
"We also want to live, and we also want to have a way to survive. Let's not just die in vain."

A group of workers protested. They don't care how honorable your status is, or how rich you are. If you don't give money, you are their enemy. Only after giving money can they treat you as their boss and their benefactor. Now, it has not been paid for three months, and no one can continue.

"Bastards!" Yang Daguo tried to suppress them with his own majesty, but he did not expect that his actions would be counterproductive. A group of people were very angry and gritted their teeth and said: "Mr. Yang, if you don't get paid today , We won’t leave. Even if the king of heaven comes, we have to stop her."

A group of people seemed very excited.

Yang Daguo also seemed helpless. After all, at this time, his own words are no longer useful, only to show real money. Yang Daguo looked at Li Xiaoya helplessly. Li Xiaoya understood Yang Daguo’s difficulties. She showed a beautiful smile and walked out slowly: "Yes, I am the chairman of Huihong Group, and my name is Li Xiaoya. Today is today. I came to the factory to solve your problems. Give me three days and I will definitely solve your problems. Okay?"

Women's words are often the most tender. Many workers fell silent and seemed to be thinking.

At this moment, several people in the crowd clamored: "You can't let her get out of her shell. Three days later, where can we find you!"


"Can't let her go, she won't be able to pay for three days."

"Give the money now!"

The workers were emotional, and Li Xiaoya was terrified by this scene. Xiao Han hurriedly protected Li Xiaoya behind him. Xiao Han glanced around. Needless to say, he understood that among the workers there were competitors who were hiding in them, and maybe they were the ones who lurked in. Therefore, it must not be careless. No one knows what the other party is in. What if the other party wants to be against Li Xiaoya? Isn't that unlucky for yourself?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han tightly guarded Li Xiaoya.

"What to do?" Li Xiaoya panicked.

Although she is working hard to raise funds, it is impossible for the money to arrive so quickly. Besides, he is already selling the villa. Although some sellers have taken a fancy to it, how can the transaction of more than 10 million be achieved overnight? Can't you wait for a while?

"Let me come!" Xiao Han patted his chest.

"Can you do it?" Li Xiaoya looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

"How can I know if I don't try it?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "So, you let me try it, maybe it's all right?"

"Okay!" Li Xiaoya nodded helplessly, now that he can only be a dead horse doctor. After all, she really has nothing to do. Xiao Han can only give it a try.

Xiao Han strode out.

A group of workers glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "Even if the king of heaven comes, we will not let you go!"

"Heavenly King Laozi?" Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, "a group of illiterate things, you Laozi, but my surname is not Tianwang, but Xiao. Tell me, has Huihong Group treated you badly?"

A group of people were silent.

"No!" someone in the crowd shouted.

"Except this time, have you ever owed your wages?" Xiao Han asked again.

"No!" someone said again.

"So the salary here is lower than other places?" Xiao Han waved his hand and said disdainfully.

"No!" Everyone shook their heads, and some even said: "It's taller than anywhere else."

"Yes, in other words, Huihong Group treats you as benevolent." Xiao Leng laughed, and a hateful light flashed in his eyes: "On the other hand, you bastards, when the Huihong Group is in distress, you are disloyal. Righteousness, unkindness and unfilial piety, can be said to be hated by everyone!"

The workers were stunned, and all the people were silent.

Indeed, Huihong Group has always been people-oriented. The salary is 10% higher than that of other places, the welfare is better than that of other places, and even the leaders are better than other places. But why is he still not satisfied?

"No!" Someone in the crowd shouted: "You are good at everything, but we can't not eat for three months? We can't be paid for three months. We have old people and children to raise... "

"Yes, we have a family to raise. We have too many things to do."

"That is, we have to eat too."

In the crowd, those hidden guys were quickly exposed. Although they only played a role in guiding public opinion, Xiao Han quickly remembered them with his powerful memory. Xiao Han had long known that these guys were unpredictable. Therefore, this time he will find these people no matter what.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "Since everything is said to be worth it, I will pay the salary that Huihong Group owes you."


The scene was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Xiao Han in amazement. The little-known guy in front of him looked no different from ordinary wage earners. People who don’t know thought Xiao Han was Li Xiaoya’s driver. However, Li Xiaoya’s drivers have always been in suits and leather shoes. How could they wear such sportswear? Everyone seemed a little puzzled and surprised.

"Fuck, are you rich?"

"Yes, are you rich? Dressed so poorly!"

Someone started to ridicule.

"Xiao Han!" Li Xiaoya also didn't quite believe that Xiao Han had so much money. Although Xiao Han had several chain stores, he also had a company. However, this is a drop in the bucket after all. Looking at his restaurant and electronics company, it feels like a family. There is no money at all. Therefore, Li Xiaoya never thought of asking Xiao Han for help. However, where did she know that the business that does not seem to be profitable is the most profitable industry.

An industry that Li Xiaoya doesn't look up to has created Xiao Han, a multimillionaire.

"Sister, let me come." Xiao Han looked at Li Xiaoya calmly.

"I..." Li Xiaoya blushed and said, "Do you have so much money?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded confidently.

At this time, Yang Dagong also seemed a little surprised. I just thought Xiao Han was just a staff member brought by Li Xiaoya. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han and Li Xiaoya had such a good relationship, which made Yang Dagong feel a little surprised. Up. He looked at Xiao Han curiously, this young man who seemed to be only in his twenties, could it be that he turned out to be a hidden multimillionaire? Yang Daguo's eyes seemed a little complicated.

Xiao Han glanced at them, and then said: "Listen to me clearly. Huihong Group owes you all the salaries and will be issued to you today. When the salary is received, you must be honest and online, and work overtime. All the work you owed before is done."

"Does this still need to be said?"

"Yes, we will definitely work overtime to finish."

These guys shouted. If you have money, you have motivation. If you run out of money, who the **** would be willing to follow them. Now it is a society where money is supreme, and now it is a society full of material desires. If you don't taste the sweetness, who has the motivation? If you don't get the benefits, who will work?

At this time, Xiao Han turned to Yang Daguo and said, "Mr. Yang, you immediately prepare a guarantee for them."

"Huh?" Yang Daguo was taken aback.

Xiao Han took out a bank card and said, "There are more than 20 million on this card, which is enough to pay their salary. In addition, when they receive their salary, let them sign a letter of guarantee to ensure that they will be on time. Overtime, in addition, in the next month, all overtime hours without overtime pay are regarded as losses caused by their previous missed work!"

"Yes, yes!" Yang Daguo's hands trembled when he heard it. Unexpectedly, there are more than 20 million in this card. This Xiao Han really went out with huge sums of money. Yang Daguo was shocked by Xiao Han. Yang Daguo hurriedly took the bank card from Xiao Han, and then hurriedly walked towards the office.

The secretary and a few office workers became busy. Several printers and photocopiers of the company started to work frantically. Hundreds of guarantees must be rushed to work at once. However, it is enough in terms of time.

Yang Daguo secretly checked Xiao Han's card, and it turned out that there were more than 23 million. He couldn't help being shocked when he saw the balance.

This shock is a shock from the bottom of my heart. A person who he completely despised, took out so much money at once, and even took it out unselfishly. Yang Daguo did feel extremely surprised and shocked.

Yang Daguo hurriedly began to let several financial staff start paying salaries.

The salary is transferred directly from Xiao Han's account. In the past, workers’ salaries were entrusted to the bank, but now the company’s account has run out of money. Xiao Han's card is a private card, and transferring from a private card is relatively troublesome. However, for these professional accountants, it is not a problem at all. They paid out one by one, and for each payment, the workers were called to the office, and then they were asked to confirm the balance in the card, and they were also asked to sign the guarantee.

The workers didn't believe it at first, but when they received the pay slip and the mobile phone text message reminded them of the bank card transfer transaction, they did not believe it. Some people who still don't believe hurried to the bank teller machine to take out the money before they believed.

"I really got the money."

"Yes, I got it too."

The people who got the salary were very excited, and also very excited. When the money is in hand, this is the kingly way. Everyone was extremely excited when they heard that the money had really arrived. Everyone began to line up at the door eagerly. There are four financial staff in total, and four of them are busy at the same time. Because it is a wage job, they must not be chaotic, they must be orderly, and they must be organized.

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