The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 400: Unspoken rules

She felt that she was almost breaking down, and she didn't know how to drive the car along the way. The car drove all the way back to the TV station, and then followed everyone to a nearby hotel for a celebration.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you?" Li Haonan looked at Jiang Xiaoqing suspiciously.

"Nothing!" Jiang Xiaoqing shook her head, and then said: "I just... I just feel very happy today. So I am very excited!"

"Really?" Li Haonan was obviously puzzled, but instead of dismantling Jiang Xiaoqing, he held a glass of red wine and said, "Come on, let's have a drink. This time the party’s success. Our credit is not small. Wait. The director sent us a big red envelope!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Xiaoqing was absent-minded. She didn't hear Li Haonan's words at all, and she kept thinking about the night in her mind. She didn't know if she should be at the appointment at night, or if she should sell her body in exchange for peace in the future.

Until the end of the banquet, Jiang Xiaoqing still did not make a decision.

For her, making such a decision is a very difficult, very difficult thing. After all, such a thing is really difficult. Especially for a proud woman like Jiang Xiaoqing. She has always regarded her body as the most sacred thing, so that she has not found a boyfriend for more than two decades. Jiang Xiaoqing has utopian love values ​​in her heart. She hopes to find a boyfriend and talk for years or even ten years. In the process of dating, there should be no physical contact. Only on the wedding night will her body be the most sacred The way to his husband.

However, she never thought, how many men can do this now?

After the dinner, many people got drunk. Several celebrities invited were also drunk. There is a big-name actor who hit Jiang Xiaoqing at a glance after entering the TV station. In his heart, Jiang Xiaoqing was destined to be his prey tonight. Therefore, during the dinner, he offered to offer a few glasses of wine to Jiang Xiaoqing. Jiang Xiaoqing also drank it out of politeness. His face flushed.

At this time, the actor walked over and said politely: "Miss Jiang, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and the one that fascinates me the most."

"Thank you!" Jiang Xiaoqing turned red when she heard it.

"I don't know if Ms. Jiang is free tonight?" The actor showed a gentlemanly demeanor, and said: "Why don't you go to my house? I recently bought a few antiques at the auction market. I want to ask Ms. Jiang to help me appreciate it. how is it?"

"This..." Jiang Xiaoqing didn't react for a while. When she saw the other person's gaze on her body, she seemed to want to swallow herself immediately. Jiang Xiaoqing reacted. The so-called appreciation of antiques is nothing more than Just a rhetoric, to put it bluntly is to let myself go to his house to sleep with him at night. When Jiang Xiaoqing heard this, she shook her head: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in antiques. Besides, I have something to do at night, so I don't have time to go out."

"Really?" The actor was a little disappointed at once.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaoqing nodded immediately and said, "So, if Mr. Liu wants to find someone, you can find someone. I'm not free!"

"Okay!" The actor immediately understood what the other party meant.

Jiang Xiaoqing raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, sneered, and then said, "I'm sorry, I'm not accompanied."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaoqing turned and left. The wine glass in his hand was placed on the table.

Looking at Jiang Xiaoqing's back, the actor felt a little upset. Although very upset, Jiang Xiaoqing was helpless. After all, she is the host of the TV station and she is in the entertainment industry. To put it bluntly, there is no conflict of interest between the two people, otherwise, with your own ability, you can think of ways to give her a little color. Actors have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and their connections are still relatively wide. However, there is no connection between the two parties. Therefore, he couldn't help Jiang Xiaoqing.

Jiang Xiaoqing came out of the hotel and walked slowly towards the outside. When she saw the black BMW. There was a burst of pressure in my heart. Moreover, this pressure made myself feel painful all over. It has been three months since the debt collection by loan sharks. I don't know how I came here for these three months. Moreover, with the passage of time, the other party's debt collection methods have become more and more brutal. In the beginning, I just called to harass and kept asking myself to pay back the money. Later, I came to collect debts, even splashing paint and writing big letters on the door of my rented house. Later, it was changed to door-to-door interception, interception and kidnapping on the road...

No one knows what kind of moves will be used later, in short, Jiang Xiaoqing is scared. She is very afraid of the other party, afraid that the other party will use this method to collect debts. Fear has been spreading in my heart. Make yourself miserable.

Now, there is finally a way to get rid of the entanglement of the other party. Although the price paid is heavier, if the pain is short, why keep the pain long? As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Jiang Xiaoqing was also a little bit painful in her heart. She lowered her head and looked at the camouflage lights outside. It's half past eight. According to the appointment time, there is still half an hour.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Xiaoqing finally set off, she walked out slowly, and then stepped into the cab. And drove towards the outside. Finally, she had a firm belief in her heart. She decided to take this step. She no longer wanted to live the life like an old book, let alone the life where everyone chased her. Even if I sacrificed myself for the first time, it would be no hesitate.


Jiang Xiaoqing's inner anxiety all vented on the BMW. When the accelerator stepped down, the car suddenly banged. The speed of BMW cars is beyond doubt. The speed suddenly increased, and he was pushed up in an instant.


The black BMW car was like a flash of black lightning in the dark night, and it rushed out all at once. At that moment, the speed was galloping like a batch of wild horses running wild.

Four Seasons Hotel. It is considered a better hotel in the provincial capital. Reached the four-star standard.

The BMW stopped at the door. Jiang Xiaoqing pushed the car door, and she scanned the surroundings. There were many luxury cars parked at the door, including Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bentley...there were countless kinds of luxury cars.

Jiang Xiaoqing sighed. In so many cars around, maybe the owner of a car is the man who bought him for the first time. Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaoqing couldn't help trembling in her heart. Unexpectedly, the aloof self actually lowered his arrogant head. This made Jiang Xiaoqing feel extremely melancholy.

Standing at the door of the hotel, Jiang Xiaoqing was full of emotion. She has stayed in countless hotels, but this is the first time she has so much emotion. She looked at the surroundings of the hotel, and she wanted to remember the appearance of a hotel for the first time in her life. The first time for a woman is unforgettable and fresh in my memory. She walked slowly into the elevator. Step by step. The steps are extremely heavy.

As soon as people arrived in the lobby of the hotel, the phone trembles suddenly.

"The other party is waiting for you in Room 1308. Go!"

The text message is very short, you don't need to read it to know that Xiao Han sent it. Jiang Xiaoqing trembled even more when she saw the room number. This step has been reached, and there seems to be no retreat. Even if you want to retire, there is no chance at all.

Jiang Xiaoqing looked extremely uncomfortable and extremely painful. This feeling is like walking on a single-plank bridge. I want to go back, but dare not turn around. I want to go forward, but there is a lot of fog. I don't know how far the road is.

After checking in at the front desk, Jiang Xiaoqing stood at the elevator door holding the room card.

Ding Dong...

The elevator doors opened. Jiang Xiaoqing raised her head and glanced at the empty elevator.

It seems that this empty one is not an elevator, but a path of no return. Once he stepped into the elevator, it seemed that he could never look back. Jiang Xiaoqing hesitated for a long time and struggled for a long time. The heart is also very empty. Finally, Jiang Xiaoqing gritted his teeth, walked in the elevator, and pressed down the thirteenth floor.

The elevator moved up slowly and finally stopped at the thirteenth floor.

When the elevator opened, Jiang Xiaoqing could not make this step too late. This step seems to feel heavy. Moreover, it makes people feel extremely melancholy.

The elevator door slowly closed. At the moment it closed, Jiang Xiaoqing seemed to feel a few brawny men in black leaping towards her, and she suddenly exclaimed: "!"

She rushed over and blocked the door that was about to close with her hand. This gate is a sensory gate, so the gate opened again soon. Jiang Xiaoqing rushed out quickly.

The elevator doors closed slowly again, and the numbers began to change.

Jiang Xiaoqing ran for a while, and she looked back, and the elevator door was closed. Jiang Xiaoqing was already deep in the corridor on the 13th floor of the hotel. A row of doors passed by, the doors closed tightly. Room 8 is a suite, each floor has a luxurious suite, the first one on the east side, this is Tianzi Room No. 1 in the ancient inn. It is a suite with the best lighting and the largest area.

Jiang Xiaoqing was standing at the door of Room 8, holding a room card in her hand, and felt extremely heartache.

After hesitating for a long time, she has been standing at the door for ten minutes. She is standing at the door like a statue. Holding a room card in his hand, it lasted for a long time without moving. She appeared very silent, unusually silent.

After a long time, she finally moved. She first glanced at the room card in her hand, and then took the room card. The movements of her hand were very stiff and mechanical.


The hairpin in his hand was swiped on the door.

Then, the door of the room opened. Jiang Xiaoqing pushed in immediately. The room was dark, she didn't know what was going on, she guessed that the other party was not happy to turn on the light. However, Jiang Xiaoqing also obeyed the other's wishes. She walked in slowly.

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