"His name is Xiao Han, a student of Shuimu University!" Mo Shaocong hurriedly replied.

"Okay, awesome." Young Master Li was beaming with joy.

However, Young Master Liu was displeased. He glared at Mo Shaocong, and then said without any haste: "Young Master Li, this is just the beginning. What are you anxious about? This kid can block three moves, that means he does have some Being able to endure it does not mean that he can defeat the dark angel."

"Wait." Young Master Li smiled.

"I'm still very optimistic about Xiao Han." Bo Shao smiled and said: "Liu Shao, why do I have an ominous premonition? I am afraid you are going to stumble here today."

"Nonsense." Liu Shao shook his head disdainfully, and said: "Today's game really must be won."

On the arena, the dark angel's eyes were fierce, with a murderous glow, he stared at Xiao Han coldly: "Today you must die here!"

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "You said that if you let me die, I have to die? I don't think so, maybe you are the one who died today!"

"Nonsense." The dark angel gritted his teeth and swept across again.

The dark angel's body has almost twisted to a certain degree, and this degree is shocking. It's even memorable. The opponent's body seemed to be a lobster curled up in the air. However, only Xiao Han could see this scene. Xiao Han's eyes possess keen insight. Under the control of his powerful brain, his eyes can observe any swift and violent speed. Even a cheetah running wildly, he can see the movement of his limbs.

The dark angel's curled up body suddenly spread out in the air, and then his hands were thrown away, his five fingers forming claws. Both hands tried to tear Xiao Han's brain directly.

Xiao Han naturally would not sit back and wait for death, and Xiao Han did not dare to take it lightly when dealing with such a powerful enemy. A little carelessness will kill you. This is not the arena of any competition, it ends. This is your black fist. If you are distracted, you will definitely die.


Xiao Han gritted his teeth and smashed his fist towards the opponent.

The two came head-to-head.

Fists exchanged, and a mass of flesh and blood was broken on the spot. Xiao Han felt a faint pain from the upload of his fist. Looking down, his fist was already bloody. The dark angel seems to be not good at it. Because the five fingers were open, Xiao Han's fist broke, and the opponent's five fingers unexpectedly broke. You can't move your fingers.


The dark angel took a deep breath. He looked at the fingers of his right hand crookedly, the phalanx of the fingers had been broken, bloody, blood seeped from the flesh. He glared at Xiao Han: "Good boy, you are the first person who can hurt me."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "That proves that your strength is too weak."

"You!" When the dark angel heard it, nowhere could he swallow this breath. He gritted his teeth and said: "Go to hell!"

It was just a small test, but now I can't be polite. This time, the dark angel decided to use his housekeeping skills. He completely ignored the fracture of the phalanx of his right hand, but suddenly rushed towards Xiao Han.

This time, his speed increased again. The strength in his hands has increased a lot again.


The fist wind bursts, and the power under his hand is extremely powerful, which makes people look terrified. Xiao Han was not afraid, because with his ability, he could judge the impact of the opponent's fist, and only needed to counterattack based on the impact of the opponent's fist.


Xiao Han quickly counterattacked and found the opponent's weakness with unparalleled precision. All of a sudden, the opponent was beaten miserably, and the opponent took a few steps back.

The dark angel clutched his chest and looked at Xiao Han incredulously: "No...impossible."

"What's impossible?" Xiao Han looked at each other suspiciously.

"You can't grasp my weakness so easily!" The dark angel squinted, glaring at Xiao Han, and said: "Who are you? Or, you are not a person in this world at all, you are... …You are from Outland!"

"What kind of person from Outland?" Xiao Han frowned.

"No, you are not!" The dark angel shook his head in loss.

"What are you talking to yourself?" Xiao Han felt baffled.

"How did you grasp my weakness?" the dark angel asked coldly.

"Does this need to be caught?" Xiao Han smiled calmly, and then said: "I have this strength. The main reason is that your kid's strength is too weak. In front of me, you are simply a scum, do you know?"

"Bastard!" The dark angel glared at Xiao Han and said: "If you talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

"You can't even touch me. What qualifications do you have to kill me?" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "Today the **** person is you!"

"Boy, you are crazy!" The dark angel looked at Xiao Han coldly and said, "Believe it or not, I will kill you immediately."

"If you have the ability, just let go!" Xiao Han glanced at the other party.

The dark angel's eyes were full of anger, as if burning with anger. He nodded: "Okay, okay, okay... If I don't kill you today, I will swear not to be a man."

After speaking, the dark angel rushed towards Xiao Han quickly.

Xiao Han dismissed it. Although the opponent was strong, he still had his own unique skills. My own mind is different from and stronger than ordinary people. With this super powerful brain, he can see all directions and listen to all directions, and his speed of action has also increased a lot. The most important thing is that he can grasp the weakness of the opponent's attack at the first time. Able to make himself invincible in any battle.

Whoosh whoosh...

Suddenly, the opponent shook his hands, and countless steel needles shook towards Xiao Han.

"Fuck, despicable and shameless!" Xiao Han couldn't help cursing, and he hurried into the air.

Even so, he was still a quarter slow. Two steel needles hit his legs and Xiao Han immediately fell down when he landed. He was about to seal the acupuncture points on his thighs, and then urged the steel needles that had fallen into the muscles out. The two steel needles are not big, only as thick as the embroidery needle. If it penetrates into the human body, it is easy to get into the blood vessels. When you enter the heart, you will die.

"What a poisonous hidden weapon." Xiao Han squinted.

"Let you escape." The dark angel smiled: "This time, saying nothing will let you escape."

When speaking, the dark angel suddenly grabbed his hands in the air, as if he had caught something in the void. From the eyes of those around him, he has nothing in his hands. Suddenly, the other party muttered something, and flicked his hands at Xiao Han.

"Huh?" Xiao Han suddenly felt that his body seemed to be imprisoned. He wanted to struggle, but found that an unknown force was holding him tightly. Xiao Han panicked in his heart at the time, but he knew that panicking would not do him any good. Therefore, he can only work hard to calm himself down, because only by calming down can he analyze the problem rationally. Otherwise, you will die.

"You are dead." The dark angel smiled and said: "This time, I see how you hide!"

When talking, the other party suddenly shook out a bamboo tube from his sleeve. There are hundreds of embroidery needles hidden in this bamboo tube. As long as the other party presses the button, the steel needles inside will beat Xiao Han into a hedgehog. At this time, Xiao Han could only watch the opponent holding the bamboo tube in his left hand, and then aimed at himself.

"Wait!" Xiao Han suddenly scolded.

"Why? Do you want to ask for mercy?" The dark angel's blue eyes flashed a slaughter, and said: "It's useless to beg for mercy now, because you are dead today."

The dark angel already felt the threat from Xiao Han. This kid could defeat him. If he hadn't used some life-saving tricks, he would have died here today. Therefore, he must not let Xiao Han live. Especially Xiao Han this guy has seen his secret method. Even more can't let him live. Once I say it, I will wait for death.

"I just want to know what you did to me before I die." Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Hey, do you want to know?" The dark angel sneered, and said: "Then I will tell you. This is the secret technique of people outside the territory. Boy, you have to remember, it is impossible for a mere human to interact with people outside the territory. Contestable. So you go to die!"

"Wait!" Xiao Han scolded again, and said, "So, are you from outside the territory?"

"No!" The dark angel shook his head and said, "I just...hehe, do you want to play with me? It's not that easy."

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to be clear about my death." Xiao Han said helplessly, "After all, I am about to die soon, and now I can't move."

"Okay, then I'll tell you." The dark angel smiled and said: "People outside the territory belong to this world, but they don't belong to this world. They hide in this world, but they don't have any intersection with this world. Tomorrow has its own territory, its own legal system, and its own thoughts..."

"Okay!" Xiao Han took a deep breath. Today he knows a lot.

On the audience stage.

"Fuck, what are they talking about?"

"Hurry up and beat that kid to death and make me tens of thousands of dollars."

"Angel, don't dawdle, kill him."

On the audience stage, everyone roared. They want to see the kind of crazy killing, and they want to see the scene of killing people. However, they stopped to chat, what kind of thing is this?

Young Master Liu on the sofa couldn't sit still. He immediately stood up and shouted with the microphone: "Angel, what are you talking about with him, hurry up."

"Yes!" The dark angel immediately held the bamboo tube and said, "Boy, go to hell!"


A crisp sound,

Mo Shaocong suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "No, Xiao Han!"

Just when everyone thought Xiao Han was dead, Xiao Han suddenly jumped up, his speed suddenly increased.

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