"Xiao Han, is Teacher Lan conquered by you?" Zhang Feng leaned over.

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Han was surprised.

"Hey, she looks like a little girl every time she sees you!" Zhang Feng grinned and said, "If it wasn't for your kid to conquer, it would be strange. She didn't look at you like this before."

"What kind of look is that?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Yes..." Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment and smiled: "I can't wait to swallow you in the eyes. Now I see you but I am shy. This is obviously a change in the relationship between you. Honestly, you... Have you already chased Blue Yudie?"

"Hey, it's a pity that your kid doesn't become a private detective." Xiao Han laughed.

"Sure enough, you guessed it correctly." Zhang Feng heard it and asked hurriedly: "Quickly tell me, do you already have a relationship with Blue Yudie?"

"That's right." Xiao Han nodded and said, "I'm already my girlfriend."

"Wow..." Zhang Feng exclaimed.

Although he had guessed it, Zhang Feng still felt an unparalleled shock when the matter was spoken from the person's mouth, and this shock made him feel a tremor in his heart. The man who can conquer the blue rain butterfly is definitely a different man.

Blue Rain Butterfly is the absolute top beauty in Mizuki University. Whether it is a male teacher or a male student, she is full of illusions in her heart. How many people are infatuated with her, and those who pursue her can go from Mizuki University to the university town. However, the blue rain butterfly is like a lotus flower that has grown out of mud but not stained, and no one can win her heart. But it happened to be taken away by Xiao Han, which is really incredible.

"Don't mess around." Xiao Han hurriedly covered his mouth and warned: "Don't tell anyone about this."

"Okay, don't worry!" Zhang Feng nodded hurriedly and said, "I don't say anything except our brothers."

"Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu don't have to say either." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"That won't work." Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "They are all his own brothers. I should say. I also know what you are taboo. Don't worry. Now that the kid Liu Bin is all about Guan Xiaotong, even if he knows the news, I won't say anything. I won't hate you."

"Really?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Of course it is true!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "You can rest assured."

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded.

The corner of Zhang Feng's mouth raised a weird smile.

Several people in the dormitory heard the news, and Liu Bin was the first to speak: "Your kid really took Blue Yudie? Damn, I really envy you, you have to treat us to a good meal!"

"No problem!" Xiao Han was immediately happy, as long as Liu Bin didn't attack him, everything would be easy. Is it a trivial matter to entertain guests?

"It's great, I'll go to the Hanmen restaurant to eat." Zhang Dagu hurriedly said: "My, take Xiaomei!"

"Yes, take Guan Xiaotong and the others!" Liu Bin hurriedly reminded them.

"Okay!" Zhang Dagu nodded hurriedly.

After school that afternoon, Zhang Dago immediately asked a few girls from Zhang Xiaomei's dormitory to come out. Guan Xiaotong also came. Although she didn't want to come, she still wanted to take a look at Xiao Han. Ever since Guan Xiaotong was bumped into by Xiao Han in the entertainment club and had that kind of relationship, she felt that she was inferior, especially in front of Xiao Han.

Xiao Han asked Yang Lu to prepare a box, and after school, Xiao Han asked Lan Yudie out.

"What's the matter?" Lan Yudie ran out of the office, wearing a long skirt, looking graceful and graceful. With flowing black hair, the goddess is full of style.

"Let's have a meal together." Xiao Han said.

"Okay." When Lan Yudie heard it, he nodded hurriedly and said, "I'm ready to go down!"

After speaking, Lan Yudie ran back to the office, and when she came out again, she carried a small bag on her shoulder. It goes well with her clothes. Xiao Han took the initiative to hold Lan Yudie's hand and said, "Let's go!"

"Don't..." Lan Yudie twisted and said: "There are many people with mixed eyes, and it is not good to be seen."

"What does it matter?" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "You are my girlfriend now. It is my duty and responsibility to hold your hand. It is also my duty to protect you. Even if someone sees you, what about it? "

Lan Yudie lowered her head and said, "I'm afraid of being stigmatized behind the back."

"It's okay!" Xiao Han shook his head. He stopped Lan Yudie's hand and swaggered across the campus.

At this time, school is over, and there are many students on the way to the campus. They all gathered on the campus road. Lan Yudie was just grabbed by Xiao Han. She lowered her head and dared not look at the students around her.

"Wow, that... isn't that Blue Rain Butterfly?"

"So pretty."

"Who is the man holding her hand?"

"Oh my God, Lan Yudie has a boyfriend?!"

The students exclaimed that Lan Yudie has always been single and has never announced any boyfriends. Therefore, many of the school boys have spontaneously organized the so-called Blue Rain Butterfly Flower Protection Team. Although Blue Raindie has not recognized it.

In the crowd, the girls exclaimed, while the boys cast envious or jealous eyes at Xiao Han, and some of them cast murderous eyes at Xiao Han. Those are boys who have a deep love for Blue Rain Butterfly. They would rather Lan Yudie be single for a lifetime, and never let their inner goddess be ridden by other men.

"Really Blue Rain Butterfly?!"

"It's so beautiful, but men seem to be handsome too."

For girls, Xiao Han's looks are also very handsome. However, for boys, they simply cannot accept the fact that Blue Rain Butterfly was taken away. Therefore, they appear to be particularly uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Can you feel comfortable watching other men holding the goddess's hand?

Xiao Han passed through the crowd with Lan Yudie's hand. Ignore the other person's eyes at all. Also completely ignored some provocative eyes. But calmly walked through the crowd. Appears extremely calm.

In fact, Lan Yudie's palms were already sweating, and she seemed very nervous.

"Xiao Han, let's let go." Lan Yudie said softly.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Since we are together, we have to bear the right and wrong, those rumors, and those setbacks."

"You guy." Lan Yudie blushed. In fact, she also has her own pressure and her own feelings. After all, she is a teacher, but she walked hand in hand with her students, and fell in love with her students. This is simply unacceptable to some conservative-minded teachers.

Along the way, many students cast attention. In their view, this is simply explosive news.

Behind, many people began to take out their mobile phones to take pictures secretly, and then forward them to the campus forum. Even forward it to the school's class group. Soon, the news that Blue Raindie had a boyfriend spread quickly.

"Oh my God, Lan Yudie actually found a boyfriend. It is said that she is still a student!"

"Really? Impossible, how could a female teacher fall in love with a male student? This is simply damaging."

On the forum, the news about Blue Raindie’s finding a boyfriend and girlfriend was quickly designated and was pushed to today’s headlines. The news instantly became the object and target of everyone’s attention. Everyone seemed extremely curious.

Although Blue Raindie became the focus of public opinion, after everyone discussed, they quickly turned their attention to the people around Blue Raindie. That is Xiao Han.

Xiao Han's information was quickly exposed.

On the forum of Mizuki University, a post quickly became the focus of everyone’s attention. "A poor student’s counterattack by a poor student succeeded in soaking the path of Bai Fumei’s counterattack!" ". This post uses the tone of a third party to tell that Xiao Han is a member of Linjiang City. In the past, his academic performance was very scumbags, but his grades suddenly counterattacked in the third year of high school, and he became the boyfriend of Chen Zihan, the third-year student of Linjiang No. Later, he won the national champion and won a scholarship of millions of dollars. Later, Xiao Han got acquainted with Lan Yudie, and finally abandoned it, abandoned Chen Zihan, and successfully hooked up with Lan Yudie. The typical road to counterattacks...

As soon as the post came out, it quickly exploded.

What people did not expect was that this pair of seemingly mandarin duck-like lovers had such a story behind them. It's really hard to believe. Especially after Xiao Han received millions of scholarships, many people were filled with righteous indignation when he abandoned Chen Zihan.

"I didn't expect this Xiao Han to be such a man!"

"He is not worthy of Blue Rain Butterfly!"

"Let him get away from Lan Yudie!"

On the forum, public opinion was almost overwhelming. At the beginning, many people held the attitude of onlookers, but as public opinion showed an overwhelming situation, the crowd onlookers also began to join the army that denounced Xiao Han.

When the post came out, Xiao Han and the others were still dining at the Hanmen restaurant.

Xiao Han stopped Lan Yudie up to the second floor.

The box is in a medium box on the east side of the second floor. The box can accommodate about twelve people. The environment is good, there are a lot of green things in the room, and the sun shines in from outside the window. Can feel a little warm. There is a nice sofa in the corner.

When Xiao Han and Lan Yudie entered the box, Zhang Dagu and the others had already arrived in the box. Six or seven people were chatting in the box.

Liu Bin sat on the sofa next to Guan Xiaotong. Zhang Dagu and Zhang Xiaomei cuddled together and looked extremely affectionate. Zhang Feng was sitting on a chair alone, playing with a mobile phone in his hand. The other two girls in Zhang Xiaomei's dormitory were talking with their heads down. The objects of the conversation seemed to be Liu Bin and Guan Xiaotong.

At this time, the door of the room opened. Xiao Han and Lan Yudie walked in from outside.

"Xiao Han, you can be regarded as coming!" Zhang Feng hurriedly jumped up. When Zhang Feng saw the blue rain butterfly, he habitually closed his mouth. When students meet the teacher, they will inevitably have some psychological pressure. . Therefore, Zhang Feng conditioned his body to stand up straight. He said embarrassingly: "Blue... Teacher Lan, you... hello!"

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