The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 377: Road meets a hooligan

"I know." Xiao Han nodded and said, "I will not provoked Qin Jun. However, I will never endure others bullying me."

"Oh!" Lan Yudie knew Xiao Han's character was stubborn, and she knew that Xiao Han would not easily tolerate others' bullying. Therefore, Lan Yudie didn't know how to persuade Xiao Han. I had to say: "Xiao Han, don't conflict with others head-on in the future, it will hurt you."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I will try to avoid direct conflicts with others."

"That's good!" Lan Yudie nodded, and then said: "In fact, avoiding direct conflict with others is also a kind of protection for you, isn't it?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Next time Qin Jun asks you again, you must learn to refuse!"

"I see." Lan Yudie smiled slightly, she hugged Xiao Han and said, "I will reject him next time."

The two walked hand in hand on the tree-lined path of the campus. In the evening, night falls, and the lights are on. The street lights on the campus are relatively dark, which is suitable for couples to take a walk. After all, the campus is safer, unlike some parks off campus, which are prone to robbers. Therefore, the two took a walk in the school with confidence.

Pulling Blue Raindie's delicate and silky hands, it feels very comfortable. Lan Yudie's hand is not big, she holds it in her hand as if she is holding a piece of icy and clean Wen Yu. It is very comfortable, and it feels like a kind of enjoyment.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. Then he said: "Xiao Yu, you said..."

"What's the matter?" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han curiously, especially as Xiao Han was hesitant to speak.

"Nothing!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "I just want to say that people are selfish. I don't want you and Qin Jun to get too close, which is not conducive to our relationship. Do you understand?"

Blue Yudie froze for a moment, and then said: "Well, I understand!"

Blue Yudie naturally understands the importance of things. She is an adult woman and understands a man's inner world more or less. Xiao Han is right. People are selfish. Everyone wants their other half to be loyal to them, and don't want their other half to get too close to the opposite sex.


The sports meeting is over.

Xiao Han won four championships alone, and a total of more than four thousand yuan in prize money. Although not much, Xiao Han donated all the money to the class as class fees. More than 4,000 yuan is not much, but it is enough for classmates to get together once.

After getting the money, the squad leader said excitedly: "Classmates, next Friday night, we will gather once in the Hanmen restaurant!"

"Okay!" everyone cheered.

Zhang Feng quietly said to the side: "Damn, you donated these thousands of dollars, and they went back into your pocket again."

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed.

The dinner in the evening is in the Hanmen restaurant.

In the Hanmen restaurant, Yang Lu arranged the largest box for Xiao Han and the others. There were three tables in the box, but there were more than forty people in Xiao Han and his class. Everyone is one and a half classmates, so the three tables are crowded with more than 40 people, it seems particularly lively.

"Classmates." At this time, the female squad leader stood up, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and said excitedly: "First of all, we thank classmate Xiao Han for his generosity and donated all the prize money of the sports meeting to the class fee; Secondly, on behalf of the whole class, I would like to congratulate Xiao Han. Congratulations to him for his excellent results in this sports meeting. I am proud of him. Finally, we stood up together and raised the cups in our hands. Congratulations to Xiao Han."


There are more than forty people in three tables. All stood up, everyone holding a cup. Blue Rain Butterfly is also impressive. Everyone in the class knows the relationship between Xiao Han and Lan Yudie. However, everyone was tacitly aware, and no one took the initiative to mention this relationship.

Xiao Han hurriedly said: "You're welcome, we are all classmates of the same class, so you don't need to be so kind. This is what I should do."

Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "Student Xiao Han's quality is a very good quality, I hope everyone will learn from Xiao Han in the future."

"Xiao Han, I didn't accept you before, but now I have to do it!" A boy in the class smiled and toasted, and said, "I toast you with this glass of wine. I hope we can become good classmates and good friends in the future! "

"Definitely!" Xiao Han nodded.

The two toasted and met.

This dinner together brought Xiao Han's relationship with his classmates closer. On weekdays, Xiao Han is always cold and arrogant, and he seems out of place in the class. He arrived at the teacher at the latest every day, and then sat in the last row with Zhang Feng. There is little interaction with other students in the class. So much so that many students in the class didn't remember Xiao Han. If it hadn't been for this sports meeting, they might have forgotten Xiao Han's name.

However, this time at the Games, Xiao Han's name is destined to be remembered. Not a student of the physical education department, but won four championships on his own. Xiao Han's name will probably be included in the annals of Shuimu University forever.

"Xiao Han, you are my idol!"

"No, you are also my idol. You see, you are about to vomit blood every one of the so-called ‘prodigies’ in the sports department."


Everyone laughed.

Xiao Han said modestly: "No, no, it's all my luck. If it wasn't for good luck, I wouldn't be able to win four championships, right?"

"It has nothing to do with luck. It is purely on personal strength!"

"Strength is the only criterion for testing truth!"

The students said one after another.

In the first class of the Department of Finance, every student admires Xiao Han's abilities. Xiao Han's strength not only conquered the students of the Department of Physical Education, but also conquered the hearts of all the students of the Department of Finance. The students in the first class of the Finance Department even regarded Xiao Han as a god.

Xiao Han looked a little embarrassed after being praised by his classmates.

Just when everyone pushed the cup and handed over. Suddenly, a girl rushed in from outside. As he ran, he said out of breath: "It's not good, it's not good, some students in the physical education department will bully Chen Xiaoxi in our class."

When everyone heard it, there was a moment of silence.

People in the physical education department are notoriously violent. It's also notoriously hard to mess with. The students of the Department of Physical Education are not only tall and powerful, but also fierce. People in other departments have seen people in the sports department take a detour. Most people will never provoke them. Therefore, when everyone heard that they belonged to the sports department, they were immediately silent.

"I'll take a look!" Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"Zhang Feng, take a few people, let's go and see!" said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "What are you afraid of? Boys will go with me!"

"Yes, let's go together!" The boy who had just toasted with Xiao Han just threw a cup and said, "Fuck, isn't the physical education department really good? Didn't Xiao Han be **** by Xiao Han. The boys in our class went together. Today is with the physical education department. One!"


All the boys rushed out. Everyone drank some beer, and the alcohol was causing trouble in the body. Therefore, a group of people ran out one after another.

At the end of the corridor is the toilet seat.

When Chen Xiaoxi came out of the toilet, he accidentally ran into a guy from the sports department of the University of Malaysia. Although he apologized, the other party was unreasonable. Life and death asked Chen Xiaoxi to kneel down and apologize. Chen Xiaoxi was also a boy anyway, so naturally he refused. The two sides came and went, and they started fighting

The guy in the physical education department drank a lot of alcohol, but he was pushed by Chen Xiaoxi and fell. It's not bad, the other party suddenly furious, as if they had eaten explosives, they made a call on the spot. People from the physical education department also had a dinner here today, and a call came over, and dozens of strong guys suddenly came out. Frozen is to beat Chen Xiaoxi with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Boy, give you one minute to kneel down and apologize!" The boy from the physical education department snorted coldly and said, "Otherwise..."

With that said, he picked up the flower pot placed on the side at the time, and said angrily: "Otherwise, you will be killed immediately!"

"Fuck, what are you hesitating about, kill him!" the people on the side roared.

This group of people drank some wine, and the spirit of the wine came up one by one, and when they started, there was no seriousness. On the ground, Chen Xiaoxi held her head and twitched all over. It seems that the fight was not light, or even a little serious. He kept holding his head and didn't say anything.

"Stop!" At this moment, Lan Yudie roared.

A group of people turned their heads and looked over.

"Oh, such a beautiful girl!" The man holding the flower pot was overjoyed and said, "Damn, I earned it today. Brothers, get this girl back and play with it today!"

Although they are all students of Mizuki University, the physical education students are all admitted with low scores in cultural courses. The quality of this group of people is uneven. Not everyone is as high-quality as Zhang Dagu. This group of people is simply more hooligan than the hooligans in society.

"Okay!" Relying on the spirit of drinking, these guys really don't treat Lan Yudie as a teacher.

Soon, they surrounded the blue rain butterfly.

"What do you want to do!" Lan Yudie exclaimed.

"Hey, go out and play with us!" The group grinned, and reached out and grabbed Lan Yudie's arm.

"Asshole, let me go!" Lan Yudie hurriedly struggled.


Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and then, the sports man who was holding the arm of Blue Yudie suddenly rammed out. The person hit the wall and immediately rebounded and fell. A group of people turned their heads and looked over. Someone recognized Xiao Han.

"Fuck, it's Xiao Han!" The people who recognized Xiao Han were startled.

"Damn!" The guys were taken aback, their expressions changed.

"What's so scary about Xiao Han!" Someone stood up and said, "Tiemuhan is afraid of you, but we are not afraid of you!"

A group of people blocked up one after another, as if forming a copper wall and iron wall. Seeing this, Zhang Feng rushed up with the boys in his class. The advantages and disadvantages of the confrontation between the two peaks are obvious. This group of students in the Department of Physical Education are all tall and powerful. The boys in the finance department are tall, short, fat and thin. There are only a few who are slightly burly in shape.

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