A group of people in the Sanda class quickly surrounded Xiao Han.

"Boy, your good days are over." Huang Xiaolong gritted his teeth, and the guy in his crotch finally took a sigh of relief. He said coldly, "Boy, you are going to die."

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and said: "I just kicked it. This time, I have to kick all your eggs."

"Fuck, go to hell!" Huang Xiaolong was furious when he heard it, and he immediately rushed towards Xiao Han with someone.

Xiao Han took two steps back.

After avoiding Huang Xiaolong's attack, Xiao Han turned and kicked Huang Xiaolong's back.


This kick, with great strength, immediately kicked Huang Xiaolong out. Huang Xiaolong was caught off guard and almost fell. Fortunately, the boy on the side hurriedly supported her, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to fly out after this step.

"Fuck!" Huang Xiaolong was furious.

Xiao Lian laughed and said, "The so-called Sanda squad leader is nothing more than that."

"Bastard!" Huang Xiaolong snorted coldly. He turned around, then glanced at Xiao Han, then sneered: "Boy, take me."

After speaking, he quickly rushed over.

Xiao Han glanced at the other person, not in a hurry. When Huang Xiaolong was about to rush up. Xiao Han has quick eyes and quick hands. Quickly caught Cui Long on the side, and then pushed Cui Long towards Huang Xiaolong who rushed over. This one is very powerful.

The most important thing is that Huang Xiaolong's attack is inevitable, and he can't even stop the car.

However, the one Xiao Han pushed Cui Long out was very powerful. And very powerful. Huang Xiaolong couldn't avoid a collision at all.

"Ah!!!" Cui Long exclaimed.


Huang Xiaolong couldn't stop the car at all, that is to say, this blow was inevitable. In order to avoid harm to Cui Long. He hurriedly returned the sharp attack. His body slammed into Cui Long's body severely. Two people collide together, like the collision of the earth and the moon. Very tragic.

"Ouch!" The two collided and fell down instantly.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong was furious: "Fuck, you bastard, what's the matter with you?"

"I...I am helpless too." Cui Long said hurriedly: "I was pushed over by him."

"Get out!" Huang Xiaolong scolded: "You guys who do not succeed enough to fail."

Cui Long was scolded, so he could only get up and leave in a desperate manner. He suffered tremendous physical pain. The pain of yesterday was not healed. I did not expect to suffer such pain again today. He seemed extremely uncomfortable and painful.

Xiao Han didn't bother to pay attention to these two guys. The Sanda class has already put more than half of the finance students. Xiao Han already looked a little uncomfortable. He quickly rushed towards the opponent. Fist opened the way, kicked everywhere.

It was quite unlucky for the students in the Sanda class to meet Xiao Han. After all, Xiao Han's strength lies there. They are destined to be unlucky. As soon as Xiao Han made a move, he knew if there was any. Soon, the students of the Department of Physical Education were slapped a lot by Xiao Han. They fought and retreated.

Huang Xiaolong hurriedly got up from the ground, and then shouted: "First take Xiao Han down."

"Yes, take Xiao Han down first!" everyone shouted.

A group of people quickly walked towards Xiao Han. Especially those students in Sanda classes. The only remaining twelve students with combat effectiveness surrounded Xiao Han. They planned to adopt the tactic of siege, and then put Xiao Han on the ground. As long as Xiao Han falls, then the students of the Department of Finance are not worth mentioning.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Zhang Feng, the person who brought you with you, will clean up the scum from the sports department!"

"Good!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Without Sanda classes, people in the physical education department are no more capable. Their combat effectiveness is obviously not as strong as Sanda classes. They are better than the average person at best. However, the number of students in the finance department is better. After going out to the Sanda class, people in the physical education department quickly couldn't stand it. Let's fight and retreat.

The Sanda class yelled, "Kill him. Kill him."

Xiao Han glanced at the circle of people. Although this group of people had combat effectiveness, they could not pose any threat to him.

"Come on!" Xiao Han beckoned.

Huang Xiaolong quickly transferred over. He took the lead, and the twelve people behind also rushed up. Seeing this, Xiao Han slipped under his feet and quickly leaned towards Huang Xiaolong. He squeezed his hand, grabbed Huang Xiaolong's arm, and fell out immediately.


With this fall, Huang Xiaolong suddenly fell fart.

Xiao Han succeeded in a blow and rushed out towards the opponent quickly. Feel free to twist your fingers, pull your hand on the opponent's body, and the opponent immediately loses weight. Let the opponent fall all at once. Xiao Han's actions were very swift and violent, and his super-strong brain supported a powerful body to quickly attack in the crowd.

In the blink of an eye, the opponent was pulled over by Xiao Han. Soon he beat the other person to piss.

Almost none of the dozen or so people touched Xiao Han's sleeve. And Xiao Han, like a loach, crawls through the crowds, and will not give any chance for opposition. The twelve opponents did not pose any threat to Xiao Han. On the contrary, the opponent was beaten by Xiao Han and more than half of them fell on the ground. Only four people stood there.

"Do you want to fight?" Xiao Han sneered.

The four people stood there and looked at each other, looking extremely embarrassed and extremely depressed. Huang Xiaolong got up from the ground griefly. He raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Han, his eyes full of anger, full of depression, full of anger...

"Xiao Han, you have a kind!" Huang Xiaolong stared at Xiao Han.

"Of course I have a kind!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Without a kind, can you still be a man? The key is, are you a man?"

"You!" Huang Xiaolong heard, gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I am a man."

"How do you prove that you are a man?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"How do you prove that you are a man?!" Huang Xiaolong asked immediately when he heard it.

"Me?" Xiao Han smiled slightly, he raised his fist, and then said: "See clearly, I just use my fist to prove that I am a man. But what about you? My fist is not as good as others! So, you are not the man."

"Fuck!" Huang Xiaolong became angry when he heard it.

Indeed, he was angry. No man wants to be said that he is not a man. Any man wants to prove that he is a man. A proud man like Huang Xiaolong, as a target bearer in the sports department, as a squad leader of the Sanda class, he has impeccable dignity. Indeed, Huang Xiaolong's dignity is much stronger than ordinary people. Now, he has become Xiao Han's defeat, which is enough to hurt his self-esteem. However, now he still has to be severely humiliated by Xiao Han. With such a strong dignity of Huang Xiaolong, he naturally refused.

"Go to hell!" Huang Xiaolong roared.

People have rushed out.

Huang Xiaolong jumped up and stepped on Feiyan.

"Well, the monitor is going to use his trick."

"The kid is finally dead."

A group of Sanda students were suddenly excited. The trick is the trick that Huang Xiaolong hides. One move to step on the Feiyan is powerful. Don't look at this foot as light as goose feathers, but the strength is very powerful. Ordinary people will be crushed.

Huang Xiaolong was cruel enough, his foot was going to step on Xiao Han's head.

After this step, Xiao Han's Tianling Cap must be broken. Once it goes down, it will definitely be miserable. The skull shattered, the skull shattered, and he was immortal and paralyzed. This step is definitely going to die.

Xiao Han has a strong sense of crisis, and this sense of crisis makes Xiao Han a strong avoidance.

"Huh!" Xiao Lengren snorted, and he rushed forward quickly. The opponent's foot must be powerful. However, Xiao Han was ready to meet the opponent's kick. Xiao Han's feet were a little on the ground, and the person had already rushed out.

A touch of ecstasy appeared on Huang Xiaolong's face. He opened his hands and stepped on Xiao Han.

Xiao Han raised his fist against the other's sole.


Both sides are powerful, and Xiao Han's arm is already able to swing a powerful force. A fist can have hundreds of pounds of power. And under Xiao Han's full strength, a thousand catties were enough. Huang Xiaolong's feet are also powerful.

Both sides shocked.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly felt an extremely painful sensation under the soles of his feet. This feeling quickly spread from the soles of the feet to the brain nerves. And it made him feel extremely painful. After the person landed, he felt that his entire right leg was almost scrapped. Simply unsteady.

"Ah!" Huang Xiaolong screamed, and then he fell so hard.

"Squad leader!" The students in the Sanda class immediately caught up.

Xiao Han was not feeling well, the moment his fist met him, he immediately felt that he underestimated the enemy. He obviously underestimated the strength of the opponent. His fist was already powerful, but he didn't want to. When hitting the sole of the opponent's foot, he felt his fist as soft as it was hitting cotton. Then, huge pain spread from the fist to the body, and exploded along his own nerves.

Xiao Han stepped back several steps.

With this move, Xiao Han finally realized what it meant to kill one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.


Xiao Han took a breath. The pain spread all over the body, and the fist was hot. Moreover, he felt that his arm was a little out of his control. He tried to raise his arm, but found that his hand was shaking badly.

He bowed his head, his fist was bloody. The blood flowed down the thin lines on his skin.

"It hurts me..." Huang Xiaolong fell on the ground, holding his feet in both hands. The pain is unbearable.

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