The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 403: Rogue villain

"They are a group of wicked people, no one knows what will happen to them!" Jiang Xiaoqing hurriedly shook her head and said: "If they are going to be against me, I'm afraid I won't even have a helper!"

"Okay, come with me!" Xiao Han nodded.

Jiang Xiaoqing hurriedly put on her clothes, and then carried a heavy bag. Follow Xiao Han out. Following Xiao Han's side, she had a very strange feeling. The Xiao Han in front of her was just a freshman. Where did he get so much money? Moreover, this guy looks mysterious, no one knows what his background is? Last time he had a fight with Dajin Chain, several fights alone. But this time, he actually took out more than one million in cash in one go. This is amazing.

"Let me help you carry it." Seeing Jiang Xiaoqing's effort carrying the bag, Xiao Han took the bag from her hand.

Jiang Xiaoqing said thank you.

The two came out of the elevator, Jiang Xiaoqing held Xiao Han's arm as if they were a young couple.

When the two walked out of the hotel lobby, several black figures emerged from the hotel lobby. When Xiao Han and the others walked to the side of the BMW, more than a dozen brawny men appeared on the left and right. An old acquaintance also appeared on the right, the big golden chain. With a machete in his hand, this guy brought more than a dozen people over. There are also more than a dozen strong men on the right. Xiao Han turned his head and glanced, and two men in black leather jackets blocked him from behind.

"It's you again?" Xiao Han squinted.

"Hey, kid, aren't you very good at fighting?" Daijin Chain sneered: "This time we have 23 people coming to fight. Today I have to make you kneel and kowtow to apologize."

"Don't!" Jiang Xiaoqing hurriedly begged for mercy, and said: "I...I will give you money, and I will return all the money owed to you!"

"Are you rich?" Dajin Chain said disdainfully.

"Yes, yes!" Jiang Xiaoqing said hurriedly: "If you have money, you have money. Don't do it."

"Take the money out!" Dajin Chain waved.

Jiang Xiaoqing hurriedly opened the bag in her hand, and said excitedly: "Look, there is money in it, a total of 1.35 million."

Dajin Chain was stunned for a moment. He never expected Jiang Xiaoqing to collect so much money in such a short period of time. Therefore, he couldn't believe that the money would be real. Dajin Chain took a deep breath and said, "Fuck, is this true or false?"

"Of course it's true!" Jiang Xiaoqing nodded immediately, and then said: "Don't worry, the money is real, and I will never lie to you!"

Dajin Chain was a little unbelievable, he walked slowly towards Jiang Xiaoqing, and stretched out his hand and said: "Take it over, let me see if it's true!"

Jiang Xiaoqing hurriedly handed the bag over, and the big gold chain immediately pulled out a wad of banknotes. Touched one by one. I turned over the money again and found that the money was real. He took it triumphantly.

"From then on, you and I will owe nothing!" Jiang Xiaoqing said hurriedly: "Besides, you give me a receipt."

"Hey, you want to be beautiful!" Daijin Chain sneered, and said: "These money are the principal and interest of the previous month. This month will have to double."

"You!" Jiang Xiaoqing almost passed out when she heard that, but she hurriedly calmed down, she gritted her teeth and said: "I tell you, I have given you the money. If you don't want to continue to struggle, I will accompany you to death."

When the Daikin chain heard it, he sneered: "Do you think you scared me?"

"The money is already in exchange for my life, there is no more!" Jiang Xiaoqing gritted her teeth, and then said: "If you still refuse to give up, then I can only fight with you with my life. No matter what I try, I will definitely not Will let you take me away!"

"Naive!" Dajin Chain sneered, and said: "Since you have put everything here, I will do the calculations with you. That kid beat up four of our brothers, and you even beat up our BMW The car was robbed. Calculate it, you should pay a few hundred thousand more, right?"

"You did it first!" Jiang Xiaoqing glared at each other.

"Hey..." Dajin Chain smiled disdainfully: "Who cares about you, who does it? You owe money first. It's reasonable, right?"

"You!" Jiang Xiaoqing was obviously very angry, but she didn't seem to know what to do now. After all, there are so many people on the other side. Moreover, looking at the opponent's posture, it seems that he has been entangled with himself. Therefore, Jiang Xiaoqing seemed very angry.

"What are you?" Daijin Chain sneered: "Either lose money or sleep with you. You can figure it out!"

"You have to be modest!" Xiao Han, who had been silent for a long time, finally stood up, and said, "Don't think I don't know what you want to do. As a human being, you have to leave yourself a way out, otherwise, it will be difficult to see each other in the future!"

"Fuck, what are you like!" Dajin chain became angry, he stared at Xiao Han, and said: "Brothers, I will tidy up this guy later. This kid beat us up that day, too. It's shameful."

"Yes!" everyone shouted.

Daijin Chain sneered, and then said: "Boy, see clearly, this time we have 23 people. I know you can fight. You can beat four legs with two fists, but can you beat ten legs with two fists? "

"It may be possible to deal with others. However, I don't think there is much problem with dealing with you people." Xiao Han glanced at a few people with disdain, and then said: "Just those of you who were hollowed out by women. . I can kill a dozen of you with one fist."

"Fuck, this boastful."

"Damn, bragging about not drafting."

"Anyway, bragging is not taxed."

A group of people said mockingly. They had never seen Xiao Han's strength. In other words, they have never seen a guy who can kill a dozen people with one punch. Therefore, as soon as Xiao Han's words came out, they burst into laughter.

"Boy, if you don't show up some strength today, you're probably going to be over." Dajin Chain sneered.

"Leave the horse here." Xiao Han hooked his finger at the big gold chain.

The big gold chain stepped back in fright.

Xiao Han showed a mocking smile and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"Brothers, give it to me!" Dajin Chain roared.


More than a dozen people rushed forward, the group holding clubs, and others carrying machetes. The ruffians and hooligans are fighting, and they don't know the severity of a fight. Even if they cause life, they may finally find someone to pay for the dead ghost. Anyway, it is indispensable for the big brother. It ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions. This group of people immediately rushed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han reacted quickly and moved swiftly.

He swiftly dived into the other person's seam. Then, his elbow slammed into a little brother's face. The guy was caught off guard and was knocked into flight. Xiao Han grabbed the blade empty-handed and immediately grabbed the aluminum baseball bat in his hand. Although it is made of aluminum, the baseball bat is still quite heavy. A baseball bat weighs several kilograms. It's still very textured in the hand.


Xiao Han took the stick with both hands and slammed it on a man's forehead.

"Ouch..." The man screamed.

After that scream, the man held his head, and blood dripped from the other's fingers. Xiao Han stepped on the opponent's lower abdomen. And he jumped up, and the aluminum baseball bat in his hand slammed at the other man.

Xiao Han was very brave and killed a three-in and three-out in the crowd.

Jiang Xiaoqing on the side was stunned. Xiao Han waved an aluminum baseball bat like a peerless dancer, leaping up and killing him with one blow. The legs moved very quickly, the eyes were sharp, and the movements flowed smoothly, without any extra movements at all. It was like a natural warrior.

"It's amazing." Jiang Xiaoqing couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even Dajin Chain didn't expect Xiao Han to be so powerful. Xiao Han appeared like an invincible and brave master, and his speed was almost unmatched. Every time the speed is so fast, every action is very sharp, simply!

Xiao Han jumped up, the baseball bat in his hand knocked down two people every time. The baseball bat at this time was already stained with enemy blood. As the so-called touches the whole body.

"Fuck!" Daijin Chain said angrily: "Fight with him."

"Fight." The crowd roared.

A gang of people swarmed up.

Xiao Han faced the siege of dozens of people with his own strength, but he appeared very calm, his expression was very cold, there was no fear in his eyes, on the contrary, his eyes were cold and ruthless, as if they were a A natural killer.

"Kill!" Xiao Han suddenly roared.

Bang bang bang...

The baseball bats knocked down three people in a row and beat each other to pee.

Xiao Han's force value was amazing. The opponent fell more than ten people in a row, and almost everyone was beaten to the head by Xiao Han, or his bones were broken. Almost all are horrible people. They are in pain, they are in pain. This guy Xiao Han is almost invincible.

"Oh, it hurts me so much."

"My head..."

"My hand is broken, it hurts, it hurts!"

The screams and wailing were endless.

After Xiao Han landed, he carried a baseball bat with one hand, and drops of blood fell on the silver baseball bat. If it weren't for the darkness, they could clearly see the blood flowing down continuously. It's a pity that the sky is very dark now, even if there are street lights, they can't see the blood flowing down, they can only smell the thick **** smell in the air.

Xiao Han stopped there, with a monstrous aura that almost shocked everyone.

"Who would dare to die!" In the eyes, there was a spirit of swallowing heaven and earth.

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