"Okay, I'll go out first." Fang Hao greeted him, and said, "Remember to give me your resume tomorrow when you have time."

"Okay, be careful on your way!" Zhu Dawei said hurriedly.

Afterwards, Fang Hao left the school in his cool Ferrari. Zhu Dawei looked at Fang Hao away from his back and couldn't help but look envious: "Tsk, when will I be able to drive such a luxury car, how good would that be? I guess my girlfriend will soon agree to my proposal, right? ?"

Indeed, women nowadays are more material. Zhu Dawei's girlfriend has been asking Zhu Dawei to buy a scooter. Although the provincial capital is a third-tier city, it has a large area. And she lives so far from where she works. Therefore, the need for a car is so urgent. This is why Zhu Dawei urgently needs a job.

Returning to the dormitory from the school gate, Zhu Dawei kept his head down, dreaming that he would soon be able to buy a car for his girlfriend.

"Zhu Dawei!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

"Who?!" Zhu Dawei turned his head and looked over.

Behind, the fourth brother is a strange man. However, Zhu Dawei quickly recognized the boy in the lead. This person was very familiar, and Zhu Dawei remembered it immediately. He looked at each other in astonishment and said: "You...you are Xiao Han?!"

"You are still acquainted, know me!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "I have something to do with you today."

"You..." Zhu Dawei was startled and said: "I...I still have something to do, I'll leave first."

After that, Zhu Dawei quickly walked towards the school.

"Stop him!" Xiao Han waved.

At this time, Zhang Dagu and Zhang Feng quickly rushed over and took the lead of Zhu Dawei.

"What are you going to do!" Zhu Dawei looked at Zhang Dagu and Zhang Feng with gloomy faces nervously, and said: "This is the school, what are you going to do!"

"What are you nervous about?!" Xiao Lian laughed, and said: "As the saying goes, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. How does your kid feel like doing something shameful? Tell me, you are It's not a ghost in my heart!"

"Nonsense!" Zhu Dawei looked at Xiao Han annoyed, and then said: "I didn't do anything wrong. Don't slander me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han smiled and said: "Then tell me, you are the administrator of the school forum. You were the one who deleted the post last night, right?"

"I..." Zhu Dawei heard this and hurriedly argued, "Yes, it's me. The atmosphere on the forum is too crooked, so I have to delete the post."

"You only need to delete the post. Why do you put the post that slanders me on top?" Xiao Lian laughed and said: "Forget it if you slander me, you are still charming Blue Yudie. Humph, that's **** it. Let's just say, who is behind you who instigated you to do this!"

"You nonsense!" Zhu Dawei's face suddenly became anxious. He gritted his teeth and said: "No one instigated me. I just look at the forum's crooked atmosphere. Who would let you hire a network navy to control the forum's public opinion. You hire navy, so I just deleted the post."

"Just delete the post. You deliberately put the post that discredited me and Teacher Lan on top. Tell me, how do you explain this?" Xiao Han asked.

"Uh..." Zhu Dawei racked his brains. Thinking about it now, it seems that what he did was really amazing. However, he still can't get out of Seller Hao, otherwise, the work he has just gotten in hand will probably be scrapped. Therefore, Zhu Dawei hurriedly shook his head: "I...I...I just see you upset!"

"Really?" Xiao cold laughed, and said: "I have no grievances with you, and you also have a girlfriend. How could you look at me upset. Come on, confess your messenger behind the scenes. This matter Just forget it, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what? You threaten me?!" Zhu Dawei was immediately angry. He gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Han, don't be too arrogant, I can tell you, this is Shuimu University, a society ruled by law, what do you want? ?!"

"I don't want anything!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I just want to tell you that in the next few days, if your girlfriend is kidnapped on the way to and from work, or someone takes turns to **** , Then..."

"You!" Zhu Dawei suddenly widened his eyes and said, "You...you dare to threaten me!"

"No! This is not a threat!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said: "I am doing this for your own good. I hope you can understand. After all, this kind of thing can be prevented in advance. If you don't say it, your girlfriend's safety may be necessary. There is no guarantee. This is definitely not a threat or a joke!"

"I'm fighting with you!" Zhu Dawei was furious.

At any rate, Zhu Dawei is also a tall of 175 meters, one hundred and sixty catties, and he is considered a strong man. He thinks he won't lose out against each other. It's a pity that two of the four people in Xiao Han's dormitory are capable of martial arts.


Zhang Feng kicked Zhu Dawei with a side kick.


The man rolled twice on the ground before it stabilized. Zhang Feng sneered, and then said: "I tell you, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise, let you look good!"

"You..." Zhu Dawei was not angry.

"Boy, be honest!" Zhang Dagu smiled, and then said: "I advise you to tell the people behind you honestly, so as not to suffer from skin and flesh, and don't let your girlfriend be taken advantage of by other men, you think Think, when your girlfriend was stripped naked by someone else in a room and turned on by more than a dozen men, the hole was filled with other men's serum, can you bear it?"

"Ah!" Zhu Dawei was even more anxious. It's a pity that a few people in front of him suppressed him to death. He couldn't move at all, and he couldn't resist!

"Zhu Dawei, I'll give you one last chance." Xiao Lian laughed and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll call someone to act. Do you know the little overlord of the college town? Hey, that's a villain who is all evil. You don't want your girlfriend to fall into the hands of this kind of person, do you?"

"I said, I said!" Zhu Dawei's inner defense was finally breached.

"It's almost the same!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Let's talk, who instructed you to do this."

At this time, Liu Bin took the Apple mobile phone and started to shoot the video, and the camera focused on Zhu Dawei.

Zhu Dawei honestly admitted: "Fang Hao, it was Fang Hao who made me do this. Because he knew that you broke his restaurant, so he wanted to retaliate against you. He deliberately discredited you and Lan Yudie , Make you lose the woman you love most. It also makes you try to lose the feeling of what you love most."

"It turned out to be him?!" Xiao Han was slightly surprised.

"Xiao Han, what is he talking about?" Liu Bin asked suspiciously, "What does the closure of Fang Hao's restaurant have to do with you?"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng was also puzzled.

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Since you know who instigated it, let him go."

Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu let go of Zhu Dawei's hands. After Zhu Dawei stood up, he hurriedly said: "You must not harm my girlfriend. If my girlfriend makes any mistakes, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

"You can rest assured." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Since you have already said, we will definitely not do anything to her. After all, this is a crime."

When Zhu Dawei heard this, he felt a little reasonable. Then nodded and left.

After digging out the people behind this matter, Xiao Han has a bottom in his heart.

Although Fang Hao is a senior, he can graduate in only half a year. However, many senior students have gone out to work now, and the rest are either going for postgraduate entrance examinations or have not found a job. And Fang Hao belonged to the outside of the two, and he was dangling around, driving a luxury car in the school to act like a force.

"Xiao Han, Fang Hao is not a good character to deal with!" Liu Bin hurriedly said, "This guy is very powerful, with a strong family background, and also rich. It is not easy to deal with him!"

"Because it is not easy, it is challenging!" Xiao Han replied.

"You're not taking the usual path, right?" Zhang Feng teased.

"Xiao Han, are you really planning to deal with Fang Hao?" Zhang Dagu asked curiously.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "If you don't want to, you don't need to be with me."

"What are you talking about!" Zhang Feng said with a solemn expression: "It is said that the four people in our dormitory are all brothers. Since you are going to deal with Fang Hao, you must bring us!"

"Yes, take us!" Zhang Dagu nodded hurriedly.

Liu Bin didn't speak, he pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Xiao Han, you have to think carefully. With Fang Hao's ability, I think it will be difficult for us to graduate from Shuimu University if we offend him. We are here to learn, not to fight, let alone fight!"

Xiao Han glanced at Liu Bin and said, "Of course I know. But if a person is bullied and doesn't fight back, this is the behavior of a coward."

"This..." Liu Bin was a little unhappy between his eyebrows.

"My principle is very simple. If people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, I will offend them!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "Liu Bin, you have helped me a lot. I thank you very much. You don’t have to participate in Fang Hao’s affairs!"

When Liu Bin heard this, a surge of blood surged up: "Fuck, why don't I need to participate, I am also a member of the 101st dormitory. Since the four of us are brothers, we will naturally be born and die together. I just wanted to Just to remind you. Who do you think of me!"

"I was wrong." Xiao Han patted Liu Bin on the shoulder, and said, "Sure enough, he is my good brother. Since you all regard me as your brother, then... I don't want to hide one thing from you!"

"What's the matter?" Everyone looked at Xiao Han curiously. Zhang Feng and Zhang Dagu stared at the kid in amazement: "Why don't you tell me, do you have any bad thoughts?"

"No, no, you have misunderstood." Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head and said: "I just want to tell you that the reason Fang Hao wants to target me is because I broke his restaurant."

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