The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 315: Looking for evidence

"Humble restaurant?!" Fang Hao raised his brows.

"Yes!" The boy nodded, and said, "If the restaurant has been squeezed down, Hanmen Restaurant is the monopoly of catering in the university town. Moreover, I heard that Hanmen Restaurant has rented the house of Yumen Restaurant and plans to build a large Hotel. It seems to be planning a large-scale theme hotel."

"Fuck!" Fang Hao was angry when he heard it, "I'm going to find them to settle the accounts!"

"Wait!" The boy hurriedly grabbed Fang Hao, and said: "We are just talking casually, do you have evidence?"

"It's already so obvious." Fang Hao was anxious.

"Everything pays attention to a piece of evidence!" The boy smiled coldly, and then said: "Things without evidence are just conjectures. It's not true. If you really want to find them to settle accounts, then you should collect them. evidence."

"Fuck, how do you collect evidence when it's all like this!" Fang Hao was so angry that he couldn't wait to find Xiao Han to settle the account immediately. However, who can take things without evidence? Although Fang Hao was impulsive, he also understood the seriousness of the matter. He thought for a long time and said: "It seems that I have to find a way to find evidence."


"As long as you find evidence, you won't be afraid of the other party's sophistry."

"Haozi, when collecting evidence, don't be surprised!"

Everyone persuaded.

Fang Hao nodded, but already had a comprehensive plan in his mind. If you want to find evidence, you must find a way to find the poisoned people. Those guys have recovered and been discharged from the hospital. Now I want to find someone, I'm afraid it's a bit of a needle in the sea. However, finding a needle in a haystack is better than not looking for it.


The other side.

On the third floor of the Hanmen restaurant, Da Pang Li and his brothers have lived here these days. There are a few spare rooms next to the general manager's office, which are used to pile up sundries on weekdays. Now it is vacated as a room with a few beds bought from the second-hand market.

"Fang, when shall we go back?" The brother on the side asked curiously, "We have been here for several days. Even if we don't go back, we should go out for a stroll and find a place to have fun!"

"What for fun?!" Li Da Pang gave a few people angrily, then said: "This is an extraordinary period. Maybe Fang Hao will be looking for you all over the world. If you look back, you will be tortured. Exercising a confession, hehe... what torture, tiger stool, chili water... can you guys eat it?"

"Uh..." The few people looked dumbfounded, their faces paled with fright.

Indeed, the act of acting stupefied the other’s restaurant bankrupt. Where can I find someone to make sense of this matter? Even the police station doesn't care about this, Fang Hao is probably going crazy. No one knows what kind of means this guy will use.

"Now know the seriousness of the matter?" Li Da Pang asked coldly.

"This..." Several people nodded hurriedly, and one of them said: "Dai Pang, or... Let's go back to Linjiang City. That is our site, and we have the final say. This ghost place is called Tian Tian Bu Spirit, it shouldn't be called the earth. No one will help us if something goes wrong."

Da Pang Li smiled, and then said, "What are you afraid of? Do you know what is the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

"Yes." Several people nodded.

At this time, Xiao Han walked in from outside.

"Big Brother!" Everyone jumped up from the bed.

Big Fatty Li hurriedly smiled and said, "Xiao Han, why are you here?"

"You've all been here for a few days, why don't I come and have a look?" Xiao Han brought in a few cigarettes in his hand, all of which were first-class cigarettes, one thousand yuan and the world. One person sent one. Xiao Han smiled and said, "Brothers, you have worked hard."

"No hard work, no hard work!" Everyone shook their heads hurriedly.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Thanks to you this time, I was able to break the meeting restaurant. Tomorrow you will go back to Linjiang City. Stay here and feel uneasy."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded one after another, they had already returned home. Very anxious inside. Now that they heard from Xiao Han, they were naturally very happy.

"Xiao Han, are we all right here?" Li Da Pang asked curiously.

"Well, it's okay." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Now that the opponent has crossed, the Hanmen Restaurant has completely monopolized the catering in the university town. From now on, we can do business safely and steadily."

"Are you not afraid that he will regroup and start again?" Li Da Pang asked curiously.

"That's not afraid!" Xiao Han grinned and said: "They want to come again, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

"That's true." Li Da Pang nodded and said: "It is not easy for a company that has completely lost its image to stand up again."

The next day, Da Pang Li left the provincial capital with a few brothers and returned to Linjiang City.


Fang Hao asked people to look around for the traces of those guys, but he couldn't find the slightest trace after several days of searching. Those guys who were poisoned in their store and entered the hospital seem to have disappeared for no reason.

"How about, did you find the information at the hospital?" Fang Haote asked someone to go to the hospital to check the information of those guys.

"Checked, they are all fake!" A black-clothed man sat on the sofa opposite Fang Hao.

"Fuck, so all this is a calculation at all?!" Fang Hao looked angry.

"Yes!" The black-clothed man nodded and said: "All this is probably a calculation, and you never know it from beginning to end."

"****." Fang Hao was even more anxious. He gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, who is doing this behind your back!"

"I can only tell you that Xiao Han recently took down your restaurant." The black-clothed man sneered and said: "They plan to expand the hotel, redecorate it, and then integrate it into a larger hotel. Hey, Having said that, do you understand?"

"You mean that Xiao Han is playing tricks behind all this?!" Fang Hao asked coldly.

"Yes!" The man in black nodded.

Fang Hao squinted his eyes and said, "I always think so, but if there is no evidence, no one can say anything."

"Actually, since we know that Xiao Han did it, why bother looking for evidence?" The black-clothed man grinned and said, "We are not the police handling the case and need evidence. We just need to know who did it behind the scenes. When the other party was tortured and tortured, I did not believe that they would not recruit."

"Well, what you said makes sense!" Fang Hao nodded.

The black-clothed man raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Mr Fang, when do you think we act?"

"If we don't need to act, someone will act." Fang Hao said.

"Who?!" The man in black asked suspiciously.

"You can rest assured." Fang Hao said with a smile.


Fang Hao and Liu Hao have reached some kind of cooperation agreement. They are now acting together. Because they have a common opponent, that is Xiao Han. As long as Xiao Han is removed, everything will be easier. The Hanmen restaurant can be resolved with the opportunity, and everything will go smoothly.

Liu Hao had already figured out how to solve Xiao Han. It was nothing more than to find Master Dao to cooperate and then dispose of Xiao Han.

Who is Master Dao? Master Dao is a target-carrying target on the provincial city road, and he is the most famous character in the provincial city. Even if government officials saw Lord Dao, they had to give three points of courtesy. Master Dao is not only an all-you-can-eat role in the Tao, but also in the Baidao. In the eyes of many people, Master Dao is the image of the boss. Many people are in awe of Master Dao.

Master Dao has many enterprises in the provincial capital, has been entrenched in the provincial capital for dozens of years, and has developed a lot of industries, from real estate to entertainment clubs, from entertainment clubs to chain hotels...Although Master Dao doesn’t know how to do business, he absolutely It can be regarded as an awesome character. Not only is it awesome, but it's also quite powerful. The real estate under his hand is very impressive. With his own power, he has won several very good sites in the provincial capital, built a lot of buildings, and made a lot of money.

The several entertainment clubs under his hands are even more gold-sucking places, which contain dirt and dirt, attracting countless men to flock to them. People in the entire provincial capital know that Dao's place is the safest, no one dares to check it, and no one dares to control it. Moreover, the girls in Master Dao’s place are very beautiful, and I don’t know where Master Dao collects so many top beauties here.

Liu Hao drove to an entertainment club in Zhonghuan Road.

Many people gathered at the door. From the outside, they were all bad boys. These people have dyed colorful hair, nose rings on their noses, and weird clothes. In Liu Hao's eyes, these people are simply incompatible with himself. Liu Hao got off the Mercedes Benz in a small, straight suit. When he got down, he patted the dust on his body. He glanced at these people dismissively, and then passed them.

"Fuck, what are you looking at!" The little yellow hair in the lead was upset at the time, and he immediately stared at Liu Hao.

Liu Hao immediately stopped. He looked at each other in a puzzled manner, then pointed at himself and asked: "Are you talking to me?!"

"That's right." Xiao Huangmao pointed at Liu Hao, and then said: "I'm talking to you. How come?"

"Interesting!" Liu Hao was happy when he heard it. He curiously asked: "Why do you...why do you want to talk to me like this?"

"Fuck, you just looked at us with a disdainful expression. This is just looking down on us." Xiao Huangmao glared at Liu Hao. At this time, the unscrupulous youths around were also surrounded.

Liu Hao was not nervous, but found it quite interesting. He smiled and asked: "This person, if you want to be respected by others, you must have something respectable. It's just you who are indiscriminately, small and weak. Where is the right to make me respect?!"

When the leader Xiao Huangmao heard that, he couldn't believe it, that someone at the door of the rich man would dare to speak to himself in such a disrespectful tone. Xiao Huangmao looked at Liu Hao in astonishment: "Boy, give you a chance to take back what you just said, then kneel down and knock us a few heads, we will let you go!"

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