The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 439: Invisible Tyrant

Everyone was shocked, and a group of people were completely shocked.

"Fatty, you're going to make a fortune!" asked Xiaobao in shock.

"Hey, let's get a little fortune!" Li Da Pang smiled, and then said: "In addition, life should always have opportunities. After all, we should always have the opportunity to turn over in life. Why should I? Is it worse than Jiang Xiaoliang? Right?"

Although many people are reluctant to do so, Li Dapang is one of the shareholders of Hanmen Catering, and this amount of money alone is enough. Everyone already feels very powerful. Da Pang Li raised a weird smile, and then said: "Actually, this is just our first step."

"Yeah!" Asked Xiaobao nodded, and then said: "Bao Fat, I didn't expect that before, I actually looked down on you before, thinking that you didn't study hard and everything was so-so. I thought you would definitely have nothing to do in the future. But, I didn't expect You will have today's results. Great, I admire you!"

"Nothing!" Li Da Pang shook his head, and then said: "Today is just to introduce my identity to you, not to show off. The main purpose of today is to invite everyone to dinner. So, I hope you can understand me. the meaning of."

"it is good!"

"Pang Li, you are amazing."

"Yeah, it's really amazing."

A group of female classmates praised Li Dafang. The students admire Li Dapang's ability to make money. Especially female students. Although this group of female classmates have just stepped into society, they are more or less contaminated with material things in college. Therefore, these girls have great admiration for the rich Li Dafang. Also like it very much.

"Come on!" Li Da Pang hurriedly waved at Liu Xiaolei, and then said: "Xiao Lei, give us some good drinks!"

"Okay!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

Soon, several Wuliangye and several French red wines were sent up.

"Good wine." Asked Xiaobao overjoyed, and then said: "Also, the red wines from Bordeaux Château in France are all excellent wines."

"That's right!" A girl nodded hurriedly, and then said: "These wines are all red wine. These wines are much stronger than Jiang Xiaoliang's wine, and the value is at least a few hundred yuan."

"More than that." Asked Xiaobao, shaking his head, and then said: "This wine is more than a thousand."

"Wow!" everyone exclaimed.

It's really unbelievable. There are more than one thousand alcoholic drinks. Although I have heard of it, it is only heard. Even if you are eating and drinking at the university, you can drink dozens of yuan of liquor and a few yuan of beer. Who has the conditions to consume more than one thousand. Therefore, when everyone heard that the wine cost more than 1,000, everyone was dumbfounded. A gang of people stared at the liquor curiously.

The red **** looks noble and luxurious. Just looking at it, you know that this wine is definitely not cheap.

Indeed, the red wine is reflecting light, and the font on the wine is golden yellow, which is even more rich and powerful. The red wine's son is also radiant. The packaging of the wooden box looks very tall. Everyone looked curiously at the few drinks. One by one seemed extremely surprised and pleasantly surprised.

At this moment, everyone showed a smile.

"It's a good wine at first sight."

"Yes, this packaging is not cheap anymore."

Although it is wrong to see the quality of the wine from the packaging, this can at least reflect one aspect of the quality of the wine. Cheap drinks must be reluctant to use such good packaging, too expensive packaging can only increase the cost.

"Everyone sit down!" Li Dafang smiled, and said, "Everyone will eat today, but there will be enough food and drink. Ten thousand yuan is not enough, so let's eat twenty thousand, and if twenty thousand is not enough, we will eat 40,000."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

A group of people seemed very excited, and also very excited.

"Fatty, your kid is too generous." Asking Xiaobao patted Fatty on the shoulder, and then said: "I like to make friends with people like you. When I ask Xiaobao, I like to make friends with bold people."

"I also like to make friends with cool people!" Li Da Pang smiled.

The two hit it off, as if they had a feeling of hatred for seeing each other late.

"Come on, you two!" someone said, "Look at how you two look like they really are familiar before."

"That's right." Everyone laughed and said: "I don't know that you two are good friends. I am afraid that only the two of us will know that you are similar, right?"

Da Pang Li doesn’t care what other people say to him. He raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "Classmates, we were good friends before, but now we are good friends. We will be good friends in the future, so I hope everyone can Cherish this opportunity well. Perhaps, after this gathering, it will be difficult for us to get together again in the future."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Yes, we were once the best friends and the best brothers and sisters."

At this time, Wen Xiaobao raised the cup in his hand. He jumped onto the stool and said: "Brothers and sisters, come, let's raise the glass together. For the love of former classmates, for the love of brothers and sisters in the future. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone toasted.

The atmosphere at the scene was immediately aroused by the words of Da Pang Li and Xiao Bao.

After a glass of wine, someone's face immediately blushed. Yang Xiaoyan’s boyfriend has always been upset, why? Because he just heard what Li Dafang said, he found that Yang Xiaoyan's expression and eyes seemed to be something wrong. His face is always greener, and his face is darker.

"Xiaodong, what's wrong with you?" Yang Xiaoyan asked hurriedly.

"Nothing!" The man shook his head, and then said, "Do you still have feelings for this fat man?"

"Why do you say that?" Yang Xiaoyan asked.

"Now that the fat man is rich, do you still have feelings for him!" The man looked at Yang Xiaoyan coldly, and then said: "I think you have something wrong with him just now. Tell it yourself, between you and him Is it emotional?"

"No!" Yang Xiaoyan shook her head, and then said: "I'm with you, how could I still have feelings for him!"

"But, I just found out that you are still a little bit broken for him!" The man looked at Yang Xiaoyan coldly, and then said: "Did you never know that he is a hidden local tyrant?"

"I don't know!" Yang Xiaoyan shook her head.

"Then tell me, if you know he is a local tyrant, would you not be with me?" The man frowned.

"No," Yang Xiaoyan hurriedly shook her head, and then said: "There is not much feeling between me and him at all, don't talk nonsense."

"Humph!" The man snorted coldly, and then said, "That's not necessarily true. Maybe you'll find him to make peace when you turn around?"

Xiaodong is a typical male chauvinist. He has not married yet at the age of thirty. It is not because he has no girlfriend, but because his girlfriend can't stand his strong male chauvinism and his strong control. Therefore, several of his former girlfriends left him. Later Yang Xiaoyan came to the door and Xiaodong was very happy, because Yang Xiaoyan has a good appearance and a good figure. At least now Yang Xiaodong finds that he hasn't gotten tired of her. So, he decided to continue playing for a few years, if he still has feelings, then stay together. If there is no emotion, then separate.

And now, the strong male chauvinism in his heart makes him very uncomfortable.

Men are selfish in their hearts, especially in terms of feelings. He is even more reluctant to let his women be snatched away by other men. But now, Da Pang Li suddenly exposed his identity, and he is obviously incomparable. For ordinary migrant workers and office workers, civil servants may be an elite class or an iron rice bowl, but for the real local tyrants, these people are nothing at all. In their eyes, civil servants are just a shit, unless they are national officials, unless they are national leaders, those talents are the real powerful class.

"Nonsense!" Yang Xiaoyan shook her head.

"Come on." Yang Xiaodong snorted coldly, and then said: "If you really don't like him, then you can go with me now."

"No, it's hard to get together today. I can't just leave." Yang Xiaoyan said hurriedly.

"It means you still miss him, right?" Yang Xiaodong sneered.

"No!" Yang Xiaoyan shook her head and said, "I still have a conflict with my good friend. I have to resolve this matter. I accidentally leaked it just now. Now Chen Zihan must hate me to death."

"Then you call out Chen Zihan." When Yang Xiaodong heard it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yang Xiaodong still has some illusions about Chen Zihan. He thinks he can't compete with Big Fat Li, but Xiao Han is still okay. Xiao Han is just a very ordinary person, a very ordinary college student. However, in Yang Xiaodong's eyes, this is nothing at all, even if Xiao Han is the number one in the college entrance examination this year.

"I..." Yang Xiaoyan bit her red lips and seemed a little ugly.

"Why, not happy?" Yang Xiaodong sneered and said: "In this case, you can stay, I'll go first."

"Don't!" Yang Xiaoyan hurriedly shook her head, and then said: "I...I will call her right now."

"Or..." Yang Xiaodong blinked his eyes, and then said: "Why don't you go outside and wait, I'll call for you. There are still conflicts between you now, if you rush to shout, I'm afraid she won't Give you face, that would be bad."

When Yang Xiaoyan heard it, it seemed to make sense. After all, the root of all the contradictions today is because he told the news that Xiao Han and her opened a room. If it weren't for this, maybe Jiang Xiaoliang's banquet would not be completed like this.

Yang Xiaodong frowned, then said: "How about it!"

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