"Okay!" Tiemuzha nodded, he glanced at Li Aibin, and then said: "Today I will give you a face, and I won't trouble him for the time being. But..."

Speaking of this, Tiemuzha glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Boy, I'm pretty good. Do you have the courage to visit my Jingwu Hall?"

"Why don't you dare?!" Xiao Lian laughed.

"Xiao Han, don't promise him!" Lan Yudie hurriedly stopped.

Xiao Han smiled at Lan Yudie and said, "Don't worry about me, he can't do anything to me. So, don't worry."

"But..." Lan Yudie just wanted to speak, but Xiao Han interrupted her: "Xiao Yu, let me make the decision for my affairs, okay?"

In one sentence, he struck back the words of Blue Raindie alive.

"You make an appointment!" Temuzha sneered.

"Just tomorrow." Xiao Han replied, "The sports meeting will end tomorrow morning, and I will be free tomorrow afternoon. After the sports meeting tomorrow afternoon, I will come personally."

"Good!" Temuzha was overjoyed. This place really cannot give full play to its own strength. There are too many people around it, which restricts its own performance. Only in one's own field, can they bring their strength to the peak.

"But!" Xiao Lian laughed and said: "Tomorrow I am here to smash your sign!"


Around, there was a sound of cold breath.

Tiemuzha's face condensed, and said: "If you win me, you can smash the sign. If you lose, I will break your arm."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded loudly.

"Go!" Temuza turned and left.

A group of people left quickly. Looking at each other's back, Xiao Han showed a disdainful smile. Just after receiving the three consecutive kicks from the bottom of the box, Xiao Han already had a certain foundation in his heart. Therefore, he is not afraid of the opponent's challenge at all.

Temuzha and the others left, but Zhang Dagu and the others panicked.

"Xiao Han, why are you so stupid?" Zhang Dagu hurriedly said, "You take the initiative to go to the Jingwu Hall, isn't this going to kill you?"

"Yeah, the masters in the Jingwu Hall are like clouds, even if Temuza doesn't do it yourself, you are dead." Liu Bin said hurriedly.

"Xiao Han, don't go tomorrow!" Lan Yudie was also very worried about Xiao Han. After all, Temuza's strength is obvious to all. Although Tiemuzha missed today, it doesn't mean that he is not strong enough. It's just a malfunction.

"No." Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "Since you have agreed, you must go. I can't stop."

"Why do you have a rib?" Liu Bin said.

"If you don't smash the sign of Jingwu Hall, this kid really thinks he is number one in the world!" Xiao Han smiled, and said, "So, I must go."

A group of people looked at each other. No way, since Xiao Han insisted on going, they couldn't persuade him.

At this time, Zhang Feng, who had been silent, said: "You don't need to worry too much. You don't know Xiao Han's strength. He just beat Temuza, so he won't necessarily lose tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow in Jingwu Hall, there are a lot of people inside." Zhang Dagu said: "If they go together, wouldn't it be troublesome."

"That's right." Liu Bin nodded and said, "You didn't hear what Xiao Han said. He is going to smash someone's sign."

"Don't worry." Zhang Feng sneered and said: "You forgot that we have a secret weapon?"

When several people heard it, they suddenly realized. The so-called secret weapon is nothing more than a gunpowder made by them. It is filled with gunpowder and steel nails have to be inserted into it. Powerful... It is more than enough to kill a dog.

A smile was raised at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth. He smiled, and then said: "So, you can rest assured, if they dare to cheat, we can also cheat!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Dagu and Liu Bin nodded.

"What secret weapon?" Lan Yudie asked curiously.

"Don't say it!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Zhang Feng!" Lan Yudie's face was cold.

"Ah..." Zhang Feng was immediately dumbfounded. He suddenly remembered that Lan Yudie was his class teacher. He hurriedly said: "It's broken, my phone is forgotten in the dormitory, I have to get it!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the yelling of Blue Raindie and ran away quickly.

Zhang Dagu and Liu Bin also quickly returned to their positions and returned to their classes.

Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han and asked, "What is the secret weapon you are talking about?"

"Gun!" Xiao cold replied unexpectedly.

"Huh?" When Lan Yudie heard it, she thought she had heard it wrong, and she hurriedly said: "You...what did you just say?"

"The secret weapon he said is a gun!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Oh my God, you are crazy!" When Blue Yudie heard it, a panic appeared in her eyes. She said in astonishment: "You got the gun from somewhere. Are you crazy? You...you don't want to think about the consequences. ?"

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's not a real gun, but a gun. It's not very powerful and can't kill people."

"That won't work!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shook her head, and said: "It is illegal to hold a gun, even if it is a gangbang. If it is discovered by the police, it will be detained. Maybe you have to sentence it! "

"Don't worry, it won't!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said, "Nothing will happen."

"Then you must take me tomorrow!" Lan Yudie was really worried. She must follow Xiao Han personally so that she can watch the progress of the matter with her own eyes, and if it is dangerous, she can also come forward to stop it. After all, I am a teacher, and many students in Jingwu Hall are students of Mizuki University. With a teacher present, the scene is easy to control.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded without hesitation.

I haven't finished speaking here, and someone over there is already calling Lan Yudie. Lan Yudie turned around and left. Before leaving, he told Xiao Han: "Don't leave the school today, just for safety."

Xiao Han looked at the back of Lan Yudie leaving, that slender back and swaying figure were too beautiful to be taken away. Xiao Han felt very comforted in his heart. Xiao Han really felt very happy to find such a beautiful girl in his life, and to treat his girl so wholeheartedly.

Return to the dormitory.

Liu Bin stood at the door of the dormitory and looked around.

"Fuck, you can be regarded as coming!" Liu Bin saw Xiao Han at a glance, rushed over, and ran to the dormitory with Xiao Han.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"You're done, let you get drenched in flowers and grass outside." Liu Bin said hurriedly: "A girl came to look for you, claiming to be your girlfriend!"

"Huh?" Xiao Han was startled and said, "My girlfriend? Are you sure you are not mistaken!"

"No!" Liu Bin shook his head and said: "People say that it is your girlfriend, but your kid still dare to sophistry? However, that girl is very beautiful. Your kid is really **** blessed. How come the girls around you are more beautiful than the other ?!"

Xiao Han looked inexplicable, he couldn't remember who it would be. Had to follow Liu Bin to walk quickly towards the dormitory.

Arrived at the dormitory.

A beautiful back is facing him, long flowing hair, beautiful back. Zhang Dagu was very courteous, serving her tea and pouring water. Zhang Feng peeled her apples and told her jokes to make her happy.

"Xiao Han, are you here?" Zhang Dagu said.

The girl turned her head, showing a beautiful smile, and said, "Xiao Han!"

"Xiao Lei?" Xiao Han was startled and said, "You... why are you here?"

"Why can't I come?" Liu Xiaolei smiled and said, "Did you find a girlfriend in Shuimu University!"

"This..." Xiao Han looked embarrassed and said: "I...I'm just a little surprised. Don't you need to manage the restaurant in Linjiang?"

Liu Xiaolei smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have arranged everything, and the cold door restaurant in Linjiang City has opened to the fifth. I also found a deputy to help me take care of it. Now the management work is on track. , So I want to visit you in the provincial capital."

"Haha, it turned out to be like this!" Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, "Then you went to the Hanmen restaurant in the university town to see it?"

"Not yet!" Liu Xiaolei shook her head and said: "I will come to see you the first time."

"Really?" Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You girl, why did you come here all of a sudden, and don't say hello to me!"

"If I say hello to you, what should you do if you scare away?" Liu Xiaolei smiled.

"Scared away?" Xiao Han laughed and said, "Am I so timid? If you are here, I can pick you up anyway. I won't let you wait for me here."

"It doesn't matter!" Liu Xiaolei shook her head, and then said: "I am willing to wait for you."

"Let's go to dinner together." Xiao Han smiled.

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

Xiao Han glanced at a few people in the dormitory, and they shook their heads, especially Liu Bin. He shook his head hurriedly and said, "I'm not going anymore, I have something to do at noon."

"I'm not going either, Xiaomei will come to me later!" Zhang Dagu said hurriedly.

Zhang Feng on the side also shook his head and said: "I am too lazy to run, there are still projects in the afternoon, you can go and eat. I...I will have a break at noon, and I will have physical strength in the afternoon."

Seeing that few people went there, Xiao Han could only walk out of the dormitory with Liu Xiaolei.

I haven't seen each other for nearly half a year, and they seem to be a little rusty, and I can't find that feeling anymore. Liu Xiaolei still doesn't know that the real behind-the-scenes owner of Hanmen Restaurant is Xiao Han. She grinned and said: "I have made money, I will treat you to dinner."

"Let me invite you." Xiao Han smiled and said, "It's not easy for you to make money."

"But, you are a student, where does the income come from?" Liu Xiaolei shook her head and said, "So, let me come."

Xiao Han thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"By the way, my salary has increased several times." Liu Xiaolei smiled and said: "I am now a first-level supervisor, and now I can earn more than eight thousand a month."

"It's amazing." Xiao Han pretended to be surprised, and said: "I can take you so much money, and it's a relatively high salary in Linjiang City."

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