"Really?!" When Zhu Dawei heard it, he looked at Fang Hao in surprise, and said: "If you like Blue Yudie, you might have started it long ago. Why wait until now?"

"Humph." Fang Hao snorted coldly and said: "I have no interest in Blue Rain Butterfly, mainly..."

Having said this, Fang Hao immediately swallowed the words that reached his throat alive, and said, "It's nothing!"

Fang Hao is hard to say, nor embarrassed to say. If you tell them that their restaurant was destroyed by a freshman, and that the other party opened a larger and better-business restaurant. Their own restaurant was killed by their competition. It is estimated that the buddies in the dorm will not only not sympathize with themselves, but will despise themselves instead. I think I can't do a freshman. Therefore, Fang Hao can only endure.

While they were eating and drinking, suddenly, a boy in a white t-shirt walked in.

"Oh, are you still celebrating?" The boy with an inch-shaped head smiled: "There is fire on this forum. Are you still in the mood to eat?"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Dawei asked suspiciously.

"You don't know if you go to see it!" The boy put down his bag, sat down, and blew a beer in one breath.

Zhu Dawei hurriedly turned on the computer.


Suddenly, Zhu Dawei slapped the table with a slap, and said, "Fuck, who! So many navy soldiers came here!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Hao asked hurriedly.

"Someone is playing tricks!" Zhu Dawei said.

"What's the matter?" Fang leaned forward curiously.

"Look!" Zhu Dawei pointed to the screen helplessly, and said: "I suspect that Xiao Han invited the network naval forces, and now public opinion is turning towards them. Therefore, all the efforts we just made may be in vain."

"How could this happen!" Fang Hao hurriedly asked.

"No way." Zhu Dawei sighed.

"You are the administrator, you can't be done if you delete all their posts." Fang Hao said hurriedly.

"This..." Zhu Dawei heard it and said, "Is it bad? This violates the forum management regulations. As an administrator, I can't just violate it casually."

"Dawei, you can help me this time!" Fang Hao looked at Zhu Dawei.

Zhu Dawei looked hesitant. As an administrator, he must be careful. If it is found, it will be troublesome. However, based on the relationship between himself and Fang Hao, if it doesn't help, it seems impossible to justify.

"Okay!" Zhu Dawei reluctantly agreed. He smiled: "Anyway, I'm a senior, and I'm going to graduate soon. It doesn't matter if I become the administrator."

"Don't worry." Fang Hao smiled: "After graduation, you can join my company and promise not to treat you badly!"

"Good!" Zhu Dawei was overjoyed when he heard it. I immediately logged into the forum as an administrator, and immediately deleted all the posts with high popularity, and then put all the previous posts on top.

After getting it done, Zhu Dawei clapped his hands and said: "It's done, let's continue drinking. This time they will never want to make a moth."

"Hehe..." Fang Hao smiled. Then he said: "It's hard for them to want to turn over this time!"


One and One Dormitory.

Liu Bin has been following the forum of Shuimu University. When he refreshed, he immediately found that the few posts he wrote eloquently had disappeared, all disappeared without a trace. This made Liu Bin a little puzzled.

"Strange, where's the post?" Liu Bin was inexplicable.

"It was deleted." Zhang Dagu said with a solemn expression on the side: "Damn, I didn't expect it, it's really **** unexpected."

"Fuck, it was really deleted." Liu Bin was immediately annoyed, and said, "The fox finally showed its tail."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han was there, and suddenly the atmosphere in the dormitory was not right.

"Xiao Han, our post was deleted." Liu Bin said tremblingly.

"By whom!" Xiao Han hurriedly dropped the book.

"Whoever spreads the rumors behind, then who deleted it." Liu Bin said in a cold tone and earnestly: "Now the fox finally shows its tail. Xiao Han, don't you always want to find who is behind the rumors? I can tell now. You, who is the real accomplice behind the scenes!"

"Who!" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Zhu Dawei!" Liu Bin smiled and said: "Zhu Dawei is a senior in our computer department. It is said that computer technology is very good. So the teacher of the computer department has handed over the forum of Shuimu University to Zhu Dawei. Now it's fine, this kid is actually Openly violated the Forum Management Regulations. Hehe...I caught my braids."

"Why did Zhu Dawei do this?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"If you find him and ask, don't you know?" Liu Bin grinned and said, "Maybe he thought he liked Blue Rain Butterfly, and your kid got on the ground first, so he held a grudge and used his power to suppress revenge!"

"Impossible!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "If you want to suppress retaliation, it is estimated that the suppression of retaliation would have been done long ago, why wait until now!"

"Anyway, Zhu Dawei has been identified now." Liu Bin smiled and said, "Xiao Han, when do you think we will catch this kid out for interrogation?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "There are many doubts. It is necessary to find this guy and have a good talk with him."

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded and said: "I wanted to compete with this guy a long time ago."

Zhu Dawei's move exposed his whereabouts. However, he thought he would be fine if he deleted the post. Unexpectedly, they encountered a greater counterattack. Liu Bin immediately called a friend of the network promoter and asked him to find a way. As soon as the other party heard about the post, don't delete it, and immediately organized a counterattack.

Soon, the forum of Mizuki University was occupied by countless posts. Moreover, these posts are basically complaints about the administrator's deletion of posts.

More than a thousand posts in one hour.

Zhu Dawei was dumbfounded when he saw this.

"This...what can I do about this?" Zhu Dawei was dumbfounded.

"Continue to delete!" Fang Hao said.

"There are so many people on the other side." Zhu Dawei shook his head and said, "There is no way to continue deleting. There is no way to delete it at all. I can do it by myself."

"What to do then?" Fang Hao asked.

"The forum can only be temporarily closed." Zhu Dawei sighed helplessly, and then said: "It is declared that the forum will be upgraded."

"We won't just admit defeat, right?" Fang Hao said hurriedly.

"How is it possible!" Zhu Dawei immediately shook his head and said: "Avoid the opponent's edge first. They are navy forces and cannot be spent with us for a long time."

"Well, it makes sense!" Fang Hao nodded.

Afterwards, Zhu Dawei immediately closed the forum. Whenever the forum is opened, the homepage says that the forum is being upgraded and maintained...



Liu Bin slapped the computer desk with a slap, and yelled angrily: "Fuck, it's really shameless. I have seen shameless people. I have never seen such shameless people. I even used the administrator authority to close the forum. Nope. , I want to complain!"

After speaking, Liu Bin immediately called the teacher of the computer department and reported the situation in detail.

When the teacher of the computer department heard this, it was not bad. The forum related to the image of Mizuki University was shut down. He immediately called Zhu Dawei. Zhu Dawei was immediately confused when he saw this call. He was anxious: "It's over, it was discovered by the teacher, this...how can this be good?"

"You said there was an error in the forum." Fang Hao said hurriedly.

Zhu Dawei thought for a while, bit the bullet and answered the phone.

"Zhu Dawei, what is the situation? How did you close the forum and open it immediately!" The teacher severely criticized on the other side of the phone: "This is our school's forum. There are so many page views every day, why did you close it?"

"Teacher, there are some errors in the forum, I...I am fixing it!" Zhu Dawei said hurriedly.

"Someone has already responded to me." On the phone, the teacher's voice was harsh: "You used the identity of the administrator to maliciously delete posts and close the forum... Are you too presumptuous? What do you think of the school forum! "

"No, no, I don't!" Zhu Dawei hurriedly explained.

"You come to the computer room right now!" the teacher said angrily.

A student who was so bold as to close the school's forums is too courageous, right?

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Dawei looked depressed.

"It's over!" Zhu Dawei sighed.

"It's okay!" Fang Hao smiled: "You are his proud disciple, he won't do anything to you!"

"Oh!" Zhu Dawei gave Fang Hao a helpless look, and then walked towards the computer room aggrieved.

In the computer room, Zhu Dawei inevitably received a reprimand.

Soon, the forum reopened. This time, all the messy posts were deleted. However, under the authorization of the computer department teacher, the forum only has the browsing function for the time being, and any posting and replying functions are all locked.

One and One Dormitory.

"Hehe, a short-term victory!" Liu Bin said with a smile.

"Next time, catch this kid out and have a fight!" Zhang Feng rounded his fists.

The forum controversy ended, but the school's love affair between Xiao Han and Lan Yudie was completely exposed.

the next day. Principal's office.

"Principal Chen, we must give Lan Yudie a warning."

"Yes, give her a warning. In addition, Xiao Han will also be punished by staying in school for observation."

In the office, several people indignantly condemned the "indiscriminate love" between Xiao Han and Lan Yudie. These are all old-fashioned professors. Their thinking was confined decades ago.

Chen Aiguo glanced at a few people, and he smiled and said, "A few old professors, sit down and talk."

"Principal Chen, you are our school committee secretary." A gray-haired middle-aged man who studied mathematics spent countless brain power but had no research results in his life. He sat downright opposite Chen Aiguo and said: "Teacher and student The relationship between the two has been unacceptable since ancient times. Now it is happening in our Mizuki University. If it is known to the outside world, it will definitely launch a speech attack on our Mizuki University. This will greatly affect the image of our school. ..."

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