"Are you all here?" Xiao Han hurriedly greeted, "Come in."

The three swiftly slipped in.

The corners of the mouths of a few people raised curious smiles, and the three of them lined up and sat down in the ward.

Lan Yudie glanced at a few people and said, "Are you all here so early?"

"Teacher Lan, aren't you earlier than us?" Zhang Feng smiled.

"I'm here to bring him breakfast!" Lan Yudie's face turned red.

"Oh!" The three said meaningfully.

"Hey, don't get me wrong!" Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"No, no!" Zhang Dagu hurriedly shook his head and said: "We all know the relationship between you and Xiao Han. What else do we need to misunderstand?"

When Blue Yudie heard it, it was difficult to continue explaining. To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is the beginning of deception. Blushing, she cautiously continued to feed Xiao Han wontons. The three were envious. At this time, Liu Bin said: "Hey, when can we find a beautiful girlfriend like Teacher Lan?"

"The beauty you want!" Zhang Dagu smiled and said, "Do you have Xiao Han's ability?"

"Yes, I'm not as good as Xiao Han." Liu Bin shook his head and said, "I used to disagree with Xiao Han, but now I take it. This kid is too good, not only makes money, but even fights so hard. You said there are a few women who can resist Got his charm?"

"Haha!" Zhang Dagu laughed and said, "Are you saying that Teacher Lan is a material woman?"

"No, no, no!" Liu Bin hurriedly shook his head. He hurriedly defended Lan Yudie: "Mr. Lan didn't know anything before he knew Xiao Han. Therefore, she is not a material woman. On the contrary, she is a very good woman. A woman with vision can actually discover Xiao Han's potential stock!"

"Haha..." Zhang Dagu laughed again.

Zhang Feng walked to Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, how do you feel?"

"Very good!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "I feel I can be discharged from the hospital this afternoon."

"Really?" Zhang Feng said with a smile: "That's good, but, have you thought about the Sword League?"

"How do you say?" Xiao Han asked.

"This time the Dao League was miserable by you. You hit Liu Sandao's face so swollen, right?" Zhang Feng glanced at Xiao Han and said, "I'm afraid Liu Sandao won't let you off easily. Liu Three swords shouted so many officials and celebrities to watch the battle. It was nothing more than to tell them that the sword alliance is invincible. But now you slap him backhand. And in front of so many people. This matter You must be very clear about the stakes."

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I know."

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhang Feng asked.

"There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will go straight to the end of the bridge." Xiao Han waved his hand and said, "The answer is far more than the question. When the people in the knife league take action, I will have no problem responding."

"I think it's better to be prepared." Zhang Feng glanced at Xiao Han and said: "After all, the Sword League is very powerful, there is no doubt about it. Offending Liu Sandao would be tantamount to opposing the entire Sword League. You defeated the God of War of the Sword League, which unintentionally shakes their undefeated myth. Either take the initiative to talk to them; or leave the provincial capital!"

"I said, Xiao Han has the principles and bottom line of life." Xiao Han smiled lightly: "If people do not offend me, I will not offend. If anyone offends me, I will offend. It's that simple."

"I know." Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Han a little anxiously, and said: "You have your own principles and your own bottom line. But you forgot what you said? The weak's principles are trampled on by the strong. , The dignity of the weak is humiliated by the strong. From the current situation, you are the weak and Liu Sandao is the strong."

"I understand what you mean!" Xiao Han looked at Zhang Feng and said, "This matter must be handled properly. You can rest assured of this."

Just as several people were talking.

Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open.

A few people turned their heads to see, it turned out to be a brawny man in a black suit. The leader is Baihu. Bai Hu wears a navy blue suit and a black tie. There is a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of the nose. Carrying a fruit basket in his hand.

"It's you!" Zhang Feng asked when seeing this, "What are you doing here!"

"We came to see the injured." Bai Hu glanced at a few people, then smiled, and said, "What? Isn't it welcome?"

"Visit people, of course we welcome it, I'm afraid your purpose is impure!" Zhang Dagu stood up, his hands already holding the folding chair beside him tightly. Be ready to hit someone at any time.

Bai Hu smiled and said, "You are definitely not our opponents, so I advise you to sit down honestly."

"Sit down!" Xiao Han waved his hand.


Several people took their seats.

Xiao Han was not in a hurry. Instead, he laughed. He looked at Bai Hu and said, "Master Dao asked you to come?"

"That's right!" Bai Hu nodded, and he put the fruit basket on the multifunctional cabinet beside it. Then he sat down in front of Xiao Han, looked at Xiao Han's eyes, and said: "Ming people don't talk secretly, I was sent by Master Dao today."

"What does Master Dao want to say?" Xiao Han frowned.

"Master Dao asked you to consider joining the Dao League!" Bai Hu smiled.

"What if you don't get in?" Xiao Lengchun smiled.

"Master Dao gave you several choices too!" Bai Hu glanced at Xiao Han, then said: "First, join the knife league; second, leave the provincial capital forever. You can figure it out."

"Master Dao really looks at me." Xiao Han shrugged, and then said, "I'm just an ordinary student. Go back and tell Master Dao that Xiao Han will not pose any threat to him. I'm sorry. The forces of the city don’t have any interest. I just want to be a student quietly. In addition, I would like to tell Master Dao for me that although Xiao Han is only a student, my principles and dignity will definitely not tolerate anyone. Trample. If anyone dares to attack me or the people around me, I will destroy him at all costs."

In a word, this is what Xiao Han said from the bottom of his heart, and it was also Xiao Han's warning to Liu Sandao.

Bai Hu was shocked from the heart. Unexpectedly, a student in his early twenties would be able to say something so neither arrogant nor humble. The soul that shook the white tiger also shook the hearts of everyone.

Lan Yudie kept staring at Xiao Han. If he didn't have enough strength, he would definitely not dare to speak so bluntly with Liu Sandao. If he had not enough strength, I am afraid he would not dare to speak like that.

Bai Hu paused for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I will truthfully tell Master Dao what you have said. However, as for what Master Dao wants to do, we will do it!"

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded, then said: "Zhang Feng, help me see off the guests!"

"Yeah." Zhang Feng's face was gloomy, and he stood up.

Bai Hu took it up and said, "Okay, I will leave first."

After speaking, Bai Hu left the ward with someone.

When the group of people left, the atmosphere in the ward was immediately relaxed. Just now Bai Hu brought a group of people in, and almost everyone in the ward was out of breath. These people are all people who have experienced **** storms. This group of people exudes a kind of evil spirit from their bones. And Zhang Feng is just a group of students who just went to college, and they are still a group of newcomers who have not really been killed. Fights are all driven by momentum. How can you compare with these people who are full of anger.

"Xiao Han." Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han and said: "You can't twist your thighs with your arms. Be careful."

"I know." Xiao Han nodded and said: "Liu Sandao is a smart man. He should know how to make a decision, and he should also know how to adopt a gentle policy towards me. Otherwise, if we have to head-on, the final result will be detrimental to both parties. ."

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded.

"Liu Sandao will not rest assured that you will stay in the provincial capital!" Zhang Feng glanced at Xiao Han and said: "I will be Liu Sandao if I am replaced by Liu Sandao. I will also have many scruples."

"Why?" Zhang Dagu asked, "Xiao Han is just a student, not someone."

"You don't understand this." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Now the power of the provincial city is surging secretly. Don't look at Liu Sandao's knife league, which claims to be the provincial city to carry targets, but the knife league is now getting more and more status. It's unstable. The reason why Liu Sandao has always wanted to win over you is to consolidate his position. I heard that there is a gang in the provincial capital that can compete with the knife league. It is called Black Iron. It is said that , The boss of the black iron is also a very good character. There is not much difference between the strength of Liu Sandao. It may even surpass the knife alliance."

"So that's it." Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, "How do you know?"

"Of course I know!" Zhang Feng smiled, and then said: "I have been paying attention to this matter."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "This black iron seems very interesting."

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and then said: "Liu Sandao is afraid that the strength of the black iron surpasses him. So he has been intensively trying to fight with the black iron. And your appearance made Liu Sandao see Some crises."

"Do you know this?" Liu Bin looked at Zhang Feng in surprise.

"Understand a lot!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"You know almost the same thing as I!" Liu Bin smiled: "The rumors on the Internet about the forces in the province are indeed like this. Now Liu Sandao is a little panicked. I'm afraid that I can't keep the seat of the target, so I feel a little panic."

"That's something on the road, it has nothing to do with us!" Xiao Han smiled.

Liu Bin frowned, and then said, "However, we are already involved now."

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "After this battle, you must have attracted the attention of the black iron. Maybe the black iron wants to win you. If the black iron wins you, then the status of the knife alliance is It's in jeopardy."

"It makes sense!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "This is indeed a troublesome thing. Xiao Han, you must be careful."

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