt Zhou shook her head and said: "You are still a child. This time you can pay so much money. I am very pleased. The residents of Fuxing Community can not go down the road and rely on your support!"

"You're polite!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first!"

"Yeah!" Zhou Ah nodded and said: "You go back first. There is nothing for you anymore!"

Xiao Han nodded, then turned and left.

New Year's Eve, the day of sticking couplets.

Residents in the Fuxing community have started to post couplets every household. However, the community staff are still running for the street lights on Fuxing Road. Xiao Han was full of respect for them. Walking back along the way, I saw the red couplet at the door, full of joy.

"Xiao Han!" As soon as he walked to the door of his house, he saw a pretty figure standing on the side of the road.

Xiao Han glanced at the other person, his face was familiar, and he couldn't remember where he had seen her. She looked at her suspiciously and asked: "You... are you?"

"I'm from Linjiang TV Station. My name is Jiang Ling." Jiang Ling walked over to Xiao Han from Jiangnan.

Jiang Ling has a fair complexion and a tall body. She was very thin in black attire, with some smiles on her face, she walked towards Xiao Han slowly, and then stretched out her hand to shake hands with Xiao Han politely.

"We... We seem to have seen it somewhere!" Xiao Han recalled hard.

"Think about it again!" Jiang Ling was slightly playful, blinking.

"Oh!" After all, Xiao Han's brain is better than others. He immediately realized, "On the day of the college entrance examination, you asked me questions in the conference room!?"

"Hehe, what else?" Jiang Ling smiled.

"I don't remember!" Xiao Han's only memory of him is this. In the afternoon of the first day of the college entrance examination, it was a math test. He came out of the first few, and Jiang Ling also asked herself a few irrelevant questions. It seemed that I couldn't get an undergraduate entrance exam, so I didn't interview myself.

"Oh, you really forget things." Jiang Ling smiled lightly and said, "But, maybe I don't remember. That day at Linjiang No. 1 Middle School, your speech was very wonderful, I was there. And, I read your college entrance examination composition, which is very touching and true. I didn't expect at that time that you would be the nation's top college entrance examination. Otherwise, I would have to take a few photos and send a newsletter."

"Jiang Ling, what can you do with me?" Xiao Han suddenly remembered her self-introduction that afternoon. Once things come to mind, they are overwhelming.

"Ah, do you remember my name?" Jiang Ling was a little surprised.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I came to you today because I want to give you a personal interview!" Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Are you interested?"

"Not interested!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"You..." Jiang Ling was almost out of breath when she heard it. Most people who can be invited by TV stations to do interviews are estimated to jump up happily. However, this guy didn't jump up happily, instead he refused his invitation. Jiang Ling suddenly felt that her self-esteem was hurt, and she hurriedly said, "Why?"

"There is no reason, just not interested!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Then... Then I ask you to do an interview, okay?" Jiang Ling said hurriedly.

"I really want to say, we are just one side, we don't seem to be very familiar?" Xiao Han's words almost didn't make Jiang Ling vomit blood.

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