The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2430: Strong lineup

So, hearing this, Xiao Han's face also changed slightly.

Four masters in the pinnacle state of crossing the robbery, this lineup is really too strong.

Moreover, the Demon Emperor just sent people to guard one of their strongholds and sent four masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period. If this lineup is really fighting, it will be enough to completely wipe out a first-class power.

If Xiao Han guessed right, the Demon Emperor's hands must be few in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period. At the same time, it should be the limit to mobilize four strong men in the Peak State of the Tribulation Period.

And just to prevent Xiao Han from secretly trying to save his father, he used almost all the masters he could mobilize?

Upon hearing this, the faces of Empress Yumei, Lu Xuan and others were also serious.

Obviously, the other people around were also shocked by the large lineup sent by the Demon Sovereign.

At this time, Xiao Han was thinking about it in his heart.

With his strength, coupled with the wealth of the little monster beast on his body, at most he could barely deal with three powerhouses at the peak of the Tribulation Period at the same time, and he had to be in a realm that had not experienced the Five Heavens Tribulation.

If one of them had experienced the Five Heaven Tribulations, even Xiao Han and Little Monster Beast Wangcai would barely be able to deal with two of them.

The current Xiao Han's real strength is barely able to contend with a powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period who has experienced the Fivefold Tribulation, such as the second elder Sun Miao of Huangquanmen.

But if facing three people at the same time, even Xiao Han had the help of Little Monster Beast Wangcai, afraid that he would have to run away.

"Now Lu Xuan's strength should be able to barely compete with a master at the peak of the Tribulation Period. As for Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo, who just broke into the early stages of the Tribulation Period, she can only be responsible for dealing with the rest of his subordinates. Although Chen Jinnan The combat effectiveness is not weak, but it is still too reluctant to compete with a master at the peak of the Tribulation Period."

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, feeling that the strength of the other people around him now was not enough to shake the four masters of the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period.

Moreover, Xiao Han could not be so selfish. In order to understand and save his father, he would let these friends around him follow him on adventures.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han felt a little helpless.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han asked softly: "Brother Chen, in the ghost mountain range, except for the four strong men at the peak of the Tribulation Period, what is the strength of the other guards?"

Chen Jinnan pondered for a moment, and said again: "According to Zhang Quanzong's statement, the main masters in the ghost mountain range should be only these four powerhouses at the peak of the tribulation period, but since the ghost mountain range belongs to one of the main strongholds of the demons. , There must be some other masters of the Demon Race there. There must be a lot of them. Under the joint siege, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is certainly not weak."

"Although the number of guards is larger, they can actually be dealt with, but the most important thing is that among the four masters of the peak stage of the ghost mountain, it is best not to show the guards under the Demon Throne. ."

At this moment, Lu Xuan on the side suddenly said softly.

"The guardian under the Devil Throne? What guardian?" Xiao Han was taken aback when he heard the name.

It seems that I have never heard of the existence of any law protectors under the Demon Emperor.

Xiao Han had also tortured Zhang Quanzong, and Zhang Quanzong didn't seem to mention the guardian of Mouang sitting down.

"The spy of our Lu family once inquired. The Demon Sovereign sat down with several protectors. The strength of these protectors is said to be no weaker than the great elders of any of the three sects and four sects. They seem to want to become a protector. At least those who have experienced the five-fold heavenly tribulation are qualified.” At this time, Lu Xuan said solemnly: “For example, the ancestor of our Lu family has not experienced the five-fold heavenly tribulation, if he has reached the Demon Sovereign’s side. , I don’t even have the qualifications to serve as a law protector."

Hearing this, Xiao Han's eyes narrowed.

Xiao Han also vaguely understood the strength of the ancestor of the Lu family.

The ancestor of the Lu family should have experienced the peak state of the Tribulation Period.

If even the ancestors of the Lu family are not qualified to be a protector under the Demon Throne, then it means that the protector under the Demon Throne is at least a master of the peak realm of the Transcendence Period who has experienced the Fivefold Tribulation?

Thinking of this, even if Xiao Han had always been fearless, he couldn't help but frown at this moment.

Once the cultivation realm reached the peak realm of the Tribulation Transition Period, if you want to distinguish it, it depends on how many times it has gone through.

The strength gap between each small realm is huge.

Not everyone can surpass a small-level opponent like Xiao Han.

Many masters who have stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, I am afraid that they will not be able to touch the threshold of the Triple Tribulation in their entire life.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the gap between the peak realms of the Tribulation Period and the difference between whether or not Tribulation is.

The peak realm master who has gone through the five-fold tribulation period is similar to the strength of the second elder of Huangquanmen.

Even if Xiao Han himself appeared on the stage, he would have to join forces with Little Monster Beast Wangcai to barely contend.

However, once Xiao Han was blocked by one of the opponent's guardians, then Xiao Han's lineup would not be able to cope with so many masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

"Unexpectedly, the demon emperor's men actually controlled such a powerful lineup." Xiao Han also sighed softly.

Although Xiao Han was reluctant to admit it, at this time, Xiao Han couldn't help but look helpless.

That Demon Emperor was already the Sect Master of Xiaoyao Sect decades ago, and his strength must be terrifying.

After defecting to the Demon Race, his strength is afraid that he will advance by leaps and bounds.

Now, based on what Xiao Han has learned, the power controlled by this Demon Emperor, looking around the entire Demon Imperial City, I am afraid that apart from the huge powers of the Three Sects and Four Sects, I am afraid that few powers can Contends with the forces of the Demon Emperor.

What's more, the strength of the Demon Sovereign should not be underestimated.

"Xiao Han, if you want to save your father, Lu Xuan will not stand by, but I hope you will think thoroughly before you do it." At this time, Lu Xuan walked up to Xiao Han and said softly.

"Yes, Xiao Han, and me."

"It's the same with me."

At this time, Empress Yumei and Luoluo also stood up.

Lu Xuan would not stand by and watch, how could Empress Yumei and Luoluo fall behind Lu Xuan?

Xiao Han nodded heavily, and said softly: "I know your intentions, but we still have to consider this matter long-term."

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't make jokes about his life.

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