The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 462: Little Bunny

"Good brother." Xiao Han patted Li Dafang on the shoulder.

Now that I have decided to go to the other party to settle accounts in person. Then naturally it can't be late in time. Because once the time is late, the other party will definitely come. This time Jiang Xiaoliang's arm was interrupted, and he must not let his mother know. What happened last time left my mother suffering and suffering. This time, I have grown up, and I should learn to take care of such things myself.

In the afternoon, Li Dapang immediately summoned a few brothers who could fight. These people are all a team formed by Da Pang Li in Linjiang City. Last time Da Pang Li took these people to the provincial capital. Xiao Han and them have already met. Therefore, this time meeting is no stranger.

"Big Brother." When everyone saw Li Da Pang and Xiao Han, they shouted.

"Yeah!" Li Da Pang nodded and said, "Brothers, to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while, today is finally the time for us to play."

"Big Brother, what's going on?" everyone asked curiously.

"Hey, Xiao Han needs our help." Li Da Pang grinned.

Everyone looked at Xiao Han.

"This time the person we are going to deal with is not easy." Xiao Han glanced at everyone, and then said: "The other party is not small, rich, powerful, and background. If you are afraid, you can stand up at this time."

Everyone did not move.

"Okay, then I'll tell you that the other party is Meida Group." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "That's the Jiang family in Linjiang City."


Everyone was taken aback. Obviously, they didn't know what Meida Group was talking about. However, when it comes to the Jiang family, they have to know. The Jiang family has a great ability in Linjiang City. It is said that they have a very good relationship with Liu Siye, and they also have their own underground forces. Jiang Yicai's younger brother Jiang Xiaoneng is on the road. Because of Jiang Yicai’s financial support, Jiang Xiaoneng’s The power is very strong. Although not as good as Liu Si, but it is also comparable.

However, Jiang Xiaoneng and Liu Si belong to the type where the well water does not violate the river flow. Liu Si is in charge of the underground world of Linjiang City and monopolizes many industries in Linjiang City. However, Jiang Xiaoneng seems not interested in these. Jiang Xiaoneng mainly monopolized the smuggling industry, and there are also some drug transactions abroad. They are doing big business, so they are unwilling to develop in Linjiang City. Liu Si's ability is in Linjiang City, while Jiang Xiaoneng's ability is overseas. The two sides are not in conflict.

Don't think that Jiang Xiaoneng has little power in Linjiang City, but if someone really wants to deal with himself, and get a few people in, he can't kill himself without leaving it? Thinking of this, everyone flinched.

"Big brother, this... isn't it good?" a man said embarrassedly.

"What's wrong?" Da Pang Li frowned.

"The second child of the Jiang family is a gangster abroad." The man hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "If we offend the Jiang family, they will definitely trouble us. We are just ordinary bastards. Where can you fight against a gangster with a real sword?"

"Useless things." Li Dapang glared at the man, and then said: "No matter how capable Jiang Xiao can be, it is only overseas. When it comes to Linjiang City, Liu Siye still has the final say. He Jiang Xiao can count. Fart."

"Uh..." The man was taken aback.

"Okay, you don't need to go." Xiao Han pointed at the man and said, "You can go home."

The man hurriedly looked at Dapang Li, and Dapang Li replied in an annoyed manner: "If you let you go back, you should go back quickly, what are you still doing here stupidly?"

"Yes, brother!" The man nodded helplessly when he heard it.

Da Pang Li looked very innocent. Since Xiao Han named him by name and let him go, he definitely couldn't stay. Xiao Han is the boss of the poor family, and he is just a person in charge. Really speaking, Xiao Han is the one who really has the right to speak.

Xiao Han raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "The poor family doesn't need anyone who is afraid of death."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

Xiao Han counted, there were eight people in total. Big Fatty Li called up everyone who could fight, and the others were not strong enough. Xiao Han glanced at the other person, and then said: "Everyone is ready, we will set off right away."

The fat man borrowed the Jinbei van used for loading in the cold door restaurant. There were ten people in total, all of which were packed into this nine-seat van. After everyone got in the car, Da Pang Li drove away immediately.

"By the way, where are we going now?" Li Da Pang asked.

"I must go to the hospital at this time." Xiao Han smiled slightly.

"Okay." Li Da Pang nodded immediately.

Jiang Xiaoliang's arm was broken, and he must go to the hospital for surgery at this time, not only to implant steel plates, but also to use a knife. At this time, it is estimated that the Jiang family is crazy.

Linjiang City People's Hospital.

The door of the operating room was closed tightly, and a red light was lit at the door. In the corridor of the operating room, it was already overcrowded at this moment. The Jiang family, as well as many senior leaders of the Jiang Group, were present. Among them, the largest number is nothing but the management of Sheraton Hotel. When Jiang Xiaoliang had an accident at the Sheraton Hotel, these high-level officials had to come to plead.

"Who did it?" Jiang Xiaoliang's mother gritted her teeth, very angry.

"Mrs. Jiang, we are investigating." The hotel manager on the side said hurriedly.

"Investigation, how long have been investigated." Madam Jiang scolded angrily.

"Yes!" The hotel manager hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this moment, he was facing great pressure. If you don't find out the real culprit, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it.

Fortunately, at this time, the Security Department called. After listening to the phone, the person in charge of the hotel hurriedly said: "Mrs. Jiang, someone from the security department called just now, saying that the murderer has been found and asked if you want to call the police."

"Who is the murderer?" Mrs. Jiang hurriedly asked.

"Yes... it's Xiao Han." The person in charge said hurriedly.

After listening to Mrs. Jiang, she asked in astonishment: "Xiao Han? Is it... Jiang Xiaoliang's classmate?"

"Yes!" The person in charge nodded hurriedly and said: "This is the situation..."

The person in charge hurriedly described the situation at the time. When Mrs. Jiang heard it, she gritted her teeth and said: "This little bastard, Li Hengzhong saved your life last time. This time, I will definitely not let you go easily. You even beat you again. Broke my son's hand."

Mrs. Jiang's face was gloomy. She didn't expect her son to suffer the pain of a second broken arm, and the perpetrator was Xiao Han. This time, she said that she would never let Xiao Han go. With the financial and power of the Jiang family, it was too easy to deal with a poor boy. Therefore, Mrs. Jiang said immediately: "Old Liu, you immediately find some good players for me. It's best to be the kind of Jiang Yang robber, the kind of person who has a murder case."

"Yes, ma'am!" Uncle Liu, the housekeeper of the Jiang family, nodded hurriedly. He turned around and left.

Mrs. Jiang's intention is obvious, that is to kill Xiao Han. With the ability of the Jiang family, it was a very easy task to find a Jiang Yang thief and kill Xiao Han. Mrs. Jiang squinted her eyes, as if she had a knife in her heart.

"Madam, Xiao Han and Liu Si seem to have a good relationship." The man on the side said.

"So what?" Madam Jiang gritted her teeth, and then said: "Even if his relationship between Xiao Han and Liu Si is good, it can't stop my determination to kill him."

"But, do we have to worry about Liu Si?" the man asked.

"No need!" Madam Jiang shook her head.

"Yes!" The man nodded.

The operation is still in progress. Jiang Xiaoliang had his left arm broken last time, but this time he still had his left arm broken. The last fracture broke again this time. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined. It was originally a relatively simple operation, but it took more than two hours.

After the operation, many of the Jiang family rushed over.

"Director Liu, how is the situation?" Mrs. Jiang hurriedly asked.

"The situation is fine." Director Liu gave Mrs. Jiang a glance, and then said: "This arm can be saved. All the broken bones were taken out, and a steel plate was reinstalled in one arm. Plaster may be used in the next few months. Fixed."

"That's good, that's good." When Mrs. Jiang heard this, she let out a sigh of relief. Before the operation, Director Liu gave the worst result and hoped his family would accept it. The worst result is that the arm cannot be kept and may face amputation. However, the operation was very successful, which let the Jiang family relax. Mrs. Jiang repeatedly thanked you: "Director Liu, thank you."

Before the operation, Uncle Liu, the housekeeper of the Jiang family, had already stuffed Director Liu a big red envelope.

Mrs. Jiang knew in her heart that this red envelope should have played a big role. If it weren't for this red envelope, I'm afraid today's surgery would not be so easy to succeed.

Soon, Jiang Xiaoliang was pushed out of the operating room. Because the effect of the anesthetic is still there, Jiang Xiaoliang is still in a coma. Mrs. Jiang sees her son suffer such a crime, and her heart is very painful. After all, it was a piece of meat that fell off her body. How could she not feel sorry for her son?

"Xiao Liang." Madam Jiang whispered.

"The anesthetic has not dissipated yet." Director Liu, the attending doctor on the side, said hurriedly: "Let's wait."

"Hmm!" Madam Jiang nodded.

Director Liu smiled slightly and said, "Madam, let the children pay more attention in the future. Don't do heavy work. The hand bones are repeatedly broken twice. If there is another time, I am afraid that the limb will really be amputated."

"Don't worry, I know." Madam Jiang nodded. Wherever she is willing to let her son do the heavy work, even if she asks him to do a little bit, she will feel distressed.

"That's good, I'll go first." Director Liu smiled: "Send him to the ward."

"Yes, Director Liu!" The nurse behind nodded.

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