"That big guy is dead." Zhang Feng on the side laughed.

"Haven't done it yet, why do you say he is dead?" Liu Bin asked suspiciously. He is a layman after all, and Zhang Feng is an expert, after all, he is a martial artist. Therefore, it is more or less able to judge Xiao Han's attack routine.

"Hehe, the good show is behind!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Ruda has rushed to Xiao Han's front. And he has already raised a fist big as a casserole. The fist slammed towards Xiao Han fiercely.

"not good!"

"It's over, hit by his fist, there will be ghosts if you die."

"Hey, Ruda's fist has at least a few hundred kilograms of power, right? That kid will be a ghost if he is beaten into flesh."

There was an exclamation all around. The people at Jingwu Hall had already smiled triumphantly.

Ruda's heart is already in his grasp. A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. However, the next scene made him dumbfounded. He actually saw a smile on Xiao Han's face, not afraid, not fear, not nervous, but a calm smile.

Then Xiao Han disappeared.


Ruda's all-out was suddenly lost.

"Fuck, how about people?" Ruda was completely dumbfounded, and completely dumbfounded, he looked inexplicable and surprised.

"It's gone."

"I'm going, where's the person? Vanishing out of thin air."

Many people exclaimed.

Just as Ruda was at a loss and his face was overwhelmed, suddenly, a dark figure appeared from behind.

"It's broken, Ruda, he's behind you!" a disciple of Jingwu Hall hurriedly shouted.

When Ruda heard this, he turned his head hastily.

However, his reaction speed is obviously not enough to support his movements.


With a muffled sound, Lu Da was kicked by Xiao Han immediately. This step kicked Ruda's chest fiercely. The moment Luda turned around, his figure itself was unstable, coupled with the strength of Xiao Han's kick, it was quite powerful. And Ruda's weight was only more than 200 catties, and he was knocked into the air by a thousand catties, and Ruda flew out like a ball on the spot.

"Ouch..." Ruda screamed.


The scene suddenly exclaimed, everyone covered their red lips, apparently shocked by Xiao Han's blow.

Ruda was lying on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time. Xiao Han walked over slowly, and then said: "You are not my opponent at all. Go and call your martial arts coach out."

"No!" Ruda gritted his teeth, his face pale.

Although this foot didn't hurt him, it made him lose face and made him feel self-respect. Ruda is also a man, he needs to defend his dignity. He got up from the ground hard, gritted his teeth, and walked towards Xiao Han step by step.

"I said, you are not my opponent!" Xiao Han smiled.


Suddenly, Ruda made a violent cry and immediately rushed towards Xiao Han. He jumped up, and his body of several hundred jin was more than one meter off the ground. He slammed into Xiao Han with his elbow. If hit this time, Xiao Han would also be fatal. Ruda's weight is very large, coupled with the impact of his hard work, it is estimated that this whole person will create a strong potential energy. I am afraid it will cause tremendous pressure.

Xiao Han was not nervous, but smiled. Seeing Ruda was about to hit him. Suddenly, Xiao Han slid back. He raised his hand and pinched Ruda's arm. The body actually leaned back strangely.

"What is he doing!"

"Is he trying to die? If he falls with Ruda, even Ruda's body can crush his internal organs."

There was an exclamation all around.

Lu Da's face was overjoyed, and this might kill Xiao Han.

It is a pity that Xiao Han's life is very hard, but he is not so easily taken away. Seeing Xiao Han fall backward. Ruda was overjoyed. However, the next scene made him dumbfounded. During Xiao Han's fall, huge power erupted from his right foot. His feet hit Ruda's belly hard.


The power of this foot directly caused Ruda to turn a somersault in the air, and then he knelt on the ground fiercely. Battered.


Suddenly, the surroundings exclaimed, and everyone was shocked.

Ruda claims to be the strongest person in the Jingwu Hall, but he didn't want to be knocked over by Xiao Han twice. This shows that Xiao Han's strength must not be underestimated. Everyone looked at Xiao Han in amazement. Xiao Han seemed very calm. He walked slowly towards Ruda.

"Call out Tiemuzha," Xiao Han said.

"Arrogant child." At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked over. Behind him, there was a man about 1.7 meters tall, about twenty-five or sixteen years old, carrying a steel knife in his hand, and a piece of red silk was tied to the handle of the steel knife. . There was a hideous expression on the man's face. This guy was already ugly, his face was covered with acne, and every acne had pustules, it looked even more terrifying and terrifying. The twisted expression frightened everyone.

"Okay, Big Sword Liu is here." Everyone exclaimed.

Big Sword Liu's real name is Liu Shangguo. Because of the skill of one-handed swordsmanship, I call it Dadao Liu. Big Sword Liu's strength is very strong, although his strength is not anxious for Ruda, but with the strength of his swordsman, he can definitely defeat ten. Therefore, when Big Sword Liu came out, the disciples of Jingwu Hall cheered.

Xiao Han glanced at him and said with a smile: "There are so many ugly people. Who are you!"

"I am Liu Shangguo." Big Sword Liu glared at Xiao Han, and said: "You dare to call me ugly, today I have to split you into six sections!"

"If you have the ability, just let go!" Xiao Lian snorted.

The big knife Liu Yi gritted his teeth and swiped the big knife and rushed over quickly.

Big Sword Liu's knife skills are very good, even Xiao Han has to deal with him cautiously. Xiao Han dodged around. The opponent kept pressing. Xiao Han avoided step by step. However, in the eyes of the disciples of Jingwu Hall, this kind of evasion is a kind of retreat, a kind of timidity, and a precursor to Liu Dadao's upcoming victory.

"Broad knife Liu, hacked him!"

"Da Liu, kill him."

On the side, the disciples of Jingwu Hall shouted. This group of people almost yelled.

"What to do? Xiao Han seems to be unable to beat him." Lan Yudie became a little anxious.

"Teacher Lan, don't worry." Zhang Feng on the side smiled and said: "Xiao Han is not unable to beat him, but is looking for the other party's flaws. The opponent's knife skills are very powerful, and Xiao Han wants to kill him with a single blow. Then you must find the opponent's flaws. Only then can you defeat the enemy with one move."

"Really?" Lan Yudie was a little doubtful. It is clear that Xiao Han is at a disadvantage, but why do you say that Xiao Han has an advantage?

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Liu Bin said awkwardly: "How do I look like Xiao Han is about to lose?"

"That's not because your kid's eyes are bad!" Zhang Feng replied in an annoyed way, "How did you know that Xiao Han was about to lose?"

"You see that he has been hiding all the time, and he has not attacked once!" Liu Bin was anxious.

"Don't worry, he will start a counterattack soon." Zhang Feng smiled.

Everyone stared at Xiao Han and Dadao Liu, and the battle between the two was very exciting, especially Dadao Liu's sword technique was very smooth, like stars shining. Attracted the eyes of many people. Big Sword Liu has been practicing swordsmanship hard since he was a child, and he has practiced for nearly eight years.


Xiao Han suddenly moved with his shadow, and he disappeared in front of Liu Dadao.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

Big Sword Liu didn't react yet, but found that a dark shadow rushed over at a speed that could not cover his ears. He gritted his teeth and hurriedly turned around, however, his turning speed was obviously slower. He tried to drink back the opponent with his knife. However, the other party didn't react at all.

A pair of very long legs clamped Big Sword Liu's neck like scissors, and then, under the influence of huge inertial force, he almost threw the opponent out severely.


Both fell out. However, Xiao Han was obviously prepared. He twisted Liu with a big knife between his legs, and then they quickly landed and took the whole person out immediately. And threw the opponent to the ground. And Xiao Han supported his body with both hands. Dadao Liu's body was almost under the pressure of two people.


He immediately vomited a mouthful of sour water and almost vomited out the dinner he had eaten last night.

After landing, Xiao Han did not let the opponent go, but turned over, twisted the opponent's arm with both hands, sneered, and said, "Broad Sword Liu, it's nothing more than that. In the end, he is not a defeated opponent? Since he is a defeated opponent, how brave you are. ?!"

"You, you let me go!" Dadao Liu struggled desperately. He tried hard to get rid of Xiao Han's shackles, but Xiao Han's shackles were so easy to get rid of. Big Sword Liu clenched his teeth, his face flushed, and the pimples on his face almost exploded one by one.

Xiao Han was about to twist his opponent's arm and teach him a lesson.

"Let go of him!" Suddenly, a thunder exploded.

Everyone has forgotten the past. Xiao Han also turned his head and looked over. A man in a black Tang suit came down the stairs. Not tall, not fat, with long hair, long flowing hair, and even a strand of purple hair on his forehead. It looks very elegant. Tang suit with long hair and purple hair is a bit nondescript.

"Big Brother is here." The disciples of Jingwu Hall exclaimed.

"Didn't it mean that Big Brother has gone abroad?" Someone asked curiously.

"Maybe I'm back now. It's great. I didn't expect the big brother to come back in this juncture. Now without a coach, this kid will lose."

Perhaps this is the heart of all Jingwuguan disciples, but they don't seem to know that the coach of Jingwuguan has lost to Xiao Han during the sports meeting. Therefore, even if a big brother comes, I am afraid that nothing can be changed. It's just that they didn't seem to know that all this was just a wheel tactic that Tiemuzha deliberately used, which consumed Xiao Han's physical strength first, and then came forward, so that they could easily win.

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