
Suddenly, her feet were soft, and she immediately fell down.

"Ah!" Chen Zihan exclaimed.

"Haha, I chased you." Song Qiaoen laughed. After a few minutes of chasing, Chen Zihan's energy was finally exhausted. He rushed over immediately, then pounced on Chen Zihan's body. Chen Zihan was panting, she pushed Song Qiao'en away with both hands, and then kept saying: " let me go, you go, don't touch me!"

"Haha..." Song Qiaoen laughed and said, "You are now the lamb in my hand. Don't struggle, and enjoy this time of sex."

"No!" Chen Zihan pleaded bitterly, "Don't touch me, I beg you. Don't be like this..."

Song Qiaoen laughed and was very proud. He tore open the zipper of Chen Zihan's clothes, and immediately revealed the curvaceous curves of his chest, as well as the attractive double peaks wrapped in the bottoming shirt. Very magnanimous.

Song Qiaoen raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth. He hesitated and said, "Chen Zihan, when I saw you the first time, I dreamed in my heart that I could put you to sleep. Unexpectedly, I finally got my wish now."


Song Qiaoen immediately ripped off Chen Zihan's bottoming shirt.

"No!" Chen Zihan exclaimed.


At this critical moment, the door of the conference room was kicked open.

Outside the door, Xiao Han rushed in with a group of people. Seeing this scene, Xiao Han couldn't bear it anymore. He roared: "Fuck, Song Qiaoen, you beast!"

Song Qiaoen turned his head and glanced at the door, his face suddenly paled.

"Damn, this **** wolf." Upon seeing this, Da Pang Li immediately rushed up.


As soon as Da Pang Li lifted his leg, his big foot greeted Song Qiao En's face fiercely. Just kicked the opponent out. Song Qiaoen didn't have the physique of Li Da-pang. He was kicked by Da-Pang Li. At that time, he rolled a few times on the ground, and he fell far away.

"Ouch..." Song Qiaoen exclaimed in pain.

"Fuck, your uncle." Da Pang Li would not forgive this guy at all. He had been upset for a long time, and now it happened to be grasping the handle of this guy, he should be severely taught this shameless bastard, and let him know what it means to be a bad bully. A few feet of Li Dafaan kicked Song Qiaoen screaming and painful.

Xiao Han quickly ran over, and then wrapped Chen Zihan's clothes. He hurriedly said, "Zihan, are you okay?"

"Xiao Han!" Chen Zihan's eyes were full of tears, and she had never expected this to happen. She thought that her innocence was about to be lost. Fortunately, Xiao Han and the others found it in time. If it was a few minutes later, maybe this beast would succeed. Chen Zihan hugged Xiao Han and choked softly.

Xiao Han hugged Chen Zihan, patted her back lightly, and then calmly said: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I am here!"

"Hmm!" Chen Zihan nodded.

Hugs are a kind of healing medicine. Being hugged will give you a sense of security. If you are embraced by someone you love, this sense of security will escalate. Chen Zihan's mood was gradually calmed down. She hugged Xiao Han.

On the side, Li Dafang beat Song Qiaoen with a bruised nose and swollen nose.

"Fuck, let you be a beast to bully people." Li Da Pang avenged his personal revenge a bit.

"Don't... don't fight, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!" Song Qiaoen hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Fuck!" Big Fatty Li gave a violent beating.

At this moment, Yang Xiaoyan ran in from the outside. Seeing this, her face changed continuously: "You...what are you doing!"

"What are you talking about!" Li Dapang glared at Yang Xiaoyan, and said, "I have to kill him today!"

"You stop!" Yang Xiaoyan hurriedly shouted, and then said: "You stop me, why are you bullying him? Don't bully him too much."

Yang Xiaoyan hurriedly protected Song Qiaoen, she didn't even know what was going on. However, seeing a group of people bullying Song Qiaoen, she was in a hurry.

Seeing Yang Xiaoyan protecting each other like this, Li Da Pang burst into an unknown fire in his heart. He rushed up and beaten again. This time, Da Pang Li and Yang Xiaoyan were beaten together. They hugged each other and were beaten. While beating, they cursed: "Fuck, you adulterers, I beat you to death."

"You are crazy!" Yang Xiaoyan cursed: "Why do you beat him?"

Facing Yang Xiaoyan's questioning, Li Da Pang glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "Since you ask, then I will tell you, hum, do you know why he was beaten?"

"Why?!" Yang Xiaoyan asked.

"Look at Chen Zihan!" Li Da Pang pointed at Chen Zihan and said.

Yang Xiaoyan turned to look at Chen Zihan, her clothes were disheveled and the clothes were broken. The pink down jacket was torn by the opponent, and the feathers inside fell down. Yang Xiaoyan was stunned. She turned to look at Song Qiaoen and asked: "Jon, are..."

Song Qiaoen lowered his head, letting his nosebleeds keep falling. It seems wronged, but it is not wronged; it seems poor, but it is not.

Seeing Song Qiaoen's expression, she was immediately dumbfounded. She hurriedly grabbed Song Qiaoen's hand and shook it vigorously: "Talk to me, tell me, all this is not true."

"Let go!" Song Qiaoen shook off Yang Xiaoyan's hand and said, "Yes, I did such a thing that is not as good as a beast. I really want to get Chen Zihan. Because she is beautiful, she is more beautiful than you, and more attractive than you. I have possession of **, you let me have more of conquering **. Understand?"


Yang Xiaoyan slapped her hand.

"You bastard!" Yang Xiaoyan looked at Song Qiaoen annoyed, and said, "I love you so much in vain. I didn't expect you to be such a person. You love the new and dislike the old and are ungrateful. You are so disgusting."

"Yes, I like the new and dislike the old, I am ungrateful." Song Qiaoen nodded and said: "Then you dump me. You leave me alone."

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Yang Xiaoyan roared.

Song Qiaoen stood up and wanted to go. At this time, Da Pang Li blocked his way and sneered: "Want to go? It's not that easy. Although there is no way to convict you of rape, it is okay to convict you of attempted rape. You kid just wait for the disaster of prison!"

Song Qiaoen lowered his head. He knew that he was not the opponent of the opponent. Even if he beat Li Dafang, he could not beat so many boys in the opponent's class. Therefore, he can only be at the mercy of the other party.

"Zihan, let him go!" Yang Xiaoyan suddenly pleaded for Song Qiaoen.

"Don't think about it!" Li Da Pang roared and said: "This kid is not as good as a beast, and he did such a nasty thing. It is simply intolerable."

"Yes, you can't let him go!"

"Call the police, don't let him escape so easily."

A group of boys said one after another. For Song Qiaoen's behavior, they expressed their deep disgust. Chen Zihan is the goddess in everyone's heart, and he didn't expect to be so insulted by the other party now. I can't bear it as a man. So they decided to teach each other a lesson.

"Zihan, please." Yang Xiaoyan suddenly knelt in front of Chen Zihan and said: "Just let him go. Fortunately, you didn't make any mistakes. If you call the police, it will ruin his future. The unit will definitely expel him."

"Xiaoyan, I can forgive you for revealing my secrets, but he insulted me in this way and almost made a big mistake." Chen Zihan gritted his teeth and said: "You don't even care about your sisters and intercede for him. You. Think, is this worthy of me?"

"I..." Yang Xiaoyan burst into tears.

"Okay!" Chen Zihan nodded, with a cold look in his eyes, and said: "Since you want to be like this, I will give you a choice. Do you choose sisterhood or let him leave. If you choose sisterhood, I can forgive Everything about you, we rebuild the sisterhood; if you choose to let him go, then the sisterhood between us will end here, and the grace will be cut off."

"Me!" Yang Xiaoyan looked at Chen Zihan with tears. She lowered her head, always hesitating what to do. She turned to look at Song Qiaoen.

Song Qiaoen was looking at her pleadingly, and said: "Xiaoyan, let me go, don't ruin my future. Leave the case, maybe I won't be able to get a promotion in my life."

Yang Xiaoyan lowered her head and said, "Zihan, you can let him go."

"Okay!" A frustration flashed in Chen Zihan's eyes. Indeed, it was a deep loss. In fact, even if Yang Xiaoyan chose to rebuild the sisterhood, she would not embarrass Song Qiaoen. After all, she didn't want to make matters worse.


For Yang Xiaoyan, renjuan is just a very tragic thing. Chen Zihan is his best sister. If you give up your best sister for a man, it is the saddest thing in the world.

However, Yang Xiaoyan knew that if he did not save Yang Xiaodong today. Song Qiaoen's fate will become very tragic. If he is caught by the police, his future will become very worrying. As a civil servant, if you leave a case in the police station, it will be very troublesome for his future promotion.

"Chen Zihan, do we really want this to happen between us?" Yang Xiaoyan looked at Chen Zihan sadly, and said with grief, "Is there nothing else between us except sisterhood?"

"Since you chose this man, the relationship between us was completely broken." Chen Zihan looked at Yang Xiaoyan sadly and said: "I didn't expect that the relationship between us would be worse than him."

"No, Zihan, you misunderstood." Yang Xiaoyan looked at Chen Zihan excitedly, and then said, the sisterhood between us is more expensive than gold, higher than the sky, and deeper than the sea, but if I don’t save him today, I will regret it for a lifetime. "

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