
There was a burst of warm applause.

Everyone was conquered by Xiao Han's handsomeness and his strength.


"How can Xiao Han be good at everything? His academic performance is so good, sports are so strong, and most importantly, even Kung Fu is good."

Many people were amazed at Xiao Han, an all-rounder. Why does God create such a powerful talent. Why is he so versatile? Not only the college entrance examination is the national champion, but also the sports performance is so good. The sprint surpassed all the sprint kings in the sports department. Even a fight can beat Temuhan. This strength is no one!

"Wow!" Lan Yudie exclaimed.

"Damn, this kid is so awesome!" Zhang Dagu exclaimed.

"This strength is indeed incredible!" Zhang Feng commented from the perspective of a martial artist.

After Xiao Han landed, he looked at Tie Muhan coldly and said, "You are not my opponent at all. Now I kneel down and beg for mercy, I might be able to forgive you!"

"Bastard!" Tiemuhan roared and said: "You want me to kneel down and apologize to you. That is to let our grassland eagle be an old hen on the ground. Don't think about it!"

"Hey." Xiao Han grinned and said: "It's a dragon, you have to cross it in front of Lao Tzu; it's a tiger, you have to lie down in front of Lao Tzu. Just you, the eagle, I can't honestly shrink after meeting me. Wings dressed as hens are waiting for me to step on!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" How could Tiemuhan bear such a stimulus, he suddenly furious, said: "Asshole, I want to kill you, I want you to see how powerful our prairie eagles are, you go to death Right."

After speaking, Temuhan rushed out on the spot.

Xiao Han didn't move, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Tiemuhan coldly, with Tiemuhan's strength really difficult to pose a threat to himself. Not enough, since the other party wants to play, just play enough with the other party.

Seeing that the other party was about to rush up, Xiao Han suddenly dodged quickly.


After a dodge, Xiao Han stretched out his feet at a speed that could not cover his ears. Where did Tiemuhan react? He didn't have Xiao Han's super brain. At that time, he tripped over Xiao Han's leg and threw himself out.

At that time, he fell a dog to eat shit.

"Ouch!" Tiemuhan screamed again and again when he fell.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, and then said: "I said you are not my opponent."

"You!" Temu Khan got up with gritted teeth, and then said: "I want to kill you!"

Is it tolerable or unbearable.

Tiemu Khan can be regarded as a man on the grassland anyway, and he dominates the side at Shuimu University, becoming the most powerful wrestler among Shuimu University. Therefore, he also has his own dignity and his own pride. Whether on the grassland or in Shuimu University, Tiemuhan felt that he was an invincible existence. Therefore, he was determined to defeat the opponent.

Now, not only did he not defeat Xiao Han, but he was beaten to find teeth by Xiao Han. This is absolutely unbearable for a man on the grassland. Therefore, he decided to fight for his life, even if he lost his life, but also to defend his dignity.

"Come on, you are just a mere rubbish, what are you?" Xiao Han said disdainfully, "It's no different than defeating a dog to defeat you!"

"You!" Temuhan was even more angry.

He rushed towards Xiao Han frantically like an indestructible war machine. The speed is fast and the strength is indestructible. Xiao Han naturally wouldn't go head-to-head with each other. He would not use the method of killing an enemy with a thousand and harming himself by 800. What if you win?

Tie Muhan's weight of nearly three hundred jins, such a huge body, if he were placed on Xiao Han, and another shoulder fall, Xiao Han's thin body would definitely be beaten to pieces. Xiao Han is not stupid, so naturally he won't go head-to-head with each other. Therefore, he quickly avoided the opponent's attack. Tiemuhan lost the target of his attack and hurriedly turned around to look for Xiao Han.

"It's now!" Xiao Han was overjoyed.

When Tiemuhan turned around, it was when he was weakest.

Xiao Han took advantage of the situation to attack.


As he turned around, Xiao Han jumped up, his legs swept towards Tiemuhan like scissors.

At that moment, Xiao Han caught Tie Muhan with great strength, and then rolled him onto the ground. The whole person fell severely. At this time, Temuhan's head hit the ground, fortunately, a layer of plastic was laid on the ground. If not, he is afraid that he will lose his mind.

Xiao Han's legs clamped his neck firmly. He clasped his legs with both hands and pressed hard.

"Ah, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death!" Tie Muhan yelled, his face flushed.

"Serve it?" Xiao Lian said with a smile.

"Serve, I serve, I really serve!" Tiemuhan nodded hurriedly.


There was an uproar around him. Tiemuhan was not Xiao Han's opponent, and Xiao Han was beaten to persuade him. You know, Tiemu Khan is a well-known master at Shuimu University. The average person may not even be close to him. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han would be crushed by Xiao Han during this moment, and he would still scream constantly. Everyone looked at this scene with surprise.

"Very good!" Seeing him admit defeat, Xiao Han stood up.

Xiao Han showed a smile at the worried Lan Yudie not far away. The blue Yudie smiled like a flower. However, Blue Yudie's smile lasted for a few seconds, her eyes changed drastically, and her face changed instantly. She looked terrified. .

"No... be careful!" Lan Yudie was shocked.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" Zhang Feng also shouted.

"Mom, Xiao Han is over..." At this time, everyone around also screamed.

Several physical education teachers not far away panicked. They wanted to stop Temu Khan, but it was too late from the distance. This guy Tiemuhan didn't know where he made a dagger. He grabbed the dagger and quickly pierced towards Xiao Han's back vest.

Such a short distance and such a swift attack, I am afraid that ordinary people will not be able to react. Everyone believed that Xiao Han was dead, and they knew that Xiao Han must be dead this time, if Xiao Han was not dead. What a miracle.

The whole audience was silent.

Everyone saw this scene, but Xiao Han had his back facing Tiemuhan, so he couldn't see Tiemuhan's attack.

Xiao Han stood only two meters away from Lan Yudie. His eyes were fixed on Lan Yudie's eyeballs. The pupils that had shrunk sharply because of panic shot the scene behind him. Tie Mu Khan was holding a dagger and rushed towards him with a fierce expression on his face. It's already close at hand.

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that you will not be able to react.

But Xiao Han is no one else. He is Xiao Han. His brain has been stimulated by Potential No. 2, and the entire brain area has been more than half developed, far exceeding 10% of normal people. Xiao Han possesses absolute strength, as well as superhuman responsiveness and agility.


Suddenly, Xiao Han's figure disappeared. It disappeared from the place.

Tie Muhan rushed into the air in an instant, he was dumbfounded, and said, "Uh...what about people? What about people!"

"My God, where is Xiao Han?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Seeing a living person disappear from their front, everyone was dumbfounded, they were shocked, they were completely dumbfounded. Looking around with a bewildered face. Lan Yudie also had an inexplicable expression, Xiao Han disappeared like a cloud of air, and she stared at the empty place in front of her in astonishment. Xiao Han was still standing here just now, but now he disappeared suddenly, this...this is really hell.

Everyone looked like a ghost.

"Are you looking for me?" Suddenly, a voice came from behind Tiemuhan.

Temu Khan trembled all over.

Lan Yudie was shocked, she hurriedly bypassed Tiemuhan, and as expected, Xiao Han was behind him. This time, Lan Yudie was even more dumbfounded, why did Xiao Han suddenly change to the back of Tiemuhan? This...what the **** is going on?

Tie Mu Khan turned around slowly, and he looked at Xiao Han incredulously.

"You!" Tie Mu Khan stared at Xiao Han in shock, forgetting what he was going to do.

"You actually carry a dagger with you!" Xiao Han squinted.

"I'm going to kill you!" Tiemuhan suddenly reacted. He raised his dagger and rushed towards Xiao Han frantically.

"Huh!" Xiao Han smiled disdainfully, he turned around and kicked it hard.


This kick hit Temuhan's arm. Tiemuhan stabbed, and the dagger in his hand fell from his hand.


Xiao Han jumped up in the air and kicked Tie Muhan's chest continuously. Finally, he made a kick on his face. A man of nearly 300 jin was kicked to the ground by Xiao Han. After falling down, he suddenly couldn't get up.

Xiao Han walked towards Tie Muhan slowly, and picked up the dagger on the ground. He walked to Temuhan's side, stepped firmly on his head, and sneered: "Tiemuhan, I heard that you are an eagle on the grassland. Today, I will make you The hen on the grassland!"

After speaking, Xiao Han picked up the dagger, and in a situation that no one had expected, the dagger instantly pierced Tiemuhan's arm.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.


Blood suddenly splashed.

"Ah!!!" Tiemuhan screamed.

"Stop!" At this time, the teachers of the physical education department finally reacted, and several teachers quickly gathered around.

"Xiao Han, stop!" Tao Jun's sprint teacher said.

Without turning his head back, Xiao Han said, "He did it first!"

"Even if he did it first, you shouldn't hurt him!" The sprint teacher hurriedly said: "You are doing this deliberately injuring others."

"That's why he intentionally hurt people first." Xiao Lian said with a smile.

"You moved the knife!" The dash teacher was anxious.

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