The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 355: Defeat again

In the afternoon game, basically it is inevitable.

The reason why Tao Jun arranged all the sprinters in the physical education department on the same track, in order to show Xiao Han a little bit more. Of course, Tao Jun looked for a relationship and walked through the back door to arrange these people together. It was because this guy was more afraid and fearful.

In the morning game, Tao Jun had seen Xiao Han's greatness, although his companion explained that the reason was because he started slowly and was distracted. However, Tao Jun knew very well in his heart that although the start in the morning was slow, this was definitely not the main reason. The main reason is that Xiao Han is relatively strong.

Therefore, in order to prevent any accidents, Tao Jun decided to pull all the short gun kings of the sports department, even if he accidentally missed, other people could kill Xiao Han in seconds. However, Tao Jun's idea seems a bit simpler. In the entire sports department, Tao Jun's short shot speed is the fastest. Changing to another person is not Xiao Han's opponent at all.

At the starting point, Xiao Han and Zhang Feng were discussing. Zhang Feng did not report the 100-meter project, mainly because the 100-meter project requires a strong explosive force. And Zhang Feng did not have such explosive power. He has staying power, so he took four hundred meters. 400 meters requires not only explosive power, but also endurance. Moreover, relatively speaking, endurance is more important.

"We must teach them a lesson today!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"No problem!" Xiao Han was full of confidence and ran with Tao Jun in the morning. He already knew Tao Jun well, and there shouldn't be much problem with him.

"How sure are you?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"It's not a big problem!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Although they belong to the sports department, I am no better than them. The 100-meter sprint event not only values ​​strength, but also value luck. Good luck. The strength is strong, the first place is definitely no problem."

"Hey..." Zhang Feng grinned and said: "It should be like this, teach them a little lesson, they don't care about the province."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The semi-finals of the previous groups soon ended, and one group of games only took a few minutes. Soon it was Xiao Han's turn.

Although it was Xiao Han's turn, Zhang Feng was even more nervous than Xiao Han. He looked at Xiao Han excitedly, and then said: "Xiao Han, come on. Success or failure is in one fell swoop. If you squeeze more than the top two today, you will miss the final."

"Hehe!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am definitely going to enter this final."

"Come on!" Zhang Feng smiled and punched Xiao Han.

The fists of the two touched lightly. After that, Xiao Han immediately stood at the starting point.

Tao Jun formed a circle with a few boys from the physical education department. They put their hands together, and then shouted: "Come on!"

The momentum of the few people was great, and many people turned their heads to look over.

The 100-meter sprint is the most concerned project in the world, and it is also the most concerned sport of Mizuki University students. For the one-hundred-meter project, it’s explosive power. Don’t look at the ten-odd seconds of instruction, but these ten-odd seconds contain a lot of technical content, from the very beginning to the first 50-meter sprint and the back The fifty-meter sprint contains countless technical content.

Tao Jun reached the starting point, and other companions also sat down at the starting point.

The group of people looked particularly solemn. Especially Tao Jun, his face was silent.

In his opinion, the biggest pressure at the moment comes from Xiao Han, and his failure in the morning has made him feel some inexplicable nervousness. Tao Jun has always been called Liu Xiang of Shuimu University. He will enter the national team in the future. However, it has been surpassed now, which is definitely not what Tao Jun hoped.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Tao Jun kept staring at Xiao Han, and when he saw the confident smile on Xiao Han's face, he became even more uncomfortable. It seemed that Xiao Han's confident smile could not be seen, or when he saw Xiao Han's confident smile, he felt a little more nervous. If Xiao Han is nervous at this time, maybe he still thinks that Xiao Han should not have hope for this game. However, this guy just didn't.

"Tao Jun, cheer up!" At this moment, the PE teacher's voice came.

"Yes!" Tao Jun nodded hurriedly.

How did he know that the physical education teacher would come out at this time. In fact, Tao Jun's teacher also wondered why Tao Jun let himself put these sprinters in this group. When he saw Xiao Han, he immediately understood. The frustration in the morning game made Tao Jun feel unprecedented pressure, so he made such a move. However, the physical education teacher can understand. After all, he was in this line, and he could somewhat understand Tao Jun's intentions.

The referee has chanted the slogans for each position. He raised his starting gun high.

The audience was quiet.

Lan Yudie was standing in the stands. She stared nervously at Xiao Han on the field. When she saw this scene, she was more or less nervous and scared. It seems that victory or defeat is in one fell swoop. Lan Yudie yelled softly: "Xiao Han, come on!"

"Xiao Han, come on!" Not far from the 100-meter runway, Li Ruobing also stared nervously at this scene.

Zhang Dagu went to participate in the shot put competition. In the field of shot put competition, he is trying hard to look towards the direction of the 100-meter competition. However, there are many crowds on the field, and most of them are crowds wherever they can see. Therefore, he could only say silently in his heart: "Xiao Han, come on!"

Xiao Han supported the ground with both hands, with the tip of his right foot touching the ground, and he might rush out at any time. He looked up at the 100-meter runway, the red runway, and the white runway line looked particularly dazzling at this time. He squinted his eyes, and a weird smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Tao Jun has also made preparations. This group of students is the most standard starting group in the 100-meter project.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the starting gun.

The eight students rushed forward like wild horses. Xiao Han started relatively slowly. Judging from the front 20 meters, Xiao Han's position is relatively behind. Tao Jun started relatively quickly. He has a 100-meter sprint and start-up experience. At the moment the gunfire fell, he had already rushed out, almost half his body.

"Okay, there's a show!" Tao Jun's classmate shouted: "Tao Jun, come on. Let those hillbillies see how good you are."

"Tao Jun, come on!"

Many people are cheering for Tao Jun. They yelled frantically.

Xiao Han glanced left and right, Tao Jun seemed to have surpassed himself. However, this does not mean anything. Even in the sprint competition, the world champion of 100 meters, Jamaican Bolt is still behind in the first 50 meters. However, in the next fifty meters, he showed extraordinary genius.

Xiao Han ran according to his own breathing rhythm, absolutely not allowing anyone to disrupt his rhythm, nor would anyone disrupt his pace. His brain is working wildly, secreting a lot of hormones. Xiao Han's limbs exploded with great power at this time. A pair of strong and powerful thighs burst out with fierce power at this time, the sprint speed suddenly accelerated, and the frequency increased...

"Good fellow!" Zhang Feng saw Xiao Han accelerating at a glance.

Tao Jun has maintained the fastest speed in his life. He thought he would be able to hold on to the end as a leader. He almost closed his eyes and rushed forward, ready to welcome the victory. However, he soon discovered that everything was wrong.

"No!" Tao Jun suddenly saw a dark figure approaching him, and then, side by side with him at a very weak speed, and finally surpassed him at a weak speed. Although it's only a tiny bit, even a tiny bit is enough to knock anyone off in a 100-meter race. A voice in Tao Jun's heart screamed: "No, absolutely can't let him get rid of himself, absolutely not!"

Tao Jun has his own dignity and the dignity of his own strong man.

It was trampled once in the morning. In the afternoon, he firmly did not allow anyone to trample on his dignity. And no one is allowed to surpass himself in the 100-meter project. Therefore, he decided to speed up. His accelerated limb swing also accelerated the steps under his feet.

However, no matter how fast his speed is, it will be difficult for him to catch up with Xiao Han, who is about to cross the finish line.


Xiao Han rushed to the finish line in one breath. He opened his hands and rushed out like a gliding bird.


There was an uproar at the scene. The audience stood up. There was thunderous applause.

Tao Jun entered the final with the second place in the group, but he still lost, lost to Xiao Han, and lost to Xiao Han. The applause at the scene is the stimulation to oneself, the humiliation to oneself, as if the sound of slap and slap is the pain that hits his face heavily.

At this time, Tao Jun's physical education teacher walked over slowly. With a smile, "Tao Jun, it's pretty good."

"I lost." Tao Jun lowered his head and hands on hips. Although he tried his best, he found that he still lost.

"No." The physical education teacher shook his head and said: "The most difficult enemy for a person to defeat is yourself. Your best score at Mizuki University has been broken by yourself. It has improved by 0.11 second. You should be happy to be. ."

"If you lose, you lose!" Tao Jun shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you lose." The physical education teacher shook his head and said: "That kid is a natural sports wizard. I watched his game in the morning and watched it again. I found that he was the king of acceleration in the second half. Cultivation, another new star will be added to the Chinese track field."

"He is really amazing to get such praise from the teacher." Tao Jun looked at the PE teacher.

"Yes!" The physical education teacher nodded and said: "You can't compare with him. He is a talented player, and you are an acquired hard-working player. Some people are naturally suitable for sprinting. For example, Bolt. Some people are born. Suitable for long-distance running."

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