Jiang Xiaoliang's words naturally made the other party very uncomfortable. The matter has already been done. Why? Do you not settle the remaining 30,000 yuan?

Men are all animals whose brains are worms. In case the other party raises his pants and refuses to accept the account, who will he find to settle the bill? The scarred man was naturally unhappy. He shook his head: "Master Jiang, that's not okay. The brothers make hard money. They take the money from selling cabbage, and they are dealing with drugs. You said that brothers are not easy to be right. Right? You just give us 20,000 yuan. We are definitely not happy."

When Jiang Xiaoliang heard this, he frowned, "I can give you 20,000 yuan to be worthy of you. Can you five make 20,000 yuan a day?"

After that, Jiang Xiaoliang added another 10,000 yuan, for a total of 30,000.

"Take it, 30,000 here, don't look for me anymore." Jiang Xiaoliang threw three stacks of banknotes at the door, and then closed the door.

The scarred man looked gloomy, and the younger brothers behind him looked at each other. Although they were unsatisfactory on the road, they were definitely not the ones who were trampled on. Today, they are not only bullied, but also severely humiliated.

"Big Brother..." The younger brother behind him hesitated.

The scarred man held a cigarette in his mouth, then took a sip, and said, "Take the money away."

"Fuck, this **** is too stingy." The little brother cursed, "I said 50,000 yuan, now I'll give us 30,000. Damn, how do you do this job?"

"The work is finished." Another little brother smiled and said: "Next time we have to learn a little bit and collect money in advance so that we won't be bullied."

The younger brothers held 30,000 yuan. Although there is little money, it is better than nothing. As the saying goes, it's better than nothing.

"Let's go." The scared man gritted his teeth.


Five people quickly left the scene, and a group of people quickly left the scene.

Several people looked a little gloomy. It was said that one person was ten thousand, but now five people are required to split the 30,000 yuan. One person only costs six thousand yuan. No matter, at least six thousand dollars can still have a good year. Go home to honor your parents, and then buy some new year goods, so that you won't be too poor. Today is a small year, and there is an explanation for taking money home, right?

Coming down from the upper floor, several people drove out of the hotel.

"This thing can't be left alone." The scarred man's face remained gloomy.

"Brother, what should we do?" The younger brother behind was busy counting the money.

"Jiang Xiaoliang puts us together, then we can't make him cheap." The scarred man sneered and said: "Let's go and tell Chen Zihan's boyfriend the news now. Didn't the information say that Chen Zihan's boyfriend is Xiao Han. It is said that Xiao Han is very familiar with Big Fatty Li in the Hanmen restaurant."

Li Da Pang has become a man in Linjiang City.

Because of the popularity of the Hanmen restaurant and the popularity of the Hanmen technology company, Li Dapang has repeatedly appeared on Linjiang Daily and Linjiang TV, becoming a well-known celebrity in Linjiang City. People who have a relationship with Da Pang Li have naturally become the objects of attention.

"That's right." Upon hearing this, the little brothers nodded one after another and said: "Never make him feel better."

Everyone nodded.

The little brothers showed a smile, and then said: "This matter must not be left alone."

"Of course." The Scar Man snorted coldly, and said, "Those who dare to bully my Scar will definitely not end well."

Afterwards, several people drove straight towards the Fuxing community.

Today is the New Year's Eve, and the revival community is full of joy. In Linjiang City, only old communities like Fuxing Community can have the atmosphere of the New Year. Everyone in every household is basking in the sun and chatting. Everyone took out a part of the family's New Year goods and shared them together.

In the Fuxing community, Mrs. Xiao is chatting with everyone.

"It's better for you now. Your son is promising, and you are also a leader of the Sanitation Bureau."

"Yes, it's better for Xiao's mother."

"We all envy you."

Everyone looked at Mother Xiao with envy.

Xiao's mother was blushing and said, "I have been through it for several years. When my son graduates, marries a daughter-in-law, and give birth to me a fat grandson, I really relax."

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

At this time, someone said: "Xiao Han and Liu Jia Na Nizi are very close. I think they two are quite suitable. However, Liu Jia Na Nizi is two years older."

"What does this have to do?" Aunt Zhou of the neighborhood committee hurriedly shook her head, and said: "Does it matter if it is older? I think it's pretty good. Female juniors hold gold bricks. Women are older, and they know how to take care of people and housekeeping."

A bunch of people laughed.

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and Xiao's mother listened very seriously. Liu Jia Nizi, that's Liu Xiaolei, the youngest daughter of Uncle Liu. Liu Xiaolei is now working in the Hanmen restaurant, and I heard that there are seven or eight thousand a month. This income is already very good, at least in Linjiang City this place is very good.

"Forget it." Someone shook his head again.

"Why forget?" Aunt Zhou asked curiously.

"I heard that Liu's Nizi came back from Guangdong." The man whispered: "When I came back, I was so gorgeous. You decide, what can such a woman do in Guangdong? Maybe she is a lady."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Aunt Zhou glared at him and said, "How can you talk nonsense about things without evidence?"

"I also heard what others said, there can be no waves without wind." The man hurriedly lowered his head.

"Mother Xiao, don't go to your heart." Aunt Zhou said hurriedly.

"No." Mother Xiao shook her head, and then said: "The child's marriage is for the child to worry about. I am now focusing on keeping the family."

"By the way, how is the decoration of Xiao Han's new house?" Aunt Zhou asked hurriedly.

"The decoration has been finished." Mother Xiao smiled and said, "Xiao Han asked me to live here. I'm not happy, but it's comfortable to live here. There are so many people here, and they are all folks from the villages I know."

"I heard that a lot of money was spent on decorating the house?" Aunt Zhou asked hurriedly.

"It seems that it cost more than 300,000 yuan." Mother Xiao replied.


Everyone suddenly took a breath. You know, Xiao Han's house is already the most expensive real estate in Linjiang City. It is said that a house cost more than two million yuan. Nowadays, more than 300,000 yuan is spent on decoration. Is this a mansion worth two or three million? How many more years will I earn this money?

"Where did Xiao Han get so much money?" everyone asked curiously.

"Scholarship." Mother Xiao seriously responded to everyone’s question. This question must be answered properly. Otherwise, if the women in the community have the ability to gossip, if they don’t answer well, there must be some rumors. Mother Xiao hurriedly said: "Then The owner of the real estate gave us a half price discount, that is to say, the house cost a little more than one million. The renovation is 300,000. The total is less than 1.5 million. Xiao Han won the scholarship for the college entrance examination. Millions. The country, provinces, cities, schools, and various endorsement activities. There is indeed a lot of money."


Everyone was in an uproar, it turned out that the college entrance examination champion turned out to be such a profitable business. Everyone was envied.

"No wonder people say that they have their own golden house in the book, and they have Yan Ruyu in the book."

"Yes, how much money can a college entrance examination champion make? Wouldn't it be possible to make more money after leaving the society?"

The crowd couldn't help but start to marvel. Some of the crowd were useless people who read books, but now it seems that they are beginning to waver again, and they seem to find reading is useful. At the very least, you can earn millions by taking a college entrance examination champion. What a great thing?

At this time, a van rushed over and stopped in front of the crowd.

The scared man jumped out of the car.

"Where is Xiao Han's house?" the scared man asked.

A group of people looked at the scarred man, all dumbfounded, and fools could also see that this guy was a bad one. Therefore, they would definitely not tell him where Xiao Han is. They all looked at Mother Xiao. Mother Xiao didn't have any fear. She stood up and asked, "What can you do with Xiao Han?"

"We must have something to look for him, you old lady is in trouble." The scared man replied in an angry voice, "You just need to tell me where Xiao Han is."

"I'm Xiao Han's mother." Xiao's mother stepped forward, fearing that Xiao Han might cause something outside, so she took the initiative to speak with each other.

The scarred man was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly smiled: "It turned out to be Xiao's mother. We really have something to ask Xiao Han. We have to tell him about this in person."

Seeing that the other party's attitude eased, Mother Xiao knew that the other party was not malicious.

"Then you follow me." Mother Xiao said.

Afterwards, she led several people towards the house.

At the door of the house, Xiao's mother shouted: "Xiaohan, someone is looking for you."

"Who?" Xiao Han asked in the room.

Not long after, Xiao Han walked out of the house. He looked at the men at the door. Obviously, he didn't know these men.

Mother Xiao hurriedly said, "Are these people your friends? They are looking for you!"

"Who are you?" Xiao Han looked at several people in confusion.

"Little brother, we do have something to find you. And it is a very important thing." The Scar Man said hurriedly.

Seeing the other party, Xiao Han didn't have any malice, so he asked in confusion, "What the **** is it?"

"Are it convenient for you to talk?" Scared the man asked in a low voice.

"Just talk about it directly." Xiao Han glanced at him.

The scarred man hurriedly walked over, then dragged Xiao Han under the old locust tree aside, and said softly: "Your girlfriend was kidnapped by Jiang Xiaoliang."

Xiao Han was surprised at first, but she didn't know these people in front of her, so he calmed down quickly, then frowned, and said, "Why should I trust you?"

What Xiao Han said was justified by him. What if these guys deliberately deceived themselves by Chen Zihan's personal safety and deceived them into the wilderness, and then attacked themselves? At this time, one must be vigilant.

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