Lan Yudie was stunned and said, "Is this really okay?"

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly, and he even took off his pants impatiently.

However, when Lan Yudie saw the extremely ferocious guy, she shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, it's too big, I can't!"

"How do I know if I don't try?" Xiao Han smiled.

"I don't want it!" Lan Yudie cried slightly.

"But, you just promised me clearly!" Xiao Lengren snorted, "Do you want me to die?"

Threat! This is the threat of nakedness!

However, Blue Rain Butterfly prefers this one. Seeing that Xiao Han had said so decisively, she had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Okay, then try."

After finishing speaking, Lan Yudie barely grasped the huge with both hands, and then lightly opened her red lips, trying to confuse, but the guy was too big, she could only change her strategy, and Xiao Han was on the side to guide, everything went smoothly.

Xiao Han felt extremely irritating and very sour. Even if you don't use real swords and guns on the battlefield, it is much faster than real swords and guns on the battlefield. Lan Yudie's 36-foot cup made Xiao Han have fun.

In the office, it is incredibly sweet.

Lan Yudie was naked, and the two were playing various tricks in the office. Except for the unreal sword and gun on the battlefield, almost any other posture was unlocked by Xiao Han.

Xiao Han looked extremely excited, and was shocked to make Lan Yudie painful.

"Asshole, I killed you." Xiao Han dropped his helmet and armor when Lan Yudie was caught off guard. Lan Yudie was caught off guard and was annoyed.

Xiao Han hurriedly hugged the naked Blue Yudie, and said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, Teacher Lan, I was wrong. I will definitely not dare to do this next time."

Being hugged by Xiao Han, Lan Yudie couldn't move at all. The two of them were lying on the sofa, and the anger in Lan Yudie's heart gradually extinguished. She gritted her teeth and said: "Let go of me quickly. I want to wear clothes. If I get hit by someone, it would be ashamed."

"It's okay, I'm here, no one dares to break in casually." Xiao Han smiled.


Suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open, and Yang Lu walked in from outside.

"Ah!" Yang Lu immediately saw the two people hugging each other naked on the sofa, and she suddenly exclaimed: "I'm sorry, I didn't see anything!"


As soon as the office door was opened, it was immediately closed.

"Asshole!" Lan Yudie was furious, she pushed Xiao Han away


Xiao Han fell from the sofa. Lan Yudie panicked and began to put on clothes. Before the words came down, the door of the office was pushed open. Fortunately, it wasn't when Xiao Han had just solved his physical problems. If it were that time, Blue Yudie would have suicidal heart. I hurriedly put on the clothes, but turned the skirt back.

Xiao Han calmly admired the figure of Lan Yudie.

Blue Yudie's figure is absolutely perfect, perfect without any flaws. The front is arched and the back is warped, with unevenness, it is definitely a golden figure. In line with Chinese aesthetics. As for the football-sized **** of Westerners, the figure that can put mineral water on the hips is seriously not in line with the Chinese aesthetics. That only suits the aesthetics of Westerners.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth. He grinned, and then said, "Mr. Lan, you have a great body!"

"Anyway?" Lan Yudie gave Xiao Han angrily. Then he said, "Huh, you bastard, you have taken all the bargains."

"Who made you my girlfriend?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"I didn't promise you!" Lan Yudie hurriedly got dressed, then combed her hair. Xiao Han gave Xiao Han a fierce look, and then said: "Want me to be your girlfriend, hehe, unless you give me a grand confession ceremony, otherwise, don't think about it!"

After speaking, Lan Yudie turned and walked out.

Xiao Han hurriedly said, "Why!"

"It's a compensation for your last mistake!" Lan Yudie snorted coldly.

"I" Xiao Han was stunned.

Blue Yudie walked out directly. Xiao Han is the only one left in the office. Xiao Han sat on the sofa helplessly. After the clothes were put on, I got a physical vent, but my heart was empty.

Lan Yudie left, and Yang Lu returned to the office.

"Xiaohan, are you okay?" Yang Lu came over curiously.

"Sister Yang, did you mean it just now?" Xiao Han suddenly looked up at Yang Lu.

"I" Yang Lu looked embarrassed, and said, "I don't have one."

"Not yet." Xiao Lianjing snorted and said, "When I was in the office, you always knock on the door when you come in, but you didn't knock on the door today. Moreover, there are only me and Lan Yudie in the office today, but you are wrong. Don't knock. You said you didn't mean it?"

"I" Yang Lu's face flushed suddenly, she pursed her mouth and said nothing.

"This is the first and last time." Xiao Han said solemnly.

"Yes!" Yang Lu nodded immediately, with a light tone, as if she had unparalleled respect and respect for Xiao Han.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"The opposite restaurant is rented, what shall we do next?" Yang Lu asked.

"Look for Zhao Lizhong to design." Xiao Han replied, "He has a strong sense of the restaurant's style, and see if he can have a better design plan."

"Yeah!" Yang Lu nodded and said, "I will let him come here to see tomorrow."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "If you are okay, go ahead."

"Oh!" Yang Lu responded, but did not leave.

Xiao Han laughed and looked at Yang Lu: "Sister Yang, what's the matter with you today? Are you absent-minded?"

"Xiaohan, actually, I have something to tell you." Yang Lu said.

"Say!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Actually, I am willing to pay for the things she can do for you." Yang Lu blushed and said: "If you have a need, I can also satisfy you. Because I like you. I just hope you can understand me. heart!"

"I know!" Xiao Han glanced at Yang Lu.

"Then I'm going to be busy!" Yang Lu left a word, and quickly ran out of Xiao Han's office, saying all the words in her heart. Yang Lu suddenly felt more comfortable in her heart, and more relaxed. Seeing Xiao Han and Lan Yudie coming in hand in hand today, she felt sour in her heart, as if she had turned a few jealous jars.

That feeling was very uncomfortable, so Yang Lu decided to confide in Xiao Han.

"Wait!" Xiao Han hurriedly shouted.

"Xiao Han, do you have any more orders?" Yang Lu looked at Xiao Han awkwardly.

"You just said you like me?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Yang Lu nodded.

"Hey, go ahead." Xiao Han replied.

Yang Lu looked wrong, originally thinking that Xiao Han was going to show something, but unexpectedly this guy actually smiled, which instead made Yang Lu puzzled by the second monk. The psychology is like a fawn jumping around. It's almost like a live monkey.

Blue Yudie came out of the restaurant and waited downstairs.

After a short time, Xiao Han also came downstairs. He looked at Lan Yudie and said, "I will send you back to school!"

"No." Lan Yudie shook his head.

"Then where are you going?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"I want to go for a drive." Looking at Xiao Han, Lan Yudie seemed to be a little confused. Everything that happened today, Blue Rain Butterfly felt the same in a dream. Xiao Han's identity, Xiao Han's status, and Xiao Han's talent all made Blue Yudie a little messy.

When I first saw Xiao Han, Lan Yudie thought he was just an ordinary student. However, Xiao Han's performance at the welcome party made Lan Yudie see an excellent and versatile Xiao Han. He even entered the college party in one fell swoop on behalf of the Department of Finance, and even won a program list for the New Year's Party of the provincial TV station.

But now, Lan Yudie has even more experienced Xiao Han's business abilities, and the Hanmen restaurant has already been popular in the university town. Someone once calculated an account. Based on the flow of people at the Hanmen Restaurant at that time, the gross profit of the Hanmen Restaurant was definitely more than 2 million a year. Sure enough, two sentences are confirmed, one of which is: the catering industry is a profiteering industry and the other is that students’ money is best earned. Several nearby universities are surrounded by nearly 100,000 consumers. The only large-scale catering industry is the Hanmen Restaurant and the Encounter Restaurant.

Today, Yu Jian Restaurant has encountered Waterloo, and Han Men Restaurant dominates the world. Without the emergence of a second competitor, the profits of Hanmen Catering might have doubled.

This shows that Xiao Han turned out to be a hidden millionaire. Most importantly, his business philosophy is very good. This is really precious for a student who has just entered university.

"Okay, I'll take you for a drive!" Xiao Han nodded.

Lan Yudie stepped onto the co-pilot of the BMW car, and Xiao Han drove the blue Yudie towards the suburbs with Xiao Han.

There is a mountain 20 kilometers away from the provincial capital, which is a famous mountain in the provincial capital. It's called Baizhangfeng.

The peak is a hundred feet high and a thousand feet above the ground. The mountain is steep and the terrain is dangerous. The most important thing is that there is no development on the mountain, and there are more people going to climb the mountain on weekends. The most are the crowds who go to explore, and the donkeys of outdoor adventure.

It took more than half an hour to drive to Baizhang Peak. There are several villages at the foot of the mountain. However, several villages were built according to the current new rural standards. There are several lines of red typing on the wall: Adhere to the one country, two systems policy and adhere to the eight regulations.

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