The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2418: A fierce battle

Seeing that the second elder Sun Miao could not move his neck completely, everyone on the court felt that this contest was over.

Xiao Han, in the hands of the second elder Sun Miao, did not hold on to the end.

Sun Miao stared at Xiao Han who was restrained by herself.

And Xiao Han, although his face was getting paler and paler when he was pinched by Sun Miao, but there was a strange smile on the corner of Xiao Han's mouth.

Xiao Han grinned: "Second Elder, to remind you, this is already your ninth trick..."

Hearing Xiao Han's words, the elder Sun Miao was stunned on the spot.

At this time, Sun Miao suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the aura in Xiao Han's body.

Although Sun Miao didn't keep a trace of his hand with the punch just now, Sun Miao found that Xiao Han's aura in his body was very stable and weakened a lot. It seemed that he was not at the peak of the Tribulation Period. strength.

Before Sun Miao came back to his senses, Xiao Han, who was pinched by his neck, suddenly became illusory, and finally disappeared out of thin air in Sun Miao's hands.

Isn't Xiao Han being the key to being restrained by Sun Miao?

But now, why can Xiao Han disappear directly from Sun Miao's hand?

If it is so easy to do, doesn't it mean that Sun Miao is a straw bag and can't even control Xiao Han who is holding his neck?

Or is it that Xiao Han's strength has reached a point where even the second elder Sun Miao can't control it?

In this sudden scene on the field, everyone was stunned on the spot.

Not to mention the disciples of the Huangquan Sect around him, even Li Guiyuan, who is the master of the Huangquan Sect, and the other Huangquan Sect elders around him also looked dazed.

The first thing that reacted was not the second elder Sun Miao who was playing against Xiao Han on the court, but Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan.

He suddenly remembered the avatar Xiao Han had used before on Xingyufeng.

Only then did Li Guiyuan react. He turned his head and looked at the dust that Xiao Han had stirred up before.

At this time, the dust that was spreading on the field had begun to gradually drift away.

Soon, Li Guiyuan vaguely saw a figure slowly walking out of the smoke and dust.

Suddenly, a playful face appeared in everyone's gaze.

"Doppelgänger? What I just your doppelganger?"

At this time, even Sun Miao had already reacted.

It's just that Sun Miao's face has become ugly at this time.

What made Sun Miao look surprised was that the smoke and dust that Xiao Han had just raised with vigor was not to escape, but why Sun Miao didn’t notice that what he hit was not Xiao Han’s body, and It was a clone he showed.

Perhaps Xiao Han knew that it was difficult to avoid Sun Miao's all-out palm, so he did not hesitate to use that clone to resist Sun Miao's trick.

It was already this time, Xiao Han blocked Sun Miao's eight moves, and with this one, there were nine moves.

In this way, even if Sun Miao is good at it, he can only make one move at most.

As long as Xiao Han can block Sun Miao's last move, even if it is seriously injured.

But as long as Xiao Han can stand up, this time, even if Xiao Han wins.

Seeing Sun Miao's extremely gloomy look, Xiao Han couldn't help but smile.

This cunning old guy was finally confused by the clone he condensed with Fengyun Transformation Body.

The palm of Sun Miao just now chased and hit, not Xiao Han's body, but Xiao Han's clone.

Although Sun Miao slapped Xiao Han's clone, it seemed that the injury was serious, but it was actually very easy for Xiao Han to recover that clone.

At this time, the look on the face of Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan, who was standing at the entrance of the main hall, was finally relieved.

A look of approval flashed in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Han.

At the critical moment just now, Xiao Han could actually think of using his clone to attract Sun Miao's attack.

Moreover, between the electric light and flint, Xiao Han actually succeeded in bewildering Sun Miao's perception by the smoke and dust.

Li Guiyuan even thought of a possibility. If the combat power of the clone that Xiao Han turned out to be closer to the main body, I am afraid that Sun Miao would make another move and the ten tricks would be completed.

When Xiao Han's body is revealed again, wouldn't it be that Sun Miao was defeated directly?

Seeing this, Li Sisi, who was standing next to Li Chen, breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned to look at her brother Li Chen, and laughed softly: "Brother, you see Xiao Han is really witty, unexpectedly..."

Seeing that Li Chen's face was a little ugly, Li Sisi played out her tongue playfully and did not continue.

The second elder Sun Miao looked at Xiao Han not far away with a gloomy expression.

He sighed long and said softly: "Well, the old man admits that he is indeed underestimating the enemy, but you don't have to be happy too early. It's only the ninth trick. Don't forget that there is one last one. Trick, rest assured, this time you want to repeat the trick, it is impossible."

Having said this, a hideous look flashed across the face of the second elder Sun Miao.

Obviously, Xiao Han was played in front of the disciples of Huangquan Sect sect just now, which made Sun Miao, who has always been a good face, very upset.

If there is no way to clean up the little guy Xiao Han in the end, where will he put Sun Miao's face this time?

"Last move, decide the outcome."

Sun Miao snorted coldly.

At this moment, the atmosphere on the court suddenly became depressed.

At this moment, the Peng Pai spiritual energy in the second elder's body began to burst out of his body continuously.

Gradually, the whole audience was enveloped by the sharp aura released by Sun Miao.

The gloomy aura around him began to rush towards Sun Miao's location like a tornado.

When Sun Miao's aura has become established, his whole person is like the God of War descending to the world, and a terrifying aura is exuding all over his body.

Standing at the entrance of the main hall, Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan and others couldn't help but change their expressions slightly when they saw this scene.

This time, Sun Miao began to display his breath unreservedly.

Next, it will be a move he will do his best.

Everyone knows that now the second elder Sun Miao is really angry.

As a strong man of the older generation, Sun Miao tried hard to fight a younger generation, which was a bit shocking.

"The second uncle is really true, but it's just a younger generation. Is that what you use?" Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan, muttered softly.

Li Guiyuan's tone was full of helplessness.

Many people around knew that this time, the second-ranked elder among Huangquanmen was really angry.

It seemed that the second elder Sun Miao was ready to use the most powerful trick to defeat Xiao Han simply and neatly.

The great elder on the side wanted to sigh, but when he saw a bitter smile on the face of Huangquan sect master Li Guiyuan from the side of his light, the great elder grinned and chose to remain silent.

However, based on the great elder's understanding of Sun Miao, he actually didn't expect that Sun Miao would be forced to such an extent by Xiao Han.

As for the surrounding Huangquan Sect sect disciples, they also looked at the situation on the court with a surprised expression.

Although many of the Huangquan Sect disciples' cultivation bases are still shallow, anyone can see that Sun Miao's next shot was an unreserved full blow.

With this trick, Sun Miao will use what he has learned all his life, just to completely defeat Xiao Han.

Sun Miao, the second elder at the moment, sighed in his heart.

With his identity and status, as well as his powerful strength that has gone through the five-fold tribulation, he has passed nine consecutive strokes, without defeating Xiao Han.

This made the second elder Sun Miao's face a little awkward.

When the second elder was even more unacceptable, he personally took action to deal with a younger generation, and he was actually fooled by the younger generation at the end, and there were still so many people being mocked. How could Sun Miao not become angry?

As the second-ranked elder among Huangquanmen.

Sun Miao has his pride.

He would never allow himself to capsize in the gutter in front of a young junior.

This battle is not only related to his Sun Miao's reputation, but also related to the ownership of their two top-level exercises at Huangquanmen.

Sun Miao couldn't accept it anyway, and their two top-level cultivation techniques of Huangquanmen fell into the hands of an outsider.

Under the influence of the surging aura emanating from Sun Miao, all the aura in the body of the second elder Sun Miao began to become very violent.

The next moment, the second elder Sun Miao lifted his foot and stepped on it lightly, and suddenly there were spider web-like cracks spreading around him from the center of where he was standing.

Soon, even the majestic hall behind Sun Miao trembled.


There was a muffled noise suddenly on the court.

The second elder Sun Miao's figure directly turned into a flash of remnant lightning and shot towards Xiao Han.

This time, Sun Miao didn't use space shuttle, and many people on the court could vaguely see Sun Miao's movement.

Xiao Han can actually see Sun Miao's movement trajectory clearly, but for some reason, Sun Miao's speed is extremely fast.

It was too late for Xiao Han to dodge.

However, this was the last resort, and Xiao Han was actually not prepared to dodge.

In the next moment, Sun Miao's figure appeared directly above Xiao Han's head, and Sun Miao's old face carried a trace of hideous expression.

"Huangquan palm third style, Huangquan is bloodthirsty."

The second elder Sun Miao couldn't help but roar.

Soon, a huge black giant palm appeared out of thin air in Xiao Han's sight.

Xiao Han had seen this scene on Xingyufeng.

It's just that the power of the yellow spring palm displayed by the second elder Sun Miao was more than twice that of Li Chen.

Even if all the disciples of the Huangquan Sect saw that black giant palm of several tens of meters in size appeared in the air, and felt the fierce **** aura permeating it, all the disciples of the Huangquan Sect could not bear it. There is a feeling of suffocation.

This Huangquan Palm is one of the most lethal practice methods of Huangquan Sect.

The disciples of the sect of Huangquan Sect who were present knew better than anyone that there were three realms in the palm of Huangquan, and the power that each realm could exert was completely different.

Especially the elders of Huangquanmen on the court are even more aware that the second elder Sun Miao has not fully used Huangquan Palm for many years.

Xiao Han also knew that the third style of Huangquan Palm Huangquan Bloodthirsty was the most terrifying move of Huangquan Palm.

This move can maximize the power of Huangquan Palm.

Although the palm of the second elder Sun Miao was not as good as the palm that Xiao Han had seen in the ruins of sake before, the power of this palm was still far superior to ordinary god-level techniques.

However, Li Chen, who Xiao Han had seen before, used Huangquan Palm, because Li Chen's strength had just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Although it was said that he could barely exert the greatest power of Huangquan Palm's third style, compared with the second elder Sun Miao in front of him, it was a huge difference.

The main reason for this is that the second elder Sun Miao has already experienced the five-fold tribulation at the peak of the Tribulation Period, so Sun Miao is fully able to use the third style of the Yellow Spring Palm to the extreme.

The same moves, one is that they have just stepped into the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period, and the other is that the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period has gone through five calamities, and the power of the display is naturally different.

At this moment, many people on the court had vaguely guessed the final outcome.

Xiao Han's strength is probably the strongest among the younger generation that everyone on the field has seen.

But in front of the second elder Sun Miao, it was still not enough.

A young master who has just stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, wants to overcome the power gap between the two small realms and challenge an older generation of strong man who has experienced the peak of the Tribulation Period with the Fivefold Tribulation. The possibility of winning is completely non-existent.

If Xiao Han hadn't had some extraordinary combat effectiveness, he would have been defeated by Sun Miao even if he could not even see this trick now.

After all, the difference in strength between a little guy who has not experienced the tribulations and an old senior who has experienced the fivefold tribulations is really too big.

And many of the Huangquan Sect disciples on the court were the first to see an elder-level master performing the third style of Huangquan Palm.

Li Chen's black giant palm, the size of several chapters, was nothing compared to Sun Miao's aura when he shot it.

The **** aura that filled the black giant palm in midair made everyone on the court afraid.

Even the sect disciples of the Huangquan Sect could not help shivering when they saw this scene.

Everyone can clearly feel the terrifying coercion emanating from the whole body of the second elder Sun Miao, as if to crush everyone on the field to pieces.

Such a terrifying move can easily make people lose their confidence in resistance.

And now, the huge black giant palm displayed by the second elder was completely surrounded by fierce blood.

Then, the second elder Sun Miao's strongest blow, with a terrifying aura, blasted towards Xiao Han below.

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