The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 469: Don't even want to run

The two looked at each other, then took up their weapons again and rushed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was not afraid of each other at all. Although these two people are both Jiang Yang thieves and they still carry their lives on their backs, they never thought that they couldn't kill people at all by having some hostility on their bodies. On the contrary, if the opponent has sufficient strength, even if it is not a Jiangyang thief, I am afraid it will be able to kill easily.

Madam Jiang wanted to find that kind of cruel, but the two people she found were indeed cruel, but it was a pity that Xiao Han couldn't beat Xiao Han in strength.

After several rounds, the two of them were spanked by Xiao Han and peeed.

"****." The third child said helplessly: "No, this kid is too powerful."

"What should I do?" The man with sunglasses asked hurriedly.

"If you want me to say, let's run." The third child said breathlessly: "We all have murders on our bodies. If we are discovered, we must go to prison. I don't want to go to prison. It’s dark, and you’ll have to be raped if you go in. Lao Tzu is not that interested."

"Fuck!" The man in sunglasses gritted his teeth and said: "I don't want to go in either."

"Then run quickly." The youngest said hurriedly.

The two looked at each other again, and then they immediately ran away. Seeing the two of them just ran away like this, Xiao Han naturally wouldn't let it go. Xiao Lengchun laughed: "Fuck, where are you going!"

After speaking, Xiao Han ran after him.


Xiao Han jumped up and kicked on the back of the man with sunglasses at that time. With this kick, he let the other party fly out. Then, the man in sunglasses fell a dog to eat **** and threw himself on the concrete floor.


The pair of sunglasses on the bridge of the nose broke on the spot, and the broken lens actually pierced his skin, and blood leaked out of his skin. He touched the blood on his face and screamed, "Ah, you bastard, you have broken the image of Lao Tzu."

The man in sunglasses has always valued his face. Now, his most cherished face has been disfigured, and he naturally hates it very much. He just got up from the ground. Xiao Han has already rushed in front of him.

"Don't be entangled, go quickly." The third child hurriedly said.

"This **** has broken Lao Tzu's face. Lao Tzu has to kill him." Where the man with sunglasses is willing to give up, he picked up his short knife and roared: "I'm going to fight him."

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and rushed out quickly.

Xiao Han slapped his **** and immediately avoided the opponent's attack.


Suddenly, the man with sunglasses immediately felt a cool breeze sweeping from behind him. He was stunned at the time. Although he had foreseen the cool breeze behind him, he had no time to make any reaction, and he could only hide back inertially. Unfortunately, he could no longer escape Xiao Han's kick.


This foot is very powerful. Xiao Han almost used all his strength. The man in sunglasses suddenly felt a thousand catties hit his back. With this foot, he flew out immediately.


With one foot down, the man flew out on the spot. The whole person almost fell apart.

"Ouch..." the man screamed, he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

Seeing that his little friend was so angry, the youngest turned around and ran back no matter how he could calm down. He also picked up a brick on the ground, and picked up this brick and slammed it towards Xiao Han.


The brick flew out immediately.

In the darkness, Xiao Han saw that brick smashed towards him. Although it was dark, Xiao Han's eyes were extraordinary, and his eyes could still clearly identify objects in the dark. Xiao Han easily avoided the opponent's brick attack.

The third child rushed over and helped the man with sunglasses up.

"Hurry up." The third child hurriedly persuaded: "If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

"Go, let's go!" The man in sunglasses finally realized that Xiao Han was not so easy to bully, nor was he so easy to deal with. Therefore, they can only run away dingy. The two looked extremely depressed. It's a pity that Xiao Han won't let the other party leave easily.

He dashed out and quickly picked up the brick from the ground. He grabbed the brick on the ground and threw it towards the opponent fiercely. The slab slid across a parabola in the air and hit the youngest's forehead very accurately.

"I'm going to your uncle." The youngest figure had a pause. He covered his head with his hands, and hot blood poured out from between his fingers. In this cold winter night, the scorching blood burned his cold hands. This sharp contrast made the youngest realize that it was not good.

"What's the matter?" The man with sunglasses asked hurriedly.

"I won the bid." The old third looked pained.

"Damn it, it seems that I can't run away today." The man with sunglasses turned around, he swallowed, holding a short knife tightly in his hand, he turned his head and stared at Xiao Han, then said: "Boy, you Have you ever heard a word? It's called "be forgiving and forgiving, don't be forgiving and forgiving, I tell you, we are not easy to bully, if you send us in, don't think about it, your kid!" "

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"That's right!" The old third heard it, and hurriedly threatened with the man in sunglasses, and said: "I tell you, we are really not that easy to mess with. We are all supported behind us. Don't think we are just alone."

"Hey!" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "That's better. It just happens to be able to knock you all out at once. This way, it will save a lot of trouble."

"You!" The third child almost drew over with no anger. He had seen a shameless person, but had never seen such a shameless person. Does this kid really think he is a fairy? Still expecting one person to kill a group, is this too idiotic, right?

"Let's do it." Xiao Han waved his hand and said, "None of you will want to run today."

"Fuck!" The man in sunglasses was obviously very angry.

When speaking, the man in sunglasses had already grabbed a short knife and rushed out desperately. The youngest person on the side also rushed over immediately, ignoring that the blood on his head was still pouring out. Both of them seem to be desperately very rare. This time, they seem to plan to fight each other fiercely.

Xiao Han took a step back, squeezing the wrist of the man in sunglasses with one hand, and the other party was holding a short knife, trying hard to cut Xiao Han's skin and flesh, but with his strength, there was no way to touch Xiao Han. After several rounds, neither of them touched Xiao Han. The two seemed very helpless.

"Fuck, I killed you." The man with sunglasses suddenly seized an opportunity. Holding a short knife with one hand, he slashed towards the back of Xiao Han's neck fiercely. If this knife succeeds, Xiao Han will undoubtedly die.

However, Xiao Han seemed to have a pair of eyes behind his back. Seeing the opponent rushed up, Xiao Han quickly dodged backwards. Under that blow, the man fell through. Xiao Han took the opportunity to grab the opponent's neck and greeted him with his knees.


This blow was very powerful, and the shadow of the knee was naturally beyond doubt. He went up to his knee and hit the opponent's chest. The other party took a breath at that time, and he slowly fell down. The third one is left alone.

The third child was stunned for a moment. Seeing that his little friend was unconscious, he immediately realized that something was wrong. He took a deep breath and said, "Brother, we were wrong about this matter. Let us make a living. "

"Don't tell me this sentence, you can go to a police station and tell it." Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"So, you just don't give face?" The youngest frowned.

Xiao Han froze for a moment, sneered, and then said, "For you criminals who commit murder and commit crimes, there is no face to be given. Besides, do I know you? Why should I give you face? Is your face worth money? You What kind of thing?"

The third child hesitated for a while, sneered, and then said: "Uncle ****, in this case, don't blame me for being impolite."

After speaking, the other party untied something from the waistband.

When the other party took out that thing, Xiao Han was dumbfounded, it turned out to be a black hole pistol. A black Browning pistol, by looking at the color and appearance of the gun, you can know that it should be a very old antique gun. However, even the antique guns are still very powerful. Fighting firearms in the flesh is definitely a huge difference. Anyone who has mastered firearms must also have the initiative.

Xiao Lengchun laughed, and then said: "You think you have a gun, I'm afraid of you?"

"Boy, this is a gun, not a toy!" The man gritted his teeth and said, "Today, I will let you know what is great."

Xiao Han's eyes stared at each other coldly. Judging from the current situation, the situation is very unfavorable to him. In the current situation, it is dark and cold. Darkness is a big obstacle to my vision. Although I can still distinguish objects when it is dark, it definitely affects the time for judgment. Moreover, the weather is cold, the weather is stunned, people's judgment will also decline. Especially when the opponent has a pistol, he has no bottom.

The man seemed a little hesitant. He knew that if he fired, he would definitely alarm the people around him. Once the people around him are disturbed, he will undoubtedly die. Thinking of this, he felt a little horrified and nervous.

"Why? Don't you dare to shoot?" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"Hmph, don't bluff me!" The man frowned, and then said, "Is there anything I dare not dare to, is there anything in this world that I dare not? How to kill people, to rob homes, which things I have never done ?"

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