The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 332: I am Xiao Han

Liu Bin grabbed the machete and hacked up.


The knife edge quickly tore open the opponent's clothes, cut the opponent's muscles, and blood flowed down the knife edge.

Liu Bin's left foot was a little bit, and his right foot slipped on the ground, avoiding the enemy's sneak attack.

"Haha..." Liu Bin suddenly laughed. Unexpectedly, I hurt the other person alone and escaped from the other's encirclement. He suddenly smiled triumphantly.

"Be careful!" Xiao Han shouted.

As soon as Liu Bin turned around, a tall and mighty man had already rushed forward.

"Mom!" Liu Bin was shocked.

Xiao Han jumped up, his feet snapped madly on the ground. The person moved to Liu Bin's side at the fastest speed.

Upon seeing this, Liu Bin turned around and folded. The strong man is tall and big, and his reaction speed is obviously not as sensitive as Liu Bin. When Liu Bin turned around, his feet stumbled under the opponent's feet. Unexpectedly, instead of tripping the other party, he tripped himself.

"Boy, look for death!" The strong man slashed with a machete.


Xiao Han had already arrived, the back of the sword in his hand blocked the blade of the strong man. Sparks burst.


Xiao Han raised his foot and kicked the opponent's chest fiercely.

"Ouch..." The man fell heavily.


Liu Bin reacted, raising the machete in his hand and slashing. At that time, the opponent was chopped to blood. Liu Bin is also smart, knowing that hacking people can't kill people. So follow the non-fatal point of hacking. Not fatal, but it is enough to cause pain and loss of combat effectiveness.

Xiao Han hurriedly shouted, "Don't cut it, it's almost hacked to death."

"Uncut!" Liu Bin shook his head.

Zhang Feng was surrounded and beaten by several people. Zhang Dagu is tall and large, and attracts more firepower. Therefore, Xiao Han quickly rushed to support. There was chaos in the hall. Bai Hu had just suffered from Xiao Han's loss, so he had been staring at Xiao Han, ready to intercept Xiao Han at any time.

When Xiao Han was about to rush to rescue, Bai Hu quickly stopped Xiao Han.

"Boy, your opponent is me!" Bai Hu grinned and said, "As for them, let them fight. Anyway, they will die in the end!"

Xiao Han could see the viciousness of the opponent at a glance.

"Get out!" Xiao Han suddenly roared and said: "Take me a knife!"

Bai Hu is very smart. He knew that Xiao Han was full of anger at this time, so he tried to avoid the opponent's attack. Instead, he deliberately delayed time so that Xiao Han could not rescue him. As long as Xiao Han is anxious, then he will definitely expose his flaws. As long as Xiao Han reveals his flaws, then he has a chance to defeat him.

Therefore, Baihu has been entangled but not attacked. Instead, he resorted to every means to entangle Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was a little anxious, he said angrily: "Asshole, shameless!"

Especially seeing Zhang Feng getting a knife in the back, and Zhang Dagu was hurt all over his body. Xiao Han was even more impatient.

"Don't worry!" Bai Hu smiled and said, "When they are all lying down, I won't stop you."

Xiao Han was furious, holding a machete in his hand, and calmed down to fight Baihu. He stared at Bai Hu with cold eyes, and the other side had a cynical smile on his face. Xiao Han rushed up quickly. Bai Hu squinted his eyes and stepped back again and again.

"Good boy, moving fast!" Bai Hu frowned.

"Eat me!" Xiao Han picked up the machete and slashed fiercely.

"Fuck." A touch of horror flashed in Bai Hu's eyes, and said, "It's so fast."


The swords in the hands of the two handed over, and there was a spark on the spot. Sparks burst.

Bai Hu tried his best not to confront Xiao Han head-on, but chose to delay with the opponent. Bai Hu also knew that he was not Xiao Han's opponent, so he simply held Xiao Han, as long as he held Xiao Han, it was equal to buying time for his brother. Xiao Han's strength alone is equal to the combat effectiveness of several people.

Xiao Han also saw Baihu's intentions.

"Too lazy to pester you!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth before turning around and leaving.

At this time, Bai Hu snorted coldly, and then said, "It's not that easy to go."

Xiao Han was too lazy to bother about it. Once the White Tiger rushed up, Xiao Han would choose to fight back. If he chose to walk away, Xiao Han would move on. As a result, Bai Hu didn't have the slightest temper with Xiao Han. Soon, Xiao Han plunged into the battle.

Zhang Dagu received five or six knives on his body, and Xiao Han rushed over in time.

"Dagu, are you okay?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"It's okay!" Zhang Dagu shook his head and said: "This group of **** wants to kill me, it's not that easy."

Zhang Dagu didn't know, he was already covered in blood at this time.

Zhang Feng was also in a **** battle, Xiao Han hurriedly said, "Go, support Zhang Feng!"

"Good!" Zhang Dagu nodded immediately.

The two quickly surrounded them. The younger brothers of the opponent's knife league immediately fell under Xiao Han's machete. Pools of blood are already dripping on the ground. It looks exceptionally bloody. Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Han out of breath, and said, "Fuck, these people are too powerful."

More than twenty people from the other side lay down halfway. The rest of the people also got the knife, and they looked at Xiao Han and them timidly. It seems to be very worried about this.

Several people looked dumbfounded.

Xiao Han squinted his eyes and said, "Go, let's go upstairs!"

After that, Xiao Han took the lead to walk in the direction of the stairs.

"Stop them!" Bai Hu shouted.

A dozen people weren't Xiao Han's opponent at all, Xiao Han determined his direction and walked upstairs step by step. Come one and cut one, and two and one pair. Xiao Han split a blood path with the knife in his hand. Liu Bin followed closely, Zhang Dagu followed in third, and Zhang Feng was the last.

Zhang Feng held a metal club and greeted the opponent fiercely.

Xiao Han went all the way to the second floor. Immediately afterwards, he went straight to the third floor from the second floor.

Just as they were approaching the third floor, suddenly, dozens of big men in black suits rushed out from the third floor. These people stood neatly at the top of the stairs.

"Fuck, there are so many people?!" Zhang Dagu suddenly felt numb when he saw this.

I didn't expect that there were so many people upstairs. It's incredible.

"Damn, fight with them." Liu Bin was already annoyed.

Zhang Feng glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, do you want to withdraw?! If you don't leave at this time, you won't be able to run when you fight."

Zhang Feng already had an ominous premonition that the opponent had a lot of people. He had just beaten more than 20 people, and now dozens of them have come out. No one knows if these dozens of them will be played, or if dozens of them will pop up. There are only four people on his side. And he is still a fledgling young man. There is no combat experience, and there are two people who have not even had the slightest effort to carry them through. It's really not easy.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I have already come up, so I can't give up halfway!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng nodded, and he tore off his clothes.


The clothes were torn into strips by him, and he wrapped strips of rags around his palms. Tie these rags to tie the iron rods to your palms. What follows will be a very long battle. The consumption of physical strength will rise sharply, and in the end, he can only move with his mind, and he is afraid that he will not even have the strength to hold the iron rod. This entanglement can ensure that the iron rod will not be let go in the fierce battle.

Just as Xiao Han and others were preparing for a **** battle, suddenly, a man with a sturdy back came over. The man wears a pair of sunglasses, a big face, and a pair of sunglasses on it. There is simply some dissonance. The figure is very burly, and the height is probably more than 1.9 meters. This body is at least about two hundred and fifty catties. Both arms are as thin as an adult's thigh. Don't look at this guy's burly figure, but he walked without any sluggishness or shaking at all. It seems very relaxed.

"King Kong, he is King Kong!" Liu Bin said hurriedly.

Xiao Han's heart was tight. When he was about to speak, King Kong spoke first: "Who is Xiao Han?"

The tone was contemptuous, and he obviously didn't put Xiao Han and the others in his eyes. Indeed, with King Kong's strength and prestige, there is no need to put them in the eyes. In the knife league, King Kong has the first strength, as for the second-placed White Tiger and the third-placed Monkey King. They were just squeezed up to make up the numbers. Coupled with their influence in the knife league, it is not surprising that they squeezed up. However, everyone knew that Jin was a real master just now.

When Xiao Han saw King Kong's first glance, he felt a dangerous feeling in his heart for the first time. It feels like never before. Since Potential No. 2 was activated in his brain, Xiao Han has never encountered a person who can make him feel dangerous. King Kong is definitely the first person. Therefore, Xiao Han couldn't help being wary in his heart.

"I am Xiao Han!" Xiao Han said.

King Kong glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Our Master Dao wants to see you, come with me!"

"Don't go!" Liu Bin behind him hurriedly grabbed Xiao Han's arm, and then said: "They are using the trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain to deliberately deceive you, then kill us, and finally join forces and kill you. ."

"Yes, be careful!" Zhang Dagu hurriedly said, "At least we are safer together, but if we separate, we will definitely get revenge."

Xiao Han hesitated for a moment.

"Go." Zhang Feng said: "I am here, let me see what they are going to do!"

Xiao Han nodded slightly and said, "Since the Dao League is a big gang in the provincial capital, it shouldn't be tricky."

After speaking, Xiao Han put away the knife in his hand. Then quickly walked up.

King Kong glanced at Xiao Han, and said coldly: "You are a bit courageous."

After speaking, King Kong turned and walked slowly. He walked ahead without rush. Xiao Han followed behind. King Kong's pace is very steady, not at all impatient. Xiao Han followed behind him and could feel the vigorous aura emanating from him. This aura should be cultivated the day after tomorrow. Only those who have truly experienced war can accumulate together.

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