Qin Jun stood at the school gate, wearing an off-white suit with broken hair, and holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, it was a bunch of pink roses. Very beautiful.

School gate.

"Wow, who is this man?"

"Come chasing the girls in our school again? Fuck! There are already few beautiful girls in our school, so why are they **** chased away by people outside?"

"Hey, whoever makes a family rich, don't look at what kind of car it is!"

"What car is this?" someone asked curiously.

"This is a Maserati, at least one million dollars."

People around were talking about it. Qin Jun didn't care about these discussions. After a long experience in shopping malls, he doesn't care about the eyes of others, especially the group of students in front of him. For him, the criticism of these students cannot bring any influence on him.

Not long after, Lan Yudie hurriedly walked out of the school.

"Xiao Yu!" Qin Jun saw this and hurriedly greeted him.

"Qin Jun, why are you here?" Lan Yudie looked at Qin Jun anxiously, and then said, "Didn't I say that I won't come out today?"

"I just want to ask you to have a meal." Qin Jun smiled and said, "There is no other meaning!"

"But..." Lan Yudie was a little helpless. She wanted to tell Qin Jun that she already had a boyfriend. However, she felt that she couldn't say anything in her throat, so she hesitated for a long time, and then said: "I have eaten. It's dinner."

"That's okay, we can go and drink something, can't we?" Qin Jun smiled.

"Where to go and what to drink?" Lan Yudie asked suspiciously.

"How about finding a coffee shop?" Qin Jun glanced at Lan Yudie and said, "Of course, if you want to drink, I can also accompany you."

"Just drink, go have coffee!" Lan Yudie smiled.

Qin Jun thought for a while, then said: "Also, get in the car!"

Qin Jun took the initiative to open the door of the car for Lan Yudie. Just when Lan Yudie was about to get on the bus, he handed over the flowers in a hurry, and then said: "Xiao Yu, this is for me to give you a gift. Flowers. I hope you can accept them."

"I..." Lan Yudie shook her head and said: "I can't collect your flowers."

"It's not just flowers!" Qin Jun smiled, and then took out a box from his pocket. He gently opened the box, revealing a very beautiful watch, which is a very beautiful Chanel watch. This diamond-encrusted watch gleams when it is opened. It is estimated that other women will immediately pass out happily.

"This is?!" Lan Yudie was taken aback.

"This is Chanel's latest watch this year!" Qin Jun smiled, and then said: "Specially given to you, I hope you can become my girlfriend!"

"No, I can't take it!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shook his head.

"Why?" Qin Jun asked.

"Because I already have a boyfriend, I don't want him to misunderstand!" Lan Yudie finally said what she said in her heart. Although some things can't be said, they still have to be said after all, otherwise, I am afraid they will have to be in this life. Hold in my heart. In Lan Yudie's view, if he didn't say this today, Qin Jun would always give himself flowers. So, it's better to be clear. The provincial Qin Jun wasted time on himself.

"Oh? When did it happen?" Qin Jun asked curiously.

"It's just these two months!" Lan Yudie glanced at Qin Jun, then said, "It's been a while anyway."

After the two got into the car, the atmosphere inside the car was slightly embarrassing. Qin Jun put away his watch.

"President Qin, which coffee shop do you want to go to?" the driver Xiao Ma asked.

"Just find a family." Qin Jun replied.

"Yes!" The driver Xiaoma nodded.

Qin always wants to drink coffee, so naturally he can't fall behind. So, Xiao Ma immediately drove straight towards the best cafe in the city. Genuo Coffee, this is the largest coffee shop in the provincial capital. There are three floors, the first floor is the lobby, and the upper two floors are boxes.

Genuo Coffee is a place where many urban white-collar workers and celebrities like to go.

Sometimes you need to talk about a project, sign a contract, or chat with three or five friends, and you need to find a quiet place. They will find Geno Coffee by appointment, so Geno Coffee's business has always been very good.

Although the price of Geno Coffee is relatively expensive, all of Geno Coffee's coffee is shipped directly from Indonesia by air. And it was purchased from the world's largest cat feces coffee factory. All coffee is delivered from coffee beans and processed into coffee powder in the store.

In the car, Lan Yudie always looked a little embarrassed. They sat in the back seat of the car, and Lan Yudie heard Qin Jun's breathing. The sound insulation of the car is very powerful. There was no sound outside at all. Only the sounds inside the car can be heard. The interior of the car is extremely quiet, and even a trace of floating sounds can be heard clearly.

"Xiao Yu, I don't know where I did not do well, or where I am inferior to your current boyfriend!" Qin Jun sighed, and then said: "Xiao Yu, I chased you for so long, could you just Doesn't it feel a little bit for me?"

"Qin Jun, there is a huge difference in status between you and me." Lan Yudie smiled, and then said: "I am just an ordinary working family. Since ancient times, China has always paid attention to the notion that everybody is right. You and me are the same. The wrong household is wrong."

Qin Jun smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Yu, this is what I like about you. Other women are vying to marry a rich family. But you don't. However, I have never been fond of the so-called lintel. I only marry the woman I love the most. I, Qin Jun, don’t say that I’m in the provincial capital, even the whole of China is a talkative person. I don’t need the so-called righteousness to raise my value. I don’t need the so-called The family members come to increase the influence of our Qin family."

Qin Jun is indeed qualified to say such things. The Qin family is one of the best in the provincial capital. The Qin family and the Mo family are the two largest families in the provincial capital. Today, the Qin family and the Mo family are in good terms, and there is no struggle. Therefore, in the provincial capital, everyone is in peace and harmony. Qin Jun has now been in charge of the Qin Group for more than ten years, and he knows the situation of the Qin family very well. Although he can't say that he is rich or an enemy, it is definitely not an exaggeration to use the rich side.

Over the years, Qin Jun has used his own ability to manage the Qin family in order, and the wealth of the Qin family has also shown a spurt of growth.

"However, if I marry you, I will feel pressure!" Lan Yudie shook her head.

"Why should there be pressure?" Qin Jun frowned, and then said: "With me, you should feel relaxed and happy. I have never given you any pressure."

"I know!" Lan Yudie nodded and said: "But, you and I are different in status and status. I don't want to be cautious in the process of getting along with you. We are only suitable for being friends, not for being a couple, and not for being married. !"

At this time, the car slowly stopped at the door of Genuo Coffee.

"Let's go!" Qin Jun smiled.

Subsequently, the blue rain butterfly got off the car. Xiao Ma took the initiative to open the door to Lan Yudie. Qin Jun put the flower in the car, then got out of the car and took the hand of Lan Yudie. Lan Yudie originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that Qin Jun was so firm, it was hard to say anything. Can only honestly let Qin Jun lead.

The two walked into the cafe like a couple.

"Wow, it's President Qin!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed at the door.

Several girls walking with each other at the door bowed to Qin Jun and said politely, "Mr Qin, hello."

"Hello!" Qin Jun nodded and asked, "You are?"

"We are employees of the Qin Group!" Several girls said excitedly: "I didn't expect Qin always to be much more handsome than on TV."


Several girls are frolicking.

One of them said, "Wow, President Qin, your girlfriend is so beautiful."

"Haha, isn't it?" Qin Jun couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"No!" One of the girls smiled and said: "But think about it, how can ordinary vulgar fans enter the eyes of our Qin chief, right?"

Lan Yudie's face turned flushed, she seemed to want to stand up and explain, but Qin Jun squeezed her palm, as if to say, don't explain, it's just a little bit of face for me!

Blue Yudie was hinted by Qin Jun, and had to stay silent.

"Okay, let's go in." Qin Jun smiled

"President Qin walk slowly!" Several girls bowed one after another.

Lan Yudie and Qin Jun walked in slowly. After entering, many people came to greet Qin Jun. In fact, some people were stunned when they saw Qin Jun. Before they could say hello, Qin Jun had already passed by. They had no idea that Qin Jun would come to the cafe for coffee. It stands to reason that the coffee in the Qin Jun’s private lounge should be much better than the coffee in the Genuo Café.

"Hello, President Qin!"

"Hello, President Qin!"

Along the way, many people took the initiative to greet Qin Jun. Qin Jun is a very polite, and also a very gentleman. He smiled and responded one by one. Everyone saw Qin Jun's amiable side, and they all felt that Qin Jun was a very good person.

"President Qin, the upstairs room has been arranged." Xiao Ma hurried over.

"Yeah!" Qin Jun nodded, then took Lan Yudie's hand and walked upstairs.

The environment upstairs is much quieter than downstairs. After going upstairs, I never saw a person come out to say hello. The pony led the way, and the two quickly entered the private room. The private room upstairs is quite large. There is a sofa, a coffee machine, and a commemorative version of cat **** coffee purchased from Indonesia is placed on the table. This box of coffee is the treasure of Geno Coffee's town store. The boss learned that Mr. Qin had personally come, and immediately took out the town store's treasure.

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