The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 433: Goddess is coming

Jiang Xiaoliang seemed to have found an opportunity to show off immediately. He smiled and said, "Do you know the job of the lobby manager?"

"You know, serve the guests." Liao Zhijie said hurriedly.

"The lobby manager is not a simple job." Jiang Xiaoliang smiled: "In the face of complaints from customers, it must be responsive. Moreover, it is common to be angry, wronged, and so on!"

"Don't worry, I can accept all of these." Liao Zhijie smiled, and then said: "No matter how, I can still be wronged than I am a security guard in a mall?"

"That's true." Jiang Xiao pointed his head, and then said: "Look back, find time to report to the hotel personnel department."

"Okay!" Liao Zhijie nodded hurriedly, and then said, "Thank you Young Master Jiang."

Liao Zhijie was ecstatic. Finally seized this opportunity. He is grateful.

After Liao Zhijie left, Jiang Xiaoliang looked at the girls around him with a smile, and said, "There are too many people who come to me every day, and I don't want to bother about it. However, because of Liao Zhijie and our classmates. I promised him, just as charity. After all, people are also pitiful. We should help him if we are capable, right?"

"Wow..." a group of girls suddenly exclaimed, "Jiang Xiaoliang, your friend is loving. You are awesome."

"Yes." A group of girls nodded.

Jiang Xiaoliang smiled pretending to be a gentleman.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: "Wow, let's see who is here, isn't this our college entrance examination champion?"


Everyone gathered around.

Most of the students at the scene entered the university, and they were still deeply impressed by Xiao Han, not only because Xiao Han was the top student in the college entrance examination, but also because Xiao Han was a top student. Everyone was convinced of this.

"It's really Xiao Han."

"Xiao Han seems to be a lot more handsome!"

Among the crowd, the discussion was loud. Everyone was discussing Xiao Han.

In the half year of university, Xiao Han has grown a lot and matured a lot. It's not just about doing things, it's more about character and temperament. Many people think that Xiao Han is handsome, not because Xiao Han is handsome, but because Xiao Han's temperament has improved, and Xiao Han's clothes have improved. Therefore, Xiao Han seemed very optimistic.

"Xiao Han." Jiang Xiaoliang walked over with a smile.

"Classmate Jiang Xiaoliang." Xiao Han shook his hand and said, "I haven't seen you in half a year. Is it okay at Peking University?"

"Very good." Jiang Xiaoliang said with a smile: "At Peking University, I know many people, and I also met a lot of people. These people will be the most precious wealth in my life. And you? At the provincial capital Shuimu University, what is there? Get your contacts? In the future, you will always be a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Yes." Xiao Han nodded and said: "What you see is what you think. Since you said that I am a frog at the bottom of the well, it makes me think that you are the real frog at the bottom of the well."

"You!" When Jiang Xiaoliang heard this, he almost passed away. He forcibly endured the anger in his heart and said: "Yes, that's right, now my language skills have improved a lot."

"Humph!" Xiao Han snorted softly, and then said: "Each one another."

When the two met, it seemed that the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

Da Pang Li didn't bother to pay attention to the other party. After walking in, he walked directly to the side of the buffet area, began to fetch food lavishly, and then began to devour it. Expensive red wine, this guy drinks glass after glass.

Xiao Han glanced at Jiang Xiaoliang, then turned and left. It didn't make people feel any sense of peacekeeping at all, but made people feel a strong self-confidence. Jiang Xiaoliang stared at Xiao Han's back, always feeling that there was something wrong with Xiao Han now and Xiao Han before.

"Xiao Han is so cool."

"Yeah, it feels like he is different from before."

The girls exclaimed.

"Huh, pretending to be mysterious!" Jiang Xiaoliang replied with disdain.

Yang Xiaoyan hurried over and asked, "Jiang Xiaoliang, have you seen Chen Zihan?"

"No." Jiang Xiaoliang shook his head and said, "Didn't I tell you to invite Chen Zihan? What about people?"

"I don't know either!" Yang Xiaoyan shook her head and said: "I have been calling her, who knew she was turned off. I don't know how she is now."

"It's okay, I have greeted her mother." Jiang Xiaoliang smiled and said, "I believe he will arrive on time."

"Really?" Yang Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment.

At this moment, a voice came from the door: "Chen Zihan is here."

Xiao Han, who was just about to leave, couldn't help but stop. He turned to look at the door, and it was Chen Zihan. However, Chen Zihan's face was displeased, and his face was slightly swollen. It is estimated that he was slapped. There was another person behind Chen Zihan, and that was Chen Zihan's mother. That crazy woman, this woman's face is full of joy. Jiang Xiaoliang called himself yesterday, hoping that today’s class reunion can bring Chen Zihan to him.

From that time on, Mother Chen went crazy looking for her daughter. It's just that my daughter would get mixed up with Xiao Han, which made her collapse.

Jiang Xiaoliang pushed aside the group of women without hesitation, then quickly walked over, and said very politely: "Zihan, are you here?"

"Xiaoliang, my girl is not in a good mood today." Mother Chen smiled, and then said: "You can bear with me and coax her. Okay?"

"Good." Jiang Xiaoliang nodded hurriedly and said: "Auntie, don't worry, I will greet Zihan well."

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