"Fuck, what are they doing?" The black-clothed man in the lead sneered, and then said: "They are all incompetent guys. Which of these waiters can fight? I take care of them all alone!

As he said, the black-clothed man in the lead rushed up with the iron rod in his hand. Seeing this, more than a dozen men behind also rushed up. The boss took the lead and rushed forward, and they naturally couldn't fall behind, so they carried their weapons and rushed forward.

The waiter is a waiter after all, so you can make up the number of people on the spot. However, once they really want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, this group of people will definitely have to help. Seeing the other party rushed up, he immediately panicked.

"It's over, they are coming."

"How to do how to do?"

The group of people seemed very flustered, and they appeared a little scared and nervous. They were very flustered inside, and there was panic in their eyes. If it weren't for Liu Xiaolei standing motionless at the scene, I'm afraid they would have dispersed long ago.

Finally, when the opponent rushed up, they were immediately dumbfounded. A group of people fled quickly in fright. On the contrary, the group of chefs are more reliable. These people are bloody, holding kitchen knives in their hands, and they have the aura and posture that they are all-in-one. As soon as the two sides contacted, a fierce battle broke out.

Kuang Dang...

The iron rod in the man's hand and the kitchen knife in the chef's hand were installed together, but there was a spark. Sparks burst.

"Kill you!" The lead chef is the head chef, with seven or eight cooks under his hands. This group of people can be considered **** people. Just like Mr. He Long, who made a revolution in the past, he carried a kitchen knife to make a revolution. Now, these cooks have such **** nature, it is indeed evident.

"Xiao Han, let's go there too." Li Dafang hurriedly said.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Why?" Da Pang Li asked questioningly: "All let the chef go, if they get hurt, what can we do?"

Obviously, Da Pang Li was more worried that the chef would be injured and the restaurant would not be able to operate.

"It would be nice to let them exercise." Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "It's not an emergency anyway. Moreover, these people dare not attack them. Even if they are injured, they are just skin injuries. Nothing will happen."

"Okay!" Da Pang Li nodded helplessly.

Obviously, Li Da Pang looked a little helpless. He turned his head to look at the battle between the two sides. The waiters who had fled seemed to have awakened at this time. They took up their weapons and rushed up.

These guys looked extremely excited. They don't really want to fight, these guys can't fight, but sneak attacks are still very good. A male waiter dressed in a poor restaurant was holding a mop, which he had just taken out of the bathroom. The mop was dirty and there was a lot of dirt on it. The waiter hurriedly cast a look at the other partner.

The guy quickly reflected, and he nodded quickly. He immediately nodded towards each other. After that, he grabbed the broom and immediately rushed up to the black-clothed man who was the leader. Seeing this, the leading man immediately grabbed the iron rod in his hand and waved at the opponent.

The broom collided with the opponent's iron rod, which was unusual in terms of the type and quality of the weapon. The waiter was dumbfounded immediately, and he hurriedly took a step back. The leading man in black was just about to pounce.

Suddenly, a black mop came up toward the man's face.


The man suddenly felt that the bridge of his nose almost broke. He screamed, the man stepped back a few steps, and almost sat down, the man screamed again and again. The waiter holding the mop obviously felt that he was pushing too hard. He was so frightened that he was afraid that he would blind his eyes just now. If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

The waiter trembled all over, he looked at each other awkwardly and asked, "Are you...are you okay?"

"Fuck... **** uncle!" The leading man roared. He touched the bridge of his nose and roared: "You ****, what the **** did you use to beat me. Why? How smelly this thing!"

"Drag... mop!" the waiter said hurriedly.

"Fuck, what mop, it smells so bad!" The leading man touched the traces on his face, leaving a black substance on the tip of his finger.

"The toilet mop." The waiter said embarrassingly: "It's specially used to drag the sewer, then...that might be shit."


The leading man almost didn't vomit when he heard it. He just smelled and smelled the black thing on his fingertips. His face turned pale all at once, and it changed several times. He didn't expect that the mop was taken out of the toilet. The most important thing is that the mop was not washed and some **** was stained on the door. This was something he couldn't bear. He roared: "Fuck, you can hit me, you can scold me, but you can't use this kind of thing to insult me!"

After that, the man became anxious, and he quickly rushed towards the waiter. The barman was so scared that he ran away. Where could the leading man easily let him go, he even carried the iron rod in his hand and chased him all the way frantically.

"Help, help..." the male waiter hurriedly shouted.

The man who had just stepped forward to help immediately helped thousands of people.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the two sides fought hard to separate. Xiao Han and Li Dapang were still watching the scene. They watched at the scene without moving or making a sound. Compared to Xiao Han, Li Dapang was obviously not so calm. Because Li Dapang has always been very anxious, for him, he can't wait to follow these waiters into the battle.

In the restaurant, the loss is not small.

The loss was not big at first, but as the melee began, the loss began to expand. The two porcelain flowerpots at the door were broken, and the table at the door was overturned, and two chairs fell apart. The pots and pans inside were basically beaten up. The scene was in chaos.

"Damn, the loss is huge now." Li Da Pang gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, all the losses today have to be counted on their heads." Xiao Han smiled indifferently.

"Yeah!" Da Pang Li nodded and said, "You must find them to settle the accounts. These **** must be instigated by someone. You must ask the people behind them, and you must teach them a lesson in the future."

"Must!" Xiao Han nodded.

If today's loss is not counted on their heads, this is definitely not Xiao Han's character. Xiao Han has always been tolerant and generous towards his own people. However, to deal with your own enemies, you must be harsh and spicy.

The restaurant suffered a lot from the scuffle. Several waiters were all **** by the other side. This group of people was very quick. Even if they knocked them over, they showed no signs of giving up. Instead, they punched and kicked the man who fell on the ground.

"Fat, go on." Xiao Han finally let go.

"Fuck!" When Li Da Pang heard this, he suddenly looked like a wild horse that had run off, and he quickly rushed towards the opponent. It seemed extremely fierce, extremely powerful. Xiao Han squinted his eyes and looked at the scene coldly.

Li Dafaang is naturally the best. He picked up a wooden stick easily.


The wooden stick in Da Pang Li's hand became a weapon he endured. As the saying goes, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha. Several men were knocked on their heads with a stick from the other side and collapsed on the spot. The reason why Li Dapang chose wooden sticks instead of iron sticks. It is because the attack ability of wooden sticks is limited, while the attack ability of iron sticks is too strong. With Da Pang Li's current strength, if he was holding an iron rod in his hand, he would definitely have to smash the opponent's head.

"Fuck!" Li Da Pang roared.

Obviously, Li Da Pang's power has already made them see a lot.

The remaining seven or eight people stepped back in terror, and three people fell on the ground. Da Pang Li knew if he had any. With the power of two people, Li Da Pang smoothed out the other five or six people. The remaining seven or eight people took a few steps back. It can be seen from the eyes of the other party that they are full of fear for Li Da Pang.

"Fuck, what are you running?" Li Da Pang cursed irritably, showing that you are full of contempt for them.

The leading black-clothed man sneered: "Fatty man, can one person beat so many of us?"

"If you have the ability, just let it go." Li Dafang was holding a wooden stick in his hand. I don't know who brought this wooden stick out of the kitchen. Now it has become Li Da Pang's weapon.

Li Dafa's voice was thunderous and magnificent. There is quite a posture in which one man is the one who is in charge of one's own power. His eyes are like electricity, as if despising all beings in the world.

The man in the lead was a little scared, and he did not expect that Li Da Pang alone could scare everyone.

"What about Big Brother?" the man on the side hurriedly asked.

"Fuck, what else can I do, let's go together!" The black man in the lead was furious. Da Pang Li is indeed powerful, but the man in black will never believe that it is impossible to deal with so many people with Da Pang Li's strength. As the saying goes, there are many people and great power. Two fists are hard to beat four legs.

"Yes, brother." The man beside him nodded hurriedly.

In fact, the remaining seven or eight men took a few steps forward. Although there was fear in his heart, he had to obey the instructions of the man in black.

"How many brothers? Let's go together, this kid can't beat so many of us!" The man who was first beaten hurriedly shouted at the group.


Everyone rushed up. Seeing that there were too many people in the other party, Li Da Pang couldn't continue to struggle with the other party. He quickly stepped back and smashed the stick in his hand with his backhand.


There was a muffled sound. The stick in his hand hit the opponent's head fiercely, blood splattered, and the man immediately fell to the ground.

"Ah, it hurts me to death." The injured man screamed again and again.

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