The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 346: Wishful stick

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that it actually has a name!" Zhang Feng smiled and said: "I named it Ruyi Stick, which means like a golden hoop stick."

"Haha, good name!" Xiao Han carried it on his back and said, "Go, let's go!"

"Go!" Several people stood up.

Just arrived at the door.

Lan Yudie wears a sports suit, a gray sports suit, and a pair of black sports shoes on her feet, saying: "Take me!"

"Ms. Lan!" All of them were stunned.

Xiao Han glanced at Lan Yudie, and said, "Are you really going?"

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded and said: "I must go. First, I am your girlfriend, I don't want you to be hurt, I have to look at you to rest assured; Second, I am your teacher, you are My student, if something goes wrong with you, my teacher must be responsible!"

Xiao Han hesitated and said, "Okay, take you there!"

Lan Yudie excitedly took Xiao Han's hand and said, "Great."

She was as excited as a twenty-eight little girl. Xiao Han held Lan Yudie with one hand, and the two walked in front. Zhang Feng and others followed all the way behind. Coming out of the dormitory, many people watched this scene curiously. Although they all knew that Xiao Han had soaked Lan Yudie, this was the first time they saw Xiao Han and Lan Yudie so close.

"Damn, this guy really soaked the goddess away."

"Oh, what a pity, my goddess!"

Many boys beat their chests and feet, and they seem to be unacceptable.

I watched the goddess in my heart being held in my arms by other men. It is estimated that any man will be unwilling. Even if he couldn't take any practical actions, he would be willing to scold Xiao Han severely behind his back.

A group of five quickly walked out of the dormitory building.

Many boys curiously watched these five people in groups.

"What are they going to do?"

"Blue Yudie went too. It's weird!"

Many people feel very curious. However, going out at this point is either to eat or to be chic. But what can four men and a female teacher do? This makes people have some imagination.

Faculty parking lot.

Xiao Han quickly got into the BMW off-road vehicle and started.

Blue Rain Butterfly was sitting in the co-pilot. Zhang Dagu and their three elders crowded in the back row. Although the rear space of BMW off-road vehicles is quite spacious, this refers to the space of off-road vehicles, not the space of medium and large cars. Especially Zhang Dagu this guy is huge. Therefore, they were crowded behind.

"Fuck, don't squeeze me!" Liu Bin was caught in the middle, very uncomfortable. On the left is Zhang Feng, this guy is sitting on his seat as steady as Mount Tai, completely undisturbed by outside space. On the right is Zhang Dagu, this guy is full of fat, squeezing himself into a small space.

Originally, the middle seat was not big, but now Zhang Dagu is constantly eroding his own space, but Zhang Feng is not letting go. Always guarding his own space as steadily as Mount Tai, with his arms resting on his shoulders, preventing himself from moving forward. This made Liu Bin very uncomfortable. Also very upset.

"Who squeezed you?" Zhang Dagu replied without angrily, and then said: "Your body is so small, so the space should be so small. Understand?"

"Fuck, you are about to squeeze me into a piece of paper." Liu Bin said helplessly.

"Don't yell, your kid." Zhang Feng replied, "It's only half an hour away, not far away!"

"Fuck!" Liu Bin couldn't help but burst into a swear word, saying: "Ren Shan is bullied by others, and Ma Shan is rided by others."

Lan Yudie was sitting in the co-pilot and laughing, no matter how fierce the noise was, it had nothing to do with her. Xiao Han glanced at Lan Yudie, his eyes soft and full of tenderness. Lan Yudie's face turned red, she glanced at Xiao Han, and then said, "Xiao Han, will it be dangerous today?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "It's just an ordinary test, and there will be no moths."

"That's good!" Lan Yudie let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, she was also prepared inside. Blue Yudie thought about it for a long time. Now it is a society ruled by law. In today's competition, at most, it was just some injuries. With such powerful medical technology, no matter how severe the injury is, it can be cured. Therefore, Lan Yudie feels somewhat relaxed. However, she was still a little scared, afraid to see Xiao Han injured. Even more afraid to see Xiao Han's **** appearance.

After half an hour.

The car arrived at the entrance of the Big Rich Entertainment Club.

Today, the Big Rich Entertainment Club closed its doors and closed its doors. There were dozens of young men in black suits standing at the door. Cross your hands diagonally. Everyone's expressions were solemn, and they looked like they were welcoming a very powerful character.

The car arrived at the door and didn't wait for Xiao Han to get out of the car to ask about the situation. The electric gate opened slowly.

Then, the car slowly entered.

"Fuck, this battle is good." Zhang Dagu was taken aback.

"When can we get into this guy?" Liu Bin was a little excited, and said, "If you can hire a boy like this, and then he will show to the door, even if he doesn't fight, his mother's Beier will have the face? "

"Stop talking!" Zhang Feng glared at Liu Bin and said: "Today we are here to fight."

After the car drove into the parking lot, Xiao Han swiftly stalled, and then jumped out of the car.

Outside, Baihu and Monkey King have been waiting for a long time. When they saw Xiao Han coming, they were taken aback for a moment, then the corners of their mouths raised a sneer: "Boy, you really dare to come, just at this point, our brother respects you. He is a man."

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Han smiled indifferently, and said: "Although King Kong is powerful, it is just a person. In my opinion, King Kong can't be my opponent!"

"Haha..." The Monkey King suddenly laughed, and then said: "Boy, ignorance is not terrible, but arrogant is terrible. You are not only ignorant but also arrogant."

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the Monkey King coldly, and then said, "Don't tell me anything. Call out King Kong!"

"Monkey, don't quarrel with him!" The white tiger behind him smiled and said: "According to the big brother's intention, take them in first."

"Yeah!" The Monkey King nodded.

Afterwards, Bai Hu said: "Xiao Han, come in with us!"

Xiao Han took the Blue Rain Butterfly and walked into the Big Rich Entertainment Club. Blue Raindie was a little scared, and there was an instinctive fear in her eyes. She followed Xiao Han nervously, and Lan Yudie was full of fear when the other party put on such a battle. I thought it was just a simple match, but looking at the opponent's battle, I knew it was definitely not easy.

Zhang Feng and others quickly followed in.

In the lobby on the first floor, the lobby has a high ceiling, and the rockery has been removed. The hall suddenly appeared extremely empty. Floor tiles are laid on the ground. The crystal lamp on the top is turned on, and the ground can be illuminated almost like a mirror, not only clean, but also tidy.

Xiao Han glanced at it and said, "Where is the person?"

"Hey, coming soon!" Bai Hu smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Sandao led many people down from the second floor. Liu Sandao wore a nightgown, and the brown nightgown was inlaid with some gold threads, which showed luxury and wealth. It made people feel extremely shocked and shocked.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Master Dao, this battle is really generous today."

"Haha..." Liu Sandao held a jade cigarette holder in his hand, and then said: "I took the handicap in today's battle. The whole province knows that someone is going to challenge my God of War King Kong. So, I I intend to take this opportunity to make a fortune."

"Oh?" Xiao Han was surprised when he heard it.

At this time, many people appeared on the stairs on the second and third floors. These people are wearing designer suits with red wine glasses in their hands, standing on the edge of the stairs on the second and third floors. They looked at Xiao Han with an admiring look. Xiao Han's eyes are very familiar, it's a look at other things or animals. Not long ago, when Xiao Han went to the zoo, he stared at animals raised by animals with this look.

Now, he has become an animal in the eyes of others.

"Have you seen?" Liu Sandao grinned: "These people are all celebrities in the provincial capital, as well as high-ranking officials. Xiao Han, even if you lose today, you should be honored to lose."

"Master Dao, I don't understand. In their opinion, my strength is definitely not as good as King Kong." Xiao Han smiled and said: "You open the market, and they must have just won the deposit. Then where do you make money?"

"Haha, kid, you are too naive." Liu Sandao laughed and said, "Our bet is very simple. Guess King Kong can take you down in a few minutes."

"Oh?" Xiao Han was amused when he heard it: "Then dare to ask, can I place a bet?"

"Do you plan to put you on the ground within one minute of the deposit?" Liu Sandao laughed and said, "No."

"Then if I bet I can defeat King Kong?" Xiao Han's mouth raised a slightly indifferent smile.

Liu Sandao was taken aback, his eyes widened, and he said, "Impossible!"

"Don't you dare to pick it up?" Xiao asked coldly.

"Why don't you dare!" Liu Sandao heard this, furious, and said: "If you defeat King Kong, you will be given five times the odds!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded immediately and said, "I'll bet five million on me. Dare to take it?"

"Why don't you dare!" Liu Sandao snorted coldly, and said, "Although it's only a mere five million, then I'm welcome and accept it."

"If I win, remember to give me 25 million!" Xiao Han glanced at Liu Sandao.

Five million is not much for Liu Sandao, but 25 million is a big sum. Twenty-five million yuan, this may be the net profit of the rich in one year. If this game is lost, it means that the wealth of the rich for a year will be handed over.

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