The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 408: become sworn brothers

"Uncle, I only know a thing or two." Xiao Han said embarrassingly: "You praise me too much."

"No, no." Father Lan smiled and said, "I can tell who is the real thing at a glance."

In the living room, the two started talking again. From news to the entertainment circle, and from the entertainment circle to the current social situation, the rise and fall of the domestic economy. Father Lan is a civil servant, so he is very clear about these things, and his analysis is also very good.

"Xiao Han, the current domestic economic situation is very good." Father Lan said with a smile: "If you have money, invest with confidence, especially in real estate. In the long run, only real estate can preserve the value of your money. "

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I agree with this point."

The two talked happily. Moreover, judging from Dad Lan's attitude, he seems to recognize Xiao Han more and more.

However, Dad Lan turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, there are so many people chasing my daughter. You should know this, right?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "There are indeed many people who chase Xiaoyu, but not many people really love her. Most people have taken a fancy to her face, but they don't understand her or I know what she needs, let alone what kind of partner she needs."

"Haha..." Father Lan laughed suddenly and said, "Xiao Han, you can see that you are a person with high IQ and EQ."

"Thank you for the compliment, uncle!" Xiao Han nodded modestly.

At this time, a voice came from the kitchen: "Lao Lan, get ready to eat now."

"Okay!" Father Lan nodded, he got up and said to Xiao Han: "Let's eat and talk while eating!"

"Yes, uncle!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han carefully washed his hands. The reason for washing his hands was to give the Lan family a good impression and also to let them know that he was a person who cares about details. Anyone who cares about details is a person who is not short of troubles and gentleness. This is beyond doubt.

Soon, a table of delicious dishes came out. You can smell the fragrant smell from a distance.

Mother Lan's craftsmanship is very good. In this life, she is most proud of her cooking skills. She used her cooking skills to tightly hold her husband's heart. He also grabbed his family tightly. This is a happy family, but also an enviable family.

"Eating!" Mother Lan came up with the last soup, and she hurriedly took off her apron.

Aside, Lan Yudie brought her sleeves to help, she leaned over and asked curiously: "What did you talk to my dad just now?"

"Nothing to talk about." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I just talked about current news and current affairs, and talked about some domestic economics."

"Really?" Lan Yudie blinked her eyes. With his father's character, Xiao Han should be right. Papa Lan is a civil servant, so he can't leave his profession. Basically, they are also talking about domestic economy and politics. Either talk about major international events.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded seriously.

"Well, believe you, eat quickly." Lan Yudie smiled.

Lan Yudie's father likes to drink, and likes to have a few drinks before meals. He took Xiao Han to accompany him for two drinks.

"Dad, Xiao Han is just a student and can't drink!" Lan Yudie hurriedly discouraged.

"Which student is not a student?" Father Lan glanced at him, and then said, "At least I think he is much more mature than you. Besides, what's the matter with the students? Does drinking two glasses matter? It's not a bad thing. And Xiao Han is already Now that you are an adult, you can drink."

"You!" Upon seeing this, Lan Yudie looked helpless, and then said: "Mom, look at him. You don't care about your husband!"

"Ouch, Lao Lan, can you not drink without drinking." Mother Lan felt sorry for her daughter. Had to speak out.

In fact, Xiao Han's drinker is very good. However, he is not good to take the initiative to drink with Dad Lan. However, since Dad Lan offered to drink with himself. Then, you can drink two glasses of wine with him.

Father Lan opened it to a good wine that had been treasured for many years. He smiled and said, "Xiao Han, come and have two glasses."

"Okay, then I'll have two drinks with you!" Xiao Han nodded.

The aroma of wine is overflowing, and the fragrance of vegetables is floating.

The tempting aroma of the dishes was tempting, and Father Lan raised his glass and said, "Xiao Han, you are from Linjiang, right?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"It's not far!" Dad Lan smiled, and then said: "In the provincial capital, if you have time, come to my house. There are only two of us at home, and there are usually no people. Xiaodie seldom comes back. We usually live in school, and the two of us are relatively boring."

"Yes!" Xiao Han raised his glass and said, "I will come to chat with you when I have time."

"Okay." Father Lan looked very happy.

The two toasted and took a sip.

Lan Yudie said to the side: "Xiao Han, when did you learn to drink?"

"It's normal for men to drink!" Father Lan hurriedly said, "Learning to drink some wine is good for your life. Because this is determined by China's national conditions. That's how the wine table culture comes. Xiao Han will walk out in the future. The society is definitely going to enter the mall. If you can't drink, you will be blocked everywhere in the future."

"He can let others drink." Lan Yudie pursed her mouth and said: "The real boss doesn't need to drink by himself, just find a few public relations."

"What do you know?" Dad Lan smiled, and said: "The real boss, you need to drink more. When your business reaches a certain level, I'm afraid it's not public relations that can help you. It needs you personally. If you don’t know how to drink, how do you sign big orders for big projects? How to get contracts?"

"Yes, yes, you are reasonable!" Lan Yudie said angrily.

Father Lan smiled triumphantly. He held up his cup and said, "Xiao Han, let's drink."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

After eating a dinner for a long time, Xiao Han and Dad Lan still talked loudly at the wine table. Father Lan finally found a person who could chat with him, even with him. He looked very excited and extremely excited. The whole person is a little excited. There seems to be a feeling of hate to meet each other late.

"Xiao Han, I thought at first that you were just a fart kid who didn't understand anything, and just relied on some rhetoric to trick my Xiaodie." Dad Lan flushed and said excitedly: "Now I find out that it turns out that There is still some ink in your stomach. Well, yes, there are not many people who can chat with me like this. No one of the old antiques in our unit can chat with me."

"It's really good to have a confidant in life." Xiao Han smiled.

"If it weren't for the difficulty of seeing you as my daughter, I would have to worship you." Blue father laughed.

"Lao Lan, I think you drank too much, right?" Aside, Mother Lan gave her husband an angry look, and then said: "Look at what you said. Why don't you look at it? It depends on what age you are. Really!"

"That's right, Xiao Han is my boyfriend, you worship him, what should I do?" Lan Yudie was also anxious.

If Dad Lan and Xiao Han worshipped the handle, they would be considered iron buddies. They must be called brothers. In this way, Xiao Han's seniority was raised unintentionally, and Lan Yudie was one seniority lower than Xiao Han. In terms of seniority, Lan Yudie had to call Xiao Han his uncle. Where did the niece and uncle fall in love? Most importantly, Xiao Han is two years younger than Lan Yudie. this is the key of the problem.

"Haha..." Father Lan raised his head and laughed, and said, "I'm just kidding. I want to tell you that I'm so late with Xiao Han. I want to chat with him more!"

The dinner was very enjoyable. Lan Yudie thought about various possibilities, but didn't expect Xiao Han to have such an enjoyable conversation with his father. I coaxed my parents into a happy heart. Lan Yudie also let out a sigh of relief. At least for now, the relationship between himself and Xiao Han is stable.

After dinner, Mother Lan brought up a plate of cut fruit. Father Lan was sitting on the sofa, his face flushed, and he drank nearly half a catty of liquor. He seemed very happy. Lan Yudie cleaned up the dishes, and Mother Lan was also cleaning up in the kitchen. Xiao Han sat on the sofa to accompany Dad Lan to talk and talk, and continued to verbally criticize those unfair social phenomena. Father Lan suffered unfair treatment before, so he sat on the bench for a lifetime. Speaking of these unfair treatments, Dad Lan feels wronged.

"Dad, don't complain." Lan Yudie said from the side: "I have heard about your things for more than ten years."

"Xiao Han has never heard of it." Father Lan smiled.

"Uncle, it's okay." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Actually, there are many unfair phenomena in China. There is nothing absolutely fair in this world, right?"

"Yes!" Dad Lan nodded and said, "This is a very real world, and it is also a world of sophistication."

As he talked, Dad Lan felt a little sleepy. After talking for a while, he actually fell asleep leaning on the sofa. After chatting with Xiao Han for a long time, my brain power was exhausted. Besides, I was also getting old, drank a lot of alcohol, and fell asleep in a while.

After Lan Yudie cleaned up the dishes, she greeted Mother Lan: "Mom, Xiao Han and I are back to school."

"Okay, you can go back." Mother Lan nodded and said, "Be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Lan Yudie nodded.

When he came out of the house, Xiao Han let out a sigh of relief. After all, he went to his girlfriend's house, and he was more or less nervous to see the future father-in-law. Speaking of which, Xiao Han's brain nerves have been tense when he has been chatting with Father Lan in the afternoon. Because he didn't know what to say or what not to say. He can only follow Dad Lan's logical thinking to reason that he would like those topics. In this way, Xiao Han won the love of Blue Papa and the love of Blue Raindie's parents.

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