The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2421: Ten strokes have passed, you lose

"Xiao Han, congratulations."

At this time, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan smiled slightly at Xiao Han who was not far away, and said softly: "Since you have passed the examination of the second elder Sun Miao, then according to the agreement, you are already qualified to practice the two of our Huangquan Sect. Huangquanzhang and Biluohuangquan are now in the body."

Hearing the reminder from Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, Xiao Han sighed in his heart.

It really took a lot of effort to cultivate Huangquan Palm.

This is really not easy.

After hearing Li Guiyuan's affirmation at last, a trace of ecstasy that could not be concealed appeared on Xiao Han's face involuntarily.

In order to practice Huangquanmen's exercises, Xiao Han took a great risk to come to Huangquanmen Mountain Gate.

Xiao Han grinned, and then said solemnly towards Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, "Li sect master Gao Yi, Xiao Han is grateful."

"You fellow, I will tell you something later."

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan sect, first reached out and clicked on Xiao Han, and said with a smile: "Okay, you don't have to thank me anymore. This is all based on your own ability. I didn't have any effect. , You promised me about Huangquanmen, don’t forget."

Li Guiyuan's remarks were right. This time Xiao Han relied on his own ability to fight against the second elder Sun Miao.

Otherwise, even if there is Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan to help Xiao Han speak, it is of no use.

"The Lord Li is kind to me, I can remember, if it weren't for you to fight for me to speak for me, I wouldn't even have the opportunity to participate in this test, let alone the two sets of cultivation methods."

Xiao Han is a person with clear grievances.

Xiao Han has a very good impression of Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Gate.

Although it was a somewhat unpleasant experience on Xingyufeng before, but a deeper understanding, this old guy is not bad.

Although Xiao Han was also very clear that Li Guiyuan was only for the fragments of the blue and yellow spring palm on his body, he had to say that Xiao Han had to rely on Li Guiyuan for their Huangquan Sect cultivation technique.

Moreover, the Huangquan Sect majored in the advanced realm, and his strength was unfathomable. It was also very good to be able to put down his figure and make a deal with Xiao Han.

At least in Xiao Han's heart, this Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan is much easier to get along with than the great elder Wan Jianyi of the Starfall Sect.

Regarding Xiao Han's true feelings, Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, just smiled and waved his hand.

Finally, Li Guiyuan turned to look at the great elder not far away, and asked softly: "Master, now this little guy has successfully passed the assessment, then can the agreement between me and Xiao Han continue?"

Hearing this, the great elder curled his lips, and finally nodded softly, and said softly: "Since Xiao Han has passed the assessment in accordance with the rules of the door, then we old guys will naturally not object, the rest is yours. The sect master makes his own decision."

Hearing this, the second elder Sun Miao, who was standing next to Li Guiyuan, looked bitter.

If he hadn't solved Xiao Han in the end, things wouldn't have evolved like this.

Only now, I can only open one eye and close one eye.

It doesn't make much sense to stand up against it at this time.

Seeing that the many elders on the field did not object, the expression on the face of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan eased a lot.

As for Li Longji, he smiled even more.

The elder looked around and saw that the sect disciples of the Huangquan Sect were still standing around watching the excitement. He frowned, waved his hand, and said, "The matter is over here, let it go, let it go."


After hearing the words of the great elder, the ordinary Huangquanmen sect disciples around the square hurriedly responded respectfully.

Before leaving, everyone still looked at Xiao Han not far away with surprise.

This scene just now shocked them a bit too much.

But no matter what you say, being able to witness the contest just now will benefit a lot from ordinary sect disciples.

Next, all the sect disciples began to slowly turn around and leave, but they could still hear those faintly whispered discussions.

There was a hint of excitement in those voices, and it was clear that today's battle left a deep impression in the hearts of these Huangquanmen disciples.

The second elder Sun Miao stood there with an expression of distress.

It's just that now that the dust has settled, it doesn't make much sense to regret.

Sun Miao, whose face was uncertain, pondered for a moment, and finally turned into a long sigh.

Before leaving, the second elder Sun Miao gave Xiao Han a vicious look, and finally flicked his sleeves and walked back glumly.

"Xiao Han, come with me." Huangquan's master Li Guiyuan turned his head and looked at Xiao Han.

"Grandpa, I want to go too." Before Xiao Han could speak, Li Sisi on the side had already jumped out.

"Good." Li Guiyuan looked at Li Sisi with profound meaning.

Finally, Li Guiyuan took the lead to walk towards the back of the hall.

Li Chen curled his lips and looked at Xiao Han. After leaving, he slowly said, "Congratulations on getting what you wanted."

Xiao Han grinned at Li Chen's back.

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up."

Li Sisi beside him gently pushed Xiao Han, and then quickly followed Li Guiyuan.

Looking at the Li Guiyuan brought before him, Xiao Han asked in a low voice, "Miss Sisi, why don't you directly teach me the two sets of cultivation methods?"

Li Sisi led Xiao Han behind Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, and softly explained: "The beauty you want, you must know that Huangquan Palm and Biluohuangquan Body are our top techniques in Huangquan Sect. How casual? Can you take it out? The two sets of exercises there are usually stored in the treasure chest."

Xiao Han nodded with a sudden realization.

The doorkeeper Li Guiyuan led the way, and Li Sisi followed Xiao Han, chatting with each other.

Li Sisi mainly has too many questions to ask.

Li Chenchen was very curious about the young master of his peers.

It's just that Xiao Han seemed to be out of touch, and some of Li Sisi's questions were unnecessary, and he just responded lightly, seemingly not wanting to say more.

But Li Sisi didn't care.

Li Sisi seldom went out in this Huangquan Sect, and only a handful of peers among the Huangquan Sect were contacted.

The one who can enter the eyes of Li Sisifa is the last one that his brother Li Chen can barely count.

But now, Li Sisi has encountered a person who is even more enchanting than her, and naturally wants to know more.

This concern has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, but is purely caused by Li Sisi's curiosity.

Seeing Xiao Han talking about his low sexuality, Li Sisi could only make a long story short. First he asked a few irrelevant questions, and finally couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Xiao Han, where did your high-grade spiritual weapon come from? Why is the combat power so terrifying? By the way, how can a high-grade spiritual weapon look exactly like a little monster? Is it a monster or a weapon?"

When Li Sisi asked this question, even the Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan who led the way in front of him couldn't help slowing down.

Obviously, even Li Guiyuan was a little curious about that high-grade spiritual weapon.

Of course, Li Guiyuan had a deeper understanding of that high-grade spiritual tool than Li Sisi, but this kind of existence hadn't even seen Li Guiyuan, the master of the sect, before, and curiosity was normal.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, avoiding the weight, and said lightly: "I accidentally found that high-grade spiritual tool in a fairy ruins. Maybe I encountered it when I was lucky, but I don’t know why a high-grade spiritual tool would be transformed. It looks like a little monster beast, anyway, it has been with me for a long time. It has a good combat power and can grow slowly. It is good for me."

That high-grade spirit weapon, Little Monster Beast Wangcai was one of Xiao Han's biggest cards.

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't tell what he knew.

And that high-grade spirit weapon was found in the ruins of Huangquan Sect.

Although the last owner of Little Monster Beast Wangcai was a patriarch of Guiyuan Sect, the place Xiao Han found was indeed the relic of Huangquan Sect.

In case the people of Huangquan Sect learned about this situation and insisted that this high-grade spiritual tool had a lot to do with them, wouldn't Xiao Han ask for trouble?

Xiao Han's feeding of the little demon beast Wangcai spent a lot of magic weapons, but Wangcai's body was also considered a huge cost.

Now that the fighting power of Little Demon Beast Wangcai is getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Han is naturally also very satisfied.

Therefore, Xiao Han was even more reluctant to focus on the little monster Wangcai.

Therefore, when it comes to that high-grade spiritual weapon, Xiao Han does not want to explain too many details to others.

Of course Xiao Han knew that he couldn't hide from Li Guiyuan in the conversation with Li Sisi.

Therefore, Xiao Han will not reveal any important information in front of Li Sisi.

Even if he had a good impression of Li Sisi in front of him and Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan in front of him, Xiao Han would not talk nonsense.

After all, for Xiao Han, the importance of the Little Demon Beast's Wangcai is too great, so it is even more impossible for Xiao Han to tell the matter about the Little Demon Beast's Wangcai.

Besides, Xiao Han learned about the little demon beast's prosperity from the head of the Guiyuan Sect.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be said nonsense.

Hearing Xiao Han's answer, Li Sisi with a curious look of course was very dissatisfied.

But Li Sisi is not stupid. She knew that Xiao Han definitely didn't want to delve into this topic, so she just said a few words.

So Li Sisi chuckled softly, and didn't continue to ask more wisely.

Xiao Han and Li Sisi were chatting, and occasionally looked around and paid attention to the surroundings along the way.

However, they had reached the restricted area of ​​Huangquan Gate, and it had been a long time since they had seen a single figure around.

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