The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2427: I hate less when I use it

Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body are the top exercises in Huangquan Sect.

However, Xiao Han knew very well in his heart that because this Huangquan Palm was only the basic technique of Biluo Huangquan Palm, it was really difficult to determine its rank.

Although Huangquan Palm is considered a god-level exercise in the Huangquan Sect, if it is in the hands of Xiao Han and combined with the blue yellow spring palm from the set of ancient relics, then it is more than a god-level exercise. Up.

And speaking of that set of Biluo Huangquan Palm, it is actually not easy to determine its rank.

Before Xiao Han had not tried cultivation, he still felt that Biluo Huangquan Palm was already a semi-immortal cultivation technique.

But thinking about it now, in fact, if this Biluo Huangquan Palm falls into the hands of a Qi refiner outside the Huangquan Sect, there will be no way to cultivate.

But if in the hands of those masters of Huangquan Sect, after cultivating Huangquan Palm, you can successfully cultivate Biluo Huangquan Palm.

Xiao Han had already seen it in the ancient ruins, and the power that the Biluo Huangquan Palm could explode could definitely surpass all god-level techniques.

Only the Biluo Huangquan Palm combined with the Huangquan Palm can be regarded as a true semi-immortal cultivation technique.

If it had been before, Xiao Han could only hold that set of exercises.

Without a basic cultivation method, Biluo Huangquanzhang simply cannot practice.

Fortunately, Xiao Han really got the cultivation method of Huangquanzhang from Huangquan Sect.

Even Xiao Han has obtained a complete inheritance of the exercises, and even the experience of those seniors in Huangquanmen who practiced that set of exercises for hundreds of years is in their minds.

At that time, Xiao Han only had to integrate the two sets of cultivation techniques, and he could just use the power of the blue and yellow spring palm to its peak state.

Because of this incident, Xiao Han took a great risk to head to Huangquan Gate.

If it weren't for this, Xiao Han wouldn't have been desperate to help Huangquanmen arrange the Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Formation.

As for Biluo Huangquan's body technique, it is also of great benefit to Xiao Han.

At that time, Xiao Han will cultivate the Fengyun Transformation Body of the Star and Meteorite Sect and the Biluohuangquan Body of the Huangquan Sect together. By learning from each other's strengths, not only will Xiao Han's clone be improved again, but Xiao Han's body speed will surely advance again by leaps and bounds.

After Xiao Han integrated all three sets of exercises, Xiao Han felt that at that time, if he broke out the most powerful combat power, I am afraid that he would face the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect again, or It was an old senior at the level of Sun Miao, the second elder of Huangquanmen, and might have a chance to defeat it head-on.

Rather than as before, even if you just want to stick to the ten tricks in the hands of the second elder Sun Miao, you have to do your best and get embarrassed.

"But there are three styles of this Huangquan palm. It seems that if I want to practice Huangquanquan, I have to start with the first style. I don't know that it takes casino time from the first style to the third style to Dzogchen.

I heard that some disciples of the Huangquan Sect who are talented and well-founded, it takes at least a few years to cultivate Huangquan Palm to reach the third form of Dzogchen. I just don’t know how long it will take me to cultivate. "

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help but feel a little worried.

It took a few years to cultivate a set of Huangquan Palm, which is too long.

Don't say it's been three years, Xiao Han can't afford to wait a year.

Xiao Han was about to head towards the Demon Imperial City.

It seems that it won't take long before there will be a head-on conflict with the power of the Demon Emperor.

Now Xiao Han needs to improve his combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

As for when the Triple Heavenly Tribulation will arrive, Xiao Han has no idea at all.

Xiao Han's time to step into the peak of the Tribulation Period is indeed not long.

Although Xiao Han felt that his cultivation level had improved again during this period of time, he still felt that he was still far away from being able to trigger the Triple Heaven Tribulation.

Since Xiao Han couldn't improve his cultivation level within a short time, he could only find a way to cultivate Biluo Huangquan Palm to a certain degree of heat.

And Xiao Han cultivated the Fengyun Transfiguration Body of Xingyizong.

Xiao Han also urgently needed a little effort to improve the combat effectiveness of that clone.

Although Xiao Han’s current clone has been able to display a strength comparable to the mid-term of the Tribulation Period, if it is okay to encounter ordinary opponents, even if the clone cannot defeat it, it can also help Xiao Han deal with it. .

If you encounter an opponent at the peak state of the Tribulation Period, even the younger generation who has just stepped into the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period, that clone will be useless.

Therefore, the most important thing for Xiao Han now is to cultivate Huangquan Palm first, and then practice Biluo Huangquan Palm as soon as possible.

As for the high-grade spiritual weapon and the little monster Wangcai, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see a significant improvement again in the short term.


Xiao Han had a headache when he thought of this.

As he got closer and closer to the Demon Imperial City, Xiao Han felt that the strength he possessed was not enough.

Although Xiao Han is barely able to say something confidently now, he is considered to be the best among the younger generation.

There are few masters of the same generation who can match Xiao Han, even in the Demon Imperial City where the masters are like clouds, are they afraid?

However, the opponent Xiao Han needs to face is not just the younger generation of geniuses.

This time Xiao Han went to the Demon Imperial City to face, but they were all old monsters that had long been famous.

Leaving aside other strengths, Xiao Han alone had to confront the Demon Emperor head-on if he wanted to rescue his father.

Even if the Demon Sovereign wouldn't take action in person, the last time Xiao Han's divine power finally entered the hall where his father was imprisoned, the strength of the Demon Sovereign that Xiao Han met was not simple.

Even now, Xiao Han may not be sure of winning.

Besides, Xiao Han didn't go there to compete with each other.

What Xiao Han wanted was to rescue his father and then break out of the siege.

Therefore, Xiao Han must have the strength to crush his opponent, otherwise, even if Xiao Han broke into the hall where his father Xiao Zhan was held, he would not be able to escape with his father.

This made Xiao Han feel that he hated less when he used the book.

After all, the strength in his hands is not enough.

As for the city lord election that is about to be held in Demon Imperial City, Xiao Han definitely wanted to join in the fun.

Xiao Han wasn't interested in the management of that Demon Imperial City. He just wanted to follow this opportunity to find out the details of that Demon Emperor.

Before understanding the strength of the power controlled by that Demon Emperor, Xiao Han would definitely not act rashly.

To rescue his father from the hands of the Demon Emperor, Xiao Han could only consider long-term plans.

Before Xiao Han was sure, he might not be able to save his father, and he would be self-defeating.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed long.

Fortunately, Xiao Han's trip to Huangquanmen this time achieved the expected results.

In any case, Xiao Han has now obtained the two sets of Huangquan Sect's exercises, and Xiao Han now has another hole card. As long as it takes some time to cultivate Huangquan Palm to a certain level of heat, it will be considered. The cultivation of Biluo Huangquan's body hasn't seen the eyebrows yet. Just a set of Huangquan palms has brought enough benefits to Xiao Han.

In the future, Xiao Han will encounter a powerful opponent again, and Huangquanmen's set of Huangquan Palm will surely surprise his opponent.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes and closed his mind.

Once you have the exercise method, you don't need to rush to practice, let's talk about it later, after all, you don't cut wood by mistake.

Xiao Han sighed slightly again.

Although Lu Fei, who was in charge of controlling the flying monsters in front, didn't turn his head around, he did look surprised.

In Lu Fei's view, it was incredible.

Does even a genius like their Lu's uncle have so much trouble?

Otherwise, why does this uncle keep sighing?

After Xiao Han's expression returned to calm, he looked into the distance.

Soon after, at the end of Xiao Han's sight, the outline of a huge city began to loom in Xiao Han's eyes.

The front is Yunwu City.

Xiao Han suddenly thought that when he left Yunwu City and rushed to Huangquan Gate, he commissioned the Lu family to help him collect some information about the Demon Emperor and his forces.

After so many days, I don't know how Lu Xuan sent someone to inquire.

Xiao Han was still very afraid of this Lord Demon Emperor.

He is the master of his father Xiao Zhan, and the former master of Xiaoyao Sect.

Before Xiao Han was born, the opponent was already a peak powerhouse.

After rebelling against Xiaoyao Sect and becoming the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race, his strength must have improved a lot.

Coupled with the fact that so many years have passed, Xiao Han is growing rapidly, how can that Demon Emperor stay where he is?

So for Xiao Han, if he wanted to rescue his father Xiao Zhan, the greatest resistance was the Demon King.

There is no way to hold the demon emperor, and the probability of Xiao Han saving his father is very low.

Moreover, Xiao Han now knows nothing about the forces of the Demon Emperor, this is the most terrible thing.

A Demon Sovereign alone is already so tricky, and the forces under the control of the Demon Sovereign should naturally not be underestimated.

After the Demon Lord was sealed, even the Young Master of the Demon Race had nothing to do with the Lord Demon Sovereign. It is conceivable that the Demon Race power controlled by the opponent must be unmatched by Ji Wutian.

Otherwise, among the ten refining domains, the fame of the Demon Emperor would not far exceed that of the Demon Clan Young Master Ji Wutian.

"I hope Lu Xuan can help me find some clues about the Demon Emperor. I must know too little about this powerful opponent.

Before you don't understand the other party, if you blindly rush forward and desperately, you can only find your own way. "

Xiao Han muttered to himself while sitting on the flying monster.

After that, Xiao Han stopped thinking about it.

Let's deal with the immediate matter first.

Fortunately, Xiao Han still has some time to go to Demon Imperial City.

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