"Zhang Feng, what are you?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Hey, this is a stick!" Zhang Feng smiled and said: "I rarely use it to fight, and I don't usually use it until very moments."

"What material?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"I don't know anything about metal." Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "I picked up a black stone on the mountain when I was in junior high school. It will shine under the sun. So I picked him up and showed it to the blacksmith in our village. The blacksmith said it was a meteorite from the outside world, and I don’t know what it was. He said he would beat me into a stick and give it to me!"

"Emotion is not a product of the earth?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"Huh!" Zhang Feng nodded.

Xiao Han curiously took the metal stick in Zhang Feng's hand. A surprised smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. Indeed, this made people feel extremely surprised. This stick, which seemed to be stretched for less than half a meter, entered into a dead body.

"Ah, it's heavy!" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Don't think he is only forty-five centimeters, but he is 28 kilograms."

"The density is heavier than metal!" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"Yeah!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "This thing fights fiercely, and it hurts people. With my full strength, I can break a five-fingered tree with this stick. Very mighty."

"So awesome!" Xiao Han curiously squeezed the metal stick, it was really heavy, and he always felt that there was something hidden in the stick.

"Let's go!" At this time, Liu Bin said: "No matter how powerful this stick is, it is just a stick. It is still far behind my pistol."

"It can't be compared!" Zhang Feng smiled and said: "However, I prefer to use a stick."

Everyone packed their tools one after another. Liu Bin pinned the pistol to the belt of his trousers. Like the KMT agent, Zhang Dagu also closed his pistol to the belt of his trousers. Xiao Han glanced at the pistol and put it in his trouser pocket. Several people walked out.

Everyone walked to the gate of the school and quickly stopped a car and headed straight towards the rich man entertainment club.

Zhang Dagu was sitting in the co-pilot. This guy was tall and fat. If he were to squeeze in the back seat, it is estimated that the remaining seat would only be enough for one person. Xiao Han crowded in the back seat. Although it was a little crowded, they could sit down anyway. After all, the journey is not far, and the destination will be reached soon.

Forty minutes later, the taxi arrived at the destination.

Xiao Han put down a hundred yuan bill. After the four people got out of the car, their faces looked particularly solemn, and the Big Rich Entertainment Club was within easy reach. At the gate, the shiny sign seemed extraordinarily solemn. At the gate, a group of bad boys gathered together, smoking and chatting.

Zhang Dagu smiled and said, "It's not as scary as I imagined."

"Let's go!" Liu Bin tossed his hair and said, "We have guns in our hands. Are we afraid that they won't succeed?"

Zhang Feng took the lead first, and then walked into the Big Rich Entertainment Club. Xiao Han followed closely, and Zhang Dagu and Liu Bin also quickly followed.

The four are lined up with great momentum.

Seeing this, the bad boys at the door stepped aside.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two men in suits standing at the door immediately stopped Xiao Han and others, and said, "Who are you? Do you have an appointment?"


Zhang Feng picked up a stick and slammed it at the two men.


The two men suddenly vomited blood and fell down. Both of them were smashed on the door and fell limply, even before they had time to struggle and exclaim. Behind him, Zhang Dagu hurriedly said: "Crazy man...you...you just stay a little longer and don't kill anyone."

"Don't worry, you can't die." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "It didn't hit the key, but it just hit the other side's non-critical part."

"I...I, fuck!"

"Someone dared to come here and hit the ground!"

"Oh my god, I can see the heroes on stage."

Behind them, the unscrupulous young people watched this scene with a look of sorrow, which really shocked people, and it was extremely shocking. The four young men dared to enter the Big Rich Entertainment Club. If this news spreads, it will definitely shock the provincial capital.

"Quickly, there is a good show."

"Damn, tonight, the provincial capital is going to be shocked."

A group of people took out their phones to take pictures.

Xiao Han and others left a back view of them, and then walked in toward the Big Rich Entertainment Club. The corners of the mouths of several people raised strange smiles. Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Let's go, we won the first game, and I hope we can continue to win the next game."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

After stepping through the gate, there were two rows of tall, bare-chested women looking at the four people curiously.

"Good evening, sir, welcome!" Two rows of women bowed.

At this moment, a man in a black suit hurried up and said, "Who are you!"

"Dagu, leave this to you!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay!" Zhang Dagu nodded and rushed up quickly.

Upon seeing this, the other party hurriedly squeezed the low-frequency communicator and shouted: "It's not good, someone came to hit the scene, and quickly support!"


The man was suddenly kicked by Zhang Dagu, and he fell far away. However, Zhang Dagu didn't give the opponent any chance to struggle, but ran over quickly, then stepped on the opponent's chest, grinned and said: "Fuck, go to hell!"


It was another kick. This kick hit the opponent's lower abdomen, and the person flew out suddenly, and finally hit a huge pillar in the hall, and he was unconscious on the spot.



In the hall, dozens of girls fled in fright. Each one almost collapsed.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth. He said, "Dagu, I didn't expect your kid to be strong."

"Thank you!" Zhang Dagu said with a smile: "Average, third in the world."


At this time, more than twenty men with knives rushed down from the second floor. These men were fierce and vicious, and the leader was a beard. He is burly in shape, on the same level as Zhang Dagu. He was wearing a suit, which was almost burst by his burly figure.

"Who are you?" The beard frowned, and said, "You are young, but you are not young."

"I heard that there are several masters in the knife league. King Kong is the first, the White Tiger is the second, and the Monkey King is the third." Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "If I guessed correctly, you should be the White Tiger?"

Before coming, Xiao Han had checked the information of the knife league. King Kong is the most powerful person in the knife league, but there is not much information about King Kong. The person in front of him, Xiao Han, had a familiar face and was exactly what information could be found on the Internet. He had a pair of staring eyes, two upturned noses, a sausage mouth, and a face and a beard. This was a white tiger. The name and the person have nothing to do with each other.

The beard sneered: "Yes, I am the white tiger!"

Baihu's surname is Bai and his name is Tiger. It is estimated that when he was born his parents wanted him to be as strong and mighty as a tiger. It's just that this white... seems a bit awkward to match with the tiger. Can't help but make people think in a more innocent direction.

"I'm here to find Liu Sandao." Xiao Han said.

"Presumptuous!" Bai Hu glared at Xiao Han, and said, "Master Dao is what you can say to find?"

"I'm just here to ask him, why did he instruct the Monkey King to bring someone to kill me?" Xiao Han said unhurriedly.

"You are Xiao Han?!" Bai Hu said in astonishment.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Fuck, you kid, this is going to your own door!" Bai Hu's eyes widened as soon as he heard it. The eyes that had been protruding from his eyes became even more ferocious under his round eyes, and he waved his hand. : "Enclose them all around me, don't let them run away."

Zhang Dagu saw that the other party was in a fierce posture, and he had knives in his hands, he suddenly panicked, and he rushed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was not afraid at all. Zhang Dagu and Liu Bin showed fear on their faces. Zhang Feng was carrying an iron rod in a defensive posture. Zhang Feng is a practicing family, and he is confident in dealing with these people. Especially with an iron rod in his hand, this iron rod turned out a burst of cold light under the light, and it was obvious at a glance.

"I don't want to do it." Xiao Han said, "If you have to force me to do it, I don't mind!"

"Boy, your tone is not small." Bai Hu sneered, and said: "Do you really think that if your kid wins the Monkey King, you can beat me?"

"You can try it!" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully.

Bai Hu squinted his eyes, Bai Hu knew the strength of the Monkey King, and lost to the opponent with the strength of the Monkey King. This shows that the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated. The most important thing is that the monkey king also brought nearly the forty man, but he still lost. Therefore, Bai Hu did not dare to take it lightly.

He took a step forward, don't think it was just a step, but it contained a lot of information.

This step is a trial, and it is also an investigation.

Baihu has experienced many battles and encountered various opponents. If he took this step, Xiao Han's eyes showed tension or fear, or Xiao Han stepped back. So... what level of Xiao Han's strength is, Bai Hu can immediately know.

However, he soon found out that he was wrong, because after he found out that after this step, Xiao Han was not clear and calm, still standing there calmly, his eyes staring at him tightly. On the contrary, Bai Hu panicked. A young man, a young man in his early twenties, had such courage and aura. Either he is really capable or he is really crazy. However, Bai Hu obviously thinks Xiao Han is the former. Because he defeated the Monkey King.


Baihu swallowed his saliva, and he took a step forward. The temptation is endless. It was a temptation until the second before the start. His eyes were fixed on Xiao Han's eyes. As long as Xiao Han showed any nervousness, he would choose to attack immediately.

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