"It's easy to think." Xiao Han wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His chest was hot. It feels like being grilled on an oven. Xiao Hanqiang endured such a huge pain, his whole person almost collapsed. However, he must insist, he knows that King Kong is not much better.

"Then I will see you off again!" After speaking, King Kong rushed over quickly.

Xiao Lenglin snorted, and he took a deep breath, temporarily suppressing the pain in his heart. Xiao Han knew that he had to solve the immediate trouble before he could deal with his wound. King Kong's biggest advantage is strength, and his biggest advantage is having a super brain. If he and the other party head against each other, he will undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble. Therefore, I must not go head-to-head with him. Just now is the best verification. This kick was kicked out at the moment the opponent fell. If the opponent kicks with full force, he will inevitably break his ribs.

Xiao Han rubbed his chest and quickly avoided King Kong's attack.

This time, Xiao Han stopped taking risks, but used his agility to deal with the opponent's power impact. After a few rounds, King Kong was exhausted enough, after all, he had a heavy armor. Can I be tired from running wild with this nearly one hundred catties?

"Boy, there is a kind of you don't run!" King Kong panted.

"Okay, then I'll be here!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth and suddenly shook an iron rod from his back.

This pitch-black stick was made of a meteorite from outside the sky. The weight of tens of kilograms in Xiao Han's hands seemed to be made of wood. Xiao Han wanted to start a fierce attack when the opponent was exhausted. He grabbed the stick and hit the opponent hard.

Bang bang bang bang

After a series of attacks, the opponent's titanium armor also dented several big holes. King Kong was taken aback. What surprised him the most was not the depression of the armor, but the fact that he felt violent tremors in his body under his repeated beatings, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Fuck!" King Kong roared.

"Look at the stick!" Xiao Han shouted angrily.


A stick went down and hit King Kong on the shoulder.


King Kong suddenly knelt down. The strength of this stick is a few tons. The immense power made him unable to hold it on the spot, and he knelt down.


The scene was in an uproar. Everyone was stunned. King Kong was beaten to his knees by him.

Bai Hu hurriedly shouted: "King Kong, what's the matter?!"

As soon as King Kong raised his head, his hands immediately grabbed the stick in Xiao Han's hand, and a penetrating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "Boy, it's your turn to be unlucky."

When speaking, he tugged the iron rod severely.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Han hurriedly let go, and ran away.

"Don't run!" King Kong chased up with the iron rod.

Xiao Han's sensitivity is obviously much higher than that of him. He has nearly a hundred catties in his protective gear, not to mention carrying an iron rod weighing tens of catties. How to be flexible.

Seeing that the opponent was running slower and slower, Xiao Han simply took the opportunity to counterattack.


Xiao Han walked around behind the opponent and jumped up, attacking fiercely when the opponent did not react. Xiao Han kicked the opponent's head. With this kick, the opponent almost fainted after kicking on the spot.

"Damn, I killed you!" King Kong roared.

However, he couldn't catch up with Xiao Han at all. Instead, he was attacked by the opponent several times in a row, making him helpless. This really made King Kong very helpless and almost made him want to vomit blood. King Kong's whole person is almost going bad.

"Asshole, I want to kill you!" King Kong was furious, and he slammed the stick in his hand towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han hurriedly took it in his hand.

King Kong quickly took off his armor. The nearly hundred catties were taken off, and the body suddenly became lighter. He looked at Xiao Han coldly: "Boy, see how Lao Tzu killed you today!"

After speaking, King Kong quickly chased up.

The speed almost increased sharply, and Xiao Han ran away. Although the speed is comparable, Xiao Han's agility is very high. The brain can always judge the opponent's next move, so Xiao Han can predict and react in time.

King Kong took off his armor and exposed his body. Xiao Han decided to counterattack. Can not hide blindly.

"Look at Lao Tzu's stick!" Xiao Han rushed, leaped one foot, and touched the wall with one leg, then quickly killed a carbine.


A stick went down and hit King Kong's chest.

"Puff" King Kong suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Han was not polite, and attacked again, hitting the opponent's lower abdomen with the stick.

"Ah!" King Kong was holding his stomach, and the acid water was almost vomiting out. He bowed.


Xiao Han raised the stick again, and rotated it in a circle around the opponent's back. Then, the stick went down and slammed it on the opponent's back. King Kong immediately fell down.


There was another uproar at the scene. Liu Sandao's face was pale. Both Baihu and Monkey King were stunned.

"Good job!" Zhang Feng shouted.

"Damn, just **** him so hard." Zhang Dagu shouted on the side.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, stepped on King Kong's thick back with one foot, raised the stick high and aimed it at King Kong's skull. When this stick goes down, King Kong will inevitably break his brain. Xiao Han looked at Liu Sandao not far away.

"Master Dao, your people lost." Xiao Lian laughed and said, "Is the life and death agreement valid?"

"Effective!" Liu Sandao replied coldly, but there was a chill in his eyes. Everyone knows that if Xiao Han killed King Kong today, there would be no way to leave here. As soon as King Kong died, the Sword Alliance would inevitably lose a God of War, which would not benefit the Sword Alliance’s future. Therefore, Liu Sandao would not let Xiao Han leave alive. More than a hundred younger brothers on the scene will initiate a siege at the first time.

Xiao Han had exhausted his energy and was seriously injured. His ribs were broken and his lungs were injured. There must be no energy to continue the battle.

Xiao Han put away the iron rod and said: "I am not a heartless and indifferent person. I will not do the killing. But, my bet!"

"You won." Liu Sandao said.


Zhang Dagu and others cheered. They quickly rushed down from the stands on the second floor. When they reacted, they realized that the Blue Rain Butterfly had washed down. She threw herself into Xiao Han's arms and said anxiously: "Xiao Han, are you okay? Xiao Han, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Xiao Han hugged Lan Yudie and said: "I'm really fine, don't worry."

"Xiao Han, good brother, you are amazing." Zhang Dagu hugged Xiao Han, excited.

Liu Bin was also excitedly beaten up. Zhang Feng glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Yes, today, after a battle, you will definitely become famous on the road in the future!"

"What's the name, I'm not rare!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Let's go!"

At this time, Bai Hu handed over Xiao Han's ICBC gold card and said, "Xiao Han, this is your card. The 25 million yuan has already been paid."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han put away the card, and then limped out.

"Oh my God, twenty-five million." Zhang Dagu almost fainted. He hurriedly said, "I decided not to go to the cafeteria anymore. I'm going to eat in the Hanmen restaurant. I go every day. Until you eat."

"I'll go too!" Liu Bin said hurriedly, "I will leave the dormitory after this one hundred catties, and Xiao Han will take care of me."

Zhang Feng smiled, he did not speak.


Dozens of men in black suits immediately blocked the door. Before Liu Sandao's order, they would never let Xiao Han leave from here.

"What are you doing!" Zhang Feng snorted coldly: "You won't let you go if you win?"

At this time, Liu Sandao walked over slowly and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, you are very good."

"Thank you Master Dao for the compliment!" Xiao Han smiled and looked radiant.

"Let them go!" Liu Sandao glanced at the man in black at the door.


The dozens of people immediately gave up a way. Five people came out of the rich man. Zhang Dagu drove the car over in a hurry. This time, Zhang Feng sat in the co-pilot, Xiao Han and Lan Yudie sat behind, Liu Bin squeezed in the right corner, and Lan Yudie sat on Xiao Han's left.

"Great, enter today and win."

"What a **** excitement!"

Several people were so excited that Zhang Dagu couldn't help but feel heavy with his foot on the accelerator.

After getting in the car, Xiao Han leaned on his seat to rest.


Immediately after the car left the rich man, Xiao Han's face was sallow, and there were puffy cold sweats on his forehead. He hurriedly clutched his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Mom!" Liu Bin was frightened.

All this blood sprayed on the center console.

"Xiao Han, what's the matter with you?" Lan Yudie started crying with fright.

"The third rib on my right is broken." Xiao Han said, "The broken bone pierced into the alveoli. Take me to the hospital."

"Oh my God!" With the blood on Lan Yudie's hand, she was immediately at a loss.

"Quickly, go to the hospital. What school are you going back to!" Zhang Feng, the co-pilot, shouted.

"I, I, I know!" Zhang Dagu was also very frightened, and he hurriedly turned around and ran straight towards the People's Hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xiao Han was already in a coma, and he was quickly sent to the operating room.

A group of four people waited anxiously at the door of the operating room. One by one was very scared.

Blue Yudie's tears came out.

"Should be okay?" Zhang Feng asked.

"How can it be okay?" Liu Bin said hurriedly, "The ribs are inserted into the alveoli, and the respiratory function will fail. Moreover, the lung damage is very painful."

"It must be the kick kicked by King Kong." Zhang Dagu said hurriedly.

"Oh my God, Xiao Han persisted for so long?!" Zhang Feng said in astonishment, "How did he persist?"

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