After Black Iron's fist hit it, it was blocked by Xiao Han with his left hand. He felt like his fist hit the soft cotton, and he didn't have any strength at all. It made him very uncomfortable, but also very painful.

"Let go of me!" Black Iron roared.

"Thinking beautifully!" Xiao Han pinched his throat with one hand, stubbornly, not relaxing at all. Hei Tie's hands grasped Xiao Han's arm, as if he wanted to get rid of the other's shackles. However, Xiao Han's hands were like iron hoops, and they were tightly hooped around his neck, without any slack.

Hei Tie felt that the world was spinning, his eyes were staring at Venus, his breathing was already extremely difficult, and he was suffocating at all times. He clenched his teeth and tried hard to keep himself breathing, but Xiao Han's hands were tightly bound to him, and there was no slack at all.

"You are not convinced!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

"Unacceptable!" Is Hei Tie such an easy person to admit defeat? He will never surrender until the last moment. His hands desperately opened Xiao Han's hands. However, Xiao Han did not relax at all. On the contrary, his hands became tighter and tighter, and he even pinched the opponent's neck to pick him up from the ground.

Hei Tie tried everything he could, but in the end he couldn't break free. Seeing that he was about to suffocate, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Let... let me go, I... I take it!"

Xiao Han listened and hesitated for a while, because it has been so long, the face of the other party is dark, and the white eyes are also white. If you don't let go, I am afraid that you will really be suffocated. Therefore, the strength of Xiao Han's men was also relaxed.


Suddenly, two dull punches hit Xiao Han's chest.

Xiao Han immediately flew out as the prince. Black Iron also slumped down. He was breathing the fresh air guts. Almost, just so little, I'm afraid I will suffocate. If it weren't for the moment when Xiao Han hesitated and was seized by himself, I'm afraid he would die in the hands of the opponent.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and the whole person looked extremely depressed.

"Xiao Han, are you okay?" Yang Lu asked flusteredly, she didn't even dare to step forward, for fear of disturbing Xiao Han's battle with Hei Tie.

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head.

Black Iron gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you almost killed me."

"Killing you is no different from killing a chicken!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Since you have taken it, I will let you go, but you have to compensate for the things here."

"Fuck, I haven't convinced." Hei Tie was furious, and after slowing down, he quickly rushed towards the opponent. The legs rubbed a black mark on the ground. The speed of Black Iron has been increased to its strongest time. The soles of the feet are like oiled.

Hei Tie snorted coldly, and a weird smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "Go to hell!"

A fist struck Xiao Han suddenly.

Xiao Han dodged again and again, his fists brushed beside Xiao Han, and waves of fist wind brought Xiao Han's hair flying. Xiao Han felt the strength of the opponent's fist. However, his heart was equally angry. It was shameful for this guy to say nothing. He just managed to restrain the other party. Unexpectedly, the guy pretended to surrender and even made up his mind to kill. This makes Xiao Han very uncomfortable! "Xiao Han roared, turned around, and then dashed. Then, his legs jumped up and one foot touched the wall.


Xiao Han rose into the air and jumped over the top of Hei Tie's head.

Hei Tie was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Xiao Han, with more energy but not enough energy.

Unexpectedly, he was just about to take a shot, Xiao Han's center of gravity fell, especially when his originally curled legs suddenly clamped his head. Black Iron panicked now. Hei Tie was just about to break free from the shackles of Xiao Han's legs. Unexpectedly, this guy fell straight down. The black iron was not ready yet, and the man was taken out.

Xiao Han was quick in thinking, and he had already calculated the route when he took off, and he had already calculated how to subdue the black iron. This time, Xiao Han was in place all at once. The two landed almost simultaneously. Xiao Han's legs locked the black iron firmly like a lock, making him unable to struggle, let alone breaking free.

Hei Tie’s neck was firmly locked by Xiao Han, and his legs were also locked by Xiao Han’s hands. There was only one hand left in the whole person. However, without the cooperation of his legs, he could not move at all, and the whole person basically Terrible. Although it was not suffocation this time, it was more painful than suffocation. The cervical vertebrae were almost suffering from unparalleled pain, seeming to bear a thousand catties of strength. He tried hard to break free, but every time he moved, he felt like a needle in his neck.

"Asshole..." Black Iron murmured, and he roared, "Let go of me!"

"Hey, do you want to let go?" Xiao Lian laughed, and then said: "You want to be beautiful."

"Asshole!" Kurite roared.

At this time, the gang of Kurotie's little brothers panicked. They need to come forward and help. However, Hei Tie has never spoken, and they don't know if this is a fight for life or just an ordinary contest, they don't understand at all.

"Quick...Help me!" Hei Tie yelled out, exhausting all his strength.

"Presumptuous." Xiao Han roared and said: "Whoever dares to come forward, I will kill him immediately."

As long as Xiao Han's legs explode a little more strength, it is estimated that Hei Tie's neck will be broken. Therefore, this is an obvious thing, as long as Xiao Han exerts force, he can immediately break the opponent's bones. Let the other party completely breathe out.

Xiao Han's expression was indifferent, and his eyes flashed over.

The opponent immediately stopped, and no one dared to step forward. A bunch of people were dumbfounded.

"Big Brother!" It's not like Dajin Chain brings in a bunch of younger brothers, nor does it retreat.

At this moment, Hei Tie couldn't make any sound anymore. He could only see his dark face, his face was particularly ferocious, he appeared extremely panic, and extremely painful. The people around saw a panic in their hearts.

Xiao Lenglin hummed: "You are not convinced!"

"Serve, I'll take it!" Hei Tie squeezed two words from his throat.

"True or fake?" Xiao Han's power at his feet increased again.

Hei Tie dared not accept it, gritted his teeth, and spit out two words from his throat: "Really...really convinced!"

"Well, if you dare to have a third time, I will definitely kill you!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth. One cannot fall three times in the same place. Xiao Han would not, if the opponent dared to have a third time, Xiao Han thought he could defeat the opponent a third time, and then abolished him. Even if he didn't dare to kill him, it would be easy to remove his arm, and there would never be any problems.

"Yes, yes!" Hei Tie hurriedly responded.

After that, Xiao Han immediately released the legs that locked the opponent's neck, and at the same time also released the hands that locked the opponent's legs.


As soon as Xiao Han let go, the opponent's legs fell down immediately, and the person was lying on the ground, breathing in fresh air. The face that was already very dark, was tossed by Xiao Han, and the whole face almost turned black. It makes people feel very surprised.

Xiao Han got up from the ground. Limping, Yang Lu hurriedly greeted her.

"Xiao Han, are you okay?" Yang Lu looked at Xiao Han nervously.

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "It's fine."

Black iron lay down on the drip for a long time before struggling to sit up. Dajin Chain and a few people hurried over, and then said nervously, "Big Brother, are you okay?"

"Almost died, you said something was okay?" Hei Tie gritted his teeth and glanced at him.

"Or, let's go together and clean up this kid?" Dajin Chain whispered.

However, Xiao Han heard clearly, and Xiao Leng coldly replied, "If you dare to do something to me, I will let you all die without a place to be buried."

"Boy, don't speak too loudly." Daijin Chain said angrily, "You have to see clearly, how many of us and how many do you have? If your boy wants to die, you can't blame us. Humph !"

"If you want to die, just let the horse come here." Xiao Han replied with disdain, and then said: "Although I am only one person, it's not a matter of hitting your waste."

Dajin Chain was out of anger and was just about to let people deal with Xiao Han.

"Shut up!" Hei Tie replied, "Since he has promised not to do it, then he will not do it."

"Brother, it's hard to swallow this bad breath." Dajin Chain was anxious.

"Comrade brothers, prepare to withdraw." Hei Tie stood up.

"It's not that easy to want to leave." Xiao Lengren replied non-preventionally, and then said: "I haven't given me the money for the damaged items."

"Boy, don't go too far." Daijin Chain looked at Xiao Han coldly, and said: "We retreat, it's already considered a face to you, you dare to ask us for money. Do you want money and crazy? Is it?"

"Xiao Han, don't forget it." Yang Lu said hurriedly: "Anyway, there is not much money, let them go quickly, just don't affect our business."

"That won't work!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said, "What should be paid is still to be paid. If it should not, Lao Tzu will never let them pay easily."

"You say the number." Hei Tie glanced at Xiao Han.

"This table is not expensive, it counts as thirty thousand." Xiao Lengren smiled coldly, and then said: "In addition, a flower pot is two thousand, a total of ten thousand. And this carpet, which is dirty by your people, needs to be renovated. For your responsibility, the cost here will cost 20,000. Also, the paintings on the walls are authentic works by Zheng Banqiao, but Zheng Banqiao’s early works, even if you take one hundred thousand... a total of two hundred thousand is enough. Up."

"Fuck, you rob!" Dajin Chain became angry immediately.

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