The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 362: Doping controversy

The 400-meter run tests explosive power and endurance.

This time, the teacher of the physical education department was not in the mood to continue to rectify Xiao Han, but devoted himself to the work of the sports meeting. No one made trouble, Xiao Han would naturally not encounter any problems. The 200m and 400m preliminaries were the first place in the group. Xiao Han won the championship easily. Easily won the top spot.

"This kid is like a little wild horse."

"No, it's amazing to see him running so fast."

"It's too good. I study well, and I'm so strong in physical education. I beat all the students in the physical education department. Is this Xiao Han still a human?"

Many students look at Xiao Han with admiration.

Xiao Han's running talent has been demonstrated, and many people find it incredible, not only the students in the stands, but even the teachers in the physical education department. Teacher Liu is one of them.

"This kid has a good running talent." Teacher Liu was slightly surprised.

"Old Liu, did you forget his disrespect to you?" the burly man on the side said disdainfully.

"That's not enough!" Teacher Liu shook his head, and then said: "I just feel curious, he is just a finance student, why can he run so fast? The most important thing is that my students work 9 to 5 Only through practice did he achieve today's results, but why can he run so fast? Does it all depend on talent?"

"You mean...?" The wrestling teacher looked at him suspiciously.

"I wonder if he took stimulants!" Teacher Liu said seriously.

"Huh?" The strong man was shocked and said, "Isn't it possible. It's just a school sports meeting, how can you take stimulants?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Teacher Liu shook his head and said, "Who knows if he would secretly take stimulants and the like in order to defeat Tao Jun? So, I have to think about it. If he doesn't take them. Stimulants, how could it be possible to get past Tao Jun?"

The brawny man was stunned for a moment, and immediately dumbfounded: "Isn't it possible?!"

"Think about it, he never trains, nor does he have professional teacher guidance." Teacher Liu sneered, and then said: "And we, we wake up in the morning and greedy the dark, practice physical strength, practice endurance. Practice starting movements, practice sprints... Tao Jun He’s talent is good, and he works hard the day after tomorrow. But he still lost to Xiao Han."

"If you say that, I think it's possible!" the strong man said hurriedly.

Teacher Liu smiled and said, "No, I have to find Xiao Han immediately and tell him to have a urine test."

"Yeah!" The strong man nodded.

Xiao Han's competition was still going on, and Teacher Liu quickly found Lan Yudie. He doesn't want to contact Xiao Han anymore, because Xiao Han has a bad temper and beats people at every turn. Temuhan is the best example.

"Teacher Liu, what can you do with me?" Lan Yudie asked suspiciously.

"Teacher Lan, I suspect that Xiao Han has taken stimulants!" Teacher Liu said seriously, "So, I hope you cooperate with us in the investigation."

"Impossible!" Blue Rain Butterfly denied almost conditionedly.

"Since you said it's impossible, then we'll take a good look." Teacher Liu said, "You tell Xiao Han to go to the medical office for a urine test. When the urine test results come out, you will know if he has taken a stimulant."

"Good!" Lan Yudie nodded immediately. She naturally did not believe that Xiao Han would be a stimulant drug gentleman. Therefore, she reacted decisively. She was quickly saved and ran towards Xiao Han on the playground.

Xiao Han just finished the 400-meter preliminaries.

"Xiao Han, the teacher of the sports committee has informed you to do a urine test!" Lan Yudie said seriously.

"Urine test?!" Xiao Han was slightly surprised.

"Yes!" Lan Yudie took Xiao Han's hand and asked seriously: "Xiao Han, you tell me honestly, have you taken stimulants?"

"Doping?" Xiao Han was even more surprised. He smiled: "Why should I take doping? Isn't it the bunch of old antiques who doubt my grades?"

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded and said: "Because your grades are so outstanding, they suspect that you have taken stimulants. I hope you cooperate with them to do a urine test!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

The so-called urine test is nothing more than collecting urine in the infirmary, and then the infirmary staff will use test papers to verify it. Once the test paper turns red, it means that the urine contains hormones. If the urine contains hormones, it means that Xiao Han has taken a stimulant.

The group soon arrived at the infirmary.

Lan Yudie was slightly nervous, because she didn't know if Xiao Han had taken stimulants. From the bottom of her heart, she naturally did not want Xiao Han to take stimulants. However, she also couldn't believe that Xiao Han could run so fast, and even surpassed Tao Jun, the sprinter Wang. This speed really made people feel extremely shocked and shocked. Therefore, Blue Rain Butterfly became nervous.

Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han worriedly.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and patted the back of Lan Yudie's hand, and smiled: "What are you nervous about?"

"I'm worried..." As soon as Lan Yudie said this, the words in his throat still swallowed back.

"You are worried that you will be tested for stimulants, right?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "It can be seen that you don't believe me!"

"No!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shook her head, and then said: "I believe you, why would I not believe you?"

At this time, the medical staff took out a urine cup and said, "Then this one will take urine."

Xiao Han got up to collect urine. Teacher Liu also hurriedly followed, although he knew it was unlikely that something went wrong. But he still has to stare at Xiao Han to take urine, what if this urine is replaced by someone's top bag? Xiao Han smiled, took the urine directly in the men's bathroom, and then returned to the infirmary.

The medical staff took a look and put the test paper directly into the urine.

One second...Two seconds...Five seconds...

Until one minute, the test paper still did not change. Teacher Liu and the others stared tightly at the test paper in the quilt. At this moment, they wished to see the test paper change. In this way, they can announce the cancellation of Xiao Han's results on the spot. However, the test paper did not change in any way, and they suddenly seemed extremely disappointed.

"Teacher Liu, let you down." Xiao Han smiled.


Teacher Liu coughed dryly, and then said: "It's nothing, we also enforce the law impartially. Since you are not taking stimulants, it means your results are effective. So, we congratulate you."

Xiao Han was too lazy to talk, turned around and left the infirmary.

Lan Yudie hurriedly chased after her. As she walked, she looked at Xiao Han aggrievedly.

"Are you angry?" Lan Yudie asked.

"You don't believe me!" Xiao Han's face was cold.

"I don't!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shook her head, and then said: "I trust you so much, how can I not believe you?"

"Since you believe me, why were you so worried and nervous just now?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

"I..." Lan Yudie couldn't answer immediately, she said helplessly: "I'm just worried from the bottom of my heart. You know, I have no sense of security!"

Xiao Han's attitude immediately softened. He took Lan Yudie's hand and said, "Let's go."

"Are you not angry?" Lan Yudie hurriedly asked.

"Where am I willing to be angry with you?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Hehe..." Lan Yudie chuckled and immediately transformed into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, following Xiao Han excitedly. There is nothing like what a teacher should be. People who didn't know thought Lan Yudie was Xiao Han's female classmate.

The two walked hand in hand towards the infirmary room.

Several teachers in the physical education department stood in the infirmary with a thoughtful expression.

"This...what the **** is going on?" The wrestling teacher said in astonishment: "Didn't you persuade you to use stimulants?"

"Who knows!" Teacher Liu shook his head and said, "Maybe it is a doping agent that is not easy to detect! Isn't there a saying in the sports world? When it is detected, it is doping, and what cannot be detected is high-tech. "

"That said." The wrestling teacher said helplessly: "But, should we teach this kid a little lesson? We can't let this kid get cheap."

"There is always a way!" Teacher Liu said earnestly: "It will be a long time in the future. Besides, he hurt Tiemu Khan. Do you think Tiemu Khan's brother, Tiemuzha, will easily let him go? Hey, based on his brother's The temper will definitely beat Xiao Han all over his body."

The wrestling teacher was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Well, it makes sense. Then just wait and see what happens."

The teachers are like old foxes. And Xiao Han is their calculated target. A few people seem to be exceptionally sophisticated,

Zhang Feng and several people were waiting for Xiao Han in the playground. They were very excited when they saw Xiao Han coming.

"How is it?" Zhang Feng said hurriedly: "What was the result?"

"Nothing!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said, "I can't find out anything if I ask them to check it. I am not afraid of the shadow leaning."

Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "That's good!"

"Damn, I suspect that they did this on purpose." Zhang Dagu sneered: "A school break sports meeting was also checked for stimulants. If you say it, it will make people laugh. Others think that Shuimu University is hosting The city-level sports meet."

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "I have never heard of a school sports meeting that requires doping checks."

Several people feel baffled.

However, Xiao Han felt that it did not matter. Who let himself run so fast. A student in the Department of Finance is even better than a sprinter in the Department of Physical Education, let alone a teacher in the Department of Physical Education, I guess the students will doubt it. Therefore, Xiao Han also cooperated with the inspection. I simply agreed, and the inspection was good for me. In the future, if anyone talks about his own results, he can at least pat his chest and say that he came out with his strength.

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